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00:00 - 17:0017:00 - 00:00

Just call random() but always return 4
I need an adult.
> Tomorrow we can code baby - Tristan
Fucking fuck fuck
I was talking to my girlfriend and thinking two things at once
But seriously we can code tomorrow xD
I need to clear my head now, I'm going for a boat ride.
The UI for this activity sucks.
> One of Canada’s most prestigious universities has defended a course that promoted the benefits of cancer and taught students that vaccines are unsafe, because quantum mechanics.
@McAdam331 wait is this for real
> The lecturer was Beth Landau, a homeopath who tells parents not to vaccinate their children.
is your gf a programmer @tristan
> Some have drawn conclusions from the fact the Dean of the University’s Scarborough Campus is Landau’s husband, Dr Rick Halpern.
@Ahmad He sent that to me via hangouts lol.
well see you guys in a day or so
stuck between science and cancelling your wife's passion
later Ahmad
o/ safe travels
Bad morning! Saw a dead body =/
that's just a mirror law
Oh no! I'm sorry to hear that. :(
There are two kinds of people.
Guy was ambushed in his van, probably dude is involved in drugs.
Bawk bawk chicken.
Brighter Day’s aesthetic is best described as “fucking weird as shit.”
YeeHaw isn't big enough. Needs to span closer to KY/TN
Nothing is ever good enough for you is it?
You're good enough, Dave.
aww thanks baby. Let's make sure to "code" later
I like that code is a code word for code
So, I'm coding out doors and I just saw a bat fly over my deck. That doesn't happen often.
Anyone want to code, baby?
let's make some Magic
My favorite nerd pickup line is "Are you sitting on an F5 key? Because that ass is refreshing."
Good thing Carl isn't around
lmao mcadam
What's a good flashlight app? My mom needs one
Android 5.1
I should circle. Or work on something. Probably circle though
want to try the party mode, baby?
I'm coding outside. Not for much longer though.
What's Android 5.1?
> 4. Quick Settings From Lock Screen

