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I see mobile dev giving way to more of AR/VR soon, really
Once we get the first daily usable headsets out, and cars incorporate it, and smart homes really take off, "mobile" will just become a tiny component of a much larger eco system
5G is already coming up in most developed countries
5G is a scam
Meh, it doesn't matter what it is as long as it works
because 4G is not operating at the speeds that were promised
Once you cross a tipping point, it won't matter for several years whether you're getting 300mbps or 500mbps
proper 4G usage would be better than the 5G we'll get but this is a new buzzword, which seems more important
@RaghavSood wearable tech is slowly getting there
it already doesn't matter as much, that's another reason why 5G is a scam
Not just wearable
Android Wear is stuck with the chip manufacturer not making new ones
Everything is slowly building towards it
sad really
And in a few years, smart appliances, wearable, AR, VR, implants, everything will cross a point very close to each other
And almost overnight, it'll all become a single, massive, interconnected ecosystem
i.e. botnet
And then mobile dev will give way to use cases such "Develop an app that detects the users' daily patterns, interacts with the smart home for a more efficient morning routine, then moves to their vehicle for self driving transport according to their schedule, while giving a daily briefing, then moves to their pocket device for on the fly updates, and then moves to their office for work flows"
And all of that will be offered as a single integrated hardware and software package
And standalone phones will eventually fade away, although this will take considerably longer
@SargeBorsch Shhh don't tell them
We're already reaching a point where having standalone apps is getting rarer
I mean, go through your phone and tell me how many apps can work completely offline for extended periods of time?
Standalone apps as in apps just for mobile?
@RaghavSood quite a lot
Almost everything is syncing something, or interacting with a wearable, or with a service like Google/Facebook to get highly personalised information and data
@SargeBorsch Such as?
@RaghavSood every one that is not specially made for interacting with people. I have offline (maps, music player, alarm clock, calendar, "camera", barcode scanner, picture viewer, text editor, sound recorder, dictionary) — that means they all work without connection to the Internet (actually blocked in AFWall+)
That's not a typical person's phone though - Most people rely on Google Maps, Spotify, Google/Apple Calendar, Google Photos/Apple Photos, etc.
I think the larger eco system will come eventually but right now there's so many blank spots around the world where there's no / not great internet connectivity
perhaps Elon Musk will help fix it with his space internet thing
If you look at the average person, they're more connected than ever, and hardly realize it
Google Maps works offline
@MarkO'Sullivan These will fade away quick enough.
Only if you have the data cached
You told me to go through my phone, that's what I did
Spotify also offline access
Yeah, I'm not saying you're wrong, I'm saying it doesn't apply to most people
@RaghavSood agree, we are getting but not realzing
@MarkO'Sullivan Yes, but everything still happens online. Your lists are synced, suggestions are crunched based on personalized metrics on their server, sharing/friend streams, all happens onine
data is everthing, if we manage to keep data on the portable devices then everthing will work offline.
True but there's still a lot of stuff there for offline access, the main core functionality of listening to music, works offline (granted if you downloaded your music)
same with Netflix
That's not the point, the point is we went from being completely offline for music, to relying on Spotify. We went from over the air TV to Netflix. We went from actual maps to Google Maps. We've gone from backing up photos on external drives to Google Photos.
I'm more concern about the data privacy issues, if we are going to save it on the portable disk on the mobile phone then there should a solid encryption in place, like this iOS has security enclave.
I didn't though, I'm still for full offline
You simply "think" your music is being played offline, but you never left the Spotify ecosystem at all. They're still tracking you, and they still control your music. If they decide you don't need to play your music, you only have it until you turn the internet on. Then it's all gone
we are int he era where we have found about the Intel bug when we have thousands of paper published On encryption
I'm taking a considerably larger view here than just Sarge
and you can take it only from my cold dead hands
surely there are more people like that
by the law of big numbers
Not nearly enough
Maybe enough that we'll end up in hobby groups and hack together our offline devices
But not enough to stop the world from switching over
it's their problem if they switch over to some crap :^)
as long as doing it the old way is legal, I'm fine
99% of our apps rely on backends for data and wouldn't be useful at all offline unless they're switched on at some point
The only way to really win over the next 5 decades or so is to be amongst the people who build new world of botnets
Because it's coming, whether you're up for it or not
what do you mean by "win"?
