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It uses the gradle wrapper and platform tools
One is in your project the other is in your sdk folder
Time to go~~
Cya later people!!! :D
I am trying to answer this stackoverflow.com/questions/47167769/…
is that a stone age challenge
> The question is widely applicable to a large audience. A detailed canonical answer is required to address all the concerns.
lol. Stone age challenge
it has a bounty worth 250
it already has an accepted answer with 10 votes
i think the OP is looking for better answer
" I need to use Android Studio (which is slow on my machine)" Wonder what's his machine configuration
> I don't see any technical reason for which compiling/building a number of files would absolutely require an IDE / programming with a GUI. Some people (like me) prefer command-line and text editor only, and such an IDE-free solution would be helpful.
Why make life easier if you can make it harder, amirite
You don't actually have to use Android Studio, you can run gradle from the command line, take the output and install it through ADB and debug.
It's possible, it's just pointless.
Especially given how helpful android-studio is in certain scenarios. Especially for an Android noob like myself.
I dunno
I use AS for writing code
command line for compiling and installing etc.
i remember using text editors in college for java programs.
Find it better
Is the "Debug" button too much of a hassle that you need to use command line to run it
We had netbeans and eclipse still we were asked use text editors
I never wrote Java with a text editor hides
It's not about hassle, it's just a personal preference
I spend 90% of my dev time in a terminal anyways
There was weird stuff, NetBeans, JCreator, Eclipse and then Intellij, and I've been writing Java for ~20 years I think.
And I find it easier to run a config similar to the CI locally through the command line
@MuratK. LOL sure who needs to easily look up the docs? That's one of the best things about Android Studio
Yeah, I don't use the source control stuff from Android Studio or most of the tools, but for code and configuring stuff it's golden.
I will probably never understand the people avoiding IDE's
so long, have a nice evening
@BenjaminGruenbaum 20 years? :O
Ben is a like a baby Carl
Yeah, I had a giant Java 1.0 book from Oracle, I wrote Java when it was interpreted and very slow, when private protected was an access modifier etc.
I wrote bad code, but I wrote code nontheless
I'm bowing my hat, sir :D
Ben has been doing Java as long as I've been alive
Why? If I played "Marry Had a Little Lamb" for 20 years on the piano every day that wouldn't make me a great pianist.
That doesn't sound right
we have a java 1.0 book at the office. I use it to raise my monitor 5cm
I don't think Java is 20 years old
it is! :D
Java is definitely 20 years old since I wrote Java 20 years ago lol
wow 20 years , add 3 more and your experience will be my age
> First appeared May 23, 1995; 22 years ago
I stand corrected
android should be a breeze for you then
my mentor started java in 97
he must find it very ugly (most of the +18 years on java find it shitty)
they say Android hasn't learned from the mistakes and advancements of JavaEE and swing etc...
@Redman same
o/ Dave
@OcuS What kind of monster?
5 hours ago, by OcuS
I am become TIM !
It's a nice monster though
that's the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me in this room
> In an attempt to mitigate a spiraling controversy that saw several death threats made in response to what turned out to be the most downvoted comment in the history of Reddit, EA has announced that it’s tweaking its new Star Wars video game to let you play as Darth Vader faster.
damn. Have they no spine
tim should i change to any directory before typing those commands ?
not necessarily. It's easier to to a terminal tutorial first
So my nearby courses sorta messed up
I was doing location requests to our API every second
Somewhat related: Some mad fuck in the US was trying to find nearby golf courses while driving on the highway
