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It seems like you're right
I'm right?!
I'm not an idiot.
I didn't say that
Also, I told you about the 6-8 weeks before I believe
Hi, Carl
\o carl
So what you're saying is, we won't have them any time soon?
Also, I was just informed that, while I'm still on rotation for on call server issues, all I have to do now is call the hosting company then call someone else if it isn't fixed in a reasonable amount of time and go back to bed. \o/
Jon Skeet is now above 6 to 8 weeks, and it did not take 6 to 8 weeks. Only Jon Skeet can bypass this rule! — Ólafur Waage Nov 16 '09 at 21:32
What I'm saying is that 6-8 weeks doesn't mean that timeframe. It means they don't know but they will get them out when they can
but me wanna an update
"our internship students are hand-crafting the mugs, they're awful at it"
"we ran off of red panda noses, the only material we can craft the SO orange from"
"jeff hurt his finger while using the shirt printer machine"
fedEx doesn't exist here
Then your swag will come to me. Sorry
Aye y'all
Carl must have gotten busy right after he walked in lol
What's your Q tristan?
Dave have we talked on Hangouts?
A little maybe?
@McAdam331 Haha! He just wanted to make sure we knew he is watching
just on Friday I think
Can you message me on Hangouts?
Q: The Teams Private Beta is Starting

Thomas OrozcoThe Teams private beta is starting now! Here’s what a Team page looks like: What’s Happening Now? For Users That Are Enrolled in the Beta: If you are enrolled in the beta, you should have received (or will shortly receive) an email with instructions regarding how to create your Team. You wil...

how can I display particular count in map clustering ..? It is showing 10+ for 12. I want it to be 12.
@codeMagic I don't know why but when you said that it reminded me of the old ceiling cat memes and so I made something really stupid
user image
guys anyone implemented Clustering in map?
I haven't, sorry Arth.
What do you mean? An algorithm like Kmeans - Kmedoids or something?
ok, @McAdam331 anyone else?
Yes, I also have not
maybe check this, if you haven't checked that already.
I think this is what you need. Very detailed and it seems pretty interesting.
@MenelaosKotsollaris I have already implemented clustering, I just need to customize that one thing, so I think your first link might help me.
great haven't played with this utility but I might add it at some time to my project too ^^
wow, 8 people on the access request list. Do you even room owner @codeMagic and @Ahmad ?
I've room ownered so much in the last couple months while you were on vacation in the mountains and Ahmad was flying all over being a big shot that I had to take a break
Ahmad was a big shot?
I see tension in the management
I don't know but he went a bunch of places and it made it funny
Lol, Een
Een, that's just codeMagic, and it's kinda normal
That always signifies the beginning of the end, doesn't it
Fucking school
@Eenvincible This is our chance to throw a coup. It is time for us circles to break free from oppression in the square ruled room!
I was thinking today, no kidding, that cM should stand for Cash Money
actually Cash Machine is better then aka Stripper
Cash Machine? I'll take some cash from you cM.
heh, good luck finding any here
which one do you want cM
I'll take Cool MashedPotatoes
Would you like fries with that?
@ArthTilva Take a look at this answer, I think the DefaultClusterRenderer subclass is what you need: stackoverflow.com/a/30972491/4409409
ahhhh, can't get python2 and python 3 to coexist. :(
even with the package manager?
was it npm or what was it?
We should have a room15 call again :P
I don't wanna.
cM, I might release the update I told you about for Quotes app
If I don't get too lazy
cM doesn't release updates, he introduces new crashes.
oh wait that's your app. Still applies though
Adam just doesn't release updates... Because he deleted his Keystore...
This room is hott today
my trover email address doesn't work anymore
because they're shutting down the company?
because you don't work on the project anymore?
Or maybe because you spammed people with updates :)
What did the keystore say to Adam?
Nothing, he deleted it.
Adam and a Keystore walk into a bar.
Oh wait, nevermind.
That is a good one
Knock knock
Who's there?
Not Adam's keystore
Using material design in my Java Program
Woah, I think that's the first time I called him "Adam"
Give him some oil to rub on his burned face
Just a friendly reminder I met Adam faster than I met my girlfriend :P
That was also how fast he deleted his keystore?
STAHP IT! I'm worried someone is going to walk by my office and see me laughing
Whoah guys
Ok totally different joke or funny thing here
I wasn't even here to defend myself.
I didn't do it adam, it is 'them'
I love yoouuuu
I told them to stahp
Adam can't figure out why his new blog keystore-carousel doesn't work, he keeps getting a 404 error.
Have mercy on him (says Eve to Adam after they ate the forbidden fruit)
My respect for all of you must have been in the same directory as my keystore, because I've lost that too.
You will always be in my directory though; or cache
You know what
you can't bring me down
because I hear popcorn being made at work right now
Awww yisss
What does Adam's browsing history and his keystore have in common? They've both been deleted.
That one was actually funny.
Dave's a funny man... I'm going to be like him hanging around you all the time babe
pplz don't call me babe
one day, a guy was pulled over by a cop for speeding. The cop asked him to give him one reason that was good enough and he would be let go. He told the cop that in a week before, his wife ran away with a cop and so he thought the same cop was trying to give him back his wife. That was a reason enough to let him go!
that's good
@codeMagic Who?
Forgot to turn my volume down after listening to a voicemail...that hurt
Who's Adam?
I don't know
But he was in my knock knock joke
Whatever happened to AdamS? He just, vanished one day. :(
@Mauker remember when I said I wanted an arc reactor smart watch face? Someone beat us to it. imgur.com/fT5rF62
Ate him.
Hey Adam, when google asks you what your biggest weakness is, are you going to say, "Sometimes I delete my keystore"?
I said AdamS not DaveS, you don't need to be here.
When they ask me for recommendations of engineers I'm going to say "literally no one from room-15."
that includes you
Maybe I'll drop out once I'm hired
but it doesn't include your keystore because you deleted it
Mac is tired of your shit, Dave
have a star cM
@carl I saw them, none of them were in the room. It's too tedious to remove them one by one (since it reloads the page), and since I didn't have my remove-all-js on my work laptop I wanted to do it once I get home :)
At least 12 times this room has been tired of your shit, Dave.
and they were all low rep users or help vamps
good, it's catching on
Oct 23 at 19:04, by McAdam331
I'm tired of picking up your shit, cM.
@Ahmad if you think that's tedious, no wonder I'm the only one who ever prunes the access list. ;-P
Q: How can I store a string locally in Android?