Be someone who has a not-insignificant influence over the direction of things within his/her space
be on the crest on the wave and leave it before it splashes on the beach.
Why the f*** does my onActivityResult not pass my data to the fragment. Anybody ever encountered a similar issue?
I am using Zxing barcode scanner library where I only need to start the captureActivity (in the fragment). Scanner opens, I scan a QR-Code - scanner returns to the fragment with the data. Paste coming, sec.
@Jordy qhich support lib?
Zxing barcode scanner library
if its a nested fragment the bug was fixed recently
in google support library
what's the difference between a nested fragment and a normal one?
I guess that should be the issue tho
so downgrading my supp lib would fix it or did google already updated ?
well nested fragment is inside a fragment so there was code key mishap in the google code
which they fixed recently
Also, you may be able to use Google's own barcode scanning APIs
No need to zxing then
@Jordy no upgrading it
@RaghavSood Also QR-Codes?
I'm using 'com.android.support:support-v13:27.1.0'
Yup, I just implemented it for QR codes today
Seems perfect
Yeah, you can do a lot more with it than that
The official google example has overlays and realtime tracking and all that jazz
But wouldn't this keep the issue I have right now? Since it's also using onActivityResult
I just needed it to read crypto addresses, though, which it does extremely fast
Probably, but I feel it's a better solution than more third party libs
True that
Also, maybe use an interface if you're having issues with results
I used to use Zbar, even though it hasn't been updated in years
you get to customize the scanning view as you want
You can do that in google too
I remember google had a vision library
Yeah I don't really care about custom views, as long as it does what it needs to do: Scan QR-Codes
but the min sdk was too high
My minsdk is 19, works fine
@Jordy version 27 has that fix
I had min 15 lol
also there is a workaround for that available on SO somewhere
@ColdFire Version 27 is compiled but doesn't seem to fix the issue
minsdk is 14 for me
@AshuKumar Welcome! Please read, confirm reading, and follow the room rules before you do anything else: room-15.github.io
Yay, flag spam
o/ high rep folks. Apologies for the spam flags, we get hit with them from time to time by people who don't take kindly to not getting access
yeah...! thanks
@RaghavSood removed from owner list :D
hey @ColdFire :)
how are you ?
@RaghavSood . Pinging for help is bannable. ? :O
Normally, I give two chances but wow
@AshuKumar Access revoked for:

1. Failing to read the rules
2. Pinging people thrice in five messages (which you would know not to do if you'd read the rules)
Please come back after at least 24 hours
lol that was fast
Double the price lol
Thanks to all the shitty miners
and notice that it's been a year, and the titan XP is still at 1200$
user image
@MehdiB. hahahaha amazing
@ColdFire Doesn't matter what I do, which version I take - the bug stays. Like 1.5 months I didn't had this issue at all. Didn't change my code either.
@TimCastelijns nope I just upped the min supported version to 5.0 ahahahhaa
I can hear some crying behind that "ahahahhaa"
@MuratK. ?
my man
any tips on how to avoid wrist pain doing heavy dumbbell shrugs?
do more with lighter weight if it's causing you pain
tim, you are working with Kotlin in your new gig?
what is a dumbbell?
@TimCastelijns yeah I got fed up trying to do ~~~~cool~~~~ basic animations lower than Android 5.0
people with 4.4 don't deserve them anyway
even my 49.99€ samsung for testing has android 5.1.0
I can never remember how to do strikethrough
@CptEric I agree
samsung galaxy core duo 2015
49.99€ on mediaMarkt
750mb ram, dual core cpu, no gpu found so far
if an app runs smooth here, it'll run smooth in hell
Artemis is aging me
3 dashes mark
Any tips on how to debug an inflateexception? I have a custom view, I have all three view constructors defined, it's labeled correctly in the XML, I don't know why I'm having trouble. :(
so the 5 star movement won in italy or what?
any italian in the room?
oh, a weight.
why is it hex tho=
@TimCastelijns I hope this works it works!