@ErichSchubert Welcome! Before participating, please read our room rules.
o/ everyone
I plan to study some kotlin tonight
mr mime!
Sup m8
proud of you Tim
If you wanna learn Kotlin AND Room, I have a blog post for you. ;)
Tim Kotlijns
Actually I named the test project Kotlim
speaking of Room. I wanna ask something :P
go onnn
@ErichSchubert removing your access for leaving without saying anything. Feel free to request again in the future.
Suppose I have two entities namely Certificates and Users. I want to establish a one-to-many relationship between them through the user's id. I am receiving errors for this constraint setup:
please don't post code without paste bin
1 message moved to Trash can
@AdamMc331 yuck! I am not looking to waste time
Stance https://t.co/EPu8eZhTGl
it me
doesn't work in multiline
the technology isn't here yet
you should have just replaced the "what happened to formatting" by your updated link :D
damn. I wish I didn't try this one yet
what's the error?
fatal error: used room instead of realm
building :P
ok. so, see you tomorrow maybe
oh wait
the error is: FOREIGN KEY constraint failed(Sqlite code 787),(OS error - 0:Success)
I'm receiving that error during insertion of Certificates
So are you adding a certificate for a user that doesn't exist?
uhm. I think no. since there's an insert of User before proceeding to that
Did you grab the right ID from the user?
lemme check again
If you've been tinkering
have you tried deleting and reinstalling the app to make sure there wasn't a database change that got missed?
actually, I'm just inserting a mock user with an id of 1
Like a change to the structure for example
yeah done that already
It looks like your foreign key is commented out but I'm assuming when you're testing it's not?
I have uncommented it already in my code
also in a lot of samples it looks like the foreign keys and the columns are arrays not single values have you tried using it that way instead? Just grasping at straws I unfortunately can't run this right now
do you think my constraint is correct?
I have done this in cash caretaker though and seen it work let me look at my entity really quick
I can tell you that this setup does in fact work - github.com/AdamMc331/CashCaretaker/blob/develop/app-refresh/src/…
It's in Kotlin though.
I get the same setup from the official docs
okay. I'll take a look
foreignKeys = @ForeignKey(
        entity = UserDto.class,
        parentColumns = { "id" },
        childColumns = { "userId" },
do you think that would work?
currently building with no compilation error.
Hmm the parent portion might need to be in an array itself. foreignKeys = { @ForeignKey(..) } but that looks closer to what I have.
Well that's a nice sign. So far so good haha
If that's the case, then the official docs is wrong
oh no
what's the error now
this one's different now: FOREIGN KEY constraint failed(Sqlite code 787),(OS error - 2:No such file or directory)
Is your whole project on GitHub?
well I wouldn't have time to look right this second either. Hm.
Here's what I suggest: Back up, make sure your user entity is working right, do some tests to make sure you can insert and pull a user, then come back to this certificate dao
Another thing you can do is
You can define in gradle to tell Android to generate your room schema as JSON and where to save it, and you can look at the schema and make sure it's matching what you think you're doing - developer.android.com/training/data-storage/room/…
I'll try the insert and query first then I'll come back here after.
Good luck
if this took me another hour, I might resort into old SQLiteHelper. It's easier. lol
Realm is even easier
If you're looking for the easiest solution, apparently Realm is easier than using an SQLiteHelper
sorry Tim, you've been faster :D
I'm able to insert and query in User entity
Thanks for confirming the fact I told
mr5 can you pastebin or gist what your RoomDatabase class looks like too?
@mr5 can you imagine what else you'll be able to insert and query, using Realm?
Realm realm = Realm.getDefaultInstance();

