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never seen such a long class name
thats what happens when you add a bunch of jquery plugins to a bootstrap template lol
add more plugins!
more more MOARRR
I like how you can basically tell what the website it by looking at the class names on the body tag
Yep that was it
that is a dumb game, that is destined for disappointment
hehe, google is the #1 reverse engineering tool
She didn't "lose 20,000 pounds" though like they say
since douchy mc douche chose steal, no matter what choice she made she was going home empty handed.
seems to me like that is just a scheme by the show to give themselves a chance of not having to pay out anything.
smash hit. i love that game. love the colors and the sound and the speed
such well done
anyone here watch true detective?
> Further, we replicate earlier findings that males are less cooperative than females, but this gender effect reverses for older contestants because men become increasingly cooperative as their age increases.
don't trust women over 30
which is why I waited until after 30 to get married.
zapl, i dont see anything in that statement about women over 30 lol
how did you read that?
I read "gender effect reverses .. man cooperative .. [implied opposite effect on women but that did not date to write it]"
I read that as women stay the same, men are all over the radar
like a sine wave
don't trust women over 30 LOL
your mom is over 30
har har
moms don't have a gender
I'm not sure I should have started playing Smash Hit though...
now your just starting to rile me up
I kind of like it too much already and I've only played 3 games
err trying anyway
did you buy the premium yet?
But like everything else, I'm pretty awesome at it
Not yet. I haven't looked to see what premium has yet
lets you save checkpoints
so you dont have to start from the beginning every time
Oh nice
Only $2...will probably get it
And has statistics...I like statistics
yeay, "rile", learned a new word. I would have noted that it's *you're starting to if I was doing that ;)
i knew you would have noted, which is why I elaborated
I noted you noting.
but rile isn't really a new word for you is it?
it is, like "duly"
how about irk?
I ron't know?
as in - if I would have said instead of rile me up - you're just trying to irk me now
wait a secod
oh that's an actual word new #3
I know irk!
are you being facetious?
There's word #4
#3 for me
it's hard being a non native english speaker
btw, based on my writing in chat - how's my english?
To be honest, sometimes I forget some of you don't have English as your first language
just out of curiosity
It's usually really good
Ahmad, you are part of the "some of you" I was referring to
I'm with codemagic
which is why i think you guys are messing with me
Lol, neb, I think that sometimes too
so you also think they're messing with me?
Then there's, @Emmanuel...
Luckily I speak Spanish
I didn't know rile
Messing with you, messing with me...
stop beleaguering me!
ahmad you seem to have a pretty good command of english
You know the phrase, "Pushing my buttons"?
better than mine, maybe
hey, I know that one
That's along the lines of rile
thanks foamy :D
hahah zapl, you would know that one
And you are like 14 so I imagine your English will only get better, Ahmad
he's an adult now.
I can drink milk now
cold milk.
Haha...I know
he's got the problems of an adult.
my take on language in general is that most important thing is whether or not you successfully transmitted an idea. That is far more important in my mind than "technically" adhering to some arbitrary rules that are written in text books.
I'm scared to go anywhere that I can't be understood
seems like germans all have better english than me
i feel like germany would be ok
we would not eat you
All the Germans I know of in here do really well
but the average english is pretty bad here
uhm... good
I didn't really relate Germany to cannibalism
but you did
is there something I should know?
there was that one guy
Do Germans typically eat Americans or just people in general?
We have a history
the german cannibal
Armin Meiwes (; born 1 December 1961) is a German man who achieved international notoriety for killing and eating a voluntary victim whom he had found via the Internet. After Meiwes and the victim jointly attempted to eat the victim's severed penis, Meiwes killed his victim and proceeded to eat a large amount of his flesh. Because of his acts, Meiwes is also known as the Rotenburg Cannibal or (The Master Butcher). His main occupation was working as a computer repair technician. Killing and cannibalism Looking for a willing volunteer, Meiwes posted an advertisement on the website The C...
computer. repair. technician.
> ...and eating a voluntary victim whom he had found via the Internet.
Is that maybe that one guy from that one episode of the IT crowd?
you can actually find his posting on archive.com
the IT crowd?
goes back to google
Yeah there was an episode
they wanted to watch a movie
that one
wasn't there another case more recently where they met in the same chatroom or so?
Was it maybe a chatroom on stackoverflow?
Known as room 15?
Was that guys name Ahmad?
yay us!
I think we solved the profsmiles mystery.
What happened to him?
Didn't he disguise as a teenager, that turned out to be a 40 year old that lived in the basement of his mom?
It all makes sense now, Ahmad!
the dark side of android development.
Oh okay
scratches germany off the bucket list
Now I even feel safer
why are there quotes around kill in the title?
victim is maybe just a little 'dead'
Sounds like there could be some shady business going on there
However, I do now have checkpoints and statistics...
So, I've got that going for me
which is nice?
Checked battery on my phone, 53%, better plug it in to charge in case of an earthquake... plug it in to the computer, phone dies. gg.
