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00:00 - 13:0013:00 - 00:00

oh dear .. even though I found the answer ... I'm too scared to implement it
I hate that
I have to take a break some eggs to make the omelette
... perhaps cooking when I'm this tired is just gonna end up with burnt hands and egg on the floor
@merlin I am starting to get the feeling that you cooking at all is a bad idea
that's true ... I have my lucky days, but most of the time I am the culinary equivalent of a young Doc Emmet Brown ... until I slip and hit my head of the toilet, all experiments are doomed to failure
Boss: "What do you mean you don't have done that thing that I literally explained to you for the first time five minutes ago in this very same conversation"
I just tell my boss it's compiling.
Mmm fried spam
This is good. Green robots win today. Two nyancats are suspended.
make that three. We won't be hearing from the nyan-cats for a long long time.
and I am still here... also a good sign
hmm I guess I lost 15 rep from something...
I think someone unaccepted my answer... odd
1 hour later…
@surisahani hmm it seems you haven't done any cross-voting after-all. Sorry about that, I just had to be sure by some moderator's feedback.
ok, Thanks and possibly I am least interested in doing that.
@Reno And I am interested to get some good knowledge from you too, hope you to respond at times.
I don't work on Android applications. I only know stuff at the lower layers like RIL.
I'll try helping out with what I know about.
Ok, Thanks for that.
Can I know what is RIL?
Radio Interface Layer.
I haven't heard about that, what's that used for?
help :D
Q: SQLiteDatabase How to join two strings in SQLiteDatabase query and SimpleCursorAdapter?

VytautasTable fields: _id, street, house_nr query: mDb.query(DATABASE_TABLE, new String[] {KEY_ROWID, KEY_STREET_NAME, KEY_HOUSE_NUMBER}, null, null, null, null, KEY_ROWID + " DESC"); SimpleCursorAdapter: Cursor c = mDbHelper.fetchAllRows(); startManagingCursor(c); Str...

you should just be able to put the values in strings and concatenate them
then again I'm tired so I might not have read that right
hmm I'm not sure how to do that
so you have string one and string two it would be string1 + " " + string2
Do I have create array with concated strings?
the question is more like where should I put that :D
where ever you want it?
oh i see a bit more.. you may have to create your own cursor adapter... i ushualy do
unfortunately my deadline is... now... so I cant help too much
maybe you have example or so?
again, I would love to help but i have negative time at the moment, google custom adapters
ok thanks
is this for a listview?
look up Google IO's presentation on ListViews its on youtube and explains a lot about them... when you have the time of course
it also explains a lot about what makes the adapters work well
ok thanks I will
@Vytautas here's the link to the video on ListAdapters you should watch it so you know exactly how it works
hey thanks @Merlin
Whoa are you still up ... sorry I vanished, my router crashed so I decided that bed was the best option
yeah night before deadline with Toyota
Scary biscuits ... good luck fella ;)
anyone want to tell me why I get a "Application Not Installed" when I load the APK besides Murphy hates me
thats ok we got the entire app translated into Japanese in about 7 hours
@Merlin thanks
@Pyrodante Uninstall any original version from the device and restart the device (and possibly eclipse) ... I get that from time to time ... not sure what causes it
maybe just kill adb first and check it's not that
morinin' Graeme
how's you?
Head hurts - thought i could formalise the answer to my own question but my brain is still swimming
Think the bastards in the office gave me a cough
uninstall reinstall worked
@Merlin :
A: Enlarge an ImageView to fit a single dimension of container while retaining aspect ratio

GraemeI have formalised / refactored the question to gain a more appealing answer: An ImageView, given "fitCenter" as a ScaleType will accurately expand/shrink the source image to fill the container, with a native aspect ratio. This scaling occurs after "wrap_content" has been resolved to a pixel valu...

