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00:00 - 11:0011:00 - 23:00

Who wants to test my super dooper build of my app?
@OctavianDamiean thankx ... I followed your twitter also ...(I forgot my password on that account though so I had to jump through a few hoops)
I had posted this on my G+ stream quite some time back, so here it goes.
New avatar set.
@OctavianDamiean edit the about too ;)
Oh yea right.
awesome :D
<hint> Amazon Wishlist </hint>
@OctavianDamiean that's already on my profile :p
I think I'm need to pull the trigger on my amazon basket ... but my bank won't like it (AMD 1100T + gtx560ti + 990fxa + books)
It has been 10 years since I bought myself a new PC so it is justafiable (sort of)
Needs more sandy bridge
and overclocking
Needs some Arduino and sensors
@Glitch It's for rendering not gaming, so Sandy Bridge not so good
@OctavianDamiean ... hmm I hadn't considered that ...
@Glitch also that mobo should be able to handle a bulldozer cpu if/when they are released
5GHz sandy bridge CPUs are just more fun
@Glitch rendering tends to max out the cpu so having something running that fast and that hot will probably result in having to buy a new cpu every month
Nah, it's fine.
Just slap on a Noctua NH-D14
Build a beowulf cluster.
Relatively cheap (depends on the hardware used) and lots of fun and headaches.
It's not just a rendering box, I need to do the 3d modelling on it too, but it needs to be fast for baking simulation data, beowulf would be fun though ;)
What OS are you using? Ubuntu? :D
I've seen you are using Blender which is a plus already.
I spent an inordinate amount of time speccing it ... (8 months of umm-ing and ahh-ing)
It would probably be debian or mint rather than ubuntu
It is always great when you spend that long on speccing it just to have to start from the beginning because there is new hardware. :D
probably dual-boot with W7
@OctavianDamiean lol, yeah but not much has changed except it took that long for somebody to release a mother board that I actually felt happy with for phenomx6
also in that time my spec has increased and the price halved
eeek, 1 - 3 months dispatch on the graphics card!!!!
There's a GPS Mouse too? CM7 supports it now, apparently
So, how does that header logo look like? mainerror.com
@OctavianDamiean yeah I like :)
But I I would lose the "'s" after mainerror. Or have the full title rather than splitting title and subtitle. Just me being pedantic though
graphically on the money
I'm not fully satisfied with the text. I mean the quality. it isn't ... well, I'm looking for another word for perfect. :D
You could reverse it Title=Android 'n' Stuff subtitle=by mainerror
and I'm back
I should probably drop the mainerror's entirely. It is redundant.
Meh, now I'm not happy with the spacing. :D
@OctavianDamiean Ah the joys of graphic design. The eternal thorn in the paws of programmers everywhere
I manage graphics design just fine :P
@Glitch I say that because a lot of programmers are either perfectionists so never happy with designs, or hackers and don't care about design so find it tricky ;)
I'm a perfectionist, but my designs are often minimalist so there's not much to nit pick
@Glitch That's a good thing ... I must learn from this
Have you seen the graphics for my app?
it's simple vector art
although people keep asking me to add stuff to my apps, I run out of space
@Glitch browsing it now
check out my mspaint skillz
You're hired!
We should make a troll version one too
Considering how much android api's troll us everyday
"The image you are requesting has been deprecated in this API level"
@Glitch Nice logo, clean, simple .... awesome app too.
Reminds me of BigWeld from Robots ... "See a need, fill a need"
<3 <3 <3
Official mascot of the android solvers.
for that you have to put a moustache on the cat
and a bit of nose hair
Unfortunately, I can't draw ignorance.
Am I the only one who's dragging kbok's avatar around the screen making whoosh noises?
@Reno Where is the Android room rules comic? :D
oh yeah I have to make it ._.
@Merlin paste the jpg link
user image
raindbow drop bear
Oh god. Food is extremely hot and I'm just as hungry. Not a good combination.
rofl. Be careful
@OctavianDamiean Not really ;)
here I go again
@Reno cool ane lol
Q: Remove last call from Call Log OR keep it from beeing stored on Android

AlinThings are simple, with a Broadcast receiver I intercept the phone call. Because calling broadcast can't be aborted, the InCallScreen appears and the call get's stored in Call Log. I manged somehow to block the InCallScreen from appearing now I need to do something about the call log. So, I've go...

