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success! I have an image of the right size.
where did you get it, Ebay?
@McAdam331 lol
lol what?
@McAdam331 I had to laugh at "This room requires a higher Answer-Question ratio". Several rooms should follow this example
that'd be nice wouldn't it
Yup but many would disagree "Posting questions is also a form of contributing".
@FoamyGuy got to 100 and figured I should give it a break to do something productive. Looking good though
nice. Ty
@HamZa I think we all agree that posting questions is a way of contributing. We just don't really want them in hear if that's all they seem to do. So, if they don't have many answers compared to questions and chat history shows only looking for help, they probably aren't going to contribute when others have a question
I'm out for the night all. Have a good new year!
Foamy, it needs a way to have the game over, imo, other than running out of "coins" which realistically isn't going to happen
See ya, Mac
Happy new year!
nightey, adam
Damn it, Foamy, I have stuff to do! Lol
it may be timed at some point
like 1 round lasts 3 minutes or whatever
Do you have a good python learning resource handy or should I just use the google?
Something like that would be cool
Or birds that attack and you have to somehow fend them off. Lol
there are physical and EBooks of it that you can buy that come with some extras or just read the book itself online for free
I started using that for C. Might give it a try
this looks like a good way to quickly learn some basics learnpython.org
that takes you through all of the main syntax and gets you started in writing web apps
IPython can be a good way to learn but is a bit like training wheels in a way
it's an interactive shell that has tab complete which is really nice for exploring things
but not so great for remembering how to access things
@FoamyGuy Yeah, Zed Shaw is the man!
I'm thinking about adding an economy to the game. So instead of collecting generic "points" you collect each of the different types of coins
and you can trade them with other players for different types
and then there will be a highscore board for each type
I learned python already. print "Hello, codeMagic! You're the man"
Nice, Foamy
and I will own the market so I am free to manipulate it as I please MUAHAHAHAH
My first dillema was "Should I learn py 2 or py 3" :p
hopefully it will take people a while to figure out there is no real point
python v2 definitely!
I won't debate since I think it's a personal preference. I learned the basics of py 3.
for the basics there isn't much difference
but py 2 is supported by some modules that don't have v3 support yet
I thought about the future. Also since I didn't really have a clear objective.
future is uncertain
and the end is always near
Yeah it seems that py2 is still widely used
Thanks for not letting me down, netpork :)
keep your eyes on the road your hands upon the wheel
One of my favorite bands
mine most creative coding sessions happened while listening to them
all credits to me, though :)
cm, you liked Billy Idols version of LA woman?
I don't believe I've actually ever heard it. But I would guess not
what should I do with half full bottle of champagne?
Drink it and go buy another one
Or make mimosas in the morning
1) nothing let the thing just evaporate and go to sleep
2) drink and play mario kart
GN fellas
mario kart!
Good night, Ham
yeah, I have bought the WII "for my daughter"
I know how that is. I've bought many things "for my kids" ;)
btw, I watched new Tarantino movie last week; I dozed off. oops!
dunno who to blame, me or Tarantino?
Must not have been too great. I don't even know what he has out now
Hateful Eight.
Tarantino. It's not healthy to blame yourself.
oh, that one. I want to see it
you should definitely see it, at least for the music, Ennio Morricone!
Just have some coffee first? ;)
well, make it double, it is 3h long
@user76860 denied for default username. Also, chat requires a min 20 rep and this room requires a min 100 among other things listed in our room rules --> room-15.github.io
every time I see that 100 number I piss my pants. I am currently at 70 something ...
we need a revision of them room rules; min 100 should be lowered to 79 or something.
You are grandfathered in
Or you could just go answer a question and get 21 more fucking points :P
I am #SOreadytohelp
or suggest 11 edits
Obviously! Lol
Do not worry: programmers lie frequently about being math geniuses when they really aren't. If they were math geniuses, they would be doing math, not writing buggy web frameworks so they can drive race cars.
They'd be surprised at the amoutn of math required to do that kind of stuff...
It's a quote from LearnPythonTheHardWay so he probably has some idea. Still funny
@netpork what do you mean? You're at 99 rep
I've never used so difficult math concepts as those that I use when trying to solve a Project Euler problem.
@TristanWiley it seems I have got a present from Tristan under the tree
yeah there were a couple of remarks like that throughout that had me cracking up.
I'm only on the third exercise and I've seen several :)
champagne is empty, marios kart wrecked, I am off. Have a good one muchachos!
Have a good night, netpork!
1 hour later…
Happy new year!
Happy New Year, Mauker!
not yet!
Not for us
Awe, you and Mac are soooo cute
That's actually me and my girlfriend right now haha. I'm filling in for Reno and posting cat pictures.
Happy New Year East Coast
Happy new year and good afternoon... Japan
Wait, what. Star hats?
There you have one
Happy new year Mauker
You're from Japan ?
Brazil haha
Happy new year
Why did you write "Japan" then ? O_O
Cause it's afternoon there, probably
You can thank me! ^^
Man! No one is from Japan! :/
But it's still working? Nothing happened here :(
I do know someone from japan
Do you mean star hat ?
Yeah! Tristan made it for me. ^^
No, hats. For everyone
Not just my hat
Just like I made one for @AnubianNoob
Nooo, I know it's only ONE kind of hat
But the joke was to be like "star wars"
and the plural was like "Everyone gets one of this kind"
And I'm off to bed
see ya o/
Good Night
and thanks
behold: The dreaded pop-tart obstacle barriers reefs
Happy new year!
I've started off the new year right by releasing support for Android Wear on Cash Caretaker!
Happy New Year Chicago and other cities..
..so probably cM
it is new year for cM. Can confirm, I am in the same time zone.
Happy new year to you too!
6 minutes ago and you're here! I am sorry man.
I am Eastern time haha
so it's been an hour
So you're in the same time zone as me. I though cM was in Chicago time-zone.
I'm pretty sure where he's at in Indiana is still EST. Not sure why he's such a Chicago fan, though.
Happy New Year!!
Happy new year guys!
HNY \o/
1 hour later…
What should I eat for dinner?
Do I have to open a SO question for that? ^ :P
2 hours later…
o/ happy new year!
1 hour later…
Happy New Year every one ~0~
to you too @Vera!
you know if OpenJDK is going to be used in the next version of Android, does that mean we get proper support for non-Java JVM languages like Scala?
1 hour later…
@Adil isn't there already proper support for it?
5 hours later…
Kotlin should work fine, idk about the others
1 hour later…
Yo! anybody about this late at night? :)
Preferably someone who knows how to use ruddy sockets :(
I am
but only limited knowledge of sockets
Trying to make what amounts to a "Chat" app
Connect sockets to each other, but they just seem to close and I dunno why
I think it's one of those situations where I don't know enough to know what I don't know
I actually had to make a java chat app for class once
let me see if I can find it
Thanks :) checking it out now
Maybe it's becuase I'm just writing a string as bytes rather than wrap the output stream?
Sorry about that - just had to have a 20 minute argument with git.
Mental note, never change the case of a package and just it's case. Ever. Git will **** your **** up.
Yeah, connected to socket. Accepted socket at SocketServer side. write() to pipe and flush works fine, not received on other side, all sockets then time out. Very odd.
Can't see the problem
Urgh... needed a writer that would print a line, since i wasn't readLine wasn't getting a new line character so was breaking internally. Rollox;
Thanks for your help Foamy :)
I can't get Android to send POST data
not sure why
it just submits and empty request
Q: HttpURLConnection doesn't submit POST data (Android)

