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Yeah. I probably will, I'll have to tinker when I get home. I will look into dividing the radio groups also, that's a good point. Do you think the date button style is okay, or should I do something to that? Is it intuitive that you need to click on the date to adjust it?
Ahh, supernatural, I missed you
I think I should update the button texts and the radio button circles to be green and match my color scheme as well, or i'll make them use my blue accent color, whichever ends up looking nicer.
I'm just happy it's been up for three days without any crashes or ANRs, knock on wood.
I'm going to try and make it crash now :P
Caarl o/
I would maybe put a little calendar or edit icon next to the date. I'm not sure how intuitive it is right now
yo, Carl
I think I could make that work. Can I go tell my boss I got food poisoning from my lunch and need to go home asap? hahaha
Seems like a valid story to me. I would believe you
Note that my design skillz are subpar so you might want to get a second opinion on anything I suggest
I did draw a pretty stellar airplane when I was a kid, though. It always looked the same every time I drew it but I thought it was awesome
cM, do you have any published apps?
None yet in the store. Mine are all private and specialized for a certain field
Wow, the developer console actually gives you some pretty good statistics. I'm impressed.
I started one a couple months ago that I was going to publish but my brother dropped the ball on the backend and I've been sidetracked lately
I saw that I could see the android versions people used, I had no idea I could look at a device breakdown too.
50% of my users are on some galaxy device.
Haha, one Greek user. I see you, try_me.
Welcome to my world :)
Wooops, what other information do you have?!
@McAdam331 this world is fucked…
!/cage 300 300
Hi, Don
Seriously, I'm getting pissed
@mca there are some minor things I noticed after downloading the app. Such as, spreading things out a bit when you have empty screen space and not having buttons so far to the bottom in those cases (i.e. the "Add Account" screen)
There you go, Tristan ;)
Ok, running to grab lunch if I can figure out what I'm having
@AndersMetnik got my graph mostly figured out. Thanks
no, XML is dirty job
@TristanWiley What language?
I hope you are getting paid for that
I'm not lol
Ahh. Java and XML are terrible. Try something else
it's not a language…
Python still makes it doable
why do you want to do this?
maybe you do not need to parse XML
I'm parsing an XML response from the USPS API, which is XML.
Which I'm pissed about but I can't get around it
They have a JSON too, iirc
No they don't?
Ahh yeah. They don't. But someone else built one
It's paid, though
Yeah I know, I saw
I know, it's paid
Been there done that
this is probably the most performant — developer.android.com/reference/org/xmlpull/v1/…
The thing is....
The response contains two things I want
and if you want to see everything at once (object model)… do you want it?
and TrackDetail
But there are multiple TrackDetail
and they all have the same name
then maybe summon Chtulhu?
or it's too complex for regex?
No, I can't figure out Regex xD
I'm not a noob anymore, but I'm not good.
regex is easy (unless you try to do something really complex, in that case it's a questionable idea to use regex)
Yeah, I know it involves that
something like this maybe — and for each match get the value of the group (what's inside ())
What is that?
if the TrackInfo cannot be nested, then it's trivial to get everything you need this way, isn't it?
It's a screenshot of Sublime Text with your XML
it supports regex search
useful to test drive some regex
So, how would I use that? Would that work?
Pattern compile
I think it must work.
Mind copying that Regex?
this will fail on extra whitespace, though
this can be improved
Hmm okay
I mean, something like this < TrackDetail > won't be detected
you can insert \s* where spaces are possible
hahaha....we had an assignment that we had to convert HTML to pig latin in Java. needless to say that assignment was curved greatly.
but maybe it's not hard to use a normal parser
Why would there be < TrackDetail > ?
I don't know
if someone decides it's a cool idea to format XML that way
TrackSummary can be detected the same way, and TrackInfo… you probably will get the idea
A: RegEx match open tags except XHTML self-contained tags

bobinceYou can't parse [X]HTML with regex. Because HTML can't be parsed by regex. Regex is not a tool that can be used to correctly parse HTML. As I have answered in HTML-and-regex questions here so many times before, the use of regex will not allow you to consume HTML. Regular expressions are a tool th...

