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how the fuck do you just "get out of the element"
I'm just happy to see that pretty much nobody uses Emacs anymore
which means I won the vi vs Emacs war.
no worsd on this one
Vim vs Vi
vim is vi
pico - you're all wrong.
jyoon, horrible! The "older"/"newer" buttons don't even work on the Home page!
next up, TextMate vs. Sublime
Go play in traffic.
A: Vi vs vim, or, is there any reason why I would ever want to use vi?

archmonkNo vi doesn't have any significant advantage over vim rather its the other way around. Vim has more advantages then Vi. You may be interested in : Why, oh WHY, do those #?@! nutheads use vi? Edit also read : Is learning VIM worth the effort?

how do you think I got this way?
@codeMagic that's because we only have 2 posts?
My mom said the same thing too many times when I was young
jyoon, I know. My joke failed. I will try better next time
wtf that was a joke?
I wish you could taste the coffee I just made myself..
sorry I messed it up
Oh and one more thing.. mcedit ftw!
What should I write a blog post about?
cM how about this: we make new users write a blog post as a test to get access to this room
=> no-one would get access
I am all for it.
sounds good
let's say that's an alternative way.
you could either have good q:a ratios, or write a super nice blog post that get's our approval
Access blog theme test: "How did codeMagic become so awesome?"
That's easy. He was born!
^ so true
brb throwing up
also, he's the only one who drinks ass-bourbon
we may as well rename the room to "cM circle gurkin' jerkin' "
works for me
Jlin, such envy, wow.
when is my Github Student Pack arriving???
It's been like a month
i'm awesome too - why does nobody see??????
jlind, done
I couldn't get it to autobox the link...
<script height="425px" width="755px" src="http://player.ooyala.com/iframe.js#pbid=a637d53c5c0a43c7bf4e342886b9d8b0&ec‌​=9xcjV2czpmwNaS4Fml_fyNo7G_H4XGIc"></script>
Browsing GitHub when...
'droids on MDMA.
oh god
we have a blog post that is pro 'm' prefix?
eski, we should write a rebuttal
we should put disqus on there
yes, that or denounce my affiliation with room-15 forever!
is it possible to put disqus on it jyoon?
I think that is a good idea actually, that will prove the blog is open for any opinion.
It would be cool to have comments
I'll try
discussions on m vs. this is best illustrated as: pbfcomics.com/archive_b/PBF020-Skub.gif
Google put the m prefix in the android coding standard because all their classes are spaghetti code crap where you can't figure out the scope of anything.
In decently architected code there is absolutely no need
m is just for lazy people that aren't willing to type "this."
rabble rabble!
typing this in a setter/constructor is way less than typing 'm' every single time you access the field
this. is ugly.
like your mom
shots fired
I actually have no come back for that, dammit Carl.
fuck...you guys are making me agree with Carl
if your methods aren't gigantic, then it's pretty easy to see if a variable was declared locally or not
mYourMom looks a lot better than this.yourMom
there are way better programming practises to ensure you don't need to use m
yeah that was my point trevor
mYourMum let's you also have sMum
And I'm a fucking idiot. I think my issue is solved. Stupid mashed up code
I will gladly accept the backlink to my site from the blog though :)
see if you just "this." you wouldn't have mashed up code :P
which makes it cleaner if you have to iterate over mYourMum
done try this
'm' stands for Misguided Obedience to Google
no, jlind. Wouldn't matter sincethiscodeislikethis
And you're a mogger if you use it
^ ahhahaha this is the best ever
I like to create a link to this. so in constructor i set this.m = this and then I can simply use m.yourMum
Or m.this.m.yourMum if I want to be obvious.
that's it. everyone go home. we are done here.
circular fucking references. get the hell out of here nana. NOW!
Circles make everything better.
you guys floooded all over here was I was away
that's what happens when there's an 'm' debate
go to the site and comment!
we want comments!
who just commented
everything is bad
what do you mean by room-15 stinks
sarge try resigning in to disqus
I editted
I just tried to sign in the very first time
via google
it's now room-15 rox
it's not working obviously
not our problem tho
I just realized: we can have SSL connection here
maybe they don't support Firefox with Ghostery
hehe, I use https with SO all the time
I mean on the blog
So, how do I run the blog locally?
Anyone has 43 seconds to take me through it?
I got it cloned
i don't think it works
lol @ the comments
you can try jekyll serve
This needs removed. Its as if you're not even trying to learn android! — Xjasz 22 secs ago
ugh, I forget how long it takes me to write actual articles.
@cM you want to post this on SO meta?
Already up to 500 words on the testing setup and I'm only about 1/8 of the way there.
We might have an interesting debate here
post what?
that blog post
Can I post why in the fuck my computer keeps freezing???
If I can think of a way to make it not off-topic sure
perhaps buy a new one cM
Or you can
It is new! i7 with 16gigflizms of rams
hey that's my spec!
