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It was pretty good
How are you?
Not horrible, woke up on the wrong side of the bed, but doing okay now
wanna slap like 5 different people in my office but that's not too new
crabby punch attack
it's ok, I'm sure they want to slap you too
^ lmao
@Code-Apprentice jetpack compose feels like trying to fix something that isn't a issue , and this will probably end up like databinding
@CarlAnderson Damn, how do they know I'm into that?
I'm sure you broadcast that pretty well. You certainly do here.
Yeah it might not help that my preferred pronoun for everyone else is 'daddy'
this may be starting to go a little far
That was the end of where I was going with it haha
if it's any consolation
@ballBreaker yeah ojisan
ok, good. I'd hoped so but didn't think I'd get that ---lucky---fortunate dealing with you
@codeMagic Oak likes that
@OakDev Dave angry reacts
@DaveS nee-chan
@ballBreaker nee-sama*
older sister?
Didn't know you identified that way
saying show me more respect
nee-chan is older sister informal
@DaveS *angrily
I m taking my star back, Dave
I need an image, not a link
it was too big
that what she said
I can not add buildFeature in my app ?
das gud shiet
what's your minimum API?
Did you get an error or something?
minSdkVersion 21
@Mauker can't leak activities if you only have one activity
are you targeting JVM 1.8?
Here is the error message Could not find method buildFeatures() for arguments [build_buamyzls94zwy4abn56jsqjww$_run_closure1$_closure5@28a0e1dd] on object of type com.android.build.gradle.internal.dsl.BaseAppModuleExtension
did you add the beta module?
Sure i did all as explained in the official doc
classpath "org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-gradle-plugin:1.2"
no idea then
Maybe this will help
@DaveS no
you're such a weeb! I had to look that up
...and nee-sama
@DaveS Not real i was using the default gradle came with project template i have chnaged it but i got this error now Could not find org.android.tools.build:gradle:4.0.0-alpha01
I realized last night that Goblin Slayer ruined anime for me
let me try to add maven
I have added maven { url 'https://maven.google.com' } in repository but keep getting the same error chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/47662043#47662043
A: Could not find com.android.tools.build:gradle:3.0.0-alpha1 in circle ci

GenericJamTo synchronize all of the answers here and elsewhere: buildscript { repositories { google() jcenter() } dependencies { classpath 'com.android.tools.build:gradle:3.0.0' } } Make your buildscript in build.gradle look like this. It finds all of them between google and jcen...

@grrigore sorry buddy not going to able to check the problem out today
@MwBakker no problem :) I'm still googling it, I do something wrong for sure, but I don't know what
I was too busy today, the car breakdown also didnt help in my plans. Currently typing this at a bathroom break while I soon have to leave again..
Don't worry
btw my car has a sensor, if one of the sparks at a valve doesnt function, the entire engine stops
I have a working example. but I cannot reproduce it :|
so it never runs on less than 4 cylinders, but it also entirely breaks down when one spark is not behaving well
extends BaseObservable might be the problem
Wish me luck xD
it's been a few months but as I recall extending BaseObservable didnt always go well with me either
I didn't use it
I'll tell you later :P
there was something about that, which made me switch to using ObservableField<> instead in the end
That must me
Beer helps
Does AS 3.5.1 enough to do JetPack Compose ?
That's the lastest stable version I think
ObservableField<String> makes it able to be bound and not worry about manual notify setting
I'll do some searches about that
Thank you
@MwBakker oof that's rough
Had a feeling it wasn't the alternator when you said it was a sudden shutdown
ObservableField<String> is an example, <integer> or <adapter> is also possible for example
@ballBreaker they think it's possibly that. I didnt even know about such sensor
I do know that the more sensors above to prior functionity, the more trouble
even in the 80's appearantly already
mo sensors mo problems
yes but our field, programming, exist because of sensors ironically
but I hate luxury tech in cars. Would never love a self driving car the way I love driving an 80's vehicle
The point is not to love the self driving car
But to make love IN the self driving car
That's my philosophical genius quote for the day
But I do feel you on that one
@ballBreaker "traveling at the speed of sooouuund gonna make a supersonic woman out of you" - queen
@ballBreaker lol
straight up going to have kids in the Future named "Tesla" "ford" "toyota" etc after the vehicle they were conceived in
@ballBreaker F
@ColdFire perhaps that is how it will work out. The main thing that intrigues me is how it simplifies a ListView/RecyclerView type layout.
@MwBakker it won't find my BR.email in the same class :(
data class RegisterEntity(
private var _email: String = "",

var email: String
@Bindable get() = _email
set(value) {
_email = value
Is this the equivalent of a getter and a setter?
with time you'll slowly forget about Goblin Slayer and learn to love other anime again
posted on October 23, 2019 by Nicolas Roard

We are happy to announce the release of ConstraintLayout 2.0 beta 2.  It’s available from the google maven repository: dependencies {     implementation 'androidx.constraintlayout:constraintlayout:2.0.0-beta3' } or if using the android.support packages: dependencies {     implementation 'com.android.support.constraint:constraint-layout:2.0.0-beta3' } Documentation

@eLi the build tools may coincide to the Android Studio version, version 4.0 is in canary
so could be
So i should have Canary Version installed ?
@Code-Apprentice i am mostly about the java 8 support
and streams finally
I'm on google second page
@TimCastelijns isize/usize will always have the correct word length for a given system, so they are guaranteed to work with memory operations - since collections and indices are essentially all pointers, you have a guarantee that the pointer value will always fit in a usize. This is not necessarily the case for u32, which may be too small on 64-bit systems (and way too large on embedded ones <32 bit). For usize/isize, the compiler will figure out the correct length and use that
@DaveS i dont remember anything that disturbing in GS
@ColdFire I didn't hear the announcements about Java 8. That's fantastic! Of course, Google is still waaay behind there.
and I haven't really done much Java lately. Barely have time to work on my app and I do Python for work.
streams support finally
@ColdFire he was just saying it was so good he can't enjoy others
a little too late but meh
jump the kotlin wagon
I have seen lots of examples using streams on SO, but haven't used them at all myself.
oh ok'
@RaghavSood sick thanks
In general, for actual numbers, use u32/i32/whatever, for anything memory related (indexing, pointers, unsafe blocks doing weird things), use usize/isize
@Ahmad Narrator: "He wondered why this video had so many views as he shares it to a public chatroom"
or did you mean $4k for a flight
I'm dying
we all are
@DaveS everything about it
why would you pay for a biz flight out of pocket
it's right there in the name
probably because you'll make it back on your views
Do you guys use databinding? :/
I'm not into BDSM
(Bound Data State Machine)
@DaveS you get like 1k for a million views
Oh so my only hope is MB
so that's 250 usd
well it's also a business expense
you can write that off
and could have gotten some kickback from jetblue
that's a pretty shit business then
you don't fly biz class if you can't afford it
That's what points are for
Also, I'm using internet explorer in 2019
mckinsey doesn't even fly all their consultants (that they bill $2k/day for) on biz
good bye guys
I'm going to
the usual wednesday night special
night grrigore
@MwBakker I didn't make it, I think there is a problem with the @Binding stuff. I've updated the code if you have some time link
see ya
@RaghavSood I forgot indices are pointers
@RaghavSood so you mean that the pointer value which would be a memory address can always be contained on that type because it can never exceed it?
Anyone have experience with dropbear?

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