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back from lunch
> Teenager kills himself doing balconing in mallorca
puts another mark on the chalkboard
what you had for lunch?
i'll need a bigger board.
pasta salad and fish
> Ionized air increases asthma episodes, study shows.
> When big storms concentrate and the air begins to Ionize, people with asthma tends to have stronger lung issues.
How do you approach testing on a large project that doesn't really have any to speak of? What kind of tests do you start with? How do you prioritize them?
i don't
sorry for being as useless as loot boxes.
also, last friday was the world's most busy day in flight history: 219831 flights betwen 00:00 and 23:59
you prioritize tests by impact on the architecture
^i guess that makes sense
core of app revolves around doing stuff with network/api? Test the network layer first
network layer code difficult to test? Code sucks, rewrite it
repeat above steps for rest of the code
> network layer code difficult to test? Code sucks, rewrite it
basically exactly what's gonna happen
But that's a really good note, thanks!
We're not using the repository pattern in that many places, in fact a lot of our viewmodels just create their own API instances which is not testable at all, and so maybe I'll start there.
write some test skeleton first, then rewrite the code to satisfy it
Going a step further, we have an Api manager that creates each API using the same retrofit instance, which is also not the best pattern lmao
It's one thing to have a static retrofit instance that you use everywhere, but we should still design the APIs to be created with the retrofit instance passed in, so that we could change it some day.
one retrofit instance per domain is good practice
Ugh this is gonna be a long discussion. But TL;DR we're doing a hack week sorta thing soon, and I wanna spend the weekend getting more tests written for our app - but that includes identifying pieces of code that aren't currently testable and refactoring them accordingly.
@ДенисБогодяж brother, you cannot use chat with 1 rep
it is going to take more than a weekend adam
oh wait
I meant to say week, but your comment still applies
it'll take well over a week, too. But I'd be able to dedicate my entire 40 hours to it.
and that could give us a pretty good head start.
So that would be next week - this week is the "planning phase" so I'm trying to think of a high level plan to discuss in our team meeting today, and I'll make some more time this week to get an actual detailed plan for myself.
sup adam
make sure to use different layers with interfaces between each
@AdamMc331 work on weekend?
no no
sorry it was a typo
@TimCastelijns Are you talking about like the repository pattern idea? So I can easily mock requests for testing viewmodels?
Doesn't have to be exactly that, but I wanna make sure that's the idea you were going for.
I don't consider "repository" to be a pattern
he is talking about encapsulating
whatever pattern works for you
just make sure the view knows nothing about the data layer and vice versa
yeah I understand
the crust of it ----------^
brazil and mexico playing now
write code so that should you have to replace Room with firebase next year, only 1 layer needs to be changed
yep I understand. I do this.
but then again we still have l e g a c y c o d e
@MehdiB. thanks for reminding. i am gonna watch now.
@AdamMc331 rewrite
rewrite would take a lot of time
My code is testable. My two recent features that I wrote have tests. The other portion of the app does not lmao and that's what I'm gonna tackle, just trying to get ideas for where to start and how to prioritize - but Tim's point about checking the core code like networking layer is a good start
depends on the code
and porting legacy code is even more time consuming
rewrite > port
sometimes rewriting is easier
@Raghunandan hopefully Neymar plays good football today, not the usual:
user image
Rewriting can be better in the long run and that's what I care about really
^ yes
in case you're working for a company, rewriting may require an approval from your PM
yup hoping neymar plays well
@MehdiB. The purpose of this "hack week" idea is to tackle problems the company is facing, that we as employees want to fix. My problem submission was around the lack of testing we have, so I'm basically gonna get a week to put all of my efforts into correcting that. Which includes rewriting code that's not currently testable.
rewriting may be lot easier and also helpful while porting may take sometime. for me rewriting seems easier.
but I need to come up with a plan of attack ahead of time so I'm not wasting the week.
Oh, that's a pretty good idea! should be fun
sounds like a fun experiment
sometimes rewriting requires client approval. Most of the times its a no
Yeah, I don't think we're talking major rewrites here. At a minimum, I'd do something like "instead of having the viewmodel create the API instance itself, let's pass it in through the constructor, so now I can mock the API and I can write unit tests for this viewmodel"
if you are rewriting, do it well
no api in the viewmodel ok
I will call joe if you do this
What do you mean no api in the viewmodel that's the whole point - to bind data to the view. It has to get the data from somewhere.
yes from the repo
Yeah, so I left out a step. Repo encapsulates the API, viewmodel accepts a repo. That way, I can swap out an API for a database, or change the API, and the viewmodel is unaffected
That's how I've been doing it on my new features.
yes brother
we have another layer between repo and api btw
how far are you willing to go bro
what's the layer you have in between?
store/gateway whatever you want to call it
Lmao Eric
brazil playing weak
and Mexico playing aggressive
Wtf are they doing
bro, if at the end of the first half brazil doesn't step up, i'll root for Mexico :D
I might just do the same
they are just warming up
thing is
mexico is going to get tired quick if they keep running like that
they can be tired when they are ahead 0-3 no problem
The thing about Brazil is that they always try to walk it in
I miss ronaldo's kicks
Those things were real bombs
too bad portugal is out
Lol I was referring to a joke from IT crowd
oh lol
My team is out (Germany)
My team is out (Serbia)
My team is out (Morocco)
My Team was never in (India)
Neymar falls: 1
tbh this one was legit
Take a shot when he falls new drinking game
it was
but I'm counting at every match
you would think that after that many falls a man would grow some skin. But this guy still cries every time
savage XD
we need a soccer cat now reno
@TimCastelijns he is also doing some nice triple rolls on the ground, quite demanding
lmao tim
I'm on mobile rn
/cat type = soccer
perhaps that will be YAPG
Yet Another Penalty Game
half time, lets just wait for the penalties
rebooting... done.
What... day is it?
it is epoch time
mauker.time = epoch
Neymar falls: 2
Willian is the man of the match
Neymar falls: 3
what a little bitch
mother of god
I'd have gave him a red card
