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That's awesome piloting.
Kinda like that guy who landed in the hudson river a few years back. I'm pretty sure everyone survived that, too?
Q: Why SO is so disgusting?

Your Common SensePHP 5.6, MySQL, SSL and self-signed certificates Why these people always ready to answer 1000000th stupid question on silly syntax error but close, due to formal reason, a really useful post they can't even understand? Why these people tell the OP to add an answer and at the same time take away...

@sam_k still denied 16:136 A:Q ratio and only using chat for support.
That guy has almost 90k rep.
A: Will Stack Overflow celebrate the 10M question milestone?

Your Common SenseYou kidding? Celebrate 9M duplicated, low quality lazy questions with quick, dirty and stupid answers? Would you celebrate 10Mth ton of garbage on a scrapheap?

Tim's last bullet in his answer :D
Which reminds me, he was supposed to be posting something about new privileges for certain rep levels within the last few days but I don't see it
some android shared element transitions for you
that looks nice, Een
thanks Een, have a star
i am the best! lol
I don't understand why that was reopened and not deleted O.o
John Wick is a pretty alright movie.
Are you talking about that PHP question?
@Eenvincible android:onClick="animateIntent" - ooouuunoooouuu
If you use SET in your app which is only supported for 21+, what are people doing to support older devices?
what is set?
shared element transitions (I guess)
yeah, sorry.
I was am lazy.
thanks cygery
A: Feedback Requested: Code Editor and Stack Snippets

codeMagicI'm with Chris in that I rarely use the code button but would possibly start if I had this. However, I hope to rarely, if ever, use the code snippet button (at least for a long time). Similar to David's answer but instead could we choose a default then have the option to go to the other one for ...

Oops, I really didn't mean to link to my answer but the question :\
I don't understand your comment. You don't like the suggestion? You must since you upvoted
Or you're just being your kind orb self
Well fuck my life. I have to be here at 4:30 in the morning tomorrow.
your clients are not in the same timezone?
TL;DR I work in automotive software and we contract people to go to plants and reflash vehicles while we work in the office and build the applications and what not. Well we're short on flashers for tomorrow so my boss asked me if I could help out, we need to be in Toledo at 6 AM and it's about an hour and a half drive.
We're going to be working two twelve hour shifts for like three months, so I'll have like a 14 hour day tomorrow. $$$$$
So, you're going to be a...flasher?
Yes that's what we call them.
Wow, all of your terrible jokes and you completely missed that one
I've just heard it so many times here haha.
I knew what you were going for. I'm sorry. I let you down.
Maybe we should have a flashback. (•_•) / ( •_•)>⌐■-■ / (⌐■_■) YEAHHHHHH
later maybe
Does anyone has a good link for a discussion about camelCase vs snake_case for naming ressources and id on Android? I'm still lost
I see both ways, and it's maddening
I use snake_case in XML, and camelCase for class variables usually. What do you wanna know?
Well, and uppercase snake_case for final variables too I guess.
I do too
But I still see some id in camelCase sometimes
or string in cameCase (typically, in the link send earlier by @Eenvincible about transitions)
what actually you do when you are a "flasher"
Yeah, I can be bad about using camelCase for id, I don't know why. I try to stick to snake_case.
@codeMagic just being myself, sorry bor
A "flasher" is someone who plugs into a vehicle and runs the software update. So, all they have to do is plug their tool into the car, click start on the tablet, and cycle the ignition on/off as they're prompted. Nothing special there.
We write all the software for it and design the tools here at our office. We hire people specifically to go to plants/dealerships and do the updates.
And you know, when you add a TextView to a relative layout, in Android studio, it automatically gives them an id, such as "textView", so in camelCase
The plant we're going to produces about 1100 cars each day, and we're going to be doing this for like three months.
I didn't notice that, red.
I thought that a flasher was a guy who would show his "junk" to other people before running away
Yeah, and that's the joke cM was waiting for me to make. :|
Haha sorry, I'm focused on layouts and stuff and I take everything literally ^_^ I have to reboot my sens of humour
we visited the BMW plant in Munich during school, nice but very loud
@Blackbelt no problem. Just wondered if you didn't like the suggestion or if it should be fixed up
I've never been to a plant before. I've only helped flash once. Shitty jobs the intern gets stuck with.
orb you are asking me the wrong question
What's the correct question?
Mac, think of it as an experience. It's nice to get out once in awhile and see how the stuff is actually used and that sort of thing
did you read the answer
How much does 6 by 7 makes?
is that a "are you a robot?" kind of question?
Did you read the answer?
Why was five afraid of six?
How much does 6 by 7 makes?
Cygery, why was six afraid of seven
@codeMagic Yeah, it will be interesting for sure. I'm just not looking to 14 hour days. They need me thursday and friday, hopefully that's it.
no I didn't, but I like your proactive attitude on meta
Understandable. But you are hourly, right? Enjoy that while you can :P
cM, because seven eight nine
Lol, ok thanks, orb
Yeah, I am hourly haha.
So I'll be cranking out the money and no time to spend it, which is fine with me.
cygery, I know but you asked the joke wrong
anytime bor, anytime
Plus I took off five days this month, so it'll make up for that a bit.
what the heck is bor?
No one knows, Een.
cM, that was the one I knew: i.imgur.com/MILeogb.jpg
people... do we have something for sticky header UI pattern - something native, from google?

