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00:00 - 17:0017:00 - 00:00

I hate getting dressed up to go outside
Why can't I just wander around in my underwear and t-shirt and have people treat me normally
Bunnies are so happy.
That bunny is SO cute!
one of two of my bunnies having fun
Perhaps too much fun..
Might be trying to decide how to bury you.
I should figure out what to do about dinner..
and I am going to bed. cya!
So we've got a password reset link on our login page.
And it was crashing the app - turns out I deleted it from teh manifest. Whatever.
Added it back in, and tried to reset the email on the dev account.
Hmmm, no email shows up in my inbox.
Oh that's right, I don't get those emails.
Spent a few minutes chasing that up, getting myself added to the forward list.
Still nothing. Hmmm.
That's when I went home.
Now I'm home, opened my laptop.
Hmmm, what could it be... this code all looks fine...
opens the spice request
public String loadDataFromNetwork() throws IOException { return null; }
Huh. Guess that'll do it.
sends users to the web password reset page
That was like reading an action novel.
I try to write my boring stories like really disappointing action novels.
People are dumber than I thought...
They used a rubber boat to film great white sharks!
> The inflatable pontoons provide a number of advantages but keeping the boat afloat isn’t one of them.
> I wonder why they went with an inflatable pontoon boat. Was the boat made of raw meat unavailable?
Maybe the entire crew was suicidal!
2 hours later…
I cannot imagine what sane person reads The Blaze
1 hour later…
Have a great weekend you guys
2 hours later…
hey zigi
how's the hackaton
did it start
yeah just started :D
it's really cool tbh
I have been pondering
why, when Zuckerberg has so much $, he decided to marry his current wife
I mean come on
He's been with her since he was in harvard
You don't want to marry somebody based on looks
that'd be stupid
that's true
but like some people date one person in their life and marry them
especially programmers do that
I know a friend from high school
who didn't have a girlfriend until he was 21
he got one
now he's 24
and he's gonna get married
and I am WTF cause I've had at least 10 girlfriends
and the more I have the worse it becomes
yeah, it's stupid
I know a guy that proposed to his first girlfriend last year - at 18
but good for them if they think they are meant for each other
yeah true
I can't imagine
spending life with the same person all my life
or I haven't found one that I would
I hate these "proposal after 2 weeks" relationships
yeah, how could people even do such things
it's a serious business
I can be a friend with someone fro my whole life
but in terms of spending most of my life in bed with the same person
without first trying at least a few more
that would be strange
but yeah
different people, different believes
Q: Bitmap failed to download using Picasso in Android

WilliamsHello I am trying to integrate the Picasso library in android. This is my URL which I am passing in the load method of Picasso. URL : http://graph.facebook.com/244054592454345/picture?type=large but Picasso onBitmapFailed method callback is calling that means it failed to download the bitmap an...