@AdamMc331 clean project / gradle refresh / restart & invalidate cache
it's a hex so it doesn't roll away when you drop it
@MarkO'Sullivan Worth a shot. It was a class I converted from Java to Kotlin so definitely plausible.
I've had it happen before I'm nearly certain, one of those should work
is it when you're in the layout file and it doesn't show in the preview and it's giving you a red error?
No I don't get that, I just get an inflate exception when I run the build
and enter that activity
I revert my branch I'm gonna take another crack at this maybe I did fuck something up
In other Android news, I think my Espresso presentation is solid for the meetup on Wednesday. I'm gonna do another practice run for my roommate tonight.
do you just continuously do practice runs in front of people before you go to present something @AdamMc331?
@CptEric Still a better alternative than the iPhone
Is your meetup group a mobile developer meetup group or android only?
Android specific
Also I started over, convert view class to Kotlin, fixed a few nullable issues and I still get an inflateexception
Maybe I'll just keep it in Java. /shrug
Who is attending the geneva international motor show?
maybe it's not kotlins fault
sorry murat. geneva is like half a world away
Probably not but I can't figure out what is being broken
what are you trying to do?
and how are you doing it?
and where did you get that code from?
I just wanted to convert this class to Kotlin and make it nicer rather than deal with this legacy Java way it's written
It's already in our code base, but it originally came from some OSS library
is it POJO class
does it hase weird thrid party stuff
We have CustomImageViewBase extends ImageView, and then we have CustomImageView extends ImageViewBase and I'm trying to convert CustomImageView
not annotations or RX stuff
really weird stuff
Ultimately no it's still interacting with Android framework classes
just scalegestures and gesturedetectors
use the official java to kotlin converter
That's the same thing built into AS though
but without as's bugs.
Usually when I have this problem it's because I haven't defined one of the constructors correctly, but I don't think that's happened here
@Anikdas You need 80 reputation to chat here.
Let me take a step back. Our goal: Show an ImageView with match parent width and wrap content height, and we set it to fitcenter in the parent.
I want to be able to zoom, and have the imageview grow and let the user zoom around, but when they let go have it snap back to the original position. Have you seen a library for this?
I'll consider using the library instead of tweaking this legacy class for imageview zooming.
this sounds like instagram's zoom
there must be a lib probably
but it's not a really nice way of zooming on stuff.
wow it is instagrams zoom omg
Why isn't that nice?
because it forces you to keep dragging the image to zoom on a focused area
It's how zoom works on iOS for OkCupid so we're trying to match that. We don't absolutely have to, though.
okay so let me back up
when seeing nice pics it really bothers a lot
Here's our problem with incremental zooming (like let the user zoom, let go, and leave it)
that when leaving the touch/drag event to zoom / pinch wathever, the image pops back
we have a button that we align at the bottom left of the pic, and having to move that button each time the image changes was a pain, but if that's the better UX, I'll figue it out
the best ux so far is
any interaction of the image shoult trigger a focused view mode
that is closed when clicking out of the image's bounds or when zooming it back
but leaving a resting state
where people can keep zooming
that's what our designer gathered from our clients atleast
so consider what I said about having a button at the bottom left of the image
if I zoom in, and I leave it in the zoomed state
to close it?
what do I do with the button
no, the button is actually to "like" the picture.
why not make a gesture?
3d touch is fancy in ios
else, maybe make the button be inlined inside the image's bounds?
dunno how the image is
That is how it works now, so to speak
but let's say I have the ImageView to match parent width/height so I allow the user to zoom full screen
The button is gonna get aligned based on the imageview bounds, and not necessarily the image being displayed
so I could end up with an image in the center of the screen, and the button off in an inconsistent location. Unless we /always/ set the button to the bottom left of the screen, regardless of where the zoomed image is, which might be okay.
that plus set up a semi opacity background that makes it do the fun "i'm hovering the real app ma!" effect
how is the button like?