Yeah, I maybe woulda included that as part of the question ... rather than as an answer. People will end up flagging it (normally that would be me but seeing as it's you I'm not getting overly editorial on it).
Maybe time for a coffee ... I'm sure I boiled the kettle half an hour ago. I swear if it wasn't automatic I woulda burnt that too
2 hours ago, by Vytautas
Do I have create array with concated strings?
@Vytautas Have you tried simple cursor adapter? You can define an array of textviews which show multiple database fields
A: SimpleCursorAdapter is being difficult to use

Shaista NaazThe problem is fixed, the main thing is that I should make sure I always query for the _id with each query to the database, but if I do it with cursor.getString(someIndex) then this gets misleaded as the adapter in my case is taking the content of first column as the rowid and is trying to search...

@Merlin Rerefactored and rerequestioned and rerereanswered. :P
Quite proud of it though.
and +1'd where appropriate ... I hope that other guy that was struggling with finds the answer
it is a good question,maybe add the adroid-layout tag
let's see what kinda feedback you get on it. I think it is a very useful question. It's possibly a community wiki candidate
It's one of those where there is no good answer because the question is wrong :P
effectivly it's still not possible unless you specify an exact value on the height. So you cannot rely upon images to actively affect your layout in a proportional manner
Is this even possiblel in HTML or such-like ... isn't what you are trying to do a blatant abuse of Android's capabilities rather than a failing it's implemetation?
bops along to Florence + The Machine
Logically, if you want the image to fill to the maximum possible value of width but not change aspect ratio or crop, then you also need it to respect the maximum possible space available to it's height.
and to do that you need to tell it it's maximum possible height, whether that's a discrete value or is a "match_parent".
I suppose this is an error on adjustViewBounds
It's just that "wrap_parents" in the ancestory confuses the matter tonnes :P
depends what "It's bounds" means in the documentation :P
what the bazinga is "wrap_parents"? you mean "wrap_content"'s?
That was to test if you where a robot - the illogic of a child having a "wrap_parent" tag would have sent you into a recursive fit.
wrap_grandparent? wrap_great_grand_parent? Stack Overflow
I've never actually seen a real siamese before
I've had a few.
you can see the evil in it's eyes - disguised as adorableness.
They're awesome cats.
Behold, two of my kittens
Well, they were kittens, anyway. Now they're gigantic fluffy cats.
Awww they lookz like sand cats
They are loud innit?, I've heard some while skyping with a friend.
@nil very awesome.
And another one. Her name is actually "Kitten" since she remains tiny.
Is she fully grown in that picture?!
No, though she's about the same size now as she was then.
Just a bit fatter.
Why do kittehs always sit there ... it doesn't dawn on them that office chair wheels squash tails
And that's one of the chickens I had.
I think that was back when I was 14 or something O_o
Thought it was on your foot for a moment then ... strange place to keep a chicken
does any one know how if i can set "toast look" to a textview by setting a background?
@no9 use a draw 9 patch perhaps
And that's Qwerty, just because I have to show off one of my parrots and the fact that I'm a horrible jerk when it comes to naming pets.
that's an awesome name for a parrot ... a lot more innovative than polly etc.
I had a Polly once
Right now I just have Qwerty, Luna, Mick, Jade, Hooter, Soleil, Tweety, Rose, Zaitsev, Pigeon (he's not a pigeon), and Lucky
Pigeon (he's not a pigeon) ... awesome ... I like it :)
