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I filed an issue
that's only for libraries that work on top of sqlite.
I'd prefer not to use sqlite at all, it's not even that great performance-wise.
MobileOak is a good name
had it for.. ~20 years now
I have tried to make Eenvincible universal too for several years now
@CarlAnderson Wow...
I feel tiny now
you are tiny, you're a hamster
So there are some Russians who don't give a hoot about Putin
when previewing the layout in Android Studio
how to show the device skin
i hate the new permission system argghhhh!
the callback isn't working, so after the user accepts or rejects the permission, they just see a blank page
start fresh tomorrow and pretend everything is fine for now
@McAdam331 the interview is scheduled in a month or so, to give me time to prepare
Oh okay, I thought it was a while ago like when you got back.
To Carl sorry class started
I just wrote a new blog post.
Thanks, petey.
welp, no more lunch then.
back to work ha
@AnubianNoob I was wondering. It's fine.
So my boss just asked me to contact a customer who filled out our contact form and they're from Bahrain. It's 8:30PM for them local time. :|
contact like.. call?
or just email?
thats your bosses job
that's nothing
mine just took 12s 402ms
@musically_ut Welcome. Please read the room rules room-15.github.io
Red, 812 milliseconds is less than 12 seconds...
I think Tristan photoshopped that.
Dude, this school computers are nice
@codeMagic Thanks!
Welcome! Did you check out our rules?
this is more than possible with a SSD
@TristanWiley your move
Just take it Carl
you and Mc both have some of the same opening weaknesses
I've taught him a bit about how to improve his opening game
do you want some tips as well?
Yes, yes I do
I'll talk in the game's chatroom
Carl, you are a pro chess player, right? :)
I am not officially rated
but I used to study opening moves
o/ Ahmad
and I've played a lot
@gldraphael you have write access, please read the rules: room-15.github.io
o/ Ahmad
I have read and understood the rules
Yay! Welcome my friend
Tristan, did you see my comments?
when previewing the layout in Android Studio
how to show the device skin
No, they didn't send
in the game chatroom?
go to your profile and then to the game, you should see them
I asked if you were there and you replied
if you go into analysis mode it puts you in a different room
Welcome, gld!
Now I do
welcome and congratulations for your (correct) first message :)
Alright, thank you Carl. I'm saving that
sure thing
Also this site is great for looking at and exploring how various openings have played out through history.
Awesome :)
there's not a lot of openings that start 1. d4 Nc6, but with two clicks you can see the win rate for white is already nearly 45% with that opening.
it's not very strong
developing your center pawns is far more important
@McAdam have you seen this tutorial on chess openings? It's by Magnus Carlson. Dude's freakin amazing ---> youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ
Seriously though, Magnus is amazing
He played a game blindfolded, against three people...
@TristanWiley @cygery @McAdam331 thanks :D
> The uploader has not made this video available in your country.
please use a video that's playing in Germany next time
you're not missing much Sarge
It is just one great video you will never see haaa
also, @TristanWiley, 2007 called, they want their prank back.
I know this video, but when a rickroll doesn't play, that's annoying
@NishantPai not only do you need 30 reputation before you can chat, you need 100 before we'll give you access here.
You're in germany now sarge?
just using vpn
google search results are in German by default :/
Good Ole Joke Today
An elderly man in Louisiana had owned a large farm for several years. He had a large pond in the back. It was properly shaped for swimming, so he fixed it up nice with picnic tables, horseshoe courts, and some apple and peach trees.
One evening the old farmer decided to go down to the pond, as he hadn't been there for a while, and look it over. He grabbed a five-gallon bucket to bring back some fruit. As he neared the pond, he heard voices shouting and laughing with glee. As he came closer, he saw it was a bunch of young women skinny-dipping in his pond.
What do you get when you mix an agnostic, a dyslexic, and an insomniac? Someone who stays up all night wondering whether or not there's a dog.
I feel like the caption is backward. If the ghost is always faster, wouldn't the human be better in the bedroom?
Hey Shreyas!
His name is Anubian.
I'm struggling
Carl's got it figured out with the jagged pawns right there. You can't do anything to them.
Why'd you cancel this challenge Tristan?
@CarlAnderson how do you even get four pawns in a row like that? lmao.
I didn't
Uh it disappeared again....