I can take a screenshot one moment
we got dis
Let me switch to the live branch first
make it so the like layer is above the image
Let me move this to FB with you
i cna hangouts too if you prefer
but image sharing is better on fb
some of us want to hear the end of the story
I'll post the end of the story.
@CptEric that is really nice
For those who want to see what it looks like now (live)
The button is aligned to the imageview. This works because the imageview height is wrap content, but if I change the height to match parent (to help with zoom), the button is no longer aligned with the image and it looks weird.
Quickest solution: just make the button bottom left aligned at all times. /shruggie
What iOS does: If I zoom on that image, the button goes away, and when I let go it snaps back to its original location with the button, kind of like how instagram's zoom works
ConstraintLayout doesn't quite solve the problem - if I want the button to be in relation to the image and not just the imageview
pls no compare to iOS
ImageView -> ConstraintLayout -> Constrain bottom to parent, and constraint to start of parent
Wait the image can sometimes not always take up the full ImageView?
right because we start it off at fitCenter scaletype
so if they have a long photo, it could just take up a portion in the middle
I mean look at my screenshot - see how there's still room at the top and bottom for the image to go to?
Do you not have the same issue with your current solution? It'll always be bottom left (not overlaying the image)
@MarkO'Sullivan thanks. it's an app to share old stuff for free between uni students.
Well the current solution doesn't support zoom
I found a way to add zoom, but it keeps the image within those bounds which is silly. If there's room on the screen for the image to grow when I zoom, why not let it
That's a nice app Eric, I like ideas like that
Could you not create a fragment specifically for zoom and the default one has the like button overlay?
thx. we just designed and programmed it :D
like it'll pop out like a gallery, blackening the background and everything which isn't the pic
That's exactly how the fancy iOS one appears to work, but pulling off that fragment transition sounds really difficult lol
My boss thinks I also code a lot of stuff for him. In reality, I outsource every task to India so I can sit on my ass and scrolll through Facebook.
The transition would definitely be the trickiest part but it sounds complicated what you're doing atm
but Eric brought up a good point about the UX - when I'm done zooming, it snaps back and not everyone will like that. Personally I'm okay with it in this context honestly.
could even make use of FAB like button with the gallery fragment view
Well, my manager should be in soon and I'll run these ideas by him and see what he wants me to spend the time on. I appreciate you all so much.
just don't do that instagram thing where if you fuck up the zoom it'll auto like the pic
lool will do
Happy to help :)
i also dislike the "oh you stopepd touching the screen no zoom anymore"
way of behaving
I think I'm gonna pitch an idea where we just have a fixed location for the like button
FAB like button
oh boy
i gotta use this
We've also got some issues with the caption on this screen, someone limited the caption line count to 2 even though we allow like 255 bytes of input so we've got to brainstorm ideas around that too.
Gotta go AFK for a second sry
@CptEric that's cool! What about people with shakey hands? :D
fuck them
put them in the room with the 4.4 users
and let them play with kid's scissors.
Survival of the fittest eh @TimCastelijns? haha
are you using adjustViewBounds=true adam?
I am not. I tried it, but it didn't quite work with this zoom class. :/ I should try again though because I used two different ones
oh, yeah that probably won't work then
Unless this library is actually trying to change the bounds.. we'll see
nope. argh
meanwhile joe is like "wtf is this noob doing all day"
He's gonna be like "wow you crushed 6 PRs in your first two weeks and you can't work with images?"
Adam: making hard stuff easy, and easy stuff hard.since 1993.
You're not kidding
Complex algebra? no problem! saving a keystore? whatdat.