Ali BdeirIf I have a string, how can I locally save it into the user's device? I don't mind it being in a file. If it is easier using Parse.com, please show me how. The string I want to save: final String userIDString = user.getObjectId().toString(); Please help me. I am using parse to get a user's...

I downvoted that earlier. Should have closed as a dupe before it could get an answer but I was too lazy
Only 13? Wow, that's misleading
Feb 6 at 16:30, by codeMagic
FYI: McAdam, I might start calling you mac because it's easier and I'm lazy. Now you know
But I did just close it so I'm just lazy and not incompetent :P
The one with 17 stars lolol
There was a time when nana went by mistrfu? What?
Or this
Yep, those were his pre-circle days
Back when he was more troll less fruit
Fabric seems too easy to install, I'm suspicious
Real libraries need scripts run as admin and a few dll's need to be replaced
Has anyone actually paid for an AdWords campaign?
anyone in here, that is.
@carl I got so used to my script haha ^^
I haven't but we've run adword campaigns for ourselves and on behalf of clients
it sounds pricey lol
They seem to be the most effective per dollar in marketing budgets
Like GMG basically only uses AdWords to advertise and they are happy with the ROI
But you need the right campaign like with anything
Our web services are fucked up again...haha! Good thing we aren't a tech company. Oh....wait, shit
I suggest scantily clad women
Community mod elections again?
I feel like they just happened.
me too
cM, you gonna pull a Donald Trump and run another unsuccessful campaign?
rah rah go, cM! If he can't do it no one can!
(in before cM makes a threat to kick us out)
lol Dave you're an asshole haha
"I didn't always have it easy. When I started out as a room owner, I was given a small loan of 1 million reputation. I had to earn the rest of this."
Build a wall to keep the iOS developers out
Morning all
nah, I switched my campaign strategy. Be an asshole and scare everyone into following me
and good morning, Mr. PeeHaa
So, basically what Dave said about Donald Trump?
@codeMagic Works for me
When JavaScript developers come to SO, they aren't sending their best and brightest. They are sending the hackers, the incompetents, the interns, and some I assume, can build web pages.
who is this Peeha?
Dave that is hilarious
Alternatively, look above you a couple people, Een
Build a giant WALL
That was a dumb joke.
Damnit. No owner powers to see your lame joke :(
I wanted to point and laugh
^^^ Kind of like deleting your keystore
PeeHaa has a gold tag in PHP? He is the prophet of our people.
PHP, PeeHaaPower
That is a lot of NULLs in one place
LOL dave
Prophet of DOOM
oh no, don't harm me
If you guys actually elect Trump it'll be Canada building a wall to keep the Americans out.
I watched border patrol recently reality tv
"moderator positions available 3" that's how many were available last time and I only missed it by about 22 spots.
Maybe this time you'll crack the top 20!
Twas interesting seeing come canadians trying to cross over
There's so much typing involved in being a nominee, though
22 ? Damn cM, just forget about it
Lol. thanks, Een
I don't remember exactly but I was in the low 20s somewhere
But keep trying; you know what they say - if you are going through hell, just keep going
Or I could take a detour around hell and not run
Winter is coming, I'd stay in hell and keep warm.
Just give up on your dreams cM.
Yeah, just like I gave up on my Keystore.
ba dum ch!
LOL @jlin
so true
^ Adam deleting his keystore
i hope everyone's seen that south park episode by now... where canada actually builds a wall and the americans are all like "can they do that? why! what you got back there?" and the canadian guy sitting on the wall says "we don't want you southerners up here, because we have really cool shit back here"... "what kind of cool shit?" "oh you know... stuff"