In Android 5.0, users were able to drag down from the top of the screen to open a drawer of quick settings. In Android 5.1, this can be done from the lock screen, even if the device is protected by a PIN code. This enables users to quickly activate the flashlight
mom. buy a new phone
Otherwise tell her to download the GMG app, it has a flashlight!
You guys are life savers
pretty much any flashlight app that doesn't have permissions except camera.
I'm glad I was included in the life savers, even though I really didn't help haha.
I don't have a flashlight app anymore, since I have 5.1 haha
I'm a genius! I just discovered that, instead of field sobriety tests, police officers should have people play agar.io for a minute or two to determine sobriety
Mac. no one was in the life savor category
They all require internet and shit
just use my app then, we only sell her info to Mexico, we don't export it over seas
Can you sell your own information to companies? I feel like that'd be a quick money maker. Lol
sure for like 10 cents
Boom, Adam's information. 20¢
Are you in that game, Dave?
join my agar.io party link
I died.
Major Déjà vu
I did
This game really sucks.
How do you guys do good at this.
I only got 269 lol
Wow, the lag is killing me
I give up. My bug filled app is more fun than this game.
I need a short break then I will be back to eat all of you
im out, later all
I guess Dave doesn't like to be eaten
Om nom RAWR
I'm filling out forms for tdameritrade
I'm modifying code I slightly understand and it's scary
Anyone familiar with custom viewgroups?
Sounds terrifying
Only View, is that the same? =p
2 hours later…
Yo People
Is it okay to use the word APP(all caps) in a software document? We have been currently assigned to work with documents for now and I've been seeing this word a lot in the documents given to us. Shouldn't it be written in App or app? I have Googled about this word and I think the word is official already.
that reddit shit is messed up
if it's true then I'm really sorry for Pao
You should use Application mr5
@LawGimenez but why? I'm not the original author of the document but we were assigned to revise it.
Not sure if I understand that, just change it.
As for the word app, it is specifically referred to the mobile applications(according to Google)
App is just so unprofessional.
Oh okay.
so tedious week...
What are you guys using when implementing SSL on Android?
1 hour later…
the first high res image of Pluto arrived!
user image
Heya Warren :-)
Last night, I checked the project.
It was clean n well written
One thing I liked is the modular approach.
I mean the way you created a lib module for greendao
And makes use of it in main app module.
well, the greendao generator has nothing to do with the app itself, it just generates the database layer for the app
I see. Actuality I never used it. But I thought it as a Database of the project which is separated from main module.
no, it is just a code generator
it creates the *Dao classes in the database package
I see.
But what I thought could be a good way too ?
I mean having database in different module
having a separate database package is enough imho
mmmm. Yeah! True!
I am in a meeting, today is a nearly "all time meeting" day :/
Combined Volley and OkHttp, my HTTPS is like on drugs.
That is bestest combo, imho
My volley works faster with okhttp
Yeh just found out we can us OkHttp as transport for Volley.
user image
I prefer retrofit over volley
Isn't retrofit using okhttp ?
afaik yes
For what purpose, it needs okhttp?
For cacheing ?
iv had to send my wife that cat gif haha
I just checked, you can use okhttp but you do not have to
> When using Retrofit together with OkHttp, OkHttp (version 1.6.0 or newer) and OkHttp-UrlConnection are now required.
I see. Its been 8 few months when I tested both volley and retrofit.execution time of retrofit was 1/4th of Volley's .
I feel like retrofit is cleaner to use and easier too as it provides easy mechanics to do everything async
I think I should retest the execution time as I have included okhttp with it.
Hmm.. Can you make multipart call in Retrofit ?
That's what missing in Volley.
> Multipart request body and file upload
square.github.io/retrofit Everything you need :D
I am in a meeting again
aww, I need to learn retrofit
Good morning y'all
@user1548671 denied for default username. Also see the rules on getting access
Good morning, folks o/
good morning!
Yo, kabuto
how are ya cM
Not terrible but just got to the office so let's see how it plays out :P
meetings incoming
you will have fun of course
None for me!