The chickens were Peep and Cheep as well, but they went on to be egg layers and then we let 'em go.
So do they all assume socially distinct roles, like "the smart one" , "the lazy one", "the angry one"
Well, Hooter gets to be "the angry one," otherwise they're all about the same
Fairly mild-mannered, aside from the amazon (Jade) who is naturally insane.
@Merlin i think the image is accessable, but i cant remember the name ...
I don't know why pet owners take every opportunity to show off pictures of their pets... sheesh!
... also, here's Max:
@Graeme Because we must.
@no9 Android.R.alert_dark_frame
Took that one last night :)
@Graeme you were right about 'em ... look at him plotting his new secret Evil Kitteh lair complete with jetty and fuel depot
Uh huh ^-^
Mwahahah One million dollars kippers
@Merlin @android:drawable/toast_frame ?
there all listed there ... but I don't know which have changed between versions
oh yeah ... look at that ... toast_frame lurking at the bottom there
thanx alot
alot!! ;)
You can see each versions resources, themes & styles here: android-sdk\platforms\android-12\data\res\drawable-hdpi and android-sdk\platforms\android-12\data\res\values
even better ... wish I knew about that 3 months ago ... oh well that's getting starred
let's call it a day
wonders if there is an open pot hole outside of @Phelios office...
looks befuddled at the recent musings in the Android room
I think my English is getting worse or my sense of humor is getting worse
I don't get your "joke" @Graeme
Lol, well you said "Let's call it a day" which is what you do before going home... and then you went "Arrrggggghhhh" as if you just fell down a hole.
nvm -.-
I get it now :D
have a good evening to you all :D
you too :)
It's broken
... it just won't wake me up today!!!
Is that caffeine?
lick a socket?
Hello I need Help Regarding the Application Upload in Android Market.
I dthink that's the only thing that'll work .... bzzzzzzzzz!!! Ouch!
@Graeme : Hello Will u help me please ?
Yay! I got pinged :)
@Merlin : Hello Will you help me please Regarding Application upload on Android Market ?
What level of XP do you need before you start getting pinged?
@iDroidExplorer Have you searched google & stack overflow for the answer?
@iDroid Sorry dude ... I've not used Marketplace ... Glitch is the guy to ask about stuff like that. Do you have a specific problem or looking for tutorials?
Sorry that was for you @iDroidExplorer
slighlty embarassed about previously pinging complete strangers
7 mins ago, by Graeme
What level of XP do you need before you start getting pinged?
don't think there's a level ... it does it if you get an @Graeme
I know, i meant what level do you need to have to have someone ask you specifically. Pffft, my dry wit is falling on it's face alot today eh?
Anyone has a good resource/article of how to create an efficient Login/Register screen on Android?
@rogcg look up AccountManager class
@rogcg efficient how ? I use TableView?
@Merlin Ok :)
@Merlin Yeah, I mean that way, and also in the concept of layout.
@Graeme thats a good approach
look at the syncadapter example in the sdk samples ... it has everything you need
@Merlin good resource. Thanks. BTW that cat playing the drums made me laugh a lot here in office. ROFL
Yep that's the one
wonderes if it's too soon to post task-master cat again
@Merlin people think Im crazy now. LOL. but that is really fun.
heh poor kitty.
Even better if you listen to music and watch it
@Merlin where did u found this?
He looks so impressed.
Even more amusing is that different types of music give the cat different qualities
reggae cat, jazz cat, techno cat
Currently listening to Toto ... complete 80's lounge cat
Can't remember where I found the image ... just search for "bongo cat"
what is the name of that function in Java, that I have a String like this:

This is my name [NAME]

And I want to change the [NAME] for the value of a variable
and I pass as the parameters the string [NAME] and the value I want to change
its replace!!!!!!!!!!!!
String.format("This is my name %s", myName);
@Merlin replace("[NAME]", "Merlin")
got it?
Q: How to allow a blank search to be submitted in the standard Search Dialog

GraemeI'm using the standard Search Dialog (as described here) and everything is up and working fine but I now realise I can't search on a blank string. I'm assuming there must be a flag somewhere which will allow this but can't seem to find where this flag is. Could someone please point me to it?

look at String documentation which has both format AND replace ... you shouldn't use replace if you don't need to ... format is more efficient
@Graeme I'm not even gonna dignify that one with a real answer ... see my grouchy comment :p
@Merlin See my comment :)
also, how do you reply in an easy way - I'm assuming your not clicking the drop down and then "reply" every time like I am...
who the feck wrote your spec? ooh that rhymes
@Merlin what is nyan cats?
@Merlin Managing Director
@iDroidExplorer long story ... not sure I know the exact answer either ... don't worry yourself about it. Besides I have work to do ;)
see ya.
your MD is a nyancat ... blank search my hairy rivets
see ya later
@rogcg kk bye
lol - Basically the app has to as closely as possible resemble the windows app.... which is itself pretty badly designed.
This was one of the basic pieces of functionality i need to keep in.
I love it when they do that ... "we know it's rubbish but we want it exactly the same"
can't you override the dialog?
Not for version under 2.8 (?)
under 3.0
Because I want to use the suggestion functionality
Isn't there a compatibility pack for this? Not saying there is but a lot of 3.0 functionality has been back ported as packs ... e.g fragments
SearchDialog is available for apps < 3.0
SearchView is available in addition for apps > 3.0
If i had SearchView I could mock my own SearchDialog (and have)
there must be a way
Just to do a blank search?!?!
You need to look at the source for SearchDialog and see if there is a flag ... are you using SearchManager?
How do I open the contacts list, so I can click it and onActivityResult it returns me the id
This is my code pastebin.com/iw7qcYn1
and it says invalid column raw_contact_id
but the name of the column Im passing is right.
bwar, I hate preferences
how do I update a preference activity view after the user sets the value? changes don't get reflected visually -_-
hey @Glitch how's the squash-fest coming along?
@Merlin getting there, still some bugs
I uploaded it to the market anyway, because the major bugs have been fixed
but this preference activity thing is shitting me up the wall
falls off chair in hysterics
best thing I've heard all day week
Anyway, here's the scenario: The user clicks a checkbox. This has a OnPreferenceChangeListener attached to it, such that it triggers an AlertDialog. If the user accepts, I change the value. If not, I don't change the value. Problem is, the checkbox doesn't visually reflect the changes.
the onPreferenceChange() method of the listener is what contains the AlertDialog code
I need to update this bloody PreferenceActivity somehow D:
This guy has the same issue:
@Glitch You're checkbox isn't reflecting the change?
Q: How to update internal values of a PreferenceActivity when SharedPreferences change

x-rayI use a Preference in a PreferenceActivity to load default values: when this specific Preference is clicked, something like this happens: private String mResetKeys = "key1,key2,key3"; SharedPreferences prefs = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(getContext()); SharedPreferences.Editor...

can you use onCheckChanged instead? ... sounds tricky
if your checkboxes are loaded from something which has changed but isn't updating then invalidate the view...
stick a bounty on the question
to be honest, that could be a pile of crap, just got back from a job and i'm snackered.
I tried invalidating the view, doesn't seem to work
invalidate just redraws it ... you need the control to reload it's internal value ... then invalidate it (if it doesn't know to do that when the value changes
I do this: ((CheckBoxPreference) preference).getSharedPreferences().edit().putBoolean("kill", false)
so the preference has been changed
no idea how to make the view reload values..
I take it you are doing something like asking "are you sure you want to enable this option?"
well, other way around, are you sure you want to take it off?
also, if you do, and your phone fucks up, tough luck
Nice :) So can't you handle the dialog positive and negative result handlers inside the preference activity? Just implement DialogClick wotsit in your PreferenceActivity class? Then update the control rather than the underlying preference value .. or does that just infinite loop you through the dialog ... are you sure ... are you sure ... are you sure ...
certainly is a tricky one
I think I've got it
sounds about right ... but doesn't that throw open the dialog again?
nope, doesn't update the value, just the visual representation
gotta love android...
not sure about that ... I still have a long way to go before I buy it dinner
I hate this, now I need to be extra careful that I don't set options on when internally they're off
Some special for you guys
Q: Why is the ContentObserver called multiple times?

H3llGhostI have following ContentObserver code for sms receiving and writing, but it is called multiple times. What is wrong? Code: package com.test; import android.app.Activity; import android.content.ContentUris; import android.content.ContentValues; import android.database.ContentObserver; import ...

wow, everyone except one person has reverted their 1 star rating to 5 stars
this makes me happy again
At the market?
but that one 1 star rating is killing my rating
without it I could get 5 stars again
what a prick
to be fair, you did prick brick their phone ;)
Are they still affected? Are all users who suffered the issue now up and running again?
You could always email them and ask them to review their rating on the basis that you've done everything possible in as fast a time as possible to resolve their issue
Bongocat has me hypnotized
did I implementet it right?
A: SQLiteDatabase How to join two strings in SQLiteDatabase query and SimpleCursorAdapter?