Oh, good. 23% now.
So, paleo diet. That's eating like cavemen, right? At least, that's the idea?
The paleolithic diet is a modern nutritional plan based on the presumed diet of Paleolithic humans. It is based on the premise that human genetics have scarcely changed since the dawn of agriculture, which marked the end of the Paleolithic era, around 15,000 years ago, and that modern humans are adapted to the diet of the Paleolithic period. The Paleolithic diet consists mainly of fish, grass-fed pasture raised meats, eggs, vegetables, fruit, fungi, roots, and nuts, and excludes grains, legumes, dairy products, potatoes, refined salt, refined sugar, and processed oils. Certain po...
Pretty much.
I've been on the paleo diet for about 2 months now and it's great
I have way more energy, don't fall asleep at work in the afternoon, and even have more color in my skin now even though it's always cloudy in pittsburgh
I think you just need to stay away from the "let's eat tons of bacon" bastardization of it
everyone left :(
1 hour later…
Heya, Everyone :)
I'm the only one here, but now I'm going to sleep
Good Night Eskimo
Heya Williams:P
Wellm ProfSmiles is doing well enough
Good morning frnds :)
The paleo diet, as far as I'm concerned, is idiotic and I sincerely question the sanity of anyone doing it.
A: android google.play bag report

user2698308yes, i overrided @Override public void onUpdate(Context context, AppWidgetManager appWidgetManager, int[] appWidgetIds) { super.onUpdate(context, appWidgetManager, appWidgetIds); Log.d(LOG_TAG, "onUpdate " + Arrays.toString(appWidgetIds)); SharedPreferences sp = context.getSha...

nil, I was pointing out that the paleolithic man probably didn't have cupcakes, contrary to the cover of that "Paleo desserts" cookbook.
@No_Name_Code Rejected for using Chat, Stack Overflow solely for tech support
3 hours later…
Annnnd I'm back ! Hi there !
hi there!
@Prashant09 rejected because you only join chat to get tech support!
Samsung galaxy backdoor fsf.org/blogs/community/… (sorry if repost)
heheh nice
just paid 350€ to get my car repaired :/
I had my car unlocked for a few days because I must have forgotten to close the window and when I found it it had more than I left, a 15€ fine for not securing the vehicle and some twigs + an empty coke cup on the driver seat
luckily it didn't rain, the window was fully open - also nobody would steal t4-wiki.de/wiki/images/thumb/Elektrik_Radio_Alpha_Codierung.jpg/…
in Germany, leaving the car open, is also punished by a fine
a friend of mine was waken up by police at 4am because someone called the police because he had his window down as well
grrr. wrote a bunch of line for a request... just saw he already left the room :(
Was just 15€, but I had done similar before, left car unlocked in not so nice area of Ffm, lights must have been on or so and police called my parents at 1am and nobody could reach me on the phone because it was off, parents did not approve
ah, right, I forgot you are German, too :D
there are so many of us, we could open up our own -de room
probably... would be bad... I suck at writing my own language
English seems to be much more "natural" to me since starting as a developer
^totally true
I can't talk to someone about a technical topic in german
Yeah, Denglish sucks pretty hard
I usually try to de-denglish too much and the result sounds like I'm talking to a 3 year old
I just use the english term if I don't know the german term and just assume the one I'm talking to got at least half of what I said
Translating tech sounds always funny
my prof used to call Arrays "Reihung" and Collections "Sammlung"
that resulted in denglish code style and naming... nothing is worse!
all programming languages should have localized keywords, methods, .. like excel functions
oh god
nice, even boolean operations are translated wenn(wirfMünze() und nicht rechtsIstWeiß()) src
hey, that is at least a cool way to dive into programming
we had that kind of "language" at school, too
and why is the text in english?
makes no sense lol
I am soo cool... I must read my own top most answer because my brain can't remember the answer!
ProTipâ„¢: Before starting an open-source project, get a Twitter account and stickers. Less chance people will even look at the code that way.
he is just awesome
About to ship a feature, It w̶o̶r̶k̶s̶ ̶n̶i̶c̶e̶l̶y̶…w̶o̶r̶k̶s̶ ̶o̶k̶…f̶u̶n̶c̶t̶i̶o̶n̶s̶ ̶…compiles. That’ll do.
he speaks the truth!
99 little bugs in the code 99 little bugs in the code Take one down, patch it around 117 little bugs in the code
Cosmos has certainly changed...
:D I love the Moon
Morning 'yall.
I've got a question for you Germans, since we've been on the topic since last night
Do you use English much outside of technical terms?
I've never been out of the states (yet) so I'm curious how that works. As proficient as you all seem, I would think you use it more than just when programming
Denglisch (German spelling) or Denglish (English spelling) is a portmanteau of the German words Deutsch and Englisch (English). The term is used in all German-speaking countries to refer to the increasingly strong influx of English or pseudo-English vocabulary into German. Many synonyms exist, including Germ(l)ish, Gerglish,, Angleutsch,, Genglish and Engleutsch. Both these and Denglish are also used to refer to incorrect English that is influenced by German. To some extent, the influence of English on German can be described in terms of normal language contact (which is active also i...
