" press play on AS repeated times until your phone starts running the correct debug versions" I know this one...
And everytime my laptop resumes from a sleep mode I need to either unplug and plug the phone again or restart android studio. adb killserver might work also, didn't try yet
I'm sure some people use it for that. But I've heard it makes a difference for your gut. When you sit down like "normal" it pinches off some of the tubes suposedly.
kind of makes sense though. I mean humans have existed for houndreds of thousands of years before sitting toilets came along. That whole time the squat was how it was done.
if i use g.drawString("Level Complete", 400, 240, paint3); and then want to check if it is clicked, is this correct to do inBounds(event, 400, 210, 100, (int)paint3.measureText("Level Complete")) or should I manually figure out the width of the text to use as the bound?
So I use Paint's measureText() method to measure the width of a segment of text, but I wanted to measure text based on a certain text size. Say I wanted to get the width of a text segment that will be 20 scaled pixels when it occupies a certain TextView. I tried the following:
Paint paint = new ...
> And so, you know, with the hackers that can take over any wireless connection in seconds and the government using free WiFi to send mind control waves, it's clear that the only safe way to browse the Internet is through a secure Ethernet connection, but I just can't seem to find any single tablet manufacturer that would make a tablet with an Ethernet port
Foamy, that's not even the splash screen. He is sleeping for only 10 milliseconds there then trying to switch to the splash screen. Or so it appears anyway
No, that is the splash activity. Fuck, I don't know what's going on
I want to vote to close that question but not sure of the reason. "I'm voting to close because this code sucks bad and hopefully no one else has written or will write the same thing hence it is unhelpful to others." Too harsh?