LukeI'm submitting POST parameters in my Android app, however, none are received by the server (request().body().asFormUrlEncoded() in Play Framework returns an empty Map). Here's the AsyncTask code used to submit the request: private static AsyncTask<String, Void, String> register = new AsyncTask<S...

Bye guys
I have two different online sites that I want to spend my money at, and I can do everything but checkout at those sites... Strange...
@driftking9987 this room requires a minimum of 100 rep for access.
@Sanjiv welcome! Please read our room rules before participating.
I have read and understood the rules.
How are you?
I am fine.
I think I should buy another Matias keyboard
But I also plan to buy an iPhone 6s Plus.
Priorities are hard.
Make Android Great Again #Holo2016
I'm gonna write a few blog posts about Android Wear, part one is about lists.
thanks for having my back tristan
Foamy, I learned python last night
My book should be coming out soon
And it appears that my answer of @Override public void onBackPressed() { super.onBackPressed(); } is now up to 33 upvotes. Lol
Though, I did have explanation...
Yes. Only override it in that one Activity with <code> don't put this code in any other Activity
Hey, netpork
I have decided to buy daskeyboard
Click click
I wonder how much time will tgat last untill they throw me out of the office
@NiKoLaPrO this room requires a higher Answer-Question ratio. See our room rules for more info.
@NiKoLaPrO do not request access repeatedly, we will put you on our ban list.
Give a few more good answers and request access again in the future.
I sent in an application to Nest lol
Adam the ass
Love you
I've spent a fucking day wondering why URLEncoder.encode("key=value&key2=value2") doesn't submit a form to server
(hint: it encodes '=' and '&' as well)
look at the source, Luke
sometimes I'm really embarrassed of my mistakes
I don't mind when I make a mistake and it was something difficult, but wasting time trying to fix something as trivial as that
and I usually waste time in that manner
trivial what?
dont worry be happy
simple, obvious stuff :p
well, I'm happy because I can finally start being productive now
and I'm going to sleep, gonna finish tomorrow
sleeping is not productive... xD
Eh, I suppose I'm going to be 27 soon. Almost half-way to dying.
@Ahmad thanks ahmad

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