^ heh, yes.
i'm back guys
what did i miss?
^Digging through to see if it was backed up anywhere.
You guys are organic meme farmers
cM is donald trump, mca and i are laughing at americans
not much. usual stuff
I'm American too. I hate my people.
i thought you were canadian?!?!
this changes everything between us.
I mean, I'm from Detroit, so I'm like an honorary Canadian, right?
he's canadian in spirit
I'm sorry! - See, I even know your language.
i'm not your buddy, guy.
i'd say more, he's even slightly europan only from speaking with us
Captain Canada!
fear the maple syroup covered-shield!
thinks if maple syroup is canadian. all he knows of canada is from rocky & bullwinkle on regional tv when he was young
Tristan are you trolling me or is that just taking long to load
god damnit
I clicked on it to find out too.
same here
Nice try bud xD
How can I do this in PHP? Thank - Every SO question ever.
I'm starting to think this Starbuck's coffee cup thing is just some fake fabricated story to stir shit up. I have yet to see people actually complaining about Starbucks, only people sharing this story all over the place. I bet it's a slick marketing ploy by the company.
what thing?
> The iconic red cup has featured several winter-themed designs since it first appeared in 1997. From minimalist snowflakes and hand-drawn reindeer to a winking snowman and decorative ornaments, each year the design is distinctive and different from the last.

This year's design is simplistic: an ombre from bright red to dark cranberry. While some Twitter users have praised the minimalist design, others think the cups are a "war on Christmas."
It is, I hired someone to post inane shit about our coffee cups to drive up revenue.
I've already gotten a bonus for my ideas.
You deserve it.
Revenue has probably sky rocketed.
is really so easy to make american mainstream society angry?
Because Americans get offended by literally everything.
Americans are very angry, in general
better re-check my wardrobe for pennApps then
If you insult a single person, there will be a portion of the internet who makes it their job to make that clear.
don't wanna get picked for special scan
@llamaCaraDara you need at least 100 rep to get access here. You can see it in the rules: room-15.github.io
@llamaCaraDara this chat requires a min 100 rep on SO along with some quality answers room-15.github.io
quality > speed
One racially motivated police officer and the world is out against cops. The next day, a story comes out about a black guy who was pulled over and everyone was polite and fair and suddenly people are saying "It's not cops." This countries media is so wishy washy I swear.
where is the quality? :D
along with some quality answers
cM, Carl works in the fast food business now, you don't stand a chance.
You can put that in your notes for next time, Carl. You're welcome
Lol, Mac
Note to self: codeMagic is still too slow
@codeMagic Done
so, basically, no overly sarcastic shirts
no commie shirts
Hackathons are different, only cool people go to hackathons.
no anti-religious shirts
no commie shits
You can't win Eric, don't try.
yeah, but i've got a whole city to travel between the PHL airport and the campus
You can come in wearing plain clothes with nothing on them and the media will be like "Foreign student comes to hackathon, not excited about being in America as he brings a boring wardrobe."
You cannot carry a horse on your truck
Eric, sarcasm is fine, and as a dev, commie shirts are ok. The anti-religion shirts I'd avoid.
That looks really cool.
Tristan, you are hacking the inernet?
@McAdam331 i feel like i'm kinda of anti-(mainstrieam)american right now looking at the comments XD
did i post this before?
@McAdam331 I go to hackathons tho
You're cool, Ahmad.

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