or there's nothing and I should go straight to 3rd party libs?
That doesn't make sense
It's "Why was six afraid of seven?" "Because seven eight nine"
It's funny when saying it because "eight" sounds like "ate"
yes, but with yoda different it is
I get that but you still have to use the right numbers :P
Yoda uses the correct words, just changes the order of noun/verb
Why was six afraid of seven? Because seven was a registered six offender.
thanks cM, got it now
Lol! That's awesome!
Ahmad, how's .mx?
really nice! :D
love it so far
great, enjoy it and much success! :)
thanks :)
Hi guys How can I practice Test Unit in Android studio
any useful ressources for that
I did son
I look for something advanced
not just to set it up
And this http://meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/299390/i-was-wondering-if-i-have-formatted-htis-code-correctly-or-if-there-is-a-way-to
meta is just gold today
cM, they must be joke questions surely
I did laugh at the formatting one
I don't know. I think they are legit
surely the formatting guy must realise that he's looking at what we all see and its not formatted.
I wish I could believe that's true, matty, I really do :P
I'm looking forward to the access review queues
ha Reno, a common problem in relationships haha
I like the review queues but haven't spent much time there lately
I don't see that as a problem ;)
I still need 115 points but I haven't had any questions to ask, and I dont know the answers very often, and even when I do someone beats me to answering it ha. I've completed my android project so I don't really have any android stuff to do or ask about
im a bit lost now my android stuff is done
its annoying when you know your answer is correct, and its been up voted but the person who asked doesn't bother to select an answer
Make an app that complains about other apps
Make 56 quality suggested edits
Make an app that complains about how SO is mean to new users. That's gold right there
Is this post from some help vampire charity organization? — Martin James 1 min ago
haha ill take the suggestions on board.
till tomorrow.... good bye all
See ya
all i've done today is meetings
me 2, 3
You suckers and your meetings. I have the joy of setting up someone else's Windows 8 computer today
why in the hell
i cannot stand windows 8
every computer i've encountered with it has been miserable to use
I have it here at work. But I installed the old start menu/desktop so it's not bad
ah yea
that tile thing
is fucking horrible
I can't stand using the worthless new interface they went to
I spent 5 minutes trying to get out of it. Did it somehow but not sure how
Just downloaded Chrome. Now uninstalling all of the garbage apps. So much fun
sounds like a great use of your talents
IT Corp is now hiring professional app uninstallers. If you have the skills necessary to uninstall programs, please apply.
But first, I'm going to enjoy this...
Haha, Carl
It gets better...
Then I get to transfer her data from her old hard drive
what's that? rice?
Mashed potatoes and gravy
well, enjoy
Thanks and will do!
Oh, just found out the computer is for personal use and not a work computer. Even better
rice cygery? haha
and that's a tofu burger next to it, right?
1 and half hours of a meeting damn damn damn
Certainly, Carl!
cM, that looks delicious
It's not bad but not as good as I expected. But no complaints here...it's filling my belly
ok I hope am not getting sick today!
Hey y'all
So there was this guy in Nairobi who tried to steal a phone from a lady, guess what happened to him?
Hopefully he got a beatin'
yeah, I know, he is dead right now - burnt to death by a mob of pissed crowd
beyond recognition
And @codeMagic I'd have to show you.
You'd have to show me what? wonders if he should've even asked
That seems a bit excessive but ok
Apparently, Nairbians don't fuck around
they don't
So is that a news story or is that pretty standard?
Ohhhh, that second huge plate of potatoes was not a good idea
have a star, cM :)
Awe, thanks. And I didn't even have to call myself an idiot for that one
that'd the kind of posts I wouldn't star
That's nothing to show off but cool that they have those stats now
getrevue.co <- they have a nice newsletter imho
user image
Anyone in here use selenium?
pdf that
Can you imagine replacing religious stereotypes with PDF. "PDFs are such a cult." "I don't want any PDFs in my neighborhood." "My daughter isn't going to marry no PDF on my watch."
"All believers in pdf are going to hell" "He was given the death sentence for a hate crime after lighting that pdf on fire"
"PDFs are ruining this planet." "I raised you to be a PDF!"
A quick smoke and a look at android chat, thatz my afternoon plans haha
this gonna last centuries
haha i know right
"Lube pump included"....you left out the most important part