VytautasIt works: public class HistoryCursorAdapter extends SimpleCursorAdapter { private final LayoutInflater mInflater; public HistoryCursorAdapter(Context context, int layout, Cursor c, String[] from, int[] to) { super(context, layout, c, from, to); mInflater = (...

You can put the int street_index = c.getColumnIndex(...) lines into the constructor but declare them as fields ... that way you don't call the function for each row, just once for the whole recordset
good point thanks
@Merlin the one star rating that's left was reviewed BEFORE the black screen issue
just a prick who installed it, didn't do what he wanted out of the box, and then one starred it because of his laziness
oh dear ... can you email them and offer them a full refund to get rid of their review altogether? Are you able to contact customers directly?
that's the thing, I tried to contact him, and got the wrong guy
the marketplace uses nicknames -_-
Google make it impossible
and refunds don't remove ratings
I don't think they even remove access to the app
can you dispute ratings with google (like ebay does?)
just have to live with it
Yeah I will test the new version ^^
can't reply, can't dispute, can't remove, can't contact
oh dear ... well I guess that's life
I wouldn't be so concerned about star rating if it wasn't for the dick who stole my app idea and made it free (and I'm pretty sure he reverse engineered my apk to do it)
Your app idea was stolen?! Oo
App idea stealing is normal but why do you know that it is your reversed apk?
I don't know, I just suspect it
the settings were identical to mine when he first uploaded it
and the mechanisms he uses are very similar to mine
Mmh ... are the same bugs available?
well he introduced his own bugs
Perhaps I would write Google about the circumstances
do you use proguard?
I need proof though
I only started using proguard recently, because I didn't realise it wasn't on by default (again, thanks google!)
But I thought Google has its own method to disguise the code
sometimes the reverse engineered code is completely identical to the original source!
You should definitely contact google if you suspect this ... if the app even looks the same as your it infringes upon your design ... if that doesn't work, start translating your app into as many locales as you can and flood the market with lux (which you should be doing anyway
I'm sure Pyro can help you get it into Japanese
I just have to move some recent strings over to my strings.xml
@Glitch Do you have more information about reversing apks? I haven't read so much about it
@H3llGhost there's a question on Stack Overflow which is worrying ...
Q: Decompiler for APK?

RajnikantI know it is not right to do this, but is there any APK decoder/decompiler available around?

There's two tools which do it
I used them on my own apk
they work too well
you can pretty much just re-compile it without modification
... obviously if he knows it's wrong ... he's guilty as a cat licking his lips
Proguard is your friend
Mmh ... I thought it isn'T so easy
extracts bongo cat into separate firefox window for on-top bongoing
@Glitch Have you tried on proguarded apk?
@Tapirboy yeah, a decent chunk is still readable, but nothing important
@Glitch Ok, I guess it could be useful to run the decompiler on own apk just to know what one would get..
Here are some more obfuscator
You'd think that google would be able to write a program that detects this kinda thing .... hmm.. I feel a personal project in the making
how to read facebook contacts on android
problem is, you have to retrace stack traces, which is really annoying'
But if they don't do that they could damage their image
Here a some alternatives to the above:
CodeShield, DashO, jarg, JavaGuard, JCloak, jmangle, JOBE, Jode, JShrink, Marvin, Sandmark, Retroguard, Smokescreen, yGuard und Zelix Klassmaster
@rogcg please search before asking here ... while we like to help it is better if you learn how to use Stack Overflow to get your answers ... believe me ... you will learn a lot more
@Merlin ok.
sprays garlic water around the chat room
@Merlin Why? :D
exactly ;)
@Glitch But a tool is provided for retracing using the generated map when obfusc..
And during development - you have the obfu-tool disabled...
yeah, but it's still a pain
often the retrace is missing line numbers, and is not sure of which method in the class threw the error
@Tapirboy Is there an option where I can disable the tool?
@H3llGhost using eclipse?
00:00 - 13:0013:00 - 00:00

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