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04:00 - 17:0017:00 - 00:00

160 btw :D
Just got 161 :P
damn, I need you guys to write the official strategy guide once I'm ready to release
Is it possible to compare dates in mm/dd/yyyy format?
who the hell stores dates as strings like that in software?
my god use ISO format and parse it as needed
I think it would have to get converted to something else and then compared
That's the beauty of yyyy-mm-dd format, you can compare dates using string comparison
A: Convert String to Calendar Object in Java

Jigar JoshiCalendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("EEE MMM dd HH:mm:ss z yyyy", Locale.EN_US); cal.setTime(sdf.parse("Mon Mar 14 16:02:37 GMT 2011"));// all done note: set Locale according to your environment/requirement See Also Javadoc

something like that
yeah. Unfortunately I'd like to do this in a mongodb query
I could write a mongoquery and handle the rest in C# but I hate doing that if I can do it in a query
you know what's worse?
our XML format is like this
<VehicleEntry Date="12/31/2015" Time="12:12 PM">...</VehicleEntry>
Why not just do <VehicleEntry Date="2015-12-31 12:12:00"></VehicleEntry>
who dropped the ball on this
Aww so much extra work
Someone has to pull their weight around here
whoa 94 messages
@Tristan check out gci
cM, so you will be performing more exceptional magic tricks in 2016?
So, I guess it's star hat time...
Always, Een
Happz new zear everzone1
yay star hats!
Hey, nana
Almost time to update your website
Hey cM.
Really? That's great news!
Starting tomorrow I suppose.
Want a piece of advice? Start right now, don't wait till tomorrow.
Don't want a piece of advice? Tough luck.
I'll take all the advice I can get
Started a couple days ago but have had a few since. But that's better than a few packs, I suppose
Anything is progress. Very few people can successfully quit cold turkey. My mom used nicotine patches for a while, but this past may she celebrated TEN YEARS smoking free.
It definitely is. and the important bit is that you kept at it, well done mate.
and if anyone else in your family does, they'll see it as a positive example. Once my mom quit, my grandpa and two of my uncles and an aunt quit shortly after.
Fortunately, I'm the last one still on them. Well, besides my dad but I don't see that happening
Everyone say hi to my girlfriend!
It's crazy, too, she looks younger today than in photos I've seen over her twenty years ago.
(if we don't move she can't see us)
hi to Tristan's girlfriend
hi Tristan's girlfriend!
Hi Tristans GF, are you real?
I'm not convinced.
She's as real as my first keystore.
o/ EEn
Damnit Adam I've argued with you, he pays me to pretend I'm his gf
yo Nana
That was her
That is what she said?
Hi, Adam Tristan's girlfriend
She has same handtyping as you.. suspicious.
everyone doing ok?
No nana I'm not sending you a picture.
Nice link, nana ;)
She just said this chat is weird
So let me get this straight, someone else rips on my keystore and gets infinity stars, but I make fun of myself and no one says a word? smh
o/ NetPork
lol net
I wan't here for your keystore ripping party.
Netpork I gotta Photoshop Adam's circle on that
you are there as well ;)
@netpork I love the futuro=schwabach on this.
you are still there tristan
Nov 24 at 15:59, by Tristan Wiley
@TheLittleNaruto what color do you want?
Tln I totally forgot
Sob! Sob!
best way to do networking (mostly JSON and thumbnails)? I have caching implemented and I've minimized the number of requests needed to fetch data
Looks like my app got updated.
Tristan <3
Can you put my current avatar in middle of that circle ?
russianspaceweb was weird link indeed
LOL, sorry about that...
Battery life?
It was my previously copied link.
That's one of the keys to doing network calls, batch them to save battery life.
Sorry, let me try one more time...
There used to be a better section about how to manage network operations to maintain battery life...
right, well, most of my data is already chunked up, I'm sending reasonably small json list from server, where it is indicated which items have images associated with them (those are fetched as thumbnails separately)
You're welcome
Arigatou! ^^
Star if you like :)
They've re-organized the documents a bit since I last paid any attention to the android documents...
There you have one!
I'll look into it, thanks
Well, Volley page is quite outdated (as is the way it's added to project, it links to Eclipse ADT)
Basically, you wan to try to batch your network calls. 10 calls at once, followed by 60 seconds waiting is way better than one call every 6 seconds.
Tristan, Updated!
It'll take some time to reflect!
okay, I'll keep it in mind
they give out hats for starred messages in chat in this period?
They sure do.
oh, thanks
I didn't even need to be funny
Also, make sure to request a compressed data string. I think it's done by default for every recent Android version, but that used to be a big deal.