lucky bastard
Well, I might sit in on one with just a few guys but that is my choice.
Good morning everyone!
Good morning, nana
Hey, Een
the first time i saw people do \o o/ \o i thought it was like a light saber battle haha
I just guessed it was a greeting thingy and jumped on board
and ~o~ was some kind of special move haha
No it has to do with 1939 AFAIK
It's something along the lines of Sieg Hi!
Migrations in Django is a pain in the nose
How so?
Are you staying on the same backend? Same database type?
I just got into Django recently and still getting a hang of it
am working on a project with a friend (side project) and now trying to run some migrations he wrote and getting a ton of errors
are you a pythonista too nana?
I did and sometimes still do work with Django, yes.
There were some changes in migrations in the latest two releases I think.
Are you using South?
what is South?
a migrations tool for django
^ It's a migration plugin for Django.
south got moved into the core project
^ Unless you use Django 1.7+..
TIL South
I have Django 1.8+
Then you don't need South :)
@Ahmad the hamburg s-bahn door wall has a full video now: youtu.be/S2RGeqjHeCU
would you please explain this video?
sealed the entrance
I have got access to fabric, yikes. ;)
Anyone need cheap SSD drives?
@netpork Fabric is cool.
Leaked: Tech journalist is a moron who thinks memory dictates how powerful a computer is
nana, bring me some ssd's when you come again to slovenia
anyone willing to help me unlock my S5 phone?
Like get some custom rom on this device
tired of touchwiz?
@nana You got one that's compatible with a 2k11 mac?
I just can't use a different Sim card in this thing
I called the provider (bought this phone from a guy who had it registered with Verizon I think) and now I can't get a hold of that sucker
@McAdam331 I don't know what is compatible with it.. this is the one I was talking about
$136 is cheap for an SSD?
for this size it is
Yes, it can be used with a MB according to the comments. I wish I could justify it right now but I can't haha.
Then there is this super deal amazon.com/gp/product/B00S9Q9VS4/…
It's not an entry level SSD but the price is crazy
240GB for <$70
why would the onebox not include the price
I'd guess that the prices are different for different people? No?
What price do you see when you click on it? I see $67.99
Regarding the Plus series, I'd only get it if I needed 120GB ddrive for sub $40, otherwise I'd go with the Ultra.
Maybe I will get that 240. 240GB should be enough? haha
I want to replace the HD in my mac for an SSD. Then, remove the DVD drive and use the old HD for a windows boot drive.
What did you mean by 'not an entry level SSD'?
Not all SSDs are the same, there will be vast differences in speeds.
Especially nonsequential read speeds.
For example I really REALLY like the Samsung's EVO series You can get 850 EVO in 250GB for $98 and 500GB for $164
I've heard of that one.
I've had great luck with samsung EVO also...
Impulse purchase urges are growing.
I got one a year or two back that also came with a special cable and some software that made it dead simple to copy an old drive onto it.
Here anandtech.com/show/8520/sandisk-ultra-ii-240gb-ssd-review if you have an extra day and want to learn about SSD drives.
But I'd have to open up my computer and see if I need a mount for it too, idk what the size difference is.
Amazon is terrible for that ;-)
I have a question. If I bought an SSD though to replace my HD, where do I get an install of OSX?
I am getting this, already in cart :)
@McAdam331 It's a standart 8mm 2.5" drive, it should fit.. but Apple. How to actually install it, I have no clue.
Hmm. I should figure that out first, I suppose.
This reads like porn.
how does porn read nana?
I don't know, I was trying to sound cool, I can't read.
Sexy, reminds me of ThinkPads.
nana, I just got this
is that good?
What would you do with that cM?
I'm going to put stuff on it and build things (I guess)
a robot?
But a smaller project first. 'til I learn the thingz
You bought that? I never heard about it lemme look.
No, it was given to me
I guess you could play with it.. I don't want to be negative.
Be negative, it's ok. I need the truth
But I can tell you I bough a bunch of boards like this and never used it.
Will it work for my project?
It was free so no loss. Something to play with for now, I suppose
The ones I actually used are Arduino boards (bunch of them, and different types, mega, uni, mini, nano), then RaspberryPi which is more like a computer than for hardware tinkering
posted on July 14, 2015 by Reto Meier

