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Anyone with the Unity webplayer available for a quick UI check?
Have you finished the coding interview book Ahmad?
First thought I had when I became a circle: They see me rollin' they hatin'
@JackSmith Welcome. Please read the room rules room-15.github.io
I smell magic in the air
sniff sniff
I have read and understood the rules
Thank you, kind sir
Miracles happens
And welcome sir
I have a git question
let's say I have branch master. Then I was pursuing two different features, that I put on branchA and branchB. If I complete branchB and I like it, I'll merge to master. However, how can I get those changes on branchA without merging it back just yet?
What do you mean, "how can I get the changes"?
Where do you want them?
You don't want to merge A with master yet?
If so, there are several ways. The most straightforward might be to create a new branch C off of master and merge A to that branch. Then merge back to master when you're ready
o/ cjames
Hmm gotcha
Right. I don't want to merge A with master, but I want A to have everything from B
It's not essential, and I think I'm gonna end up dropping the feature on branch A anyways, but I'm just curious how that would normally work
Oh, then merge B to A. But that is still going to have what master originally had
Right, I could do that
but master won't have B, right?
" If I complete branchB and I like it, I'll merge to master."...so yeah it would because you just merged it
Oh so I'd merge to master and to A?
o/ Ola
I gotcha.
If you didn't do anything on master since you created A and B then it will be the same anyway
there, now we can be done.
3 hours later…
My bluetooth app workS! \o/
Yay! \o/
Yo Shinobis
@TheLittleNaruto ever ur app got suspended ?
Not yet :)
@TheLittleNaruto :(
> feeling sad
yo! tln
McD, What does your bluetooth app do ?
McD, Do you copy ?
Looks like he fall asleep.
Did abyone know how could do a pinch and zoom in genymotion ?
\o good morning!
i think it's alt + mouse left click maven
Interacting with virtual devices

This section describes features that help you easily interact with your virtual devices.
Multi-touch simulation

Because in most cases, virtual devices are controlled with mouse and keyboard, some shortcuts have been implemented to help simulate common gestures:
Zoom in: right click + move mouse to the left
Zoom out: right click + move mouse to the right
Tilt forth: right click + move mouse up
Tilt back: right click + move mouse down
Clockwise rotation: Shift + right click + move mouse to the right
If you use Mac OS X, replace right click with ctrl + click.
@CptEric cltr + left click is for zoom in
how to zoom out?
ctrl + right click
@CptEric ok thanks
+ move mouse to the right
@CptEric ?
i'm just theorizing. i usually just use the scroll wheel and it works when on google maps via genymotion
not working
but i don't know why you need the pinch gesture
make sure you have the latest version
i'm making a christmas app already. XD
Am I not allowed to use telephonyManager.getLine1Number() on Marshmallow?
Q: TelephonyManager.getLine1Number() failing?

knagodeI want to get phone number of android device. I use this code: TelephonyManager tm = (TelephonyManager)this.getApplicationContext().getSystemService(Context.TELEPHONY_SERVICE); String phoneNumber= tm.getLine1Number(); On my phone (HTC Wildfire) I can not get phone number - all I get is empty...