My pastebin script become slightly more .. sophisticated, maybe.
Though I reduced the hash to SHA-256 instead of SHA-512.
Damn 3am brain.
Do you guys use Picasso library in Android
No, but I also don't know what it does and I avoid third party libraries like the plague on Android
I've got a method limit to worry about. Can't just use whatever's out there.
> Picasso allows for hassle-free image loading in your application—often in one line of code!
Probably @Ahmad did this , did you ?
People have trouble with image loading?
This concept is foreign to me.
Noel, yes simply using handler/AsyncTask I can do easily
but I don't want to go through that, I want to use good Picasso lib
No I haven't yet williams
If you do same task using handler or AsyncTask, you would have to handle lot of work, like caching, recycle bitmaps, scale it down
And that's hard?
You want to use a library that's not fine-tuned to your purposes when you could write maybe ~200-ish lines of code to do what you need?
It's not hard to do that stuff
Before you decide to use the library, I would come up with all the reasons for why you want use it, when ask why you think those reasons matter, and continue asking why you think what you think.
If the reasons are good, they'll hold up to scrutiny.
If not, you've avoided a bad decision
So many questions where I want to post this.
user image
Would anyone here change the nice weather of Brazil to the coldness of Sweden? I might get a job there and I'm really thinking if I should go...
yeah I think it'll be hard for you to get used to the weather there
But other than that, it's a really nice country
so I heard
I never heard of brazilian developers who went to Sweden to work. Most of them goes to Canada or US
@adam2510 THANK YOU! I'm going to use that quite often on FB
people still use facebook?
It's really dying out here
Trying to walk away from it, my family uses it for political BS [reference above pic]
@Williams Use Picasso, it's really good. Picasso.withContext(ctx).load(url).into(imageView) or something like that, and it just works.
That didn't show, did it?
Afraid of that…I dragged it from my desktop, not from a page...
@AdamS oh nice No problem :), I don't like to do any stuff for BB
@codeMagic I'm there where you are !
So aggravating when people don't listen.
Update the question, not in comments. How hard is that to understand??
Yeah I am agree on your comments
Added one final comment after removing the rest and I'm done if the OP isn't going to post any attempt, as I asked for several times
yeah I see agreed
If you can't figure out how to do
int counter = 0;
That quote from the gif is in a Tim Minchin song
Then check that in an if then you really need a tutorial or a new career/hobby
@codeMagic here now see
he wants to delete his account
Why doesn't he just delete it himself?
I don't think I was mean. I was way more helpful than I needed to be
No you can't delete own
Oh, really?
I did not know that
You have to send mail to StackExchange with your profile link
and write "delete me" on your profile
then they delete it
it's friday!
Thanks, I didn't realize that
Hey, neb!
I've wondered why I'd seen that on other accounts
heya cm
yeah, I see somewhere this on meta
I do sometime active there
neb, yeah Fun Fun !
I like that 3 people starred my message about not bitching about Bluetooth anymore
I'd say you should feel free to bitch about bluetooth
morning all
it's pretty bitchworthy
Hey Emm !
Hey, Em!
It is, Foamy
I'd been having issues with ours and after spending endless amounts of time and trying to convince everyone that we should look into a hardware issue...
We finally did and found the problem there. We just have to get the manufacturer to find and fix the problem
In the meantime, I have to deal with customers saying it isn't working
damn customers.
Yeah, who needs 'em
but the customer is always right
how come no one ever asks the customer what the winning lottery numbers will be?
if they are always right that should be a surefire way for easy $$
Well, the worst part is that this hardware issue comes at a time when we are attracting some very big named companies
And we have the developer doing the customer relations/PR bullshit to ease their mind that the issue will be fixed
Yeah, seems logical...
do you work at my company?
this is eeriely familiar
Sometimes there are situations in which you have to explain to the customer that you cannot deliver a baby in one month if you have 9 women
because I love people
you can if at least one of those women is more than 8 months pregnant
Ack...couldn't get it!
I do, Foamy. Actually, I'm standing right behind you!
ah... good luck with the dummy on the phone you're talking to
Way better than Friday:
haha :D
everyone has heard, about the bird
What did you say about the bird?
Our playlist today is "songs with a day of the week in the title"
Starting with Rebecca Black, of course.
Turns out there are a lot of songs with days of the week in the title.
> Please help ASAP very frustrated learning android can not decide to move forward or quit it!!! Thanks in Advance!! Please forgive my bad English!
And saturday we'll listen to this
She just has all days of the weeks figured out adam
I wish I could be that on top of things.
My 4 year old doesn't have the days of the week figured out yet, so hopefully she will by the time she's Black's age.
Weekdays and time in general is something really cruel
if you are a freelancer for example weekdays doesn't matter except when you need to know when something works