Tristan, here's how you can use that Regex pattern on your text: sprunge.us/LgCH
does that print entire matches, or the groups only?
Wow, I almost had it by myself :)
it finds all of the TrackDetail items and prints them separately
alternately instead of printing them you could add them to a container
I mean, to get the text inside () (capturing group), one needs to use this method
I'm back!
too soon cM, too soon
@Carl so would textBlob be the XML response?
also, I haven't actually compiled / run that code, so be aware of that
it will print entire blocks, for example `"<TrackSummary>Your item was
delivered at 4:21 pm on May 11, 2015 in SKANEATELES, NY
^ this method can extract the text inside tag
beware that indexes start from 1, so you need group(1)
nice find Sarge. Tristan, that's probably better than my substring call
Well, I'm trying Carls anyway
Angels are douchebags
!/stats Dev
@codeMagic Dev (http://stackoverflow.com/users/3309470/dev) has 108 reputation, earned 0 rep today, asked 22 questions, gave 17 answers, for a q:a ratio of 22:17.
avg. rep/post: 2.76. Badges: 0g 1s 9b
@Dev, I'm giving you write access, but please don't be a help vampire.
@Dev please read the room rules: room-15.github.io
If you're a help vampire I will personally take your arm and shove it in your eyeballs, popping your eyeballs out and then play a nice game of golf with them.
> asked 22 questions, gave 17 answers, for a q:a ratio of 22:17.
Most helpful bot ever
posted on May 21, 2015 by Reto Meier

Posted by Wayne Piekarski, Developer Advocate A new update to Android Wear is rolling out with lots of new features like always-on apps, Wi-Fi connectivity, media browsing, emoji input, and more. Let’s discuss some of the great new capabilities that are available in this release. Always-on apps Above all, a watch should make it easy to tell the time. That's why most Android Wear watches h

