Wow. Don't think I've ever seen it live but I've definitely seen it. I think there was a player this year for Detroit who had his first major league HR an in the parker
I could be wrong though. It might have been against Detroit lolol and I just rewrote the idea.
Sometimes I sit late at night with this open and I see tons of people who pop in but no one ever says anything during the late hours. Which is weird because while it's 2 AM for me it's not late for some people here haha
Here I'm implementing TabLayout with viewPager in a Fragment using library of com.astuetz.PagerSlidingTabStrip. Everything is fine but now I want to add custom Tab and some more functionalities.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<LinearLayout xmlns:android="http://sch...
setDataSource(String) throws IOException and IllegalArgumentException that you are not catching. You should wrap the two calls around a try-catch block
Without using WebView, is it possible to start a webpage and have it close behind itself? The javascript devs here say you can't have javascript close a page unless it's opened via javascript...?
But the page is still open in the browser after you close your app
The web side of things closes the tab no problem, but it seems like their is some sort of javascript restriction where you can only close a tab if that tab is opened via javascript...?
I have an issue where I'm asking my app to open a browser looking at my Server.
From that server page, The user can perform some stuff on an existing site, then redirects the user to a URL that the App catches and the App continues as normal.
The lifecycle looks like this:
App -> Web Site -> A...
The issue is that when I invoke window.close() or self.close() it doesn't close the window. Now there seems to be a belief that in Chrome you can't close by script any window that is not script created. That is patently false but regardless it is supposed to still do it, even if it requires to po...
> cM walks into a bar and asks the bartender for 1.00000000000003123939 root beers. Bartender says, I'll have to charge you extra, that's a root beer float. cM says, better make it a double.
it was a gif of a guy and girl in an elevator. The lights go out, then come back and when they turn back on there is a little girl in creepy demon makeup standing in the corner
I have seen that (basically the same)clip on local news... to give you an idea of how tame it is.
o.o woah, well, that's a good bit of ethos, "If you see something on the internet that is offensive, then it isn't that the thing is offensive, it's that you shouldn't use the internet"
Cerbrus, many of us aren't offended by it but regulars in a room shouldn't have to look at things that they feel are offensive...especially when it's borderline
Well, you have to consider that the tattoo in the poster would be on me so obviously that will raise the price significantly. Get a headshot in there and the price triples