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@rlemon That's what I use just because we pay for the suite also. Kind of pisses me off but I haven't taken the time yet to try much else
I seriously love GIMP
there is a few other 'newer' projects I've seen that look promising
names are escaping me right now
FOSS ofc.
I haven't been able to accomplish much with gimp yet. Haven't really spent enough time with it lately either.
Looks like I'm going to be on web stuff a little while longer so I might as well get used to it :/
yea a the beginning it is frustrating
I learned it parallel to VIM
I don't think I liked myself much then :/
If anyone wants to volunteer right now they can help me make signs :P
I started playing with sublime not long ago but I like having the ftp built in
Here, I made you a sign of signs
sublime is great.
does all things.
You're welcome
@codeMagic Guess what!
!!youtube sings ace of base
@rlemon That didn't make much sense. Maybe you meant: youtube
You're still in trouble
you guys seriously need to take some of the recent patches
so much is missing.
I might get semi ungrounded soon! @code
like, unonebox. that is an awesome feature.
We just got it working again, lemon
the bot unoneboxes any onebox it posts 90 seconds later.
@codeMagic if you just alter publi.sh to not include all of the plugins and cherry pick it should be a sinch to recompile a script
then you can use an updated version :D
think of all of the bug fixes!
Honestly, I haven't messed with it at all. Maybe soon
Zirak is working on a node port afaik. I'm working on some new features like room keep-alive and auto migration of specific messages.
@rlemon do you have a G+ or Hangouts?
I'm rlemon everywhere or thegreatrupert
hrm, g+ doesn't link to it
@rlem we're going to be like... Really good friends okay?
depends, do you have any super soakers?
because my friends must own super soakers.
Yeah, somewhere. Those things are great
@Leyonce you've got write access, please read the room rules: room-15.github.io
!/accept Leyonce
@Leyonce Welcome! Please read, confirm reading and follow the room rules
Carl, you're so 2014
still faster than you ;-)
That's because I'm more thorough. Not just throwing access around willy-nilly
Thanks guys.
Hello everyone.
o/ Leyonce
What's happening?
somehow I still have access :D I don't have a java or android question or answer on main :P
Ello, my name is Tristan. I like kittens
Because you're coolio @rlem
:access revoked:
nuffing I'm just strolling on the web
@rlemon I know. I keep removing it...not sure what's happening. Must be a glitch somewhere
it's a perk of being the most active user in the chats.
It's 80 in here. I guess it's time to turn on the air. Fuck
!/ info convert
@rlemon Command convert, created by God but hasn't been used yet
!/convert 80F to C
@rlemon 26.6666C
yea that is not that pleasant
!/weather Skaneateles
@TristanWiley Skaneateles: 71.2148F (21.786C, 294.936K), Sky is Clear
Shit, I honestly can't stand hotter than 60
I'm sorry, but, I die.
!/weather Seattle
@CarlAnderson Seattle: 64.9147F (18.286C, 291.436K), Sky is Clear
!/weather kitchener
@rlemon Kitchener: 23.236C (296.386K), Sky is Clear
Apr 10 at 20:14, by Tristan Wiley
The Millennium Falcon's maximum speed is 1,050 km/h which when put into Google Maps lands in the middle of the Indian Ocean. The opposite side of the Bermuda Triangle (polar opposite of Bermuda Triangle) is in the Indian Ocean.

Therefore, since the other side of the Bermuda Triangle is in the Indian Ocean, which's coordinates are the same speed as the millennium falcon, which looks like the outline of the Android Studio logo. IT IS A TRIANGLE.

My finest moment
If anyone remembers this conversation
!/weather South Bend
@codeMagic South Bend: 79.5848F (26.436C, 299.586K), few clouds
it was 30C today
was hot and awesome
@TristanWiley I had a command sitting for almost two weeks before I got the chance to troll someone with it chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/15795510#15795510
read down
@TristanWiley That didn't make much sense. Use the !/help command to learn more.
user taught commands.
We're video calling sometime, you're cool. I made it official
we do a group hangout every so often in the HTML and JS rooms
I'll ping you next time
!/learn pizza <>http://lorempizza.com/$1/$2#.png (\\d+)\s(\d+) 'gives you pizza!'
@rlemon Command pizza learned
!/pizza 800 600
@rlemon That didn't make much sense. Maybe you meant: pizza
I'll never get used to that. we removed listener/command differences a while ago
nvm, it is there
@nil my skeleton friend, I promise you one day you will have a new g2 outside your door, out of nowhere.
@rlemon what does the $1 and $2?
javascript regular expression replace() syntax
So it replaces with..?
(\\d+)\s(\d+) is...?
number space number
but () captures
so $1 is the first () and $2 is the second () captures
js sometimes forgets indexes start with 0
it's a pain in the ass
!/learn kitty <>http://placekitten.com/g/$1/$2#(\\d+)\s(\d+) 'gives you kittens!'
@TristanWiley Command kitty learned
Let's see if this works
@TristanWiley Input not matching /'gives/. Help: User-taught command: you <>http://placekitten.com/g/$1/$2#(\d+)\s(\d+)
you forgot a space
friggen hell
!/learn kitty <>http://placekitten.com/g/$1/$2#.png (\\d+)\s(\d+) 'gives you kittens!'
@rlemon Command kitty learned
!/kitty 200 300
It doesn't use png
@rlemon Command kitty learned
#.png is a shortcut to make the chat force image onebox
chat only looks for links that end in a image type
This is actually making sense
Yeah I know
!/kitty 500 500
Waitt, idea
Hello, anyone know how it could do so at the time to build AOSP device, the kernel also be built on-the-fly?
Can I have it choose a random image? Like, no input. So if I type !/blah it picks one of two links?
!/learn devdoc <>http://developer.android.com/index.html#q=$encode($1) (.*) 'searches developer.android.com';
@rlemon Command devdoc learned
!/devdoc String
@rlemon That didn't make much sense. Maybe you meant: devdoc
You bastard, why are you so amazing
I will never get used to that.
!/devdoc String
I don't know the good android api sites.
but hopefully that sample will tell you how to duplicate it to a better site
So, I have two images. I want it to choose one at random.. Possible?
you do have a rand
@TristanWiley Welcome to the Android chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
and a range iirc
Total idiot here
@rlemon Information on interacting with me can be found at this page
I want room access so I can play with the bot :P
But, me being... Me... Yeah
you can run a local copy
for example
Yeah, I know :/
But, it's not the same
beer!mustache 2171147
Well then xD
he still looks good
beer!mustache 3463021
it gives you an internal server error :P
@rlemon User 3463021 was not found in room 15 (sorry, mustache only works there).
you suck self!
!/learn denied <>http://s17.postimg.org/e6kd95itb/kitty$1.jpg (\\d+) '1 or 2'
@TristanWiley Command denied learned
@TristanWiley Input not matching /(\d+)/. Help: User-taught command: '1 <>http://s17.postimg.org/e6kd95itb/kitty$1.jpg
!/denied 1
!/denied 2
Oh... duh
Shit, I don't know anything other than what you taught me
they're pointing to different urls.
I know, I know
I have two links, I want it to go to either a random one. Or if I can't do that just to 1 or 2

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