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alright, enough ReactiveX
time to play nosgoth and go to bed
bye o/
bye \0
See ya, Curly
1 hour later…
Wow thank God! Serializable is not the way anymore
Mexico broke me. I got ulcers on my tonsils, and now have to eat pills every 6 hours like all the other seniors here. That's what I get for gloating about the weather
I wish I could say I'm sorry but....you know
But, if it makes you feel any better, I'm a huge fucking idiot and wasted a bunch of time being that size of an idiot
Ulcers? Why?
Teach me JUnit!
I don't have a whole day!
I demand knowledge!
I can teach you for a moderate price... lol
Name you price as long as it is between Long.MIN_VALUE and Integer.MIN_VALUE.
Doc said she thinks it's a side effect of my flu vaccine. Webmd says viral infections of tonsils could also be HIV or Herpes. I need to stay off that site.
why are you a large-sized idiot, CM?
Been having trouble using greendao the way I need but finally figured it out. Didn't sit down for it long enough until now, though.
I don't really understand the second sentence, but I am glad it all worked out, if that's what it meant, if not I am truly sorry.
I am trying to decode what I wrote last night at 2AM today, it's not easy and I might have to just chuck it all.
If you are talking to me, I just meant I haven't spent enough time on the problem I was having until tonight. Since I only work on it at home and have been doing other things
Starting over sounds like your best option
@nana damn!
Not willing to pay?
How about a freebie, do I need to downlaod junit manually or does AS/Gradle does it for me?
so...are you trying to test Android components?
I was talking to you cM, I thought that's what you meant, so that is the first case. I am glad it works now.
Just one Model that has nothng to do with Android really.
you have a couple options then
the one I have used recently is the following
first you need to update your build.gradle to use version 1.1.0-rc-1 of the plugin
after you do that you need to enable the "Unit Test" experimental feature
(I am assuming you are running AS 1.1 RC1)
after that you will select Unit Test under build variants on the lower left of AS
then you will create a test/java inside the src folder
then you write your test
You can follow this link for more details
I am following your instructions, but backwards.
I wrote my test.
I have the test folder (AS generates it automagically for you now in new projects)
isn't that androidTest?
Yep, is that an issue?
this folder should just be named test
I am 90% sure your test method starts with test..., right?
So I should have main, androidTest and test in there?
you do not need androidTest if you are not using it, but you do need test
Well I created new class in the androidTest/com/yada/yada/yada namedCommandTest
The class I am testing is called Command
this class extends from TestCase
so if you are inside androidTest I believe those use JUnit 3 which requires you to start your method names with test...
now, you will be using JUnit 4 inside test
inside I have @Overridden setUp and @Test testCommandConstructors() methods
so you need to annotate your tests with @Test
yeah, that is JUnit 3, you will be in JUnit 4 land inside test
The thing is when I run it it that package org.junit does not exist
inside test?
inside androidTest I don't even have test yet
I do not know much about androidTest
But did you have to installJUnit on your systm and put it on path or soemthing?
Or did it all just work automagically?
I just tried
it just works
@Test will not work on JUnit 3
it is a JUnit 4 thing AFAIK
the other nice thing about test is that tests run on the JVM
ok, so I am going to create this test directory and add it to src
you do not need to install an apk on the device
Error running Tests: No junit.jar in Module 'yada-yada-android' runtime scope
Now this is from ./test directory
you need to add the junit dependency
did you add it to your build.gradle?
Now it says Error running Tests: Package not found in directory
Which build.gradle though, the one for the App itself?
Because then wouldn't it be packed with the source?
dependencies {
testCompile 'junit:junit:4.12'
testCompile "org.mockito:mockito-core:1.9.5"
it won't if you add it using `testCompile
Ah, makes sense. Let me try that
Can I do without mockito for now?
And I am also doing it throught the GUI which works BTW very impressed.
you will probably need Mockito anyway
Ok, I'll add it
I think the problem is the test/java directory is yellow and not blue or green
java should be green
did you enable "experimental Unit tests"?
nope, where is that?
in Settings> Gradle > Enable Unit Testing support
I wonder why tests aren't used more often...
Make it easy and I will gladly go full on test based dev.
oh believe me this is much easier than before
I will anyways probably, once Em finished teaching me and pay me what he owes me now.
I still need to make the dir green
o/ hi all
haven't popped in all week.
o/ Green
\o Yellow
Black & blue, or white & gold? i.imgur.com/aKPmTXX.jpg
I can't get this off of my news feed today, and now it's here.
what is?
I see it's not starred so I was posting it just for the starring.
i think it depends on the lighting of your screen. because on my computer i see white/gold, on my phone i see black and blue
and i guess black and blue is the real answer?
I see
Yeah I've got white & gold on both.
I think the real answer is blue & gold.
I'll settle with trippy.
Explanation there.
Anyway, I'm heading to bed.
Been trying to go to bed for ages then this damn dress came along.
White and Gold
And I don't believe the explanation.
Night, Adam.
That's why talking about colors without calibrating your monitor (if not using Appleâ„¢ MacBookâ„¢) is a waste of time
Hello!! Jordon
Q: Android Development - XML or Java?

