Raghav Sood (born April 16, 1997) is an Indian author and programmer. He is one of the youngest developers in India, and is noted for his work in Augmented Reality and on the Android platform.
Raghav has been programming since the age of 9, and has worked with multiple technologies and in various fields like web development, desktop software, mobile apps and wearable technology.
Raghav authored Pro Android Augmented Reality (ISBN 9781430239451), which was published by Apress in July 2012. The book was listed in the top #100 books on Amazon in the Game Programming...
someone found a way to import com.google.android.gms.plus.Plus in android studio? tried removing the .iml file and .idea dir. Also closed the projects, re-synced gradle, but nothing.
> THE creator of mobile phone game Flappy Bird which was abruptly shelved last month has revealed he is considering re-releasing the hugely successful app.
Hey guys, i have a request about removing the influence of peoples systemwide fontsize setting, can I do that by making text scale to dp, instead of sp ?
I am recently started to work on the Android Studio. When I am doing sync with gradle then it is giving me a error .
Error : Cause: android.compileSdkVersion is missing!
Guys what could be reason for this, I already have same compileSDKVersion and build tool installed. I see many threads th...
> UpdateChecker W The minAndroidVersion is not an Integer but: super.man()
gnihihihi I couldn't resist
@Shadow you get a chance today though I must warn you! You said you read the rules yesterday but your recent chat history shows that you might have trouble to fit in here. Therefore: Please read them again. If you break them, I will remove your permissions without a previous discussion.
@crickpatel0024 rejected, again. And trust me on that: I will do it again, but next time you will be banned directly. So consider, think, and DON'T do it again. Thanks
that looks like your project setup is wrong... can you just try it again in an empty directory? Do not copy something in it, leave it as it is right after
and check if in your project in the "gradle" folder, your gradle-wrapper.properties shows a link to http\://services.gradle.org/distributions/gradle-1.10-all.zip
Once the message has been received the popup should ask whether to add the amount to budget.if it encounters credit in the message it should add to income.Incaseof receiving debit it should add to expense.
Ahmad, have you tried to delete ex : Hello World Project from Android Studio in new version, I could not find any option in AS. I want to delete a complete project from AS and from file system also.
As I saw that in Android Studio 0.5.1, you have to close your project by doing simply File -> Close Project then move your mouse over the project which you want to delete then keep your mouse on the same project and press delete then click on "OK" button that would delete your project from Androi...
@FlutterDashie you have write access. these are the rules: spifftastic.net/room.15 - please read and confirm you read and understand. 10 minutes to do this.
@nebulae I came for the unicorns! And also to lurk about and glean information. And yeah, I read the rules when I came in. Unicorns must always be allowed.
trevor-e - I've no idea why you can't either; possibly because you can only see android drawables that are present/constant for the entire range of minSdk-maxSdk? Anyway it's not too much hassle to just drag them into your own drawable folders, though yeah it is a pain :(