Yeah, I know about that one
Sorry, it used to be a hobby of mine to search SO for people who asked about that exception...
and still managed to screw it up once, lost track of what's executed on executor and what on main thread after coming to months old code
Am I the only one who isn't really fond of AsyncTask?
Well, Android is nice enough to let you know when you screw it up. Just make sure not to publish a build like that...
@TristanWiley Hey, you're already there. And not where you marked yourself.
my man nana, I have some photoshop new years eve skillzz
So Guys & Gals , Happy New Year , Mumbai India :D
The legendary battle: Metapod vs Magikarp
Happy new year Narut!
Happy New Year TLN!
wat. star me peasants.
i need that hat
As you wish, my lord
cm, you like that mashup of mine?
Where do I have to sign to get a star?
cm, on the right with two starrs
Ah, yes, very nice :)
Sorry, my head is all over the place right now :P
I think I still prefer the cake head
what is "the cake head"
you get no start if you ain't a star
look at my profile pic netpork
star hats?
(yes, star that message ;))
1 star to be happy please! =)
I got you
I've spent hours trying to figure out why my app doesn't send POST data properly
and it still submits empty requests
it's retarded
I'm off for this year; cya in the next one
Thanks, I was trying it in a fun way:
Forget Star Wars, we're dealing with Star Whores in here.
I should change my circle color.
Just to screw with everyone.
adam, you did not starr my mashup. I am so sad.
Hold on I had walked away for a bit what mashup
> How to get stars in room-15:
1) Call yourself an idiot.
2) Share a Pakalu Papito tweet.
3) Yell at fragments.
4) Make fun of Samsung.
5) Be Reno and don't say anything but share funny pictures every few hours.
6) Make fun of Adam for losing his keystore.
7) Tell Dave you're tired of his shit.
8) Ask nicely on New Year's Eve, apparently.
Don't forget shamelessly mentioning stars, that usually works too.
Or make fun of common errors that people make;-)
2 hours ago, by netpork
user image
I starred it haha
I also starred Tristan's remake
well, do you see any familiar faces in there, it seems that Tristan does not ;)
That's so good that you relaly have to pay attention.
I am so impressed lol
When did you do that?
hope you do not mind. :)
I don't lol
I have a question
How would you go about displaying a JSON object to the user? It's hard to use a grid since the fields might be dynamic and such.
Been a while
o/ Raghav
@TristanWiley Sorry about the radio silence, been a hectic few weeks
o/ Adam
thanks for the star
I'm finally learning MVP
I've got my copy of Clean Code from Robert Martin here
let's go
@Ahmad \o/
have you read it?
It's really good and actually readable
It's not a Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture
My coworkers are crazy for it, they've been gradually rewriting large parts of the code base the last few months
and I need to understand the stuff now
looks really neat as well
Totally worth it yeah
We have this test, that every android dev that applies to the company has to write before doing any technical interview. I think I'm going to write it following the clean architecture and ask the senior android devs to review it.
I'd be interested in that test Ahmad.
I'm not sure I'm allowed to share it nana :/
But it's generally very simple
it's a straight forward implementation of a simple app
some requirements, and other stuff that is optional
and generally you need to have unit tests, good code etc.
7 minutes till 12am
Shame. We have candidates implement a simple feature in our on site interviews.
our candidates generally have a week to write this
one guy even did it at a weekend and actually it wasn't all that bad
another guy did a really terrible job, mostly copy pasted stuff, instant rejection
How many people do you generally interview/ week?
We had a lot of people apply, but most didn't even pass the HR test for background knowledge, years of experience and so on
generally about 1 person/week
on site?
nah, just the people whose test code we review
and then we decide if he/she moves to the next stage
the actual technical interview
We have way more than that.. it's a little crazy.
it's an extremely limited pool to chose from
so few android devs
oh wow, how many people?
I probably do about 3 phone screens/ online code pairs a week. And one to two on site code pairs per week. Multiply this by 5.
it's NYC, that's probably why
and how many open positions do you have?
(just for android devs)
We want to double up this coming year
I'd say up to 5.
and how many people did you already find?
(do these 10 or so people that you guys interview weekly suck so bad?)
I guy I wanted but he didn't take the offer in the end.
I only want good people, that's why I'd like to get some people from here :)
Holy shit I finally see myself
I had to look at the original
poor attention to detail, you're fired
on a scale from 0 to 10 how good is the average candidate?
my gci mentor is :c
are these mostly beginners? people with lost of experience? there are so few android developers in berlin that I can't believe you're interviewing so many. Wow :0
jawdroppingly awesome
what organization rishav?
maybe it's me.
because I'm awesome.
copy left games
jawdroppingly awesome.
ah, okay, nope then
I'm wikimedia
@Ahmad hard to say. Some are super junior, some are too senior or too narrow
"too senior"?
he be now narrating stories of python3 and pycon and wtf ... :c : c:
yeah, some come thinking they would be managers right away. And haven't coded in a while
oh, yeah, we had one of those as well
but his code sucked
which is funny because he was the android lead at a really big company
It's way harder than I imagined to find people
This guy too.
