It's tradition that the graduation class stays awake through the night before getting the grades of the written exams, came home at 2, then had to get my grades at 7, and then we went to grill with my class, since it was the last day we had as a class before everyone leaves to go their path
Blacked out here means you don't know why you woke up to an undesireable person in your bed and you need to call your friends to ask them what happened last night
"redo the entire year" damn, that's rough. Yay for American summer school
I had to take a summer class after graduating. I was in the top ten GPA in my class but my lit class sucked and it was early so I missed/came in late too often
It's nice because there are some classes that you can take just to get them out of the way and make room for others. I did that my sophomore year with a history class
Well TL;DR we can't have an external domain ( easily without a ton of legal review, the university of course wants us to have like since it's their event and we're gonna be like a "student org" and he doesn't want to do it that way, he wants us to be a separate entity backed by OU, but doesn't see how unrealistic that is
I'm like, we need to work with the university, work within their guidelines, and get some sort of landing page up that we can start looking for sponsors.
That won't happen. We'll never get it done, and then we can't even use the university's name on anything, then we'd have to jump through the hoops of getting the university to lease us the space for the event and stuff
I seriously want to try and slip my way into the head spot so we can just get shit done jfc. We're going in circles. And I get it, the website's important, that's the base of everything. It's what we show sponsors, it's where people sign up and stuff.
But I've been attached on all these emails and we had a meeting with someone from the university today during lunch and it's just giving me a headache. I'm gonna talk to him tonight and try and straighten this out.
Well that's the problem. he wants us to be our own thing mostly because it gives us more control over the website and such, but the university is all for this.
We just opened this past year a new engineering center that cost millions of dollars, we've seen huge enrollment increases in our college of engineering and computer science, so of course our dean of SECS is all for it.
and he doesn't understand why it was so easy for them and not us, but maybe it wasn't that easy, and I don't fricken care at this point let's get this off the ground, and then worry about how we can do our own website later lol
No, cM, I go to a smaller commuter school, Oakland University.
Yeah. I'm gonna try to pick up some more slack. I'm gonna email the UTS person that we met with today directly, I'm gonna start asking more questions myself and what not.
Going for 200.
Probably gonna advertise as 300, but expecting 200.
I went to the, hands down, most fucking awesome hackathon at a small private university here in germany. They had so much funding. Google, Microsoft and SAP were sponsoring.
But even though they advertised so much they only got ~200 people
It was only not a dupe because he didn't enter text before clicking (I'm guessing). So, when he tested with my dupe solution, must have entered text that time
The Millennium Falcon's maximum speed is 1,050 km/h which when put into Google Maps lands in the middle of the Indian Ocean. The opposite side of the Bermuda Triangle (polar opposite of Bermuda Triangle) is in the Indian Ocean.
Therefore, since the other side of the Bermuda Triangle is in the Indian Ocean, which's coordinates are the same speed as the millennium falcon, which looks like the outline of the Android Studio logo. IT IS A TRIANGLE.
@TristanWiley this is one of the most inane things I've ever read in this chat room. I don't understand why you think it's brilliant, but I assure you're the only one who does. Please don't continue to repost it ad nauseum in the room.
also, if you're trying to find websites that post insane conspiracies and other unintelligible nonsense, you may as well go straight to the king of nonsense
> It Is The Absolute Verifiable Truth & Proven Fact That Your Belly-Button Signature Ties To Viviparous Mama.
I've been attempting to implement a CollapsingToolbar with a RecyclerView using the small amount of guidance here: and the project here:, and I currently have the follow...
I know that in your time things were different. Men had to wear slacks and women had to wear dresses. Women also washed clothes on a rock by the river. Things have changed, Carl, things have changed
Quit yelling at the neighbor kids playing in your yard, get off your porch, and come have fun
Oh god, the very first time I hung out with my now girlfriend we sat down to watch this movie, and my then two year old nephew burst in and insisted on watching Mickey Mouse Club House, so we did. :|
I'm not using Java, either, but TL;DR I'm trying to create an object, pass arguments into the constructor, comes back saying incorrect number of parameters.