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Android Mosquito!
I wonder how they decide the name, they take votes or one person makes the decision? =p
And then wars are started casue some people wanted a different name
the KitKat name decision was a very secretive process
i'm sure you all know the story
i know kitkat made a website making fun of apple
made me giggle for a whole week
ahahaha yes :)
comes in 2 or 4 megaBites :)
is there any secret spell to make a floatingActionButton.setOnClickListener() Work?
found it.
care to share?
it's called " press play on AS repeated times until your phone starts running the correct debug versions"
the first three tries the xml /java file wasn't updated.
im familiar with this approach
could be worse, we could still be forced to use Eclipse
true, true.
time to lunch
see you later
Fuuuuu. I get home, and everything magically worked. It's almost as if the change of WiFi network did it. >:(
@CptEric Do you click build -> clean after changing an XML ?
@Glitch had the reverse thing happen to me
everything was working on my personal laptop
but failing on my our travis server at work
travis using java 8 iirc
and the issue was so stupid
@matty357 yup. always.
@ajit Welcome. Please read the room rules room-15.github.io
Just wondering as the only time I don't get the updated files is when I don't run it after an xml change
Hi Circle Hater o/
Hi, matty :P
@CptEric surrogate pairs are pairs of two 16 bit code points
some emojis need more space than 16 bits so it's stored in: \uD83D\uDE18 for example
\uD83D\uDE18 is the 😘 emoji
so now to detect an emoji I need to detect surrogate pairs, see if it's within the range of an emoji char set
sounds hard
emojis shouldn't be this hard ;_;
Why are you using regex?
Now you have two problems
i'd upvote that
Upvote that?
"now you have two problems"
you can't use regex for that
today i had to split a string by "."
@Hughzi You can star comments ;)
@Hughzi \. works right?
i didn't realize split uses regex
Why the double escape?
Oh it's in a string
you know what
once I'm finished I'll post it on stack overflow because I can't find anything about how to solve it
Don't use regex
oh ok that works too
could you just read through the byte array?
yeah I have to do that
get the first byte, see if it's a surrogate pair, if not see if it's within the range of the original emoji char set
so where's the regex come in?
if it is a surrogate pair then do some black magic to figure out if it's within the emoji char set
I was using regex before that
but the regex only handles the non surrogate pairs
Use an exhaustive and huge regex pattern?
Hard code every one of those suckers in there :)
was trying that ;_;
but that would be really ugly
someone needs to explain me that line
it would also be really slow
anyone else having a lot of problems with android studio lately? (on mac)
Had to reinstall yesterday - but I'm on PC
stopped working on my PC but haven't had time to fix
i just left android SDK updating and will get back to it tonight.
" press play on AS repeated times until your phone starts running the correct debug versions" I know this one...
And everytime my laptop resumes from a sleep mode I need to either unplug and plug the phone again or restart android studio. adb killserver might work also, didn't try yet
now my AS doesn't even want to start lol
@miva2 huh?
and lol ahmad, what the hell are you doing with those emojis =p
@miva2 I've never had this problem
It's only on mac I think
trying to decide which I prefer
I also used to have it in the super early versions of android studio when i was taking classes
the T__T looks more sad than ;_; imo
> High surrogate is 0xd800+(result/0x400)
Low surrogate is 0xdc00+(result%0x400)
thanks jon skeet!
T_T is a "wat" plus a "fml"
;_; is a mere qq
I like ;_;
@miva2 filtering them out
sounds like a lot of fun ahmad, good luck
Heeeelllloooooo Minneapolis
lol miva
Heeeeelllloooooo Chicago
heeelllloooo berlin
Hellllllloooooo detroit
I am at a convention for Ace Hardware store owners
heeeellllllloooooooo world! (you all think too small!)
it is fucking massive in scale.
I'm at the airport hehe.
this place is weird
What place?
there are so many booths that have so little to do with hardware store stuff
@FoamyGuy Pic(s)?
user image
that was probably the strangest one that I saw
I haven't been all the way around yet though
Wait. A foot stool for a toilet?
they invented a stool
squatty potty lmao
wait, I do not have to hold my knees with my hands up in the air anymore!?
