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@LukasKnuth Nothing compares to classic music. It's pure math.
It's certainly fascinating for that reason (among others)
back to uni tomorrow :/
yay uni!
4 hours later…
@LukasKnuth I prefer tracks like these when coding:
2 hours later…
My app now has an astronomy mode. :)
some conceptual/architectural help required... :)
1 hour later…
@Farhan what's up?
:) found alternative now... it was 1 hour before... but thanx...
@Glitch do you have a demo for your app on the store so I can see what you've been up to?
@Farhan, sorry I've been lost in ebay for a bit ... glad you found a solution though
yeah no prob merlin...
Is there any utility to view our application's database in android?
No afraid not ... you can use adb to do queries I bieleve but I haven't tried that.
I read somewhere that you can clone the database somehow but can't remember but I'm sure you'll find it with a bit of google.
It's a bit of a pain really
got this, but dont think it will show data live...
Q: Tool to see android database, tables and data

JosemaliveI am new to Android and i would like to know if there's any tool to see databases (.db) tables and data into these tables. Thanks in advance. Best Regards. Josema.

@Glitch that song is just to cheery, it's like a disney underwater party song
@Farhan look at Questoid SQLite Browser questoid.com
... and make sure you watch the video, but skip the bootup of android
(wish I'd seen this before I started work n my databases)
So, apologies, my bad, it turns out there is a way to look at live databases in your application
Has anybody here worked with SyncAdapters?
Nope sorry Merlin, what you using one for?
Work project, to background sync a list of items from a RESTful web service
@Blundell, I'm getting there, just a bit all over the place
2 hours later…
Back on the road to my course, see you in a week!
1 hour later…
@hunterp, hi
afk, top gear is on BBC1
anybody used RingTone Preference ?
@Farhan nope but there's a link to a sample in the answer to this question stackoverflow.com/questions/3832367/…
have check enough samples... just a little thing... first time, "silent" is always selected...
i want to select the default tone by default... :)
The thing is, when i open the ringtone, it shows "Silent" being selected... Unable to figure out why and how to solve it...
ah, I see ... sorry I can't help ... I'm suffering from a syncprovider code merge at the moment, it may be some time before I am of any use to anybody ... I've got to get this finished before I speak to the project manager tomorrow... eek!
lol... no prob buddy... best of luck though.... :)
Cheers, you too, I'm sure you'll solve your problem with some patience and logic (it usually does the trick ;)
ah... patience !
... also headphones and some tunes help, turn off the TV if it's on
I should be taling my own advice here
well you can edit your comment by pressing the up arrow key... :)
and with in time limit of 2 minutes....
second... i think there is no way you can select a ringtone in RingtonePreference through code..... :(
Nice hint, thanks.
Are you giving up to easily?
aaaaa, not giving up, still looking... :)
but just wanted to share what i find...
Oops, something tells me I shouldn't have deleted that thing I just deleted ... and no undo. Haha ;)
hahahaha, you are talking about your code?
happens at such a crucial time...
Yup, it's ok though ... it was just a piece of the sync sample from the sdk so I can copy it back in ... I really ought to be a little more careful though ... having said that I just made another cup of extra strong coffee which probably won't help me be cautious
coffee ! cant drink man, its already too hot here...
where ru?
in my home... :P
I'm in Scotland, it's always cold enough for a coffee even in summer
yeah, i can guess... well m in Pakistan, and most of the time its hot even in Winter... :P
but still Winter and Summer, they come in their full.... :D
lol our summer is beautiful but it is very short (especially when you code all night and sleep through the day) ... the winters are just fierce.
its around 10 there, right?
it summer time so the clocks change by 1 hour
Doesn't +1,-1 apply in every country?
I don't know, I always thought it peculiar anyway, it's a bad idea, it causes so many problems trying to wrap your brain around it ... as if date/time wasn't difficult enough in programming they have to throw that +-1 hour thing in to make sure that software developers have more to worry about
Hey I need help with a simple query. I'm trying to search this in the DB:

SELECT duration, date FROM contact_data WHERE date BETWEEN '7/9/2011' AND '7/17/2011'

When I run this in SQLiteBrowser, it works, but in my app it doenst.
Here is the statement
Cursor cursor = db.query(CONTACT_DATA, null,"date BETWEEN '"+firstDate+"' AND '"+ secondDate+ "'", null, null, null, null);
oop, I forgot, null selects all fields
what does it say in logcat?
@Merlin yeah
@cyberrog can you see the error in logcat?
@Merlin it doesnt show error, it just dont bring anything
are you sure you have data in that table, I've been caught out like that before
@Merlin of course. its full
@cyberrog it's worth checking
@Merlin I've log the data
what would be the best way to search content between to dates in the DB?
@cyberrog the way you did it is fine
@Merlin so why its not working?
what can be wrong
If I make a query like this SELECT duration FROM contact_data WHERE date >= '7/8/2011' AND date <= '7/17/2011'

and there is no 7/8/2011 in the database, only 7/16/2011, does it will return something?
it should return 7/16
I mean there is only 7/1/2011 and 7/16/2011. Does it will work??
so??? Why its not returning??
the data type is not DATE, its varchar
is it a problem?
have you tried doing it with param args instead of building the string?
@Merlin yeah.
@cyberrog Have a look here ... it may not like your date format ... what happens if you try using ISO time format? sqlite.org/datatype3.html
@Merlin I store it like this M/D/YYYY
@Merlin but if I follow the ISO format I would have to make a conversion to a friendly format everytime.
@cyberrog sorry I misread your previous entry ... you must use DATE data type, varchar is useless for dates. Also try to use ISO or UNIX to do things as date formats can be messy otherwise. Never use american date format (or the uk one for that matter) it is too open to localization problems
@Merlin yeah. i'll have to change a bunch of classes. all are configured like this.
thx anyways!
@cyberrog sorry dude but if you want to query using those dates as a parameter range or calculate something then you will have to change them. It'll help you to remember not to use DATE data type in future
you're welcome
@Merlin wait. should I use DATE or not?
you said you must use DATE data type, varchar is useless for dates and then remember not to use DATE data type in future
yes use DATE sorry my brain is somewhere else at the moment ... unless you want to use DATETIME of course ;)
Apologies for the confusion .... I should reallly lay off the coffee
@Merlin ok thanks! =)
Hmmm, having said that I do fancy another cup of coffee ... I must resist ... so sleepy though
oh... another coffeee... :)
@Farhan I might have to give up and go to sleep, more coffeee might be bad for me. So how are you getting on with your ringtone problem?
:(... moved ahead... will look at that some other time...
simple and small problem took 1.5 hours which i can not afford at this moment...
it's always the simple problems that cause the headaches ;)
Puzzled about these batchOperations and if I actually need them

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