// All writes are wrapped in a transaction
// to facilitate safe multi threading

// Add a person
Person person = realm.createObject(Person.class);
person.setName("Young Person");

alright, no more comments interrupting your debugging
wow. that's quick!
I might go with Realm
Excellent mr5
You win this round, Tim.
Just in time for me to go AFK then. Be back in a bit.
I'll give Room another 1 hour of my life
here's what my database implementation looks like
public abstract class AbstractDatabase extends RoomDatabase {
    public abstract CertificateDao certificateDao();
    public abstract UserDao userDao();
Ewww Java
go Kotlin <3
Eww I'm in Java again xD
I'd go with C# =P
today mr5's gonna change his whole stack
He's going to the next iteration, mr6
should the entity be User.class or Certificates.class in @ForeignKey(entity = UserDto.class, ...)?
If your Certificate is pointing to a User, then you use User.class
not USerDto.class
You were using UserDto.class and not User.class
lmao not the gif I was hoping for but it works
can't wait for the 4th season
Ugh, I'm mixing up my models here. It should be UserDto
My code doesn't use User model at all yet
Is UserDto the other entity class? If it is then it should be right
Did you try exporting the schema?
I'm using bitbucket that's why I can't share my code publicly
haven't tried that one yet
Try that so we can see if Room is even creating the foreign key relationship or not.
has anyone used google play's alpha/beta channels?
uhm, you're referring to play store right?
@AdamMc331 where do I find the schema file?
I have already added the code in gradle
One of the things you should have added in gradle was an output directory
arguments = ["room.schemaLocation":
You have to build/compile first to see it.
it looks right
So I guess I go back to not being 100% convinced there exists a user record in the table at the time you go to insert the certificate?
me too JMR
its super annoying that you can do like a "wipe testers" action
i want an open alpha but i want to remove everyone who was an alpha tester in the past
posted on November 14, 2017 by Android Developers

Posted by Xiaowen Xin, Android Security Team The new Google Pixel 2 ships with a dedicated hardware security module designed to be robust against physical attacks. This hardware module performs lockscreen passcode verification and protects your lock screen better than software alone. To learn more about the new protections, let's first review the role of the lock screen. Enabling a lock sc

Tristan needs to read this
@TristanWiley ^
Starboard Y U deceive me?
Thought it was 3 games :(
Do you know how to map a range onto another range...?
So, like, a percentage complete onto a Interplator curve?
I would use Math
I don't know how to use math :P
What's the desired result?
I have a AppBarLayout
I've hooked up a listener which gives me a range between 0 to 100 depending on Expanded it is
With this I can make a View become more visible based on how expanded the AppBarLayout is
However, I don't want a linear curve, I want to attach it to a AccelerateDecelerate Interpolator
Right but that last term is general and describes basically an infinite set of functions
what do you want instead of a linear curve?
Like I said, I want to map it onto the AccelerateDecelerateInterpolator
I see
@Adam what is this voodoo syntax "return@OnNavigationItemSelectedListener true"
I may have found a hack to do what I want
@TimCastelijns That's almost a GOTO
play with R and normalize to 100
@Mauker I was told kotlin is pretty
Dave - Bless you
You're not forced to use it lol
basically, you can define labels, and return to those labels
(See, that's funny because I'm telling you what I understood of what you wrote amounts to a sneeze) :)
but why would you do that mauker
Like, you're inside a double loop, and instead of calling break twice, you can return out of it
it's a diminishing return function with 0 at 50 and 0, 100 at 50 for X
you may need to split into two cases
to get the result you want
instead of the ABS
and you'll need to mess with R to find the right acceleration curve
Nice ABS you got there
I'll show myself out
Q: How do you create a formula that has diminishing returns?

egervariI guess this is a math question and not a programming question, but what is a good way to create a formula that has diminishing returns? Here are some example points on how I want the curve to look like. f(1) = 1 f(1.5)= .98 f(2) = .95 f(2.5) = .9 f(3) = .8 f(4) = .7 f(5) = .6 f(10) = .5 f(20) ...

