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o/ morning
I kept wondering why my avatar wouldn't change last night. I never hit save profile.
This room is so down today!!
@Graeme We have 100s of level 5 crashes, just because we have so many users
Adam, do/did you apply for Penn Apps next year?
I did
this past release we only had 3100 crashes
one level 5, one level 3
When is the next Penn Apps?
TIL crashes are leveled
January, Men
For anyone in the US considering it, you need to apply.
good morning android
> We will pay for your travel to PennApps. You won't have to pay a dime. In fact, while you're here, we'll even throw in free food and tons of awesome swag all weekend long.
o/ neb
Okay I live in Canada. Am I applicable?
It seems interesting I want to join
You're still applicable yes
They offer some limited reimbursements for out of country students who get accepted.
i might apply with a friend adam
but only if we can get the travel paid :(
already got a team?
Yeah a lot of people do that. I've been accepted to a few hackathons that I didn't attend because I couldn't afford the travel on my own.
whats a pennapps?
It's the world's largest hackathon!
it's a hackathon at upenn
theres hackathons at my incubator ALL THE TIME
@Ahmad will be disappointed you didn't know.
its kinda awesome
your incubator?
the incubator i work out of
Okay I am pomped up. I got an IBM branch here in UNi will try to get sponsored
oh cool
Okay I need to drive to campus now I'll be back on soon
i dont own it, I just work there
@McAdam331 do you have a crush on Drake parodies?
@jyoon Yes.
user image
got a new macbook pro 15" at work!
I am waiting for the winter upgrade
if we can come
we already have an idea
and it won't be taht much
629 go and come via american airlines
are hackathons worth applying to?
(in terms of networking and whatnot)
never went to one, never been to usa
it's worth a try XD
will talk with family and gf before applying
Have you guys applied for Penn?
will do later this week
@Adil you life in london and have never been to a hackathon?!
you're missing out
definitely worth applying to
I made so many good friends through hackathons
how long are they usually?
24 to 36 hours
almost always on weekends
are you working on something for the majority of that time?
you can, most people don't
you chill, talk to people
got an email about a JP Morgan hackathon in november
you can also sleep
nah, don't go to a corporate hackathon
they are evil
collegiate hackathons all the way
seriously, hackathons is where I feel home
Ahmad, do you apply for Penn Apps next year?
because the friends I made at hackathons are seriously those who I have most in common with
yea I wish I knew more Android devs IRL
definitely applying to pennapps again
nice, me too :D
don't really get to talk about programming outside of work either
\o/ hopefully see you there lol
Guys apply now since deadline is in November
at least you work at a really cool place trevor
I am currently now doing it
so you get to talk with people who know their shit
but the problem is, there are just so few android devs out there
even if someone tells me they know android, I always assume they just know the bare minimum
because that's usually how it is
yea, my team lead and tech lead are both incredible smart
so get to geek out with them
haha yeah same here
besides the three other android devs at work I don't know anybody irl who does serious android
I get to talk with them about rxjava and all new stuff
Okay I applied
Let's see :p
our lead is an android GDE so he knows his stuff
he's extremely good
Oh man hopefully I get selected and come and meet you guys
what uni are you from?
New Brunswick, Canada
It's hard but you never know.. :D
maybe your uni even has a bus to UPenn
@Ahmad we just added RxJava to our project
I know the people from Waterloo travelled 12 hours to get to pennapps
we did too!
just yesterday :D
Yeah but don't you need to be accepted?
if you find any good links to read def let me know
still wrapping my head around things
after discussing endlessly about how we should approach it without having to rewrite everything at once
like flatmap, zip, etc
yeah I'm still learning as well
it's hard, but awesome
we hired a new guy a couple months ago, so we made his first task to experiment with Rx
... it did not turn out well
the one free o'reilly book helped, but I'm going to read Dan Lew's essays
because they are supposedly really good
uh uh, what happened?
@MenelaosKotsollaris yeah true, but if they have a bus from a uni, then you are more likely to get accepted because then they can afford to get more people from your uni
his code is just not very good...
idk how else to put it
whats an Rx?
check this out neb: github.com/ReactiveX/RxJava
it's awesome, you'll love it
oh darn trevor :/
didn't you guys do a coding interview?
it extends the observer pattern <3
oh right I remember you playing around with this already!
it's exactly like that, but more awesome
yea, he seems smart, so hopefully we can just work with him to improve his code quality
observer pattern on steroids
functional steroids*
@nebulae here's a blog from dan lew: blog.danlew.net/2014/09/15/grokking-rxjava-part-1
did you give him an actual task to do, or did you say, here go expirament with this...
Okay gona ask the phd's if they are aware of it; or maybe create a group this year
thank you !
you guys remember when i wrote that tutorial on the observer pattern ?
good times...
@Menelaos yeah, make lots of people apply so it's worth for them to send a bus
I think I do neb
The bus is covered by PennApps?*; its expanses I mean
we gave him a task to re-write one of our features
@MenelaosKotsollaris yap
Okay actually I am not even that far from Philadelphia; 11h by car
I want to learn rxjava
Hey, who was here when I asked about that internship yesterday? Ahmad?
what's with that?
Do we know when the results come out?
