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i think he means the runway of a nose on Kenny G's face
or maybe my face
The sine()
Now you kinda look alike. :)
Gimp doesn't have good shittyfying tools and I jsut switched to Linux, to0 lazy to reboot to shittify properly.
not impressed by a 3 year old samsung camera nana?
IS that the front one?
Thats why.
@nana you have too much time
I want that time
I'd give up all the time for purpose.
room 15 is purpose enough
Not really.
What do you think I should do with all that time?
don't question the path god has chosen for you
do you have your job back yet?
I wasn't listening when she told me, what was it again?
in your head god is a she? interesting
if I were you I'd freelance
I don't think we should talk about beliefs here, people get butthurt.
Why would you freelance?
because as far as I can tell you're not really fond of a regular job
(I'm not either)
I didn't lose a job, I am a freelance. Project ended.
In ninth gate, devil is presented as a beutiful female
Please kill me if I ever find myself doing a boring corporate 9-6 job writing enterprise java
aah I see
My last real job was in 2010
as an app dev?
Nope, I was sort of an engineer. I never really had a real dev job.
All just freelancing/consulting.
you're really interesting
I like the way you live
freelance and travel
I could do that.
I guess... I should be happy then.
But I think that is the problem, my life is too good. It's depressing.
I am bored.
I was happier when I worked as a janitor.
you really need a side project
some serious side project
I do, I need A project.
don't you keep a list of app ideas that pop up randomly in your head?
Something I can get into. I'd like to work with other people I think.
I still have that.
But I got t o a point when I look at it and think:"It's not useful, nobody needs that, it doesn't matter."
hah! I'm the opposite, for the first few days at least
once I have an idea I'm all like "dude this is the next thing"
a few days after I just cringe at myself
I lost that.
I still have all these ideas, but don't act on them.
I usually get these ideas right before I'm about to sleep
and I then get up, write them down
but apparently I have more open source ideas
ISn't open-source idea still just an app idea?
as to ideas that could actually be commercially successful
yeah I guess I could pack both in one list
I asked my wife for redbull, she brought me 600ml can, I think she wants me dead.
Makes sense...
I am flying to Iceland in 9 days I think. MAybe it will get better.
I still have time until I leave, what can one achieve in that much time?
you think?
I could probably get that SO chat client to work, but is it even useful?
Probably not, just another abandonware.
yeah abandon that
do something useful
I guess I can share a thought I had a few days ago
do you know sunrise calendar?
Nope, but I can imagine.
Nana, you just procrastinate too much :)
they release a product called meet
it's a custom keyboard but different than anything else
it's actually a quick calendar instead of a keyboard
I wanted to do something similar, but for other stuff
a file uploader? instant imgur upload access?
I don't see the appeal of that.
dunno yet
okay lol
As in:"Why would someone want to use that?"
I just thought it's a fun project
I mean, I am sorry, but that's jsut an insight into my head.
nah it's okay, maybe it's just one of those stupid ideas of mine lol
Facebook? Why would anyone want to use that? SnapChat? Why would anyone want to use that? Square? Why would anyone want to use that?
You shouldn't listen to me :)
well fb is pretty cool if join the right groups
I have a bad outlook, I am too negative.
I'm in a few Hackathon related groups
fb is fun again
I don't want to give them my data.
you don't have fb at all?
For some people fb is the internet. They just open the browser and go to fb. That is it.
I still have an account and i login from incognito mode once a month or so.
especially in the developing world with stuff like internet.org
I used to be like that too, then reddit became my internet, then I purged that.
I just somehow, in some way, accepted that you can't escape it
and you can't escape any of the big companies that want your data
At one point in my life I decided I don't want any chanins in my life, no addictions, I removed them pretty much all one by one, and now it's empty. Emotional flat plane.
takes strength
I couldn't do that
I tried to shut myself off during the finals
I think that's the age difference, when internet started it was an oasis of anonymity for me. In contrast to the real world, where there was less anonymity.
deleted the fb and twitter app
and baconreader
but I kept reinstalling them the day after
Well, will is something I have. But the result is not at all awesome.
I basically grew up with a computer. I got mine with 6. Never recovered.
Well, for my daughter I just wish she is not going to have some office job. Especially not programming.
how old is your daughter?
I don't imagine there will be very many non office jobs left in 10+ years.
she will have 4 in august
Wha the fuck drives us?