i had no idea
even our grandkids will still be using it
it will be family tradition
ew, I'm just going into gross now
better change the topic
Haha, Ahmad! Yes, changing would probably be a good idea ;)
this is fancy
did you guys know, MS has its internal Stackoverflow
it's hilarious
even the same design
Not surprised.
But the card is beautiful, your work? Probably not, you'd not call it fancy.
lol Ahmad
@nana got it from materialup.com
but really, it's the same fucking design
@Ahmad lolwut, really?
most questions are about bing so I can't answer anything
otherwise I'd try to accumulate them rep points
@trevor-e wanna see?
oh wait, I probably can't show :/
since it's all questions about internal software
is it hosted internally or by stackoverflow?
What are you doing at MS?
no it's their own website
but it's the same design
Do they have the privileges, badges, and everything?
maybe they licensed it from SE
since SE is also running fully on MS stack
that's what I figure
@codeMagic yup!
@nana interning
Orly? Cool, for how long? So you're in Seattle?
I know I've heard of companies doing that but didn't know if it was implemented the same or what
@nana nah, I'm in Berlin
for another two months
Ah, weren't you in Mexico on Tuesday or something?
Yes, I'm in mexico right now :D
I do get holidays
Berlin, Mexico?
2 days/month
Lol. Berlin, Mexico
Is "terribad" a recent term or at least recently popular?
I've seen it recently often but never before the last probably week
Or am I old and should get out more?
terribad is decently old
hmm...ok. I don't have any plans to use it anyway but was curious
Terribad is the capital of Iran
I think my favorite
Unless I'm being funny. Then I might use it
Nate, while that's funny, I'm going have to deduct points for not following our formatting of the funny location names
Yeah Nath, go to hell!
Also FU
My boss just came in and asked if I got MS Office registered on that laptop
I didn't have the heart to tell him that I forgot while I was fucking off
I've had to restart my work computer thrice today because adb just stops working, and won't work again until restart
that sucks
don't worry cM
it was hipster just a month ago
but now it's uncool again
you could say it's....terribad.
uber meta
is there no keep awake option anymore?
can't find it in android L
I'm just going to use android 2.2 for the rest of my life
Or you're talking about on the device itself?
I think he's talking about the dev option that keeps screen on when it's plugged in
Oh. My only lemonmeringue device is dead
who said lemon?
yeah that what foamy said
lol rlemon :D
he's got some kind of citrus radar
I see a post lock in the near future for a certain post
@Luke Welcome. Please read the room rules room-15.github.io
I have read and understood the rules
you think that is bad?
@Luke Would you like some Ass Bourbon?
stackoverflow.com/posts/5574241/revisions about to be reopened again
then closed again
Thanks, Luke
I'm leaving it all to codeMagic
Haha, nice, lemon
tl;dr his post was frozen and closed and deleted because it sucks.
I knew it wasn't near as bad as some. But the fact that it was ever reopened and not deleted is hilarious for that post
he wrote a blog post about how SO is a bunch of dicks and posted it on reddit / HN
now this..
congrats, you passed the test
Yeah, I remember some shit from him before but couldn't remember exactly what happened
Q: What to do with close/open 'wars'?

rlemonThis question: Are there real world uses of sun.misc.Unsafe? has recently seen a flood of close/reopen/undelete etc votes (it was posted in a blog post and social media) and now it seems like we're in the beginning of a open/close war. I have closed voted this as "too broad", There are eit...

I made a meta post about it
@NathanielD.Waggoner Yeah, Michigan!
ow, thanks
Ha! jokes on you all, I got in here when Octavian was calling shots and knew me. I don't do Android dev :P
:access revoked:
hey! I use Android!
that counts right?! RIGHT?!
We keep you around for comedic purposes
Also if we need a quick script :P
and javascript ninjitsu
dammit cm
You seem like an interesting bunch
I've been doing pointless stuff lately.
I can write scripts! I've been working on scripting ever since like noon. I didn't even eat lunch today.
We keep you around because life gave us rlemon
Lol. Raghav
like, if you wanna sort small numbers in non-traditional ways... I got you!
function sleepSort(stack, callback) {
    var end = [], p = stack.length;
    function organize(item) {
        setTimeout(adder.bind(null, item), item);
    function adder(item) {
        if( --p <= 0 ) callback(end);
"I've been working on scripting ever since like noon" yeah but lemon gives us one in under 7 minutes

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