htmlappsAt first, I thought "Oh! Android development! Must be Java." I just installed android studio and found an xml file called main_activity.xml and one of the most basic programs- Hello World displayed a hello world string from xml! Where is the java in this? Is there ANY java involved?

funny question
terrible question
@SargeBorsch delete your answwwwwer
Q: SoundPool(int maxstram, int streamtype, int scrQuality)

Osama JuttExplain these three parameter of Sound-Pool. I have tried to understand from android home web but can't able to understand it. kindly explain them in a simple way.

what I did wrong here :-(
netflix can be inside us? OH SHIT
now getting this ->
You have made too many incorrect reviews. For an example of a task you should have reviewed differently, see: http://stackoverflow.com/review/triage/7165435.

Come back on Mar 28 at 6:31 to continue reviewing.
this happened first time to me
Wait, so you can get a month ban from reviewing if you have a certain amount of failed review tests?
Also, I'm not sure at all what you did wrong with that one?
Yo people
Mother of head O_O
wanted to do a o within O but not sure how ;)
thank you TNL :)
awesome :D
yesterday, a guy who applied for job told me about **BITHUB**
looks like BitBucket and GitHub were merged together
nice try there
Formattings can not be applied when there are more than one line :)
thank you for explaining this
So what about BITHUB guy, did you hire him ?
I think it's bitcoin and github.
My tests pass when they shouldn't.
Fu Sensei, Wow ?
no, we didn't… unfortunately, the critical mass of bad code was reached
Yep, it's bad.
assertEquals("WTF?",Enum.ONE, Enum.TWO)
Anyways, have a good night guys.
Q: Java: Is assertEquals(String, String) reliable?

DivideByHeroI know that == has some issues when comparing two Strings. It seems that String.equals() is a better approach. Well, I'm doing JUnit testing and my inclination is to use assertEquals(str1, str2). Is this a reliable way to assert two Strings contain the same content? I would use assertTrue(str...

Good night Fu Sensei
Yeah but those are Enums, not Strings.
I also tried with assertSame, with no luck. It's something stupid I am not seeing.
morning people
I guess if people are starting to stroll in and say 'morning' that means it's time for this guy to hit the sheets.
Q: Getting ClassNotFoundException or NoClassDefFoundError on All android versions except android L

Mukesh RanaI am getting very interesting bug in one of my apps. My app is working fine on android L, But as soon as i try to run it on other android versions, I am getting ClassNotFoundException or NoClassDefFoundError while trying to call web services using Retrofit, even though all those classes are exist...