So I'm going to call them today, negotiate and discuss terms etc. Someone here advised me to ask for a share of the company or something...
What should I ask?
yeah definitely ask for equity
if you want to go for it that is
@Menelaos in a few weeks
<- someone
Okay hopefully I get accepted O.o
@TristanWiley did you meet them at UMass?
I might know of them
fusehack.com <- anyone else applying?
tristan - what employee number are you going to be? Anyone after about 5, in a junior/mid role you can probably expect less than a full point, and depending on their option pools you could get between 0.25 - 0.9% of options or something.. standard is a 1/4 - one year cliff with 4 year vesting, meaning you have to stay for at least one year to get 1/4 of your options, or you get nothing, after that every month you get a little more options until you get 100% of your options at year 4.
I understand they can't pay much since they're a startup, but I'm not sure what to ask? A share? Multiple shares? I need a list of things to ask.
Keep in mind these will most likely be options, not "equity". If you quit your job, you have to pay for your options to keep them, at the pre-defined option price in your contract.
Tristan, if you PM me, I can help with questions, if you want
and anyone else that has options/equity and works for startups is welcome ha
jlin do you have a Hangouts?
Message sent
@trevor-e Neel Nayak and Sam Cowles
hmm, don't think they are local :/
They're around my area.
oh gotcha
I'm in a UMass CS facebook group
and see people post about startups a bunch
Ah right
@Ahmad You gotta let SO inline it so I can see the hover text Ahmad :/
Or use my app
no way!
SO shows that?!
remove the s
nah. now it doesn't even inline :/
in https
it's even bigger!
that's what she said
I've been enlightened
My work here is done.
There's a little class field trip in our engineering center. About 100 fourth graders. It's so loud.
This is just bullshit
what the hell
Plagiarism is very strict to some universities (including mine)
Especially in NA
That's obnoxious.
Yeah but that's not plagiarism.
I mean, it's copying in a sense, but that student shouldn't be held responsible.
If you dont reference the author
If you banned every github user who had code that was copy and pasted by a student then github would have no users.
Some students just can't write their own code. Don't hold the github users who are trying to make a positive impact on open-source projects accountable.
I agree with you but you have to reference the author though.
tricky question: does myFragmentActivity.getFragmentManager() return the same instance that myFragment.getFragmentManager() return, if myFragmentActivity is hosting myFragment?
That is a good question. I don't know, though lol
I'm pretty sure it does
mInstance.mFragmentManager = activity.mFragments;
looks like it
omg the new macbook pro I'll be getting has 16 gigs of RAM
user image
I'm thinking about buying 16gb of ram
To combine with this solidstate and pretty much own a super computer.
trevor-e, where do you see that?
Android is open source :P
so I just inspected the class
getFragmentManager returns mFragmentManager
and that's the only place it gets set
you can also compare the reference id's in the debugger
@Ahmad it's great, because it cannot be added
I chose 16GiB version specifically because of this
it's so awesome
and it's a retina
so good
I don't know what could be worse than having a laptop with too little RAM and no way to add more
imagine getting the 4 gig base model
when it's also rather expensive (for the country where I live) so it'd probably be not easy to sell it for a fair price
retina is cool. sadly, non-native apps cannot make use of it
and they look gross
for example, all stuff launched via Wine
(or either they could be displayed with microscopic size, I guess)
but that's even more crazy
@McAdam331 I did that, and I'm loving it
yeah but I don't use wine so that's good
damn, calculated it it's a 2.2k€ macbook
she's been doing a creepy fake laugh lately to seem more "human"
user image
aquarium of a computer sadist
Thi is amazing
I want to do that
@JohnBoker welcome welcome, please read the room rules
I have read and understood the rules
wow someone actually did
omg you have that SO shirt?
I want one
Ugh Ahmad
18 hours ago, by McAdam331
We always make fun of people for not reading the rules, we should politely accept the ones that do. ;P
still waiting for mine to ship
yeah, i have two... there was a dev event near me and they were handing them out
I was thinking for crafting one SO shirt
they don't sell them anymore ;/
I was just looking to see if they were for sale
it was freely given to me at a developer event.
you are SO lucky..
They gave a bunch away after hitting the 10m question a while ago. Mine is supposed to arrive around christmas or something.
did you order one Adam or what?
They sent out an email with a little form to fill out.
I got it like a month ago and they said 6-8 week delivery or something.
so, i have a problem. I have an app that seems not to be working correctly on first run. It's supposed to show a list of school districts, you select one to set your preference and it shows you information about that school district.
when i uninstall the app from the play store it seems to have the school district already selected for me, not giving me the list.
could it be saving the sharedpreference somewhere and restoring it when the app is installed?
yeah they are kept when uninstalled
i was pretty sure the prefs were removed on uninstall...
You can test it by uninstalling and looking to see if the file is in the data/data/ folder
i'll try that... one other thing, it works correctly when i install the apk manually from android studio, just not when it's installed from the play store.
im working out of a barnes and noble at the moment, they have no place to charge a laptop
at 12% right now :(
redbubble.com/people/playit/works/… apparently they sell shirts
posted on October 27, 2015 by Reto Meier

