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00:00 - 17:0017:00 - 00:00

wow the access request list is really big
wonder if i should reset them all and wait for re-requests
probably, if they're not in the room
@Ahmad I left dreamsneverdie for you to decide on, seems you guys have a history :)
alex, just drawable-m/h/xh/xxh/xxxhdpi
You can also have -port and -land qualifiers, among others.
Damn, Pandora Fixed their app.
lol neb
what did they do Ak?
The -portland qualifier is rarely used, as it requires the user to hold their phone diagonally, halfway between portrait and landscape.
he's not getting in
@DreamsNeverDie nope
I think there's a story here
Usually you could skip their video ads by putting the phone to sleep then waking it up again. Now the video plays regardless of if the phone is on sleep.
did he steal your girlfriend Ahmad?
Ak - sounds like an important feature :-P
I guess it's nice to see they are still making improvements. I usually don't listen to Pandora
I usually listen to Spotify. But I can't access that on my work network and I'm not paying for mobile. So I just RDP into my desktop and then start up and listen to spotify from that.
Quick Question : Anyone here ever worked on RenderScript in Android
I love the RDP app.
TGMC: no
I have a paid Pandora account
im a google play unlimited kinda girl.
and that's what we love about you Neb
I used to do Google music as well. Kinda got sick of listening to my own music over and over though.
really? lol, I thought it was the snark.
> im a google play unlimited kinda girl.
C'mon, Ahmad, I was hoping for a good story while I eat my Chinese...
I concur with Carl.
Neb are you familiar with the term "mansplaining"?
yes, yes I am.
my coworker was mansplained to on her way into the office this morning
lovely. did she take it well?
much eye rolling?
I really don't understand how (some) women can claim the sexes are equal, when clearly men are such stupid sexist jerks sometimes.
she was flabbergasted
she didn't understand what was going on
she's kicking herself for not taking the sarcastic "oh really!" route
Watch what you say Carl, we don't want any of those Neo-nazi Feminists up in these parts.
it's time to reintroduce the feminist programming language.
I don't even wanna know what that is.
oh yes you do
Yay Google Music unlimited.
I was using Grooveshark but switched to that and the radio is much better, I find.
you know what i do mostly for music tho, lately?
log into secondlife and find a dj
c plus equality was so funny
there are so many great dj's in secondlife.
ifs kind of saturated.
github chickened out and took it down
Ugh, how do i quote? I wanna quote something from the repository
Thank you Carl.
> C+= (pronounced either C-plus-Equality, or See Equality) is a feminist programming language, created to smash the toxic Patriarchy that is inherent in and that permeates all current computer programming languages.
needs whitespace
greaterthan whitespace text
Fuck it, I don't care anymore.
@CarlAnderson i meant what are the common density/size resources people are using
the funny funniest part is the zero activity since christmas
Anyways, the first part in their philosophy is how I treat computers when I'm doing some computer repair work.
hahah portland
You cannot force the computer, rather let it self identify.
you smash the toxic Patriarchy that is inherent in the computer?
I came up with an interesting architecture for storing data in a way that simulates the way the brain works. I know nothing of neuroscience but I think I can make a really cool AI implementation from it.
lol yahoo digest is getting bashed on play
alex: mdpi, hdpi, xhdpi, and xxhdpi
yahoo always takes a beating on google.
their weather app is beautiful
I wonder how the C++ lounge would handle that Feminist programming language.
but got completely bashed, remember?
Ak, I bet you can find out
digest looks good too
really weather got bashed, need to check
there was some article that tore it to shreds
was a long time ago
I stopped caring
the weird part is, digest delivers two sets of articles,one in the morning and one in the evening, and i guess its syncd with SF time , lol
is there any other time?
if anyone is waiting for access, i cleaned out the list because it was huge, so just re-request please...
really hating the Kitkat photo picker
so many edge cases to consider/write code for