we can make a android widget showing neymar fall count
I'd love that
Omg I'll make an app
Neymar falls: 4
Aww fuck
Gotta wipe the server
After rsyncing 1.6 TB of data
This is why we can't have nice things in life
Wimbledon started today, so mine is also relevant.
Check your write performance before you need it, kids
wow 2018 has ruined me I thought that said "check your white privilege" at first
> You don't have enough privileges, conquer the world first.
> override privileges
In the 89th minute??
I just googled it, I can't tell
sudo mauker.factoryreset();
> The storage control blocks were destroyed.
Neymar falls: 5
@AdamMc331 Denied. Stacktrace: UsedJavaSyntaxException
System lockdown
My client told me how I can manage 1 million concurrent user request on my IIS server + sql server database. How I should answer. :/
there's no straight answer, you'll have "clusters" of servers, and you'll do stress tests to know how your servers handle the load and scale up/down accordingly
what do you mean by scale up/down ? adding more ram or node or parallel processor?\
adding more / reducing instances (or servers)
reducing to increase performance ?
This depends highly on what your server does
reducing to decrease infrastructure costs
server prepare data and serve json on mobile device
For the SQL part, you will likely want some form of read replicas and master
For the rest of the app, you can usually get away with a few servers and a load balancer, and good cache settings
infrastructure is not any problem
for 1M concurrent requests, you may even benefit from some geodistribution
kudos for you for signing with a client that has this many users :D
read replicas and master please enlighten me more on this.
Although, at that scale, you likely want someone who knows what they are doing
Write performance is a bottleneck for more or less every db system on this planet
^ you won't be able to debug production issues on your own
Read replicas lag a little, but allow you to scale up db reads very quickly
You will have one master, that all writes go to
The master will replicate them to the read replicas
If you want to get really fancy you can do all sorts of automatic failovers, use a db with raft consensus or something similar, but that's usually overkill
Then again, if you're at 1M concurrent users, maybe not
dear bro. Raghav if you please share some links or related docs. that will be much help. It is going over my head.
Stack Overflow comfortably serves millions of requests off a handful of servers
It really depends on exactly what your app is
Stack Overflow has (relatively) low writes
ny arch is android + sql server via web api
Something like WhatsApp cannot survive on that small a number
Although WhatsApp isn't very large either, mostly due to message retention being low
read & write both will occur
Sure, that happens in literally every app
For 1M concurrent requests, you're on a whole different gameplan
You need to know exactly what your app does, what the bottlenecks are, which parts need to scale which way, what burst capacity you need, what base capacity you need
It's not something you want to be learning on the run
It will not end well
yea 1mil requests is not a trivial server, especially if you don't have experience doing so
try using something like Azure/Google Cloud/AWS
please share some knowledge. I need to design & should make my clien make aware that we are able to handle that kind of request.
Yeah, offloading base infrastructure is step 1
I can't even begin to give advice until I know more about what app you have
you could use lambdas, they handle the load for you, then again watch the costs
There's just too many factors
Lamdas don't serve any scenario with modest memory or CPU or runtime tho
Plus, warm up time might be a contraint
okey let me tell you my scenario
agree, bubt warm up is usually only for the first requests
if they have miullions of requests, I doubt it'll have enough time to get killed then restarted
Depends on the requests tbh
we will build an android app which is be used by millions of users. They can choose product and can order all by them-self. there is a lot of data which will be downloaded for their view. Notifications + payment + promotions will be there.
@bluetoothfx i'll play a sales rep role here, but I could introduce you to a product/company that will handle this for you :P
we are the company boss
"Used by millions of users" and "1M concurrent requests" are two very, very, very different things
You could serve a million static read requests an hour off a chromebook, probably
A million video encoding requests would need a small datacenter
In your case, stuff like images etc. will likely be fairly static. Use a CDN, let them handle that
think the worst case 1 M concurrent request
All you need to manage is basically a user profile, listing, and shopping cart
yes please
You should be able to handle that from 2-3 load balanced servers and something like RDS
If you get hit with a bunch of traffic, add a few more servers
and take the requests to the payment providers into account as well
RDS thats new to me
It does sound like this is way out of your skillset, though, I would really recommend getting a consultant to design and implement this kind of infra for you
Large scale infra choices can be hard to change later
Even product listings could be very easily cached
Avoid hitting the db unless you really have to
and can be subject to law suits if you made the company lose money/users, tread carefully :D
Saves you a whole lot of resources
@MehdiB. Can't be sued if you destroy the client :P
really this kind of scenario can't be found on road daily :P though
That would be an interesting form of self preservation
@bluetoothfx It's literally a daily scenario for thousands of companies :P
You will find people who can do this quite easily if you look
Anyway, good luck!
I'm pretty sure Mehdi could build this infra out if we locked him in a room and hid the key in a sealed server that will melt only if it serves 1M requests per day
thanks guys
I vote to lock Mehdi in a room with a melting server
@RaghavSood or just a "you fail you go blue" :D
Motivation is important, whatever form it may take :D
Also if you're going to manage their infra for them (or support contracts) you'll have to hire a few infra profiles dedicated for them, that also should reassure them
Also lets you fire people when it inevitably goes down
Although, don't do that, it might not come back up
@bluetoothfx Seriously though - Raghav has worked on the infra of very large systems, you may consider hiring him
Haha, as much as I appreciate the recommendation, I don't think I currently have the bandwidth to take up more work
guys .. appreciated i will keep in touch ;)
Mehdi is likely better than I am, smuggling him out of morocco shouldn't be that hard
XD he just threw as us the classic "No" (AKA I'll be in touch) of recruiters XD
I much prefer to throw recruiters
That way I know how much to trust them
posted on July 02, 2018 by Android Developers