it means that in our country we have morning :)
@malviň derp :P
And in mine I have 3:00 AM which is usually a good time for sleep
Sounds okay to me
night guys \o
bye Adam :)
I should really go too.
Yes Sensei
Dont work late night daily
Alright TLN-kun, see you in the morning.
Good night evryone.
see you Sensei :)
hihi we finally managed to convince our customer to switch from Maven to Gradle
they are cursing but they see why it is important :D
and why it is important? :)
The biggest reason: support libraries are delivered as aar files which are not usable with the maven plugin from google (which is not supported anymore) so we would stick with support revision 18 or 19 forever but we need 21 to get material compat
plus, of course, the CardView/RecyclerView stuff
is your application adapted to material design already?
no because how can we if we don't have support lib rev 21?
maybe you made it in separate branch, who knows
we do feature, story and task branches, but as long as the root branch does not support gradle and support rev 21, there is no real sense in designing changes
yeah, material design brings a lot of changes in the project. We also think on it (but gradle was integrated from project beginning)
nice thing I have here todo
I have a hundred of png's. Need to put them to drawable dir
They have PascalCase naming. And I need to use those drawables dynamically, by name
first of all, let's rename. There was terminal script here somewhere...
Writing this `<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE" />`
in androidmanifest.xml , Is this mean that google play won't show my app to device which don't have call feature ?
Or I have to write this `<uses-feature android:name="android.hardware.telephony" android:required="true" />`
so that Google play won't show my app to device which don't have call feature.
wow, this 'script' to rename all to lower case is quite cool
zip -r foo.zip foo/*
unzip -LL foo.zip
TGM I would use the "uses-feature" just to be sure
Hmm, I should have also
I see users who have tablet which doesn't support call feature, are still able to use my app. I am not sure how they managed to download either Google Play or from internet APK.
@TGMCians it's easy to fetch APK from rooted device
so you should never assume it won't be extracted
even I did this
cv please
Q: android getresources from table

TomaszCatarskiI have code below, how to obtain values in loop from string table[] for my parser. String[] table = { "test", "test1", "test2" }; for (String resource : table) { XmlResourceParser parser = context.getResources().getintArray(resources). Any sugestions?

@SargeBorsch Hmm, you can do same on un-rooted device also
I kind of like our room15 nuke hammer :D
I put this code together from tutorials, thats why i dont completly understand it.
at least he admits it
you guys already received that post about colour of the dress?
Just got my first crash for my app. Of course it was a Samsung.
One o' these, apparently.
Hahah yeah Den I posted it last night. Definitely white & gold.
My fiance reckons blue & black this morning - she saw white & gold last night though in the dim light.
I too saw different colours at different time
here's also some text about all this thing with dress, but didn't read
I confirmed what I saw with GIMP
Blue and dark gold. Basta
it's interesting that you used word Basta
Holy shit the dress is now black and blue for me too. It was white & gold 10 minutes ago.
because there's exactly same word in russian (at least russian-speaking people use it) and it has exact same meaning and context
and it is not considered as of foreign origin
google translate doesn't know about it though (
So this is my crash:
> java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: android.support.v7.internal.view.menu.MenuBuilder
Caused at this line:
> ((ActionBarActivity)getActivity()).setSupportActionBar(toolbar);
Fucking hell, Samsung.
it's not samsung fault this time
Where did you call this ?
Samsung fucked up naming and created conflicts with the support library (if I recall that bug report correctly)
Can't just Samsung die ?
I would pull the trigger if I had the chance...
@Ahmad congrats Ahmad!!!!
As I said, Samsung Android engineers are aware of this, and they say they feel the same pain.
Life is not easy if there is SAMSUNG
So many things are wrong with this question...
Q: AsyncTask forever loop in Android

FranckCurrently I use this code for execute a task : AsyncTask<Object, Integer, Void> task = new Task(getApplicationContext(), this.findViewById(android.R.id.content)); task.execute(); Now, I would like repeat this task forever in while loop, when the task is finished I would launch a new task.. H...

Another one
Q: this.requestWindowFeature(Window.FEATURE_NO_TITLE); says Cannot resolve symbol 'Window'

JayUsing AndroidStudio following https://developer.chrome.com/multidevice/webview/gettingstarted to create a simple app to display website. Everything went well, but I want to get rid of black title bar on the top. Searched and found that including this.requestWindowFeature(Window.FEATURE_NO_TITLE)...