I hope that sport is something that she would fancy.
I think it's discomfort.
This is what ginger thinks about our rant
what drives us? some might say greed
I am past that I think.
I don't really want anything, does that make sense?
What do you guys want?
I find that hard to believe
I just want a chilled life
work on whatever I want while still being able to live really comfortably
What will you fill it with?
Work for the sake of work?
I hope I will never be bored
that's a good question
Greed is the common game, anyone can play that, but it doesn't interest me anymore.
I hope so too netpork
And be healthy
I seek happiness, what makes me happy is new experiences, learning new things, seeing new places
new music, new food, whatever lets me do that makes me happy
I can agree to that dave
I enjoy the same things.
Now let's figure out why do I not do them :)
For example, fortunately you can choose what you want to do with your life. Some people just do not have that commodity.
back to the original question, what do you see as the purpose in your life?
I know, but that'S looking from bottom up. Once up, what do?
at the same time though, it wouldn't be as enjoyable without a place to come home to, good friends, family whoever I can share that with
What do you do without those little problems you have to face every day?
a purpose is something you create for yourself
Who said you are up, nana?
I think you see it as up good, down bad. I don't.
for myself I want to build things that have never been done before, bring a little wonder and novelty into the world
as well as just enjoy life and help make it more enjoyable for those around me
well said
I want to buy land and build a cabin with my own hands.
well it's not too late
I'd like to retire to a cabin
I'd like to live in the woods when I'm old
I don't need to build it though, at least not all of it
What about open source.?
We all are using something for our work.
What we returned to open source community?
somewhere in Canada maybe
Se, it'S not just me anymore. I have a wife, she has a normal job.
I have returned absolutely nothing to the open-source community and I feel bad about it.
@netpork I do some open source stuff. Feels really great to give back. And help some people.
^ my contribution
also just using open source over shit like apple helps contribute to it as a model
cough Ahmad cough
I send money to EFF and WikiFoundation, that's about it.
That is karma++
Maybe if contributing to OS stuff was easier, that could be a useful project.
@DaveS you wrote all that?
no, I worked on it for a year and turned the prototype into a functional model and mentored the intern who's made all the commits that are there now
but somewhere along the line after I left they removed the code and put it back up so you can't see my commits
So... you basically didn't do anything?
lol according to github I have no commits
but I was the first guy they hired to work on it other than the team lead and I fixed a lot of his problems and added a bunch of shit
helped fix honeyd to use the latest nmap stuff and fixed some things that fool OS detection
Proof or GTFO, I only see one commiter on GH.
yeah Addison Waldow, the former intern who still works there
Here's DaveS again, trying to claim other peoples hard work.
there should be a contributors file
or they fucked me
then they probably did
I can see your life crumbling
I got it
you need a kid
your life will never be boring again
Hi everybody
Yes, a kid. Answer to all problems.. actually creator of all the problems.
Bored? Life too easy? Get a kid.
That's me!
Well if our parents had that vision we would not chat now
you don't like dickfaced baby nana?
Dave, that is... Something I would delete if I were you
too late to delete
Java doesnt have delete wat r u tlkin bout m8
@DaveS I do like dickfaced baby :)
Why delete?
Is it somehow anti-semitic?
I also like it
its not like thats an actual dick on a baby's face netpork
Is this a foreskin issue again?
20 years later the baby will look back thinking...that is not the right color hue for a BBC
What has the world become, when we queastion the act of drawing dciks on baby faces?
Hey, could you please hand me a sharpie? Thanks, and the baby too, I got an idea.
Too much of redbull, nana?
Not yet, I haven't opened the big can yet.
Is it offensive? Are you upset about the dick-face-baby?
Nope, it is just nsfw
Maybe I don't see it.
Honestly I have a thing against the whole N S F W thing. What does that even mean?
Self-censorship? FU!
I bet you are alone in the room. Why dont you show it to your wife?
Tell us her opinion
One sec
@nana hahah just meant it as a joke ^^
Hope this is not going to end as a divorce
I hope not, she's not here so I sent it to her as a message.
Not suited for wife, that is. :D
Mmm soup
You might be right, so far no reaction.
All hail the dick faced baby
I'm off
"Not without your help honey"
Excellent comeback is....
Yay! Laptop back
The 30 minutes without it was torture
Was broken?
No, I was in the car and couldn't use it :P
You should get a backup one.

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