@Alin I don't think you can be certain. You would be best to query against the number, if it's blocked then you can remove any entries with that number from the log as your spec appears to be to hide any trace of that number.
@OctavianDamiean yup, that's probably the ultimate meme mashup ;)
@OctavianDamiean: how are your cats?
Hey there. They are fine. Sleeping right now. :)
Does anybody here know about Android SynchProviders? Anybody? Or failing that meta-data tags in services in the manifest.xml?
In approximately five days they'll open their eyes.
oh kittens :0
pics please!
Gimme a sec.
@Merlin I did a bit of work on those.
@Merlin: yep, ask your question in stackoverflow.com
@Audrius cool, I'm a bit lost with the whole thing, problem is I'm struggling to figure out what my actual question is!!! :(
adorbz :)
@OctavianDamiean: nice rats:D
Oh, cmon! :D
@Audrius: I work with the guy who owns naked-code.blogspot.com
@Audrius yeah I've been looking at all of those, and I'm in the middle of ripping out my exisiting synch logic and merging in the android sync sample but I'm not merging contacts and I had asynctasks running it which was tidy, but the android version uses runnables ... also these batchoperation things are new to me so a lot to have floating around my brain
I might have been better just trying to handle the alarms myself, rather than tearing my code up
@Macarse Cool. I like his article and how it just goes to the point and explains everything nicely.
@Merlin Alarms? You can use AlarmManager for that.
@Audrius It's too late now, code is all over the floor O_o
hello friends
You don't have version control?
Q: how can get user location from gmail Contacts API?

milindi m try to get location of particulate user from gmail contacts api. in that i can able getting user name and another field like last name, photo etc. but i am not getting location information of the user. please help me out. Thanks in advance!

@Glitch version what? :p
@Merlin But you have to weight possibility that in a longer run maintaining your spaghetti code will take more time and resources that just giving yourself a couple of hours/days to tie everything nicely from the very beginning.
App I'm working on now wasn't thought through from the beginning and we now spend lots of time rewriting modules for it.
And that is not cool.
@Audrius that's the irony ... my original synch stuff was compact and comprehensible. I could bolt in back in but I wanted to use the tighter integration to the google api as suggested by the IO conference lectures.
Everything I see in Android sync sample appears to use 50 times more code than is required, to get a few fringe benefits
@Merlin I agree with that. Sometimes it looks that parts of it was over-engineered.
But given its flexibility that can be justified.
@Audrius it seems a bit weird that the samples don't use best practice as evangelized by IO conference, i/e using asynchtask etc.
Btw depending on what you are trying to do with syncadapter it might be pretty simple. Separate logic for account authenticator (activity, models, etc.) and use some dummy adapter to hook up into sync request coming from android.
I have a synchelper class, with a syncitems function which I could throw into the onPerformSync, but I'm looking at these batchoperation things and wondering if that is the way to go
Since we have an everything is ok button, we need something to complement it: nooooooooooooooo.com
@Merlin Depends if you have lots of data and how you access DB. If you operate DB directly, just use single transaction.
@Audrius I have a content provider as it needs to do background sync
... I'm starting to think that I've over-engineered my own app
@Merlin But if you own content provider you can obtain db open helper from it and use it directly without actually using content provider.
@Audrius: right now we are dealing on using syncAdapters inside android libraries
we are not 100% sure of how to handle them
I am simply displaying map in my app..my app working perfectly on emulator..Now when i tested this app in phone, its behavior was like -->
when i position is changing (like my position is not static) its displaying me map..

but when my position is static its not showing the map
It simply displays grey lines
@Audrius ok that was what I was doing before, but when I was looking at how to do background sync, all the docs and forums were pointing towards contentproviders so I went that route.
@Kartik: you are missing the api key
@Macarse : but app runs perfectly when i am travelling....
@Macarse Could you elaborate a bit more? Are you trying to sync with contacts ?
whats the actual problem ?
@Merlin Are you two (@Macarse and you) working on the same project?
@Audrius: nah
@Audrius: nope, we are doing an android library with friends. Imagine an android library for facebook, where you have a sync adapter
@Macarse : i have cross checked the api key.. no error in that
to sync with the page
how would you handle user/password
@Macarse so in your case c99.org/2010/01/23/writing-an-android-sync-provider-part-2 should give some clue.
I don't use facebook (-, but assume that they have some api, web service, etc. to facilitate this.
@Audrius no, I've been working alone (probably for too long) . It's been a bit of a steep curve. I had to write the REST services (but these are in my native c#)
@Macarse you will most likely find that the facebook and twitter apps work exactly like you imagine
@Merlin So I assume your workflow would be quite simple: get a db connection on onPerformSync, insert/update/delete data and broadcast event to indicate that sync completed.
The last step is probably why people are suggesting on using content provider.
@Audrius The content providor was put in there to get around multithreading issues and so that I wasn't opening/closing the database all the time as I was led to believe that this has a performance hit
@OctavianDamiean I trust your kittens will challenge these posers to a dual. collegehumor.com/video/6565844/kitty-djs
So the sync can be running in the background and the user can still query the database (via the synch provider).
@Merlin ahh OK. In my case synchronisation could only be initiated by the user.
Btw connection is not that big of the issue. Android is caching connections (actually if I remember reading that it only uses one connection and shares it).
@Audrius Cool, that means I'm not going mad. Well maybe but in a Doc Emmet Brown kinda way
Nah, I think that you are going the correct way.
Looking at operation batching it is not that big of a headache too.
@Audrius which connection are you referring to? SQLite or HTTP
A bit verbose, but nothing mad.
@Glitch lol!
OK, I'm on my lunch.
@Audrius hehe, true. Ok thanks for keeping me on track :)
time to sleep, cyas!
@Glitch nite glitch
Are you from the UK? @Merlin
I've been watching The Mighty boosh recently :D
and Outnumbered
@Reno Yep, but I haven't been watching many TV shows since I starting receiving Film4, I've been catching up on all the films I've been missing since freeview started (it only appeared on my TV about a month ago).
Ah, ok you're not from UK, Mighty Boosh was very popular here. I never really wached it much
I'm not I have friends tho, yep yep they use a lot of boosh references so I figured I should watch it
My favorite comedy from here is "The IT Crowd" well worth watching from the the very beginning
it has some of the same people as Mighty Boosh
Duly noted :)
I've just downloaded the Goon show, it is old and hilarious
That was my dad's favorite show
2 hours later…
@hunterp hello
combining animations with imageviews inside of listadapters is difficult
hey @Merlin howdy... :)
@Farhan hey how's it goin?
fine... what about you?
@hunterp not bad although I've spent most of the day on ebay and amazon ... haven't even looked at work yet
@DamianKołakowski: yep. me
But I am in Argentina
@DamianKołakowski I read your name somewhere yesterday. It was Android related.
@OctavianDamiean: did you register?
You have seen my name on Google+
No no, I think it was somewhere else. If I'd only know where.
@OctavianDamiean maybe in TV xD
Most likely.
Are you from France ?
Do you work with iPhone developers ?
My friend works in Austria as iPhone dev.
Q: ListAdapter Mission Impossible? Combine ImageViews and Animations inside of one?

hunterpI have a list adapter where the images load with a rotating progress animation until they are fetched from the net. When I scroll down in the listView, it appears that the animation spins a previous image...this is a Very Weird and undesirable effect. The only thing that should be spinning is the...

@hunterp ListView reuses views instances.
I know
and the usual technique is to reset the imageView's state
Can you make comment on the question so I can answer there?
@DamianKołakowski Nope. I'm an Android applications developer.
@hunterp Shouldn't you reset animation image too?
Audrius: isnt my calls to clearAnimation doing that?
I haven't done any of the animation bits, but animation is action which is performed on a resource.
So if you do not reset resource to some default image you will get old resource spinning.
arent I doing that as shown by my ListAdapter (refresh question)
@hunterp What is t1 ?
@Audrius question updated with your concerns
And where is holder coming from?
Either way say your holder is jsut caching references to listview item views. If this is a case, you always pass it without actually setting ImageView content.
Audrius: question has been updated to show holder
So when already used view is passed (which already holds reference to used ImageView), you just spin it.
As you do not set ImageView content to some default image (spinner, etc.) you get old picture spinning.
And here I may be mistaken (-.
I could understand why you have old image there, but not why it is spinning...
the spinning is mind boggling
its the wierdest effect I've ever seen
it gives me hypnosis
You might find it uses, change application description and bam, you have profit.
m happy, going to put my first app on market in this week... :)
Audrius: yes, but I want to restore order to the chaos.
Is it possible that you have applied multiple animations to the same view?
@Audrius I've updated my question with the Thread's final Runnable
OK. Btw, when image loads animation is cancelled, isn't it?
spinning heads go off screen
when imageView re-loads due to onScroll
@Audrius what do you think of the Runnable I included in my question?
Why are you cancelling and restarting animation again instead of allowing to run further? I'm wondering if it can be that maybe your logic works fine, but rotation is initiated from a different thread...
It's well worth adding a bunch of logging statement and tracking the output in logcat.
I want to cancel and restart to make sure that no animations are running
it was my theory that always calling clearAnimation() would be enough to make the heads stop spinning
Thing is that ImageView in your runnable may not be the one you might think of. It just keeps reference but, when you scroll that, ImageView can be reused for another image and when your loader fails it spins image off.
yes I think you are getting to one of the core unknowns to the problem
how is the reuse of the adapter affecting the spinning of heads
Well for now I can only suggest the logging thing.
You need to have a clear picture of your image loading flow.
If it helps I think greendroid library has async image loading list, you might want to take a look.
@Audrius cool! Also, the question has a potential answer!
yep, reading it.
And it is a good answer.
Q: Detect if application is installing

YasuDevilI know that you can check if an application is installed, and that Android has an intent for when the application installation completed. Is it possible to check if one package is under installation? I'm developing a installer and I'm using the bellow code to start the installation proccess U...

I guess when a second intent is launched, the installation will wait till the otherone is finish?
The only info available is through the PackageManager
But when he starts multiple installations, the install-progres will first finish the first installation, then the second and so on... or am I wrong here?
yep, that's true.
so what?
@Audrius I implemented his idea, it failed to prevent heads from spinning. stackoverflow.com/questions/6736260/…
A: ListAdapter Mission Impossible? Combine ImageViews and Animations inside of one?

JBMThe problem here is race between ImageView and your DisplayImage function. As the list is scrolling up or down the rows get reused, so when a remote image arrives it often happens that its target view already belongs to a different row. The only reliable way of doing that is making you own class ...

1 hour later…
You have successfully aced Round I of the Open Call Android ADK Challenge!
Holy moley still no answer ... that's a beauty of a question
@Macarse me also :)
what does this guy mean at the bottom thread?: stackoverflow.com/questions/6736260/…
@JBM hi
@hunterp ok I finally figured it out ... you need to use RemoteImageView in your BitmapDisplayer class
So in the run method you should be calling the interface you setup
i.e the onLoadSuccess or onLoadFail methods
Mmmm poptart
@nil is there somewhere here I can post code rather than posting as an answer?
How do you mean?
Like gist?
@nil Nice thanks
@hunterp I think he might mean this gist.github.com/1090829.git
Might want to use the non-git link, since that one's just for cloning
@nil I'm not having any luck with those today. Are you really eating poptars ... man they gotta be bad for your health
They are, but they are so tasty.
damnit hunterp has gone awol while I was loking at that ... oh well if he pops back he'll see it
@DamianKołakowski: nice
@DamianKołakowski: where are you from?
@Merlin Could you post an answer maybe? containing your proposed code idea?
A: ListAdapter Mission Impossible? Combine ImageViews and Animations inside of one?

JBMThe problem here is race between ImageView and your DisplayImage function. As the list is scrolling up or down the rows get reused, so when a remote image arrives it often happens that its target view already belongs to a different row. The only reliable way of doing that is making you own class ...

00:00 - 11:0011:00 - 23:00

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