I'm just glad he answered me this time
!/stats CarlAnderson
@CarlAnderson You (http://stackoverflow.com/users/2171147/carl-anderson) have 1419 reputation, earned 0 rep today, asked 4 questions, gave 53 answers, for a q:a ratio of 4:53.
avg. rep/post: 24.89. Badges: 0g 9s 28b
hopefully they figured out why my Nexus 4 keeps spontaneously turning off and fixed that
@CarlAnderson N4 has had a bunch of problems the last few releases
Lollipop has pretty much sucked so far compared to KitKat
mine often crashes and battery life is about half since the last update
my N5 otoh, no problems
how would I get user location in tablets that have no GPS?
rlemon, you changed your profile image :)
I did.
Hey @rlemon!
@Eenvincible Look in front of the screen for user location
the body is me, the face is another user, the glasses are clipart, the cigar didn't come with the smoke
I got bored and had gimp open
in front of the screen?
Not bad
lunch time, my favorite time.
I hate losing out to code only answers so much. It makes me want to give up on this website.
The guy has since gone back and edited, probably as a result of my downvote, but the answer was accepted well before.
It makes me want to kill people
you guys cant take that too seriously
Time to flash 5.1.1
@McAdam331 remember you answered for your own good, not theirs.
leave it alone.
query: why is everyone a damn circle?
is this a fancy Android thing?
@rlemon it's the latest fad
its what the cool kids are doing
I'm tempted to make mine that
No, at that point it's a waste of everyone's time. I wasted my time sculpting a good answer, while someone just whipped up the code with zero explanation and the asker said 'yep, that's good, no need to read this other page long answer when his query worked'.
. It is frustrating, and there's nothing people can do about it, because those who paste code only answers aren't helping the site because they're not helping anyone learn, and the people who ask those types of questions only encourage the behavior and lead to more poor quality answers and questions. All the downvotes in the world can't stop those people.
/end rant
@rlemon lol
did... you just edit a "hahaha" to "lol" ???
I .. even .. can't ..
!/afk coffee
Why can't you make that one thing Adam, I want to star it :)
@McAdam331 You can't win them all. The good thing is, there's always someone out there who will value your answer. You said it yourself, there's nothing we can do about it
Haha wow, clear product placement in this Supernatural episode
@rlemon i usually say "hahaha" when i laugh out loud, and "lol" when i giggle
rlemon, it's symbolic of the circle of life, which revolves around Android. Actually, it's because we all wanted to be as cool as @nana. We're all part of his circular cult.
Nana's circular cult
For Narnia? More like For nana!
It's a real thing. If Nana offers you kool-aid, do not drink it.
@RaghavSood Isn't that expected behavior? It doesn't simplify any Q/A ratios that can't simplify to a whole number.
@McAdam331 You (http://stackoverflow.com/users/3131147/mcadam331) have 5499 reputation, earned 64 rep today, asked 71 questions, gave 339 answers, for a q:a ratio of 71:339.
avg. rep/post: 13.41. Badges: 2g 13s 38b
@McAdam331 It is, apparently. But I recall telling it to make decimals at some point
Probably got reset when I pull from the JS room to revive the bot
@TristanWiley You (http://stackoverflow.com/users/1064310/tristan-wiley) have 571 reputation, earned 2 rep today, asked 4 questions, gave 36 answers, for a q:a ratio of 1:9.
avg. rep/post: 14.27. Badges: 0g 3s 16b
hahaha, 71:339
Shutup :P
I need to build an outrageously large QA ratio that doesn't simplify.
@RaghavSood You (http://stackoverflow.com/users/1069068/raghav-sood) have 49152 reputation, earned 10 rep today, asked 15 questions, gave 1392 answers, for a q:a ratio of 5:464.
avg. rep/post: 34.93. Badges: 12g 98s 120b
Mine simplifies :/
holy shit ragh.
That's impressive.
15:1392 would be slick though
I should answer some more, see if I can stop it
Thank you :D
I love flashing Factory Images
@codeMagic You (http://stackoverflow.com/users/1380752/codemagic) have 29976 reputation, earned 0 rep today, asked 13 questions, gave 1471 answers, for a q:a ratio of 13:1471.
avg. rep/post: 20.19. Badges: 7g 32s 62b
ha, cM doesn't simplify either
@eski You (http://stackoverflow.com/users/1831151/eski) have 2018 reputation, earned 0 rep today, asked 4 questions, gave 64 answers, for a q:a ratio of 1:16.
avg. rep/post: 29.67. Badges: 0g 6s 19b
Wow, cM overtook me
My q:a is nice and even
Thanks for being surprised :P
What's up adam
I should give an answer so I can get to 30k
it was proposed a while back to base the ratio off the closes '5' rounding
but no one could ever agree
so it is what it is
Flashing 5.1.1!
The bot doesn't know how to do decimals?
!/eval 3/2
@RaghavSood You (http://stackoverflow.com/users/1069068/raghav-sood) have 49152 reputation, earned 10 rep today, asked 15 questions, gave 1393 answers, for a q:a ratio of 15:1393.
avg. rep/post: 34.9. Badges: 12g 98s 120b
Forcing a proper fraction is quite strange...
@RaghavSood 1.5
@eski so you wanna see 1.33333333:57
@MrEngineer13 You (http://stackoverflow.com/users/1167780/mrengineer13) have 5697 reputation, earned 0 rep today, asked 11 questions, gave 145 answers, for a q:a ratio of 11:145.
avg. rep/post: 36.51. Badges: 2g 28s 54b
or if q > a
I have to agree with eski here
I don't really care though
If q > a, cM won't let you in here, impossible test case.
@eski ok slaps you
@Dev I'm revoking your access since you didn't use it.
You could get access and then ask a bunch of questions. It's possible.
Alright, back to work. More Excel parsing and database updating for me.
You're right, Eski. But I'm not gonna write ~250 questions lol
I'm too far gone, I'm an answerer now.
@rlemon You (http://stackoverflow.com/users/829835/rlemon) have 10495 reputation, earned -1 rep today, asked 71 questions, gave 372 answers, for a q:a ratio of 71:372.
avg. rep/post: 23.69. Badges: 5g 46s 83b
I need to get on main more. but all of the Q's are so bad
I'll get on -- cv 4 or 5
Someone who cM blocked is probably planning their revenge this way.
rage quit and move to chats
I look through the questions every once in a while, and never find one suitable for answering.
@rlemon earned -1 rep today
Didn't like someone's answer?
yea I downvote a LOT
what a hater
My coworker has never cast a downvote.
2,249 Upvotes. 0 Downvotes. haha
^ Wish I could downvote that
Is that niagara falls in your picture?
Holy crap you belong to a lot of chats rlemon haha
my recent rep changes
notice many of the dv's the answer is eventually removed
peer pressure FTW
I'm having a great month of may haha
Damn four day vacation set me back a bit.
I decided I'm going to go for 20K soon

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