I like those specs
Hey ahmad look at the blog!
wow with usernames!
How muich was it?
I think $999.99
I got my 15 inch rmbp for $1200 with gtx
real cheap.
wow great job jyoon
just looked through the commits :D
thanks :D
cM that is what I got from the link you shared above
that's weird
lol 7 pound behemoth
It was from searching "Acer Aspire V3-772G-7872
What is, jlind?
that acer tank you posted is 7 lbs
Oh. It's my work computer. I don't carry it often so weight wasn't really a concern. Memory and CPU is mostly what I cared about
Why a laptop?
You work from a laptop? I am so sooo sorry.
laptops > all the other things.
For when I need to take it home or somewhere
So I need fuken rubeh to run teh bleg?
second monitor, and boom you're set, and you can still go on vacation and work from there
> I don't carry it "often"
Why are you sorry, nana?
@Ahmad where are the feeds?
In other news:
You're right, I used to do the same thing.. I had T420s with an extra monitor, kb and mouse and it worked.
I have this guy connected to it
I'm representing France in a Security Council <3
@jyoon in the atoms.xml file
ahmad - just say no to everything, that way YOU get your way.
France? Do they know you are German?
I mean, you stopped the process a while back, no?
Also, congratulations!
@codeMagic Is that the one where amazon goofed up and it showed up for $20 a piece? I bought two of those for $40
@jyoon nope they are still going, didn't it show the new blog post?
haha...no, I wish
thanks cm :)
they didn't show mine
But I didn't pay for it or the laptop so I'm not complaining
that was cheap; I wish I noticed it aerlier ahah
@jlin it's exactly how this actually works
I have 2 27" at home
/usr/local/lib/site_ruby/2.0.0/rubygems/core_ext/kernel_require.rb:54:in `require': cannot load such file -- iconv (LoadError)
from /usr/local/lib/site_ruby/2.0.0/rubygems/core_ext/kernel_require.rb:54:in `require'
from /usr/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby/maruku/input/parse_doc.rb:22:in `<top (required)>'
from /usr/local/lib/site_ruby/2.0.0/rubygems/core_ext/kernel_require.rb:54:in `require'
from /usr/local/lib/site_ruby/2.0.0/rubygems/core_ext/kernel_require.rb:54:in `require'
from /usr/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby/maruku.rb:85:in `<top (required)>'
hihi wall of error text
I love ruby
if you're a P5 nation in the SC you are boss
nobody can say anything against you
this will be so fucking awesome
nana it works for me
did you install gh-pages instead of jekyll directly?
because your post is in there
the veto rights on the security council is why the UN can't have nice things... 99% of people agree to something and russia's like "nah, fuck it" and poof, nothing happens... again.
I think I missed out on some pings
Totally true jlin :/
I didn't have ruby on my box until now.
So I just apt-got jekyll
I got to feel that when I was fucking djibuti in Security Council in Berlin
but we managed to get our way through
well, you need ruby
ya booty.
Now I apt-got bunlder and ran bundle install
It still won't run.. ffs
install ruby man
install ruby with rvm, run your gems compartmentalized in there... i think?
Now I added 'iconv' to the Gemfile
what are you doing???
Ignoring RedCloth-4.2.9 because its extensions are not built. Try: gem pristine RedCloth-4.2.9
Ignoring ffi-1.9.8 because its extensions are not built. Try: gem pristine ffi-1.9.8
Ignoring hitimes-1.2.2 because its extensions are not built. Try: gem pristine hitimes-1.2.2
Ignoring iconv-1.0.4 because its extensions are not built. Try: gem pristine iconv-1.0.4
Ignoring json-1.8.2 because its extensions are not built. Try: gem pristine json-1.8.2
Ignoring nokogiri- because its extensions are not built. Try: gem pristine nokogiri-
I tried compiling ruby on a raspberry pi once
It took more than 3 hours
Ok got it running, still hate Ruby
Loading... Please wait: ————–--–———
nana, waiting for that blog post "How to set up and use Ruby"
I am not your man, it would be one line post:
ruby is awesome af
I am old
I didn't enjoy ruby
I didn't really give it a fair chance yet, but from what I have done with it or read through others code it felt like way too much magic.
it looks beautiful
I've done ruby, and I'm transitioning from python to ruby this year
I hate people. Time to get more coffee
Good call
nooo ahmad, come back to camp python
ruby is slow and has too many @ and ?
It wasn't. One of the salesmen caught me and talked to me about something that I've already been discussing with one of his underlings.
It's monday, i am complaining a lot. cM is having a bad influence on me.
Yeah, it's nice how I kind of grow on you, huh
I will still be doing python, but I really like ruby :0 if not switching away, then I at least want to get my ruby skills on par with my python
Honey, you've got more problems than embedded device manufacturers have GPL violations. 🙅
I didn't know Taylor Swift was so smart
Ahmad, I thought you loved python as much as you love JW
I found a new love
python is my side chick
I made a disqus account for the sole purpose of upvotting carl's mom joke on the room 15 blog
mom joke?
I forgot we could do that. Good idea, Dave
I just read it

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