The Smiley face makes it all better right?
it was already broken enough when it was just Gallery
carl, write one and open source it!
then i can use it
I'll change your name to yaycarl too
well and we only have one pre-Kitkat device to test with, and the person that owns it only comes in part time
anybody funding alexis ?
What do you mean Karl?
Our photo picker code looks like...
carl, genymotion is not an option?
hey were you planning to do that blur thing carl?
or was it someone else?
That works on all 5 test devices I have here
i kinda love the arctic monkeys right now
isn't kinda love just another term for like?
also the old first maroon 5 album.
no, no it isn't
for example: I like you.
Which is a blatant lie.
neb, I haven't checked into Geny. It's really just that I test on my phone and forget that there are people not on Kitkat
like is another word for "tolerate"
and then my changes break pre-Kitkat users and I bury my head in shame and frustration
genymotion has a 2.3 image i think
I'm sure
but I'm not sure they have a 3.0
I just wish there were fewer cases to test
unit tests dont cover it?
LOLOLOLOL unit tests
carl stop
/me sighs
/me wishes this was more irc-like too
yeah, the lack of an emote function is pretty lame
there's no unit test framework set up,
and most of the Model part of the MVC of the app is already done and never touched
and really there's only 12 months of funding right now
and the app isn't even released
so wiring up a test framework and writing a bunch of unit tests didn't seem like the best use of time
want some help?
What I want is to not feel stressed out about my job like 90% of the time.
I hate that feel
Mine is slightly different though. I have ABSOLUTELY nothing to do besides look at server loads. But I sit in eyeshot of my Boss's boss so I feel like I could be fired at anytime because I wasn't working when in all reality, there is nothing to do.
72% of IT professionals are stressed with their jobs
/r/technology ; frontpage
Carl if you want to tear your hair out try supporting messaging
it has given me nightmares
use parse
Righto I'm almost ready for 1.0 release.
Deleting Log.x statements.
Would like to add Timber but I don't want to add new stuff hours before I build the 1.0 release apk.
Should have a release build that automatically ignores Log statements
Wow, It's 12:13 pm where I'm at and the City just got extremely dark. Dark enough that the automatic street lamps turned on.
yeah, all our logging goes through two central logging functions that first check "if debug"
where are you Ak?
I'm guessing not AlasKa
Salt Lake City, UT
Oh god... is... is that snow?
No... Just slow moving rain... I think...
wont calling ifDebug slow the app down?
not as much as actually logging the text will
yea would be negligible
is it impossible to hide the empty textview? I'm trying to hide it in certain situations and it's not working
hide? alpha?
The birds are having trouble with the rain and wind :(
Oh great, and there is lightning.
I'm calling ((TextView) getView().findViewById(android.R.id.empty)).setVisibility(View.GONE) but it's still there :-/
that will make its layout not be drawn or even calculated
says you
but there it is, on my screen
you probably are setting the wrong textview to gone
I wonder if the superclass is setting its visibility
something could be overriding it too I suppose
grep for setVisibility to double check
im not sure if GONE controls the alpha value too,
try changing the alpha just to make sure youre referencing the right view
I can set the color to green right after setting it to GONE, and it shows in green.
did you go to University of Utah Ak_Crusader?
Haha, no. I'm not focused enough to handle big schools. I did the idiot thing and went to ITT Tech. I learned some stuff but the money was a lot. the small class sizes helped me quite a bit though.
ah ok
had a friend go to UU, and I think he works for their IT department now
I really wish I went to the UofU. I just shut down when in large groups. Really sucks. I'm debating if I should go back to ITT for my bachelors or just leave it as is.
The kinda nice things is I can go back and audit any class I want for no charge. I've been meaning to retake some java classes now that they have a different teacher for it.
@Glitch This'll be in 1.1, don't worry. I'm rewriting much of the app.
I'mma move to Studio over the weekend.
I need to come up with a list of all the things to do after launch... move to AS, cut ABS and the support v4 lib, migrate to Bugsense's lib off of ACRA...
too many things to do
wtf is android.permission.STORAGE
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.STORAGE" /> in my manifest.
Hmmmm, wonder if we need this wake lock permission.
@Ak_Crusader ITT isn't accredited right? just take some programming courses at a local CC instead
Urrrrrrrghhhh Eclipse crashes when exporting the APK urrgrgh
Don't have ant installed. Sigh.
@trevor-e ITT Tech is Accredited as far as I know.
I saw in the fine print on a commercial saying that it wasn't and the credit wasn't transferrable. was a while ago so maybe it changed
I considered going there some time ago but it seems to me that the credits didn't transfer very well
So you may keep that in mind if it's a concern
Yeah, what trevor said
From what I read, it is accredited but not by a regional accrediting body. If that makes any sense.
Wiki says it is accredited by the Accrediting council for Independent Colleges and Schools.
> ITT Tech offers AAS, bachelor's BAS, and master's (business-only, online) degrees. ITT Tech is nationally accredited by the Accrediting Council for Independent Colleges and Schools. It may be impossible to transfer credits from ITT to a traditional university; per the ITT Web site, "it is unlikely that any credits earned at an ITT Technical Institute will be transferable to or accepted by any institution other than an ITT Technical Institute."
I think ABET is the only accreditation that matters for CS
This is sad considering in my class only 8 of us graduated when the class started as a 43 body class.
> An investigation by WGBA-TV (NBC26, Green Bay, Wisconsin) found evidence of widespread grade inflation. In one instance, a student got 100% on a computer forensics assignment by emailing the professor a noodle recipe. The station believes this to be a way to increase federal student aid funding.
a noodle recipe? maximum trolling lol
If only I could send noodle recipes to my boss to get raises.
I'm asian, I have a ton of noodle recipes!
All joking aside, I did receive some good education at ITT in most classes. It's really dependent on if the teacher was decent or not. My Java teacher wasn't so much. She would just put on a projector and start writing code, top-down, without any comments, very hard to follow along if you didn't know much about Java.
i'd recommend taking language-agnostic courses and just take computer science theory ones
like take a general data structures and algorithms class, a networking class, etc
you can just learn the languages yourself
I got asked an interview question which I solved with counting sort that I would not have been able to solve without my algorithm class
I've been trying to learn on my own. Problem is that unless I have a specific problem and told what is required from the program, I have difficulty starting. But then again, I'm mostly a google programmer atm.
Iono, I'll look into my local CC to see what they have available. I still plan to take advantage of the free class auditing from ITT. Already got the degree, might as well exploit the school as much as possible.
hey guys, any idea why ensureTarget throw NPE when call setColorScheme? with swipetorefresh layout :/
Create an SO question since that appears to be lacking any context.
Also, since it's an NPE, time for you to break out the debugger and find what's null.
NPE are your best friend
yeah thats what i did but seems like it's caused by swipetorefresh anyway i will search more on google
oh ok thanks to the debugger i learned that swipetorefreshlayout need at least one view inside lol
If I still had my NPE guide on hand, I'd link it.
the problem is not npe really, just a stupid SwipeToRefreshLayout.
Q: Http 500 servlet Exception