They could have me implement a room database to cache the entire app and I'll do it in a day, but god forbid I pull off a zooming imageview UX in less than three. :|
that's me too to be honest
Everyone has something. There was a really good Twitter thread a while ago where people were like "I can do X with my eyes closed but I can't do Y."
Mine was: "I can whip up an entire retrofit and RxJava API architecture in an hour, but I still forget the internet permission."
Yay my 2 line changes in the React Native docs are live now
Can now say I'm a contributor to the React Native project
That is a great place to start! I've made contributions to Kotlin docs. :)
I had to make contributions because their docs were pretty poor and I couldn't get stuff working using it
> Supreme court states that making fun of dead dictators or their cabinet members is not a crime, girl is freed after 14 days of prison mandated by the national audience court.
I'll need to amend their integration into existing android projects section because it is trash
Assets aren't showing in our React Native component :(
@AdamMc331 same for me bruv. I had to do some greenDAO migrations, hand written SQL required. Would have been 500x faster if I had to do it with realm
Did you go for a shower after you did that migration to cleanse yourself of your sins
@AdamMc331 Retrofit is so nice to use
I didn't know adam does rx
What buildToolsVersion do you guys use?
maybe 26, maybe 27
Since I'm getting a terrible headache from this onActivityResult bug, I'm checking all my .gradle files, trying to downgrade/upgrade everything to make it work again
Yeah for some reason I can't get my onActivityResult working. The code works like 1.5 months ago, now it doesn't do anything. It's a fragment inside an activity. The activity's onActivityResult gets called but doesn't pass the data to the fragment.
Yes, I called super.onActivityResult()
@ColdFire Stated a possible bug inside the Google Support lib, so with that information I started downgrading dependencies in the hope it will start working again but no luck yet.
Updating everything doesn't do the trick either.
how do you call startactivityforresult
Jordy - are you calling startActivityForResult() inside the Fragment or getActivity().startActivityForResult()
don't see your call there
Inside the fragment
IntentIntegrator.forSupportFragment().initiateScan() does this.
is the problem that it is not called at all? Or is the problem that the activity doesn't propagate the result to the fragment
The activity's onActivityResult() gets called, the data however doesnt gets passed to the fragment's onActivityResult().
In fact, the fragment's onActivityResult() never gets called.
So yeah, it doesn't propagate the results to the fragment
and the activity does not handle the same result code?
I wish I recieved a result code inside the fragment
ok that's a random lib
can you check what that forSupportFragment does, like how does it start the activity
you could call

Fragment fragment = getSupportFragmentManager().findFragmentById(R.id.dualPane);
fragment.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data);
public final void initiateScan() {
    this.startActivityForResult(this.createScanIntent(), '샞');
Oh god, chinese
in onresult of activity
It's korean, nvm
what is 'this'
Hmm, good one - i'll give it a try Murat
This is IntentIntegrator.class
check this.startActivityForResult()
this.supportFragment.startActivityForResult(intent, code) starts the scanner
Inside the lib
I might just delete this shitty lib and replace it with Google's barcodereader
Why did this work earlier :( it's driving me nuts
ok, the code checks out
I think it doesn't work because I wrote it
Yeah fuck this shit, I throw the towel in zeh ring today
I'll replace this garbage lib with Android Vision's Barcodescanner tomorrow, if the issue still persists I'll spam this server the entire day.
you can do it jordy
don't doubt your skills
@Jordy are you using a stable version of AS or beta / canary?
Tfw YouTube PR is on point.
Of course it is when you're the only youtube TV user
@eski outta nowhere #rekt
@ibrahimsn You need 80 reputation to chat here - room-15.github.io
that's very lazy adam
how is he going to open that site if you don't hyperlink it
I did
SO just failed me
nah bru you need the http://
I thought I hit "copy link address" in the menu but maybe I just hit "copy link text"
room-15.github.io can confirm I copied it wrong
whatever won't be the last time
YouTube TV: do I really want Google to know what I'm watching for TV?
I can't wait until my first monies come in from TAing lol
Still waiting on all that paperwork to be finished and filed and all that jazz

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