Posted by Dave Burke, VP of Engineering Today we're rolling out Beta 3 of Android P, our next milestone in this year's Android P developer preview. With the developer APIs already finalized in the previous update, Beta 3 now takes us very close to what you'll see in the final version of Android P, due later this summer. Android P Beta 3 includes the latest bug fixes and optimiza

hi everyone <3
@RaghavSood and also how much you can thrust them
Tristan, have you met fake Mehdi yet?
¬Mehdi or !Mehdi
@TimCastelijns Question. Let's say I have a repository, that just has an API, and a ViewModel that only uses that repository.

I can mock things to unit test my viewmodel, is it over kill to also unit test a repository, which is effectively just a proxy between the API and viewmodel?

On one hand, I feel like yes, but on the other, I think it's not over kill because that added test is just extra sanity that I never broke the repo on accident.
i like you should test it just to be extra sure
there is no logic in the repo?
like converting api response to a model
the architecture components GithubBrowser example has unit tests for repo and view model
@TimCastelijns If my API returns a flowable, then my repo also returns said flowable. I've written repos that are just like fun getAccounts(): Flowable<List<Account>> { return api.getAccounts() }
The only reason to put business logic in the repo is if I suddenly introduced a second date source that's not the API, right? Like if I wanted to check it against a local cache.
Japan just scored
I just turned on a stream right before the goal
I'd like to think I had something to do with it
Eski, that's your fault
might be the best I've seen of japan
who'd imagine?
I've seen so many games where they just looked too small
I'm shocked, and loving it
one goal and it's close again
@AdamMc331 Not at all
finally! 2-2
What a match man
@MehdiB. don't troll me like that
or am I way behind
You're way behind Adam
reporting the goals live, Adam :D
Even google says it's only 1-2 tho
omg I can't tell my coworkers
I'm just gonna watch all their faces
Google also got a delay
just like the goalkeeper :D
I saw Belgium's one goal at the same time Mehdi posted - I thought it was a typo
google shows 2-2 to me
adam's google is just slow
wow our clock is in the 71st minute
we're three minutes behind at least
I'mma close chat then
oh shit
lol I won't close chat you can give me heads up then
it's reflecting how long you take to process the write request queue Adam
I don't really care that much about soccer tbh. I'm just enjoying hanging out with coworkers.
american football, baseball, basket?
@MehdiB. Knife throwing
baseball for american
lol mauker
okay now it's tied
I was fake surprised
that's way behind
must have been difficult
yeah about 5 minutes
I was mistaken
Adam is hardcore
axe throwing..? :D
haha its from the same transcript you pulled that axe throwing out mehdi :D
So I guess Adam is Thor
After IW that is
THOR had hammer not axe mauker
you have made a maukery out of thor
Thor had both CF, get your shit together
get your hammers together mauker
Mjölnir and Stormbreaker
is stormbreaker some infinity war shit?
Not only
He also used Jarnbjorn
which is an axe
BEL 3-2 JPN !!!!
That settles it
it was a good game from both sides
Yes, it was
Amazing match, one of the bests I saw on this WC
I wanted japan to win
Same, they played a good match
same eski

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