The problem is with Nexus 5
HTC Wildfire)
lol wildfire
what a shitty device
yup, as you can see in the answers, it all depends on SIM + Device
I used to own a wildfire
Absolutely terrible device.
lol adam, heya
do you remember the htc hero ?
how was thanksgiving?
many thanks given?
Guess I have got no choice then
many thanks were given
my first android phone was htc wildfire
main use case, calling that is, had worse user experience than my old nokia. you press the button and you have to wait two seconds that something actually happen.
that coding game thing is pretty cool
might use it to learn a new language, maybe
well, the little guy ( laptop ) is again a workstation :3
I always ask myself why designers design stuff like this
just why?
it looks pretty but who would want to use it?
Ahmad, through Slovenia we have thousands of refugees in transit everyday, all of them wants to end up in Germany. Yesterday I have seen an interview with one of them, they asked "would you like to stay in Slovenia?" and the answer was "Noo! Slovenia is a poor country!!!!" LOL
Neue Schutzkleidung der #Polizei in Bayern. https://t.co/tgW5Cq2tQ9
LOL netpork
heh, my autocorrect corrected netpork to network
Network the networker
anybody seen the android dev summit vids?
Ahmad did you apply to HackTech?
our tech lead was there
You guys should really watch the recycler view one
hmm no
uh there is reimbursement!
I will apply
Yeah! Well hopefully there will be
The questions on the application are fun too haha
no they are unnecessary
> You need to leave your friend a message saying that you will be back at 10pm, but all you have are prescription glasses, an extra sock, and ice. How do you do it?
> You have three friends named Sigmund Faulter, Cody Monkie, and Big Oscar. You need to get their attention with a single word. What word do you shout and why?
second question, you shout"Hey!"
I would go further: Scream "FIRE!"
can't apply
i can't be travelling once a month around the globe
it's in california eric :p wth
did you think they might let you go?
I made up an elaborate thing then just said "Go to my car and text him"
they would let me go if refunded :p
Hey Mauker
Hey tristan
not sure if allowed here, but if you haven't heard of Lord Huron yet, you're missing out
my programming background music the coming weeks :-)
Anyone, off the top of their heads, know a View which let's you swipe left/right, centering the "Swiped In" view if it's passed a certain threshold?
Was just about to write one then thought, wait a minute, this is probably already out there somewhere.
with fragments
Why people hate java so much?
who hates it'
linux torvalds
Lots of devs I know and don't know
of our magestic arraylists
java isn't horrible per se
other languages are just more enjoyable to work in
and that perspective skews your opinion
java did make some objectively horrible language design choices though
Gallery... googles - No longer supported
View pager would work, but I only want to do an image and Fragments seem a bit heavy weight... but, would be a lot quicker...
i use it for a image gallery
works really good
Fragment per image?
and makes a nice transition :3
or viewpagerAdapter
Certainly easier than writing me own :)
that might do
time to go to class
Thanks Eric, have a good class
Will let you see the app - doing a quick mock up for a friend ;)
@AlexCohn Welcome. Room Rules are there --> room-15.github.io
@Akintoba write access here requires a min 100 rep. Feel free to request again when you get there
Good morning, room o/
God dammit!
morning cM
good afternoon cM :)
I don't have enough disk space to update the SDK...time for some disk clean up. Lol
Oh how I wish it was afternoon here
I second the wish for afternoonness.
Maybe if enough of us believe then...nah, never mind that won't work
@Ahmad Those are so dumb, what? What are they trying to accomplish? haha
I'll apply, but there's like a 1/10 chance I'll go, that's SpartaHack weekend.
if we believe for long enough then it will work.
frescolib, glide or picasso?
seriously, adam
Mauker plz
Adam plz
Like the prescription glasses one, wtf. I'll probably just leave this blank.
it's so stupid
I mean, what time is it now? Is my ice going to melt? Will it stay frozen? This makes a difference. What color is my sock? I'm going to put down not enough information.
"Not enough information. What time is it now? Will the ice melt? What color is the extra sock, and is it a tube sock or a little ankle sock?"
That's my answer lol
"Do you want to install Windows 10 now?"
"Download in progress"
"wtf, no!"
Microsoft plz
@Anjali denied for low A:Q ratio and only using chat for support
you should download win 10 though
it's nice
I wanted to try it out on my home laptop first but I haven't gotten the update on there yet. I also haven't turned it on for at least a month so that could have something to do with it
I just saw a flag pop up. I slowly looked to the right of your message, Ahmad, secretly hoping that someone flagged that :D
I have 1 computer at home that gets the pop-up non stop and another that hasn't had it once =x
already shared on g+
I love the reaction of a rapper, let me search it
Mannheimverbot hahaha
this is amazing
how can somebody even take that so serious lol
It’s a fucking shame that Mondays don’t arrive as infrequently as Android updates… 😒
> Mit seinem erneuten Posting erntet der Rapper allerdings auch einen doch bedenkenswerten Kommentar: "Wenn ein Komiker und Moderator wie Böhmermann ohne langjähriges Üben mit einem einzigen Lied die gesamte deutsche Gangsterrapriege in Grund und Boden rappt, dann liebe Freunde sollte man echt über einen "Berufs"wechsel nachdenken."
please suggest me a good tool for network traffic analysis (related to webservice debugging) for ubuntu14. I have installed friddler4 , But its not working. I have never used any n/w analysing tool.
Why won't my ajax work :'(
@Shubham wireshark?
can you share me a good link.
thanks :)
Yes, the one good thing about SO not ever updating chat is lmgtfy links still work here
the problem was i don't have admin credential and my network engg is going and i have full night to debug :) that's by i asked for straight link . BTW thanks for wireshark suggestion..
I heard cM knows JavaScript
I know the hell out of js
cM want to help me?
I mean, I do but I can't
Okay :P
WTH is that tristan?
Try inviting him to a private chat, he'll definitely help you.
Just kidding. I don't know what your problem is. Well, I don't know what your problem is that you're asking about currently
Uncaught SecurityError: Failed to set the 'domain' property on 'Document': 'facebook.com' is not a suffix of 'yourtimeisupmytimeisnow.com'.
I'm trying to communicate with a PHP script using Ajax/Jquery so I can have a contact form
why not just do a submit?
and catch the post/get params?
And make it a PHP script like index.php?
I think your real problem is php, not js
Yes, I know PHP sucks. But it's just to send an email.
@TristanWiley uhh yeah.
Because I started to do it this way and I'm too stubborn to give up
Even though I know how to do it the other way
Tristan to PHP - "Never gonna give you up."