Originally posted on the Google Developers blog. Posted by Akshay Kannan, Product Manager Mobile phones have made it easy to communicate with anyone, whether they’re right next to you or on the other side of the world. The great irony, however, is that those interactions can often feel really awkward when you're sitting right next to someone. Today, it takes several steps -- whether it’s

posted on July 14, 2015 by Reto Meier

Originally posted on the Google Developers blog. Posted by Chandu Thota, Engineering Director and Matthew Kulick, Product Manager Just like lighthouses have helped sailors navigate the world for thousands of years, electronic beacons can be used to provide precise location and contextual cues within apps to help you navigate the world. For instance, a beacon can label a bus stop so your pho

For your project I think it's an overkill, the board is massive, I didn't check the voltages but I suspect it's 3.3V so ther will be a lot of fuckery with raising and lowering the levels to something you can work with.
if you dont mind sharing, what is your project cM?
these things interest me ha
Didn't I send you an Arduino nano?
I don't remember which one it was
I think for your project (the secret one, the one we dont talk about here, because its super cool and secret) I think you should use ATTINY85 or something like that.
Or a tiny arduino, which actually might be a better choice for you
I think you will want to be able to reprogram it later and you don'T want to buy programmers now and fiddle with ISP and shit, so I suggest ... actually let me see what they have now.
Matty, I will when I finally finish it. Nothing big. Just don't want to keep talking about it without doing it
wish i had time play with andruino, seems really interesting but not had chance at all
I was going to get the attiny because you told me and you wouldn't steer me wrong. I mean, look how much fun I've had with angular
But I told the atmel guys about what I wanted to do and they gave me this thing
Tiny, cheap, easy to program, Arduino compatible, can take 12V, enough GPIOs for your secret super cool mega secret non sharing project.
That is cheap. And I'm all about cheap
@codeMagic Yeah :| Well that's why I am steering you away from the ATTINY now.
I guess I will need to hook some things up again soon and do some evaluating
ATTINY85 is just a chip with 8 legs, that's it. You apply 5V, program it through SPI (You can get one of those adapters from China for about $3) but it's a little more hassle than just plugging it in USB I think. I didn't start with that, I started with Arduino.
So if you were to then sell it, that is what you would do to cut the space and cost down, remove arduino and replace it with just it's heart, but weaker and cheaper heart for one use.
Well cM, I look forward to the completion of your project and the public announcement ha.
Oh and Matty, you definitelly should play with Arduino, it's very eye opening.
They sell them at maplins.co.uk, i always wondered about leaving the andruino behind in a project, but your digispark link answered that question ha
and i keep typing arduino wrong ha
maplin.co.uk/p/adafruit-pro-trinket-5v-n60ea maybe i might start with this one day
You can leave Arduinos behind in the project. You can buy for example 5 nanos for $9.50 with free delivery.
wow thats good
could the micro's be used as a speed controler for small DC motors?
Yes, or that. But the one you linked is Mini, which is good it has a mini USB port so you don't need anything else.
Yes, PWM is built in.
It's a matter of sending a value between 0 and 1023 to one port IIRC.
Thanks for the info, going have to find time between family and work and uni to have a go.
See you all tomorrow
And bye :)
See ya, matty
\o Carl
Hi, Carl
yo carl
is GreenDAO the go-to for database stuff these days?
I used it in a personal project and seems pretty nice. Warren likes it
I played with it for a bit
I haven't done anything with any databases in like.. 3-4 years now
need to get back into it
seemed pretty cool.
ActiveAndroid has been good too (to me)
This is relevant to my interests.
When AS releases an update does it update automatically for you guys or do you have to download the whole thing and install it now? Specifically I am on Linux..
I think @WarrenFaith is on Linux?
I usually get prompted that an update is available and can choose to update and restart or ignore it.
me too; updates then restarts
you think correct. I am on xubuntu
That didn't happen to me so I am curious if I missed something or what..
Close enough, if oyu go to Help > Check Updates
I am on Linux at home and had to check for updates but I might need to check the settings
Do you see an update?
Adam and/or Een what are you up to tonight?
you need to make sure that you are on the right channel
I am on stable currently running 1.2.2
Oh, you don't get updates even when checking manually?
I was on canary, now I switched to dev.
I am still on 1.2 beta
some updates are broken and you need to download everything again, but you will get an information every now and than about an update
@TristanWiley Avoiding you! Heyooo
I'll just reinstall it then, this time.
My forehead is peeling so bad from the sunburn I got this weekend.
It's painful.
Did you fell asleep in the sun?
No, I just didn't go up high enough with the sunscreen. It's all along my hairline.
Tristan will see what I can do
Okay :) Adam. You're an ass.
adam is sick
Tristan, you said today we could code baby.
Hey, carl. I'm having the same issue. what exactly the fix you did? — user3819810 9 hours ago
I don't know how I could be more clear about the fix I did.
can someone look at my answer and see if it's confusing?
ha, seems pretty straightforward. If he's still confused then he needs to explain what he is confused by
Carl, you forgot to attach your complete working project to the answer...
lol ok
I just wanted a sanity check to make sure I wasn't being too obscure or something...
Link him that
I'm not sure what it is but it's funny
00:00 - 17:0017:00 - 00:00

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