Ok there
My next class is at 1:30 though
Well it's 4:19 you're quite late. </sarcasm>
You're right, you don't have sarcasm.
Haha I beat Adam
you cheated.
Leaving work, night all o/
sorry, back from lunch now
@McAdam331 the pawns thing just kinda happened...
@NomanJaved you don't have enough rep (100) to get access here. See the rules: room-15.github.io
oh gosh @McAdam331 - if you had only done 14 .. NxH3+ you would have traded a knight for a queen.
Steve G is a new circle?
he looks pretty circle-y
I'll make peace with fragments
(sarcasm) I'm not really going to make peace with fragments, screw fragments.
lol eski
You clicked on it, didn't you.
it crashes the tab on hover
which is fucking annoying
On hover??
Holy shit, I didn't realize that. I'm sorry!
yeah, I'd suggest you to remove that
Thank you cM, I had no idea.
I represent the people
good night :)
Good night, cygery
And I haven't been around all day so I appreciate the chance to do something :)
there is a choppy as hell video of it
Where's Mac? My TIL isn't working
And why in the fuck is there a fragment _input_mileage.xml in my layout
Adam is at work
Then I'll just hack into his github account
And by "hack into his github account" I mean enter the appropriate words into the address bar
Want to know his password?
Because that's how sly I am
Not really
I'm boRED
Shit, I've been spotted
By whom?
Hey Adam, wanna see a link?
Aw I'm your hero?
And no.
I promise it isn't a rick roll
It isn't even a video
positioning popup menu is not that easy or something
Yes it is, what's the problem?
Mac, my TIL isn't working. The hint disappears
Also, o/
Well, unTIL you figure out your problem cM, Mac can help.
I have had to do the popup menu inside a ViewHolder class
Inside the ViewHolder class? scratches head
but the popup menu has no setGravity method
@codeMagic What do you mean the hint disappears? Where does it go?
Don't know
I guess where they usually go without that ViewGroup
` Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: We already have an EditText, can only have one`
Apparently, there has to be one for each ET
@Eenvincible developer.android.com/reference/android/widget/…, android.view.View, int)
Yeah, each EditText has to be in it's own TextInputLayout
That's dumb
No, that's user error.
Nope, just dumb
What about forms? Why wouldn't it just handle all of them the same. I see no reason to need one for each ET
RingTFM doesn't change the fact that they made it wrong
And now my app won't run on my damn phone now so I guess it's going to be a short night
Well don't yell at me because they did it wrong.
I'm not. I'm trying to enlighten you on the wrongness
@codeMagic you are good for something; that is why you fix your boss' messes everyday; thanks for that likn
Way to go cM!
Tell him that!
Mac, did you give your TIL a fixed width?
I usually do match_parent, that's your call.
I tried but it doesn't show up until I start typing
hang on...
Yeah, the hint starts in the EditText, and when you type moves up out of it.
Yeah, except mine doesn't start there
Did you set the hint attribute on the TIL or the EditText
I just did both and now it starts where it is supposed to
You should only do it on the ET. I'm guessing you had it on the TIL?
No, at first I only had it on the ET and it wouldn't show up until I started typing. Then it was above
I think you're fibbing. Because I only need it on the EditText.
And it works just fine? I wonder if it has anything to do with inputType="numberDecimal"
Hmm maybe?
Let me run CC and I'll tell you
Mac, did you ever run CC?
I'm guessing the released version doesn't have it? If it does then it's broke
@codeMagic I have this code in my app and it works fine.
No, the released doesn't.
Sorry, stopped for dinner.
Tested on 5.1.1
I forgive you
Test on 4.4 :)
Hmm I can lemme go get my tablet
I was kidding but if you actually can that would be alright
So you aren't using android.support.design.hintAnimationEnabled="true" I assumed that was set by default but TFM didn't say
God dangit why didn't they tell me vector drawables only worked on 21+
See you tomorrow guys; thanks again cM for your help earlier
It's Haiku writing time
See ya, Een
No problem
I'm writing the ultimate AndroidPolice app. They'll have to let me win.
I'm going to just make a crazy video, 3 haikus, an app, and a picture
> 7:57:00 PM Gradle build finished in 6s 217ms
That's what I'm dealing with
@codeMagic Works.
Fuck. I must be doing something stupid
Tested on 4.4.2
812 ms BITCHES

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