Posted by Wayne Piekarski, Developer Advocate Android Auto brings the Android platform to the car in a way that’s optimized for the driving experience, allowing the user to keep their hands on the wheel, and their eyes on the road. To learn how to extend your existing media and messaging apps to work within a car, we collaborated with Udacity to introduce a new course on Ubiquitous Computing

@JohnBoker omg thanks for the link!
You're welcome
It's been 39 minutes since my Jimmy Johns order was confirmed and I still don't have the food. That's unlike them.
Idk at what point it's reasonable to call the store and ask what's up lol
Call to add something to your order if they haven't left yet.
Get a cookie
If they haven't left yet I shouldn't pay for anything lol
I haven't even hardly been in here all day. How in the hell am I the one to be invited to a room??
Oh, that was apparently awhile ago. Carry on...
I shit you not I pulled out my phone, hit dial, and the dude walked in the door.
@McAdam331 That's a SE meme. Meaning...it will get done when they get to it
Oh okay
Whatever. If it's free, it's for me.
I hear ya
Hey guys
(If we type in parentheses he can't see us and won't know we're here.)
@AnubianNoob lol I just applied as an android dev at cosmos
a friend just linked me to the HH job posting
(Haha, Mac!)
You guys are assholes
Yay paycheck!
Tristan it's not nice to talk to Ahmad and Noob like that. They're the only ones referenced here.
(Whew, that was close.)
Library lol
I got my paycheque for the first 14 days yesterday
I love payday
Sold 177$ xD
Ahmad, don't you have an interview this week with your company? Or are you not doing that?
Nah, actually I don't. The recruiter didn't confirm it yet. She said "sometime on the 28th". I said yes, and she didn't get back to me lol.
Oh, haha, she should probably be fired
Or maybe you are just supposed to show up sometime on the 28th :P
I find myself looking at flights to places I never thought I'd go xD
( I imagine that's a good feeling. Good for you! )
Y u so mean
why? where?
for a hackathon?
ohio? I'm guessing ohio. ohio is on my list of places I'll probably never go to
Yeah, I was too late. Didn't realize I could get to Finland for so cheap. But I already said no a while back haha.
followed by elkhart
finland? nice!
I mean, I could still ask, I doubt the 100 Euro reimbursement is still up for grabs
what hackathon?
@Ahmad There's nothing there, is there?
wtf why did I not know of this
I don't think so adam
just sand
Yeah, I applied a while back and asked if high schoolers could go haha
When I make a Major League Hacking app (I'm working on it), I'll let you use it first haha. Then you'll know of any new hackathon as it happens :)
Q: Make it easier to close job shop "gimme teh codez" questions

Travis JWe used to have "Too Localized" which read: This question is unlikely to help any future visitors; it is only relevant to a small geographic area, a specific moment in time, or an extraordinarily narrow situation that is not generally applicable to the worldwide audience of the internet. For ...

It'll detect if there's a new hackathon added and send a push notification
Or maybe I'll just have a widget to refresh the current amount of hackathons or something
Don't want to attack MLH's site with my app haha
@McAdam331 Nothing but magic

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