@TimCastelijns It's a weird nuance in Kotlin I haven't yet googled why it's necessary in some things. I think it's when you use a lambda in place of an anonymous class the return is ambiguous so you have to define what you're returning from?
that is really ugly
I agree
Yeah well
But it can be useful
it's actually the first code I saw when I opened the bottom nav template in AS
Like, you want to return from inside an anonymous class, or something like that. Idk Nah it's just ugly
The more I try to explain it, the more I find that it's indeed bad lol
Kind of like using a hipster developer flavor of the week language with limited support because some interns made a blog post about it.
Maybe it's good for hackatons?
I mean, maybe if you have trouble with NPEs
How's that going to solve NPEs?
wait what
Mauker are you calling Kotlin bad?
I'm not
I'm calling Dave insane
oh yeah I agree
Anyone here using the new NotificationChannel thing?
@DaveS Yeah, I should have asked my question with "Without knowing maths" :)
I'll post my solution once I've got it working
post a gif as well
@Mauker I should make it a blog post.
Got curious about the behavior :D
@AdamMc331 Do it.
Value Animator with a duration equal to the end of your scale (in my case, 50 as I only care about 0-50% of the scroll amount)
Output value scale, in my case 0 to 1
And add an Interpolator, using setCurrentPlayTime() to give it a value on my input scale, and getAnimatedValue() gives the resulting position on the out scale
I know some of those words.
I know words.
ah there you go
that's a neat hack Graeme
Wanna see a Kotlin extension function to blow your mind? stackoverflow.com/questions/45685026/…
pretty useless, mind not blown
Oh, hey! I've been looking for this, thanks Adam <3
@AdamMc331 Typical Kotlin trying to reinvent EVERYTHING, that should be 3 periods, not 2, what's next, refactor the word THE to TH?
"It saves a key press", "It's changing ENGLISH Kotlin"
if ((0..1).random() == 0) print("I'm tired of your shit, Dave.")
so half the time you're not? that makes the conditional pretty meaningless then
1 excluded, I think
@MehdiB. It is indeed
True Dave
See how Kotlin adds code bloat naturally?
Your mother adds bloat naturally.
a bro is mad
fite me
guess what kotlin's primitive types have in common with your keystore?
they're both missing
Adam uses Kotlin
@DaveS can the message before this one be qualified as primitive?
That's the funniest thing Mauker's ever said lmao
Still, not even a star
that's bad management skills Adam...
I made it a bookmark so I'd never forget
and I can't star my own bookmark
fine I'll star the K-punch.
I'll star the bookmark to make it redundant and reduce the overall number of stars you get
down with Kotlin
Dave vs Kadam, the ultimate clash
(ง •̀_•́)ง Q(•̀_•́Q)
(ง •̀_•́)-J K-(•̀_•́Q)
you join the punches and realize they were JK
I was actually pretty neutral on Kotlin, then Adam brought my mom into it
(ง •̀_•́)-J mom K-(•̀_•́Q)
Time to go add Adam's mom on facebook and begin my master plan
To marry her?
I'm already married
but I don't want to spoil it
I need to make Adam sweat it out, fearing the worst
Will make my revenge all the sweeter
lollipop ()
(ง •̀_•́)-|
sounds like you should be targeting tristan, not adam's mom
(ง •̀_•́)-|) >---|> @TristanWiley
I just got mugged lol
these SOBs took my Nexus 6P
honestly losing the phone is not a big deal in itself, but I'm going to prod in 15 days and that was the one I used for debugging sigh...
Omfg Mehdi
Relatable :/
I'm so sorry
no worries :D
Are you ok?
Did you tell them you're a room 15 member?
Members of room 15 are getting mugged
Nope, these guys were too fast. Was helping an old person find their way using google maps, and they were passing by on a bike and took it from my hands
I'm starting to think it's the PHP room's fault
You can always blame PHP
now that I think about it, the old person might be their accomplice :D
Next time an old person asks you for help, punch them in the face and run away
the timing was too good imo, and they asked me to "check on my phone gps" where the place they were looking for is
could be
accomplice confirmed
old people don't know phones, let alone google maps
Agreed, now I really hope all my contacts have been synced with google contacts, otherwise - I'm screwed :D
did you try to locate the phone?
yeah, they shut it off
keep looking
they might turn it on later
the good thing is that my contact have been synced :D
user image
Mehdi's phone has gone the way of Kotlin Primitives, Adam's Keystore and Carl's Youth.
savage XD
see ya guys o/
Interview time <3
Simple rules to follow if you’re evacuating for an emergency 🚨😆 #100daysofcode #codeNewbie #ProgrammersHumor
anyone try the new firefox?
supposedly really good
yea it's sweet
still use Chrome for the most part though
is chrome still better or just for convenience?
more just the google account integration convenience
since I don't care if Google knows everything
hmmmm I never wanted to have it integrated with my profile
accidentally clicked it once and everything was synced
and when I removed it it deleted all my bookmarks and everything so I had to log in again :[

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