user3621756May 09, 2014 1:28:12 AM org.apache.catalina.core.StandardWrapperValve invoke SEVERE: Servlet.service() for servlet [action] in context with path [/appName] threw exception [javax.servlet.ServletException: File "/common/IncludeGoogleKey.jsp" not found] with root cause javax.servlet.ServletExcept...

let me just post my stacktrace and let you figure it out!
such stacktrace
in NSChat, 23 mins ago, by Noel Cower
https://github.com/KCPS/st3-theme-kcps ⇐ This is not how one writes a readme. O_o
Forgot to share this in here.
Behold the readme.
Oh, nice, Fabrizio Schiavi updated PragmataPro to support VIM Powerline out of the box
That's kind of awesome
Sort of continually amazed the range of glyphs it supports
he is italian?
I don't know.
Looks like he's probably Italian, since his domain's .it
> 1971: ★ in Ponte dell’Olio PC Italy
At any rate, PragmataPro is the best programming font and anyone who disagrees is just wrong.
looks too thin
I like Source Code Pro
You are wrong. By definition.
It's a narrow font, which is the correct kind of programmer's font.
Source Code Pro looks more natural, but PragmataPro does seem easier to read.
arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2014/05/… ⇐ Portal to hell: open.
I would probably do PragmataPro since it seems easier to spot errors.
just looking at the PragmataPro font gives me eye strain
You're clearly just defective.
To each their own.
sorry nil, but the phrase "Portal to hell" was copywritten by myself
you now owe me royalties on its usage
Fair use, dawg.
Watch out, Carl is an ass and will steal your glory.
Not that I would have him any other way but still.
Plus you can't sue a transparent eyeball. I am nothing. I see all, the currents of the Universal Being circulate through me. I am part or particle of God.
I like Terminus as a font as well.
I used to like bitmap fonts, but I can't use them these days.
How come?
They don't hold up particularly well on modern screens, much less when you're using a retina MBP.
Q: please solve my error in android code

user3380464i have this code for gettin sms text from inbox. but this have one error in this line of program: ***listViewSMS.setOnItemClickListener(new OnItemClickListener(){ @Override public void onItemClick(AdapterView<?> parent, View v,int position, long id) {*** pleas...

my eyes
between that readme and that question
you guys are trying to blind me
thats just mean
flagging as insensitive.
or you could just up-star Ak_Crusader
You could always stare at nil's eye to see if that helps.
just because it works for you...
Stop sucking up Carl. I don't want your stars. You probably stole them from cM anyways.
Few more minutes before I can go home. Finally don't have to look at server loads until later tonight.
in NSChat, yesterday, by Enrico Susatyo
Nil, you're an idiot.
This has ten stars and is pinned in NSChat.
I win.
Nil, you really are an idiot.
I will never dispute this.
Sorry, had to join the bandwagon. All the cool kids are doing it now.
yay, #bourbonFridays
I have exhausted this house's supply of frozen pizzas and I'm too lazy to buy stuff so tonight is fast food night.
Sublime Text apparently won some "net award" or something
And both of my Sublime Text themes have been trending on Package Control for a couple days now
subl is ok
ok? OK?
anyone who calls nil an idiot is an idiot. i said so.
Anyone (read: neb) bought anything off Newegg.ca with an Interac card?
I've lived in the us for the last decade
if i did, i don't remember
Heh it looks like it's only been in place for 2 years or so.
but i dont think interac works like regular (american?) bank cards
Also; wtf taxes not included.
This $800 tv comes to $982 at checkout. Um. newegg.ca/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16889005500CVF
sounds canadian, yup
Yeah, from what I can tell it redirects you to the interac provider and you log into your bank account to pay.
what bank did you end up going with?
I'm outta here
cya all Monday
later lolcarl
I'm with Scotiabank
ive never used them
Because of an answer I found on Reddit about them being good for newcomers to the country
but my auntie worked there for ages
Cya Carl
Hey, an answer from Raghav.
Does anyone, by chance, know why won't AsyncTask execute such doInBackground: https://gist.github.com/Den-Rimus/763d0549adcc3adcb441
I see in logs that is is created and executed, but then no additional logs from inside doInBackground (via onProgressUpdate)?
00:00 - 17:0017:00 - 00:00

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