How much time does someone spend on a toilet to need that?
a squatting stool.
Lol, Warren!
it is cleaner cM
cleaner for whom/what?
^ Cleaner than what?
your behind
you mean my ass?
I'm sure you'll find some stuff if you google "squat pooping"
I will let you know as soon as I start to feel too dirty :)
I almost want to google that now
no in all honesty: eat halfway healthy and the consistency of your stool is good enough to have a clean ass even when hairy as hell
i think i need to field test
beside that: lets switch the topic :)
That's a beautiful invention
Do people squat poop at home? I could understand in public restrooms though there's other ways around that
Ok, yes, moving on...
Please move on...
it is supposed to be healthier for your inetestines and stuff
Let's flush this topic
I squat only at gym... STOPITRIGHTNOW!
@McAdam331 would've loved that cM
Ah, I see. I thought it was so your ass didn't touch the seat where other asses have been
Ewww, ass kissing
@ajit access removed for not talking. You may request again later
that is some real shitty topic
I'm sure some people use it for that. But I've heard it makes a difference for your gut. When you sit down like "normal" it pinches off some of the tubes suposedly.
btw I have a question for native speakers here
Thank you, Warren!
Just come back to see some strange topics being discussed "consistency of your stool is good enough to have a clean ass even when hairy " ???? haha
I read yesterday an article about a soccer club. They started by: "Dortmund have a good team" and I was like: "have" must be wrong, right?
kind of makes sense though. I mean humans have existed for houndreds of thousands of years before sitting toilets came along. That whole time the squat was how it was done.
I mean the club is an "it" so it should be "has", right?
You sound right, although I may be wrong.
That is one where either is "correct", I believe. But "has" definitely sounds more right
Football breaks my brain
You can think of the club as a single thing (singular hence 'has') or a group of multiple people (plural hence 'have')
its not the German team its the Germany team for instance
Football sucks ass
I vote for has
I can has has
never heard of plural in that context either, thanks for the info Warren/cM
"Borussia Dortmund have a lot of good players." which sounds like "The club has a lot of good players"
tl;dr either is correct but any native speaker would say "has"
anyway thanks for the explanation :)
No problem
Thanks for not talking about poop ;)
I was sick of the shit :)
bah dump shhh
@HiteshKamani denied for no answers
"collective noun" seems to be the keyword here
@HiteshKamani seriously, still denied. Room members must show some aptitude in Android and willingness to help others by giving some quality answers on SO. For more information follow this link to the room laws set forth by our fore fathers
if i use g.drawString("Level Complete", 400, 240, paint3); and then want to check if it is clicked, is this correct to do inBounds(event, 400, 210, 100, (int)paint3.measureText("Level Complete")) or should I manually figure out the width of the text to use as the bound?
eww code without formatting
ooooh FoamGuy
we have a cat with a GPS tracker walking at our campus :D
personally I would probably make the measurement once and store it in some variable or object
I don't know how I could format it any more ha
otherwise you are forcing it to do the measuring math every time user clicks anywhere
matty, use backticks around the code
Pastebin is under heavy load right now :'(
the thing on the tilda key
The lazy single quote
hey, he's not lazy he just won't stand for any shit.
Foam, do you thing the return from measureText will be the true pixel width of the text drawn?
I would assume so. But honestly I have no idea. I don't even know what object you are using that has those methods
what kind of object is g in your code?
or paint3 actually
matty, make sure to use a Paint object for the right font when measuring (iirc)
g is a Graphics object and paint3 is a Paint object
hmm, I am using the paint object to measure
Q: Android: measureText() Return Pixels Based on Scaled Pixels

VinaySo I use Paint's measureText() method to measure the width of a segment of text, but I wanted to measure text based on a certain text size. Say I wanted to get the width of a text segment that will be 20 scaled pixels when it occupies a certain TextView. I tried the following: Paint paint = new ...