You get these people from companies like FB and you think you're getting something special and end up being disappointed.
yeah Facebook android devs are funny
I mean, they literally have no impact at all
300 people work on the Facebook android app
it's just ridiculous
From what I heard it sounds like a factory there.
They are given one task and then just do it over and over
that must suck
I've heard of a fb summer intern who did nothing else than reorder the settings screen for 3 fucking months!
@RaghavSood heyyy! Hangouts?
It is 2016 over here
hippy new year Een
So they get paid to do nothing over at Facebook?
And hapy new year!
sound like a sweat deal to me
it is strange that the whole planet is celebrating simple year increment. and our measurement of time is so precise that we have "leap" years
get to hang in their sweet office and get paid tons for not a lot of work
leap years? ah yeah
It must be super boring.
Leap years you know, February 29th
yeah I got confused
I was almost born on feb 29th
if I was born 4 days earlier
@netpork but yeah, sharing the same sentiment right now
I think this is the first NYE were I'm not doing anything at all
I think it's just for closure purposes.
@Ahmad can I finish this one and come over to Wikimedia?
You can, but the task you did right now won't count if you want to be eligible for the san francisco nerd fest
People need those because we can't deal with numbers larger than 100 ish
(aka the price each org gives to the 2 winners)
lol nana
Your life is roughly 29000 days, try to make sense out of that.
What's the san francisco nerd fest?
what is all this cool stuff??!!?
@RishavKundu the 2 winning members of each organization get to go to san francisco
to the google HQ
eee ooo eee
I was so close to winning it, but some jerk that did some useless tasks had more tasks then me.
Happy one less year everyone!
so I should do more tasks for my organization?
seems kewl m8
that image is depressing nana
if you want to win, but you won't to be honest because there is always some nerd who started doing tasks way before GCI even began
and you missed the first month or so of GCI
Still 25 days to go though
almost done with my first task
good luck tho!
xD thanks
I would have liked to win the trip so I'm kinda jelly
but damn. nerd fest like I sad.
i'd be pretty darned happy to get a tshirt lol
i don't think there's a single girl who has ever won this
is that raghav on the left?
i still have to wait one hour to open up the champagne
Writing a small usable program is a great test really.
How's it going Macaronni?
Pretty good. Putting the final touches on the Wear app for Cash Caretaker.
You want some cheese with that cM?
I bring plenty of cheesy jokes, Een.
adam, by day you are doing C# and by night java and android?
Are you a full time Android dev, netpork?
morning Hamza
@McAdam331 yeah, for a full year already I am doing only android. I hope it is going to stay that way.
When developing an app for a client/work. Do you actually care about security in general?
My specific question: What about protecting the APK against reverse engineers?
Security is not a thing to choose
You should always consider or have it in place
As for reverse-engineering apks, there are tools that can make that easy to do
@Eenvincible It's just that sometimes you read horrible fails (not just in android dev though)
@Eenvincible true, that's why I was wondering
In a CTF, I saw that they made it harder by obfuscating the code
Also by writing native modules
Do you even muscle up :P?
See you guys on Monday
I can't wait to kick some serious ass in 2016
See ya, Een. Happy new year!
Happy new year dudes and dudettes. It is 00:30 here.
I wish you all the best for 2016!
Happy new year here its also 00:30.
Happy coding also! See ya guys!
@netpork I had to google the word "dudettes". TIL ;o
I'm trying to add a wear screenshot and it keeps telling me it needs to be resized
@Rolfツ welcome! Please read our room rules before participating.
and you make a screenshot from the emulator?
No I took one from my device
perhaps I should use the emulator, it should match their requirements
I'll try that out
that was wrong size too wtf
Should I learn python tonight or work on an app that I don't know what I want to do with?
what do you wanna do
why would an android emulator take screenshot images that can't be uploaded to play wtf
Not sure. Just want to write some code since it's been over 2 weeks
learn python
for sure
I want to build some androids but stuck at the moment on what to do
Ok, python it is
oooh, I see progress
I've added some new guys and cleaned up the mechanics so it's a weee bit more interesting and challenging
they new apk is up at the same link from before
python is amazing
I'm so dumb
@APZ This room requires a higher Answer-Question ratio. See our room rules.
need to make a high score backend
or read up on play games module
04:00 - 17:0017:00 - 00:00

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