They keep on coming
Q: How to store an integer in an activity for calculation

TomI'm currently creating an application that adds together values to give an overall total, like so. oldValue + newValue = textView1... MainActivity, this is where the overall value is to be stored in textView1 String calorie = getIntent().getStringExtra("calorie"); TextView textView1 ...

Huh, interesting (the bug thing). I'll get to fixing that I suppose.
I hope it is the reason, I am not sure
Today questions are specially awful...
sorry for the spam but wow...
Q: getSystemService is undefined

rmaikI want to create WiFi utility static class as shown below, but the proble is when i try to use"getSystemService", eclipse does not recognize this statement and i receive "The method getSystemService(String) is undefined for the type WiFiUtility" why i am getting this , and how to solve it. I al...

Right, I remember reading this before. Yeah, I suspect this is exactly the issue I'm facing - someone else mentions it on the same device.
One of those moments I'm glad I'm not special.
Our customer has hired an external agency (way before us) and the boss of that company is a java/android developer. The bad part in that: He sucks at it hard!
we have gems like "lets set a member variable to A and after that we call a method where we read that member variable A... SO AWESOME!"
this basic FUCK is splattered across 50k LoC
I wish we could all tell people that make a living out of development how much they suck and how much they should improve
also this:
Q: Android - Getting all View layout at once and passing it to Intent (List<View>)

Lokesh JainI have got all View in List by using this code: private List<View> getAllChildrenBFS(View v) { List<View> visited = new ArrayList<View>(); List<View> unvisited = new ArrayList<View>(); unvisited.add(v); while (!unvisited.isEmpty()) { View child = unvisited.remove(0); visited.add(child);...

scnr :D
Looks like I missed a lot of great questions
Some reputed person over this forum answered this: stackoverflow.com/a/18669307 I'm just implementing this. I want to sent the object to my server and while i retrieve I can set all views. — Lokesh Jain 2 mins ago
anyone who has an app in alpha/beta channel in the playstore?
never used it, always published straight to production
FF has hangouts now I guess mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/hello
^NO NO NO, lol
Where the fuck is my gun...
Right here, Sir
Is it fine now ?
more like this:
that pun requires nothing less than a BFG!
job done!
Yeah, he developed it but needs help building it, apparently
seems legit :D
I like the json tag, too
I mean at least he gives us a hint how he did it
ha, didn't even notice that
You better post to oDesk or elance or etc. — Den Rimus 15 secs ago
I would even post my company's portfolio, but don't know if that's forbidden )
@SuroorAhmmad denied for only questions. Give some quality answers before requesting again
whats with the weird title banner thing?
@FoamyGuy SE updated their youtube embed code thingy
huh I vote to revert that change
Your opinion doesn't matter to the SO team. They do whatever they feel like
but the only video that matters is that one, and everyone already knows the title
foamy you never disappoint
Morning guys
yo, nana!
hi nana
What do you get when you cross an elephant and a kangaroo?
Big holes all over Australia..
a dead kangaroo?
One of Alexa's amazing jokes :)
I laughed way harder than I should have...
I actually liked it too, I guess imagining it helps
Q: Can anyone explain me why is this KEY_ID needed in SQLite Database?

nikhilI'm following this tutorial. onCreate(): What does that INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT mean? I can infer that it is the primarykey and it is auto incremented. public void onCreate(SQLiteDatabase db) { // SQL statement to create book table String CREATE_BOOK_TABLE = "CREATE TABLE boo...

people, attention. A quiz here: views' 'android:id' attribute in xml - snake_case, PascalCase or lowerCamelCase?
a quiz?
me always used snake_case, but then another idea came from a colleague and I liked it:
always name id same as it will be when you get and object from it, e.g. via findViewById
lowerCamelCase, ftw!
well, a poll, if you like it more )
@TheLittleNaruto still not wokring
ive kind of moved on for now
@codeMagic word!

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