Czenglish, a portmanteau of the words Czech and English, is a poor or 'broken' English spoken by native Czech speakers. Examples include confusing verbatim translations (such as "basic school" for "základní škola", which should be "primary school" or "elementary school"), incorrect word order in a sentence and use of inappropriate prepositions and conjunctions because of the influence of their Czech equivalents. Another typical aspect is the absence of definite articles (due to the lack of articles in the Czech language) and the use of "some" in place of an indefinite article. In Czengli...
I read the denglish wiki page
we even have english words you don't have like "handy" for mobile phone
The amount of English speaking Germans grows, the older generation will have an issue with it but the youth goes along with modern English terms
we talk about websites and homepages instead of some german translation
there are funny videos where reporters ask people what advertisement slogans mean and the people they show fail miserably
@astinx rejected. You seem to join chat only to get tech support, therefore I recommend another room...
"Handy" sounds like something someone from England would say
I believe the origin is something like handheld phone
yeah, like what else you would use to hold a phone :D
Do you guys use German (Qwertz) keyboard?
Do you have issues typing symbols in AS?
I heard of people that prefer english keyboards because programming related keys like braces have a better position but I'm too used to the layout
My AS interprets AltGr as Ctrl Alt for some reason (that's what I think happens)
Same here.
I was fine in Linux but I am in Win now for a while and I can't get it to operate properly.
I still hate that some key combinations are not working on laptop keyboards as they require numpad
altgr exists on english keyboard?
Well the key is there, it's marked as Alt but seem to be sending Ctrl-Alt
Or it's sending AltGr as AltGr but AS interprets it as Ctrl-Alt, which is more probable, since I can actually type @<>@{}[]\#| in here
ctrl-alt seems to be the replacement for when you don't have that key: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AltGr_key#Control_.2B_Alt_as_a_substitute
sighs That pained moment when you solve someone's problem, but they don't see your answer and post the question anyway...
Anyway... How are you all doing?
We're not broken, just dead
Hi, doing good, have some issues with KB
those damn kilobytes
Keyboard, sorry now abbreviations.
I made a little light-up keyboard program in java because I was bored... Turned out to be a larger undertaking than I thought. Had to define each key almost individually XD
What did it do?
Any time it registered that a key was held down, it would color a box corresponding to it red
It was supposed to look like the mac keyboard. (I hate macs, personally, but the school provides macbook airs for the year, so Hey. Free laptop use!)
I hope you covered the camera
I still need to. XD
One would think there would be an easier way to do this, right?
"This" meaning..?
Get the grid coordinates of the key in your project, instead of dealing with each and single keycode.
I ended up using a HashMap and some annoying for loops... I could upload the code somewhere to look at if you're interested, but its really not that great XD
It's ok, thanks. I just removed the invalid keyboard shortcuts from Android Studio.
I have dealt with keyboard on my own years ago, in Assembly in DOS. It would sit above keyboard and consume key presses and replace them one by one with a letter cycled from "fuck you ".
XD niceee
My original plan was to have the keyboard be an overlay style thing, based around a thing that I've seen certain livestreamers have, but it turned out I would need to add on a C patch or something, and I needed an admin password to enable assistive devices to use that. I kinda abandoned it after that, but now I have assistive devices enabled on here (Yes, legitimately), so I might come back to it
The C patch would make it so that the program didn't entirely eat the keypresses
you could use autohotkey for something like that
Well, it was more of a Java project that I was using to have fun and learn about Applets and KeyboardListeners, and I achieved that and a decent bit more (I learned about the glory of HashMaps)
(Sometimes it's hard talking to other devs, because they will offer you solutions, instead of a simple word of genuine praise)
chuckles I'm not looking for praise, and I'm not looking for solutions.
Time for Neb to wake up :)
I mean seriously, I have ~141 lines in the file of it that sets everything up... Its a brick. Link here, if anyone cares. pastebin.com/0EdYj8RG
I never got around to fixing it so that it could tell left shift apart from right shift... XD
Also, I took a look at AutoHotKey: its Windows only... Won't work on my craptop
I heard that
Hey nebby! (Can I call you that? Or will you hate me? XD)
Nebby lol
Sure why not
hey everyone !
Here every question we look at same priority — TGMCians 4 mins ago
started with this today
can confirm, is cute.
so apparently they made a tv show based on from dusk till dawn
it's gonna be one of those days.
@Emmanuel Of course, because this can not be considered as low quality answer IMO, you should flag low quality when there is formatting or content problem not for technical inaccuracies and bad approach.
It is always best to downvote them and drop a good message
Agree with TGM
fair enough
Though, to be flagged as VLQ for formatting issues it should typically be edited unless it is that far gone
If you flag them then probably your flag would be declined/disputed
Yes, and the downvotes typically take care of the problem by convincing the user to delete or edit (if possible to salvage)

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