$username = $_POST['uname'];
$usermail = $_POST['umail']; ?>
@WarrenFaith sooo basically, they dont know Longs or floats exist...
Aha! I didn't click. I hovered over it, and I know better.
I got bored and I was randomly flipping through old pages of stars and then:
Jan 16 '12 at 10:39, by nil
Hitler's a pretty good baseline for evil.
And then this one hit a little to close to home
Jun 15 '12 at 13:14, by Graeme
things to remember 1: Don't lose your keystore password.
things to remember 2: Don't lose your keystore.
Sep 12 '12 at 17:20, by Raghav Sood
Yay! Someone requested access :D Might get a chance to deny
Nov 9 at 19:09, by Dave S
Adam and a Keystore walk into a bar.
Oh wait, nevermind.
andrea says hi
Hi says andrea (?)
> Chuck Norris solved the Travelling Salesman problem in O(1) time. Here's the pseudo-code: Break salesman into N pieces. Kick each piece to a different city.
@CptEric you don't want to use floats for unique ids, but long would be a start...
i know. but, anything is better than a int
even a string.
for unique ID with a lot of possible values
I love reading through these omg I'm finding gold left and right
May 9 '14 at 16:11, by Ak_Crusader
You're a self-centered dick, Carl, I hope you know that.
May 9 '14 at 16:13, by Ak_Crusader
I hope you get a NPE, Carl.
Idk what he did to piss of Crusader, but damn.
someone called Carl a dick?
Oh it's because Carl reposted something that Crusader also posted but Carl got like nine stars and the other guy got none lmao
You in Gmail Chats Mac?
I think it was a joke lol
yeah it was
here's a good thread, complete with Foamy still sharing Friday over a year ago
Without being an ass here, I think you want to write "think" Ahmad
does it retroactively update avatars?
It's a dark place when you can't correct someone without starting off with, "Without being an ass here" :D
I don't think I've been a roundy for more than a year
It does, Foamy
ahh, in that case... carry on. Nothing to see here
Yeah, notice Carl is still starbucks even though that's like two weeks old
even though his circle is two weeks old but the chat is way oldeR*
whatever I'm a clusterfuck right now don't mind me
(did someone hear something?)
does anyone else have an expand button that only shows 1 additional person?
I don't.
and it's not even on a new row, making the hide/expand 10 million percent useless?
Oh I do
but you just can't see it in the dark theme.
you filthy liar Adam
what if I had to leave just then and went the rest of the day thinking you didn't have the expander button?
I showered today, I'm not filthy. I'm just a liar.
You clean liar.
You clean bastard
You hygienic liar.
Adam is so clean that his Android phone doesn't have to call the garbage collector.
yeah same here foamy
Anyone want to learn ethical hacking with me? @McAdam?
@Foamy I have it too
it's new(ish) isn't it?
I don't recall ever seeing before
No, it's been there for quite awhile
Ethical hacking? You mean like white hat stuff?
@FoamyGuy yup
Yeah Adam
"new" in chat? Ha, they don't update anything in chat
Sure, I have an HTC One S that I don't need for personal use so I'm planning over break to figure out how to break into it.
So true
Stars since truth
Did you mean to star me? lol
Or was that meant for cM
Shit, damn you Adam
Jinx you owe me a soda.
You owe me a keystore... Oh wait...
Even though idk wtf a soda is, everyone knows it's pop.
I remember that was like one of our first conversations. Soda vs Pop
@codeMagic in your part of the midwest, how do you refer to soft drinks? Do you guys call it pop?
wtf is a pop?
Yeah, but I like saying soda
It's what Michiganders call soft drinks.
Apparently pop stretches farther than I thought
@CarlAnderson is this true? What do you guys call soft drinks in Seattle?
we call them refreshment here.
and almost everywhere in europe

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