i tend to work on days that the weather sucks and make the nice days my weekends.
which means I work all winter
and then summer...
that's great if you could do it
I live in the Netherlands so it's not that easily predictable
Because the fact that it's summer doesn't guarantee you that it'd be wind-free or rain-free day
I live in Canada, and in 2 weeks it's gone from 2 C to 22 C. And I'm confused.
I thought that was normal in Canada
Eh, I've only been here 3 weeks, so I've no idea what's normal :D
thats pretty normal
in some places it'll do that in a day
But you already say Eh
I'm not kidding
so yeah you're already canadian
google the calgary chinook phenomenon
thise were the best winter days
would start out -15 and by afternoon it's +20 and everythings melting :)
Chinook winds , often called chinooks, commonly refers to foehn winds in the interior West of North America, where the Canadian Prairies and Great Plains meet various mountain ranges, although the original usage is in reference to wet, warm coastal winds in the Pacific Northwest. Chinook is claimed by popular folk-etymology to mean "snow-eater", but it is really the name of the people in the region where the usage was first derived. The reference to a wind or weather system, simply "a Chinook", originally meant a warming wind from the ocean into the interior regions of the Pacific Nort...
How could that be good?
> Chinook winds have been observed to raise winter temperature, often from below -20°C (-4°F) to as high as 10-20°C (50-68°F) for a few hours or days, then temperatures plummet to their base levels. The greatest recorded temperature change in 24 hours was caused by Chinook winds on January 15, 1972, in Loma, Montana; the temperature rose from -48 to 9°C (-54 to 48°F).[3]
That's fascinating.
how could it be bad?
especially if you've been at -25 for a month
then all of a sudden, one day, it's like summer
basically all the offices shut down and everyone goes to find a patio for the day lol
well everything gets wet around noon
i don't understand why that's a bad thing :)
haha wetness is not always good
cause it gets mixed with the sand and produces mud
which makes things dirty
I guess things do tend to get dirty when they are wet.
the entire population of calgary and most of alberta would disagree with you, zigi
fcc is stuck on dial up speeds.
this is an awesome action
They should take it to the individuals. I'm certain some Anon could find them then people could start slowing their personal internet down.
For me, I really don't care if my work computer's internet is running slow, but the minute my internet at home slows down, I rage.
> Web host gives FCC a 28.8Kbps slow lane in net neutrality protest arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2014/05/…
oh hell yes.
I just posted that Carl...
and I clicked it and read it and thought "this is great, I should share it with people!"
lolcarl <- carls new name
You're a self-centered dick, Carl, I hope you know that.
I'm going to cry in a corner now.
And you people starred him. Wow.
I hope you get a NPE, Carl.
The early morning folks were slacking on their weekly duty
luckily I am here to pick up the slack
I thought that was fu's job o.o
No one cares @FoamyGuy don't you see I'm trying to fill this room with hate? for Carl?
I do
and I helped
It's easier to hate on Ak_Crusad instead
by starring your NPE wishes
Yeah, I hate that Crusad guy too.
whoevers job it is they were slacking
we need to cut their pay
I hear cutting peoples pay is a great way to inspire them to do a better job.
from 0?
right, he needs to pay us now
overflow to a bazillion dollars
Well I think that's enough hate on the star board for now. How is everyone doing?
I have an assignment due in two days
have to write a crappy hotel management system in jsp/sql
everyone is telling me it takes weeks to do, but I'm pro, so I'll give it a day :P
Always do it in production. That's what all the cool kids do.
That's all I do.
sorry just caught up
was busy fixing an NPE in my code
I hope that's the right link. I can't access imgur on my work computer...
Good Carl, I hope you get another one.
and I hope you miss placing a ; too
NPE = Notoriously Promiscuous Elephant?
@nebulae did you drop me from the test group or circles or something? You don't show up in my gmail chat list anymore. Or maybe you're just being sympathetic to Ak?
no, I didn't change anything...
maybe it's because Im not online?
I mean, logged into google
i logged in. see me now?
crisis averted.
Q: NetworkOnMainThreadException error

Tom HazellWhen running the line echoSocket = new Socket(serverHostname, 10008); My app crashes with error, NetworkOnMainThreadException error. From what i have seen this related to trying to run Sockets on the UI thread. so how can i change my code (below) so it works? import java.io.BufferedReader; imp...

oh no
it begins...
Saw it. Was just looking for the dupe I wanted to close as
yeah /me done
And was thinking of the snarky comment I wanted to leave
Why developers still answer for NetworkOnMainThreadException
I just went with the subtle
rep, I guess
If they are going to answer, I wish they would do more than...
> You are trying to do network stuff on the main thread. Use x, y, or z. <links>
hey how do i name drawables if im working on 4.0+ ? densities/sizes or mixed?
any link to popular drawable folder names that people are using?
what do you mean "how do I name drawables" ?
the only important thing is that you have different versions in the different density folders
00:00 - 17:0017:00 - 00:00

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