that seems relavent
> And so, you know, with the hackers that can take over any wireless connection in seconds and the government using free WiFi to send mind control waves, it's clear that the only safe way to browse the Internet is through a secure Ethernet connection, but I just can't seem to find any single tablet manufacturer that would make a tablet with an Ethernet port
I know of a tablet with an ethernet port to sell to that person
Thanks FoamGuy
Ok, its my STUPID fault, got the width and height parameters the wrong way round
lol...it haps
eww 3 second splash screen
oh god my eyes
I only had 3 questions when I started commenting but that more than doubled by the time I got done
@FoamyGuy i thought i was the only one >_<
surely that won't even compile right?
It shouldn't if that's the syntax he really has
I'm gonna just assume that the code in his project is better than that and it got messed up when he pasted it to SO
that way I'll be able to sleep tonight without nightmares
"so I don't no many things" typo
I can't really think of any idea that is much worse than implementing an involuntary 3 second splash screen and using thread.sleep() to do it.
Anyone ever read "Ready Player One" by "Ernest Cline"?
Foamy, that's not even the splash screen. He is sleeping for only 10 milliseconds there then trying to switch to the splash screen. Or so it appears anyway
No, that is the splash activity. Fuck, I don't know what's going on
this made me chuckle though:
catch(InterruptedException WhatIsMyProblem){
That bit made me cry
That made me laugh and cry.
so if that could actually run it would just create new instances of splash activity every 10 millis and add them to the stack?
why is the variable capitalized ahhhh
@TristanWiley yes. really really liked it. hope they dont ruin the movie adaptation
if yer into 70/80s nostalgia...its a fun read
It's amazing so far, there's going to be a movie!?!?
disclaimer: I'm a rush fan (and old I guess)
I really love the ideas kline put in place for how vr changed the world in terms of school, work, support, and even evilness
movie yea, I think I read something about it on the authors blog
I want to vote to close that question but not sure of the reason. "I'm voting to close because this code sucks bad and hopefully no one else has written or will write the same thing hence it is unhelpful to others." Too harsh?
This is amazing! Jesus I'm so happy now xD
cM, you can never be too harsh
imdb.com/title/tt1677720 ready player one (2017)
That sounds interesting. Please ping me in 2 years
someone shared this last night Tristan
cm one sec
@codeMagic the author just removed the post
any film recommendations? enjoy comedy most, films like superbad, knocked up
yo matty
Thanks, Tristan
No problem. You will be pinged in two years.
Hey Ee o/
Where do you think we'll all be in 2 years?
Hopefully in a full time developer position
We'll have our own company, Room15, your place for Android development.
Hopefully not looking at part time sales assistant jobs
Hopefully on my own island
i guess watching "Ready Player One"
we should all join forces and become elite programmers for the world (really we will just let cM do all the work)
I'll hopefully be annoying cM on his island. Like Bling Bling Boy and Johnny Test.
Reading about how my company 3 Eggs made a billion dollars
have you only just heard about that?
yeah just did
They still need a special track, don't they? Like they did 30 years ago
i saw them doing it in a skate park, and could not see any visible modifications
I thought it was a special park they created. So the track wouldn't be visible because it was underneath everything
It does say like magnetic something or other, so how would that work on concrete?
like cM says, its the same old stuff just improved
Yeah, they had that when McFly was cruisin'
McFly are awesome
Marty McFly
Not the stupid band
Back To The Future
I didn't know it was a band
Never seen it
Come on, Scotty!
He hasnt lived
Before my time
I saw the first one in the theaters when it came out. Awesome!
the basis of sci-fi
if its not possible in back to the future then dont bother trying
err...no it was the third, sorry
How many are there? 3?
How old are you Scott?
I'm 26 and Back To The Future was one of the biggest things EVER
"Biggest things ever" that I can recall are Lord of the Rings and Star Wars
And cheese
Star Wars yes, LotR meh
Lord of the Rings did not make way for new technology concepts
I dunno like
I think one of this rooms rules should be that you must have watched BTTF 1 and 2.
I'm 23 in spirit

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