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one of the guys on my team in Berlin is a huge SO user
but he doesn't go on chat I don't think
I use Goolge+ when I want to be alone
oh really? 50k rep and all that?
According to this tutorial and this one the layout file for a compound control doesn't know what type of layout it is. It's XML root element is <merge>, rather than <SomethingLayout>. How to get a compound control to render correctly while arranging visual elements of the compound view?
60k rep I think
Hey @JMR you here?
So I couldn't get it to work, but I'll tell you what I'm thinking you should do. Mainly because I'm trying to use inspect element and don't have access haha.
the captcha site is down for the moment anyway haha
go ahead, what do you think?
Ah okay
So what I'd suggest doing is using jQuery and detecting when either a.) The content of the site changes, because essentially what happens when you click on it and the popup shows a div is created with an opacity of 1 and a visibility equal to visible. b.) detect CSS changes for any divs or c.) Detect changes to visibility or opacity of div contents. If none of those are options you can detect clicks and just determine if the size of the <body> has changed which may or may not work.

Also, when you have a callback saying something changed just append #something to the url and in the app li
good advice, thanks
ive never done that kind of stuff before but how hard could it be
No problem, that is just my way of thinking.
Anywhere from super easy, to impossible.
I did some research and I found this plugin github.com/RickStrahl/jquery-watch
You could theoretically use that to watch for opacity or visibility changes, not sure if it will work.
The problem is the div being created doesn't have any id which would make it so much easier.
Q: How to detect new element creation in jQuery?

sergLets say I have the following code that returns number of anchor elements on a page: function getLinkCount() { alert("Links:" + $("a").length); } If I call in on document ