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@DaveS detecting that she's falling for me?
body language
Great android talk btw
I guess I just want to feel like I've given her a good college-try, because she's very great, but without that spark.. it feels very off and like I'm just delaying hurting her
Is Mongolian Throat Singing body language?
We got 1001 psychologists wondering why they NEED to do facebook ads as we speak.
and you're sure it's her and your relationship and not you being uncomfortable about a new stage you haven't really been in, in a while?
@DaveS Yeah, I was on the fence about this girl from the start but wanted to give it a shot because she is super nice and seemed good for me
But I've just remained on the fence
yeah then sounds like you know what you gotta do then, not fair to her if she's getting invested and you don't really care
just don't ghost her
Oh I would never
@AdamMc331 on the other hand knows all about ghosting
I care about her, just.. don't really see a future there, or at least I'm confused about it
and I feel like I should be more sure
you don't need to be sure if you're interested
what you need to be though is interested
Exactly and that's where I'm on the fence
Which is a feeling I'm definitely not used to, typically I'm too-interested
Which is bad as well, obviously
You could always take mushrooms together and really get into the knitty gritty of who you are at the core
lmao that's not the worst idea
I did that with my wife and we moved from dating to relationship the next day
You gotta do the acid/shroom test at some point anyways to see if you still like their face on drugs
Reminds me of the Queens of the Stone Age song, "Monsters in the Parasol", which the premise is that the singer had a massive crush on one of his friends' sisters until he did acid and saw her
That's really cool though, Dave
had to know if I could trip with her
Yeah you gotta know
a monsoon /massive storm blew in 30 mins after we took them, we were camping
we were stuck in a tent together for 4 hours
on mushrooms
it was weird
@DaveS I need ghosting help
that is definitely a make-or-break situation
thankfully we only took a half 8th each so it was manageable
The fact that it started 30mins after you took them is hilarious
I could just see you having the thought process of "either it's getting crazy outside this tent right now, or it's getting crazy inside this tent right now"
@DaveS lol
she ran into the tent while I got soaked moving the dry firewood under shelter so we could still have a fire when it ended
then it took like an hour to convince her to take off her soaked sweater
okay so you weren't inside the tent when the rain hit, that makes it better
otherwise I could see that getting very confusing on shrooms very quickly
we were just sitting outside talking
the end was real nice though, sitting by the fire getting warm, talking about how crazy that was
but during the peak it was weird
I need to show progress of a query running. Should i just bullshit it and make up a time, than hold at 99% until it actually completes?
we never do progress on db queries because that's stupid
imo just use an indefinite loading indicator
PDF conversion
Do what Dave said
You use progress indicators when you can measure progress
file downlods / installing that kinda thing
if it's a business requirement you can bullshit it, but it's just gonna be bullshit and useless
@DaveS Mind if I leech your seriousness for a second? Clearly state how would you create a server where clients could send email (through forwarding or manually) to get converted to PDF then sent back to the incoming email address?
I figured sql could report, "i have checked x out of y records for your where clauses"
@DaveS Or do it like The Sims
"Loading the loading screen..."
@OakDev You would reserve a domain on route 53, set up an SES inbox, then have an incoming email lambda trigger on that inbox, the lambda would do the PDF conversion and send the reply via SES SDK
@JBis you could do a progress indicator if you break it up into multiple queries
SES SDK to create a small app on mail server?
"An error occurred while displaying the error message"
@OakDev SES Lambda Trigger -> Serverless Cloud Function running Node or another environment
you'll have to do some research on the specifics
Estimated cost per month?
cost per invocation
Or per whatever?
probably free tier eligible
until you get heavy usage
Route 53, I don't get it
Route 53 is the DNS for AWS
Still don't get it...
you should take my statement and go through each step via google and research it
the best dns in the biz if i may say so myself
if you can't do that you'll never get there
Dave, Mmorty
I'm simply trying to be clear on WHY I need a specific DNS and more importantly, why this one?
@DaveS always is haha
Can't I simply use the IP?
@OakDev you need a domain to host your email inbox so you can run a cloud function when emails arrive
Oof, that was easy.
you can't be [email protected]
Yeah no gotcha
1+1 = I'm not the sharpest tool
I'm leaving
see ya guys o/
bye Mauker
@Mauker cya dude
I've been having a bit of an internal debate on this topic for a few months and I can't really come to a conclusion that makes sense to other people
I mean, it makes sense to me, but other people get too emotional about it
If a stereotype is proven by statistics, does it make it racist still?
or is it more the application of the statistic that could be seen as racist
Yo wtf AWS charged me 1.33 upon signup
yeah most places do that Oak
Most places use preauth
cause wtf charging "just to check"
preauth is a thing, you know, Mr AWS
Top 3 things to reinvent: Telecommunication, Emails, Credit Cards
Actually shit now that I think about it the only place I can think of is amazon
@ballBreaker You need to be careful because there are other factors at play such as cultural and educational differences that can reinforce/cause the stereotypes that are independent from the race
been so long since I used my CC anywhere else
it will be refunded/released Oak
@DaveS Yeah it's definitely not a black-and-white thing, like incarceration statistics could definitely fall within the grey area
Yeah no I read
but yeah... preaut
Genetically speaking there's no such thing as "race" just clusters of genes a geographical group tends to have in common
but if your insurance premium is calculated by many factors, including the racial topography of a region, could that not be considered "racist"
I think it's safe to stereotype based on say country of origin, and less so on race
but yeah... preaut
@ballBreaker I mean if it's used to discriminate against a particular individual that's racist, if it's using statistics to calculate risk for people who live in that general area, less so
@DaveS Would you oppose to using a cheap $1 .wtv as domain to send to?
So if I was to say, that I live in an asian-heavy neighbourhood and my insurance premiums are off the charts, therefore asian people suck at driving; is that racist, or just the truth
Like, email-wise, do you think it'd cause issues?
Route53 is cheap, using a different domain service is going to make it more complicated
Nono, from Route53
then yeah use whatever
but like, a random .***
not .com
@ballBreaker it may just be that neighborhood has a large number of immigrants from countries with erratic driving habits, an asian born and raised in Canada wouldn't have the same risk factors
so I don't think you can infer that asian people suck at driving from that
but you may be able to show with statistical certainty that the risk is higher
So in this hypothetical situation if it was shown to be a very strong correlation between being asian and getting into a car accident, that if I assume asian people are bad at driving, that's not actually racist, but just statistically probable
no it's racist because you'd be assuming any asian in any situation is likely to be a bad driver
I think there's an important distinction between assumption and risk management
statistics only work on groups, not individuals
Queso, is there pre-existing LAMDA solutions that convert received mails attachments to PDF?
Lechuga, not that I'm aware of
Jesus... so is there a SIMPLE way to combine pre-existing git projects or something?
put them in root folder and make the root a new git project
OooOoooooOOo, I don't k-know Rick.
I have 0 XP with SNS & Serverless cloud functions
Is it do-able?
1. get attachment
2. convert
3. resend
@DaveS This is where I seem to get lost because I don't really see the difference that clearly but I guess it also depends on the numbers
like statistically probable is way different than 100% obviously
Any medium needed or it already a function(s)?
@ballBreaker it's disrespectful to the individual to pre-judge and put them in a box due to statistics, everyone deserves a chance to be an exception to the statistics
stereotypes can be useful that's why we're predisposed to them
but the disrespect part is what makes it racist
Right, but iis it only disrespectful if it's a "bad" statistic like driving, or is it disrespectful all around?
If you can figure out a way to reconsider the sterotype to be about more concrete things like country of origin
it's better
yes because if they don't have the positive trait it's disrespectful to the person
Assuming an asian is good as math when they aren't can be hurtful
As in, it's just as wrong to assume an asian would be good at math as it would be to assume bad at driving
I see what you mean
The lack of the trait would be considered bad, makes sense
So basically the racism part is that you aren't assuming the person is entirely unique outside of their demographics


Then what?
my consulting rate is $150/hr
Must be nice
lol was gunna say
I've given you a blueprint Oak, it's up to you to build it
best of luck, give it a good try, if you really get stuck feel free to come back and ask
I may or may not have time to help
No I get it, but you say yes there's a function. At this point, if you're wrong...
Thanks by the way, dave
most people get too emotional and assume the worst from me in that argument and I end up getting nowhere
Oak, we've built web applications that using an incoming email trigger in lambda
that actually helped
We've used all the individual parts I've described before in production so I know it's there and possible
so move forward with confidence
@ballBreaker np
@OakDev This is your biggest issue, you're not gonna be able to convert every attachment
In fact most file types aren't suitable for PDF
Ok, allow me a confirmation.

I need to node.js something that will run with LAMDA?
convertAPI does it though
but charges (for a reason)
various file formats
not all formats
as long as you understand that
Various is a good start.
I understand I can't make a PDF from a .psd
(maybe) or a .cad
When you create a lambda you CHOOSE which runtime you want
we like node, NPM has packages to make your life easier
Not a complete fool, just trying to do something for myself.
so it's a good one for rapid development
Ok wait, I though LAMDA was somewhat of a prebuilt solution supporting Node.js and other runtime-env (?) so that it can run serverless operations
so how would I NPM implement stuff? Or do you mean, get NPM to build the solution to run in LAMDA(?)
Lambda is just a virtual box with an execution and resource limit that supports specific runtimes and contains the AWS SDK
you put them in your Layers
or deploy them with your function
What are you refering to?
Like just start with a lambda that sends yourself an email
baby steps baby bird
Yes, but I'll use a prebuilt solution
figure out the small pieces one a time
but Dave, oh Dave, time
no you build your own code and run it on lambda
idk what you're getting at with all this prebuilt stuff
(Just got online again, not sure of the context, but it is probably lies anyways)
Is essential for a pleasant employee surprise.
I mean if I need to send an email, I'll get a pubapp that does so
so I don't think I'll learn a lot, based on the time I'll use
you need to learn about lambda
you're asking me very basic lambda 101 questions
so go build a basic lambda 101 proof of concept
that will get you started and answer your questions
It will probably lead to more tho
Best to give up
@RaghavSood Is the smartest of the bunch.
@DaveS is there a mailer your would recommend?
SNS Mailer, I assume?
the sdk should already be available in the runtime and it easily links up with route53
That one?
@OakDev How do you go searching for SES in an amazon context and end up there
TIL Dave lies about his consulting rates
I'm invoicing him later bb
He was informed of my rate and continue to ask for my help, that's consent
sneaky sneaky
posted on November 18, 2019 by Android Developers

Posted by Aleks Haecky Advanced Android in Kotlin, developed by Google together with Udacity, is our newly-released, free, self-paced online course. In this course expert instructors from the Android team at Google will introduce you to some of the advanced features you can build into your Android apps. This course is intended for developers who have mastered the basics of building an A

@DaveS That's perfect for sending the converted results, what about the incoming?
If I create an app, node.js, that convert various doctypes to PDF.
Can I use LAMDA to use it and send results through it?
I think he needs this one
because he's a snowflake
And by that I mean unique
and in no way a bad driver
@DaveS Yeah reading it.
Look, some kid got stabbed by some other kid, in front of his mother, Mmorty
at school, Mmorty
What am I gonna do, just stay there and not excel
when people are in jail
and and some others are in solitary?
What's better: Major joins or multiple queries?
what do you mean, major
joins if db is properly indexed
and your doing joins on those indexes
joins are faster than multiple queries if your joining on PK and FK relationships
or indexes as pointed out by ivan
seems to be indexed properly
But I'm also not sure what a major join is
pk and fk are indexed by default
Like a query with multiple joins?
Yes. Multiple joins with huge tables. One with a couple hundred thousands rows, another with a couple hundred and a third with a couple hundred.
those are small tables
all of them
joins are fine
Huge relative to my experience
thats what she said
but also, makes sense, thought the same until I was dealing w/ billions
And is running regex in a where clause in a query gonna take forever
do you need that regex?
eesh yeah probably lol depends what it is
Yes need regex.
Unless i want to make a regex interpreter than can convert regex to sql
maybe you coulud use full text search
The other option is not including that in sql and doing it back in the main lang
do that
but i figure the db makers have optimized shit better
I mean, I don't know the use case, but I've never used regex inside of a query before and I think the performance will be atrocious
yeah i agree
But this all pure opinion and me guessing
i thought the logic was if you can do it in the query do it in the query cause db'ers are better at optimizing than you
can you share more details on what are you trying to do
@JBis You'll think that, then one day you'll do a join and find out from the DBA that it takes 4 hours because the PK was never defaulted as an index
iMessage stores all the shit in a sqlite db. My app allows you to run queries on that db using a ui. Regex is one of the options.
the problem with regex in your query is you put that computational load on your DB and it doesn't really boost performance at all by doing it DB side
sqllite also supports full text searchs (atleast on android)
I think it's probably faster to do it in memory
Q: Making regex search more efficient in SQL Server

Com PilerI'm trying to create a scrabble-playing bot. So I thrown all (2,7 mln) polish words to a SQL Server database and now working on creating patterns for regex queries. I have just found out that adding some conditions to WHERE clause could make search much more efficient. As an example, executing ...

@IvanMilisavljevic da faq? MySQL supports NLP or is it a plugin of some sort?
DBs are optimized for Read/Writes not computation
@IvanMilisavljevic but also how is that relevant
if you want to filter the results based on the input, you can maybe use the full text instead of the regex
if you want to build something like search thru all the messages or something
but regex allows the user a lot of functionality full text doesn't
but its also way slower than fts
y͏̱̖̰͖̲͚o̳̩̫̤͕u͚ c̪͇̠̠͔͉͍̙͘a̢̱̟͡n̢͚͠ ̩͔͇̠e̴͉̼͓̘̩͎͈̪v̷̛̮͖͇̤̻̖̦e̸̞̖͙̞̭͎̩͟n͘҉̶͖̣̥̬͔ p͖̭̘̖͈̯̦̎ͯ̍̍̄̓̉͌̽͝͞ą̘̙̫̙̯̙͇͗͛ͥͣ̏̊̓ͧ͡ŗ͚̺ͪͬͥͪ̄̆͑̃ͣ͟s̜͚̘̥̖͇̠̯ͨͧ̏ͥ͟͞è̩͈̺̫̮̝͒̂ͥ ̙̖̘̜̠̬ͥ̂ͮͫ̂̐H̡̫͇͇̪͔̱͔ͥͭͪͮ͒T̮̳̰͙̉ͧ̉M̭̮̫̮̥̤̰̼̉̔̃̐̏́̀̕Ļ̭̤͎̩͔̍ͬ̂ͪ͛ͅ ̖̖̦̳̈ͫ̈͋ͦͩ̀͘͟w̮̥ͬ͝i̤̗̦̼̲̹͙̬̒̃ͯͅt̖̗̦̞̫̗̼̝͇̾̿͐̽͢͠h̪̣̣ͥ̿͑ͪ͗ͦ̉͘͢͠ ̢͓͎͇͎̤ͣ͛͊̈͐͂ĭ̠͕͉̘͑̅̀tͩ̾̽̔͂̉ͧ͋҉̗͓
Most users also don't know how to use regex
was going to say the same thing lol
Most everyone don't know how to use regex
and most developers use regex101 to validate their regex
I can't even think of what I would want to regex on a database of my text messages
I'd probably just do wildcards way more often
search all instances of "boobs"
that sort of thing
@ballBreaker you also need to search for 58008 upside down
damn sqlite is fast, my "huge" query works instantly
@DaveS ahh see this is where the NLP really shines
SELECT chat.ROWID, message.ROWID, handle.id
FROM message
         INNER JOIN chat_message_join on message.ROWID = chat_message_join.message_id
         INNER JOIN chat on chat_message_join.chat_id = chat.ROWID
         INNER JOIN chat_handle_join on chat.ROWID = chat_message_join.chat_id
         INNER JOIN handle on chat_handle_join.handle_id = handle.ROWID
WHERE message.text = "hi"
how doest regex fits into all of this?
SELECT chat.ROWID, message.ROWID, handle.id
FROM message
INNER JOIN chat_message_join on message.ROWID = chat_message_join.message_id
INNER JOIN chat on chat_message_join.chat_id = chat.ROWID
INNER JOIN chat_handle_join on chat.ROWID = chat_message_join.chat_id
INNER JOIN handle on chat_handle_join.handle_id = handle.ROWID
WHERE message.text = "hi"; DROP message;"
@IvanMilisavljevic well it could be message.text REGEXP \d+
also as a sidenote, storing shitloads of messages would be better in some kind of nosql
@DaveS yeah yeah i'll escape it
@IvanMilisavljevic go talk to apple
@JBis you could just convert your regex into a set of "LIKE X OR" at that point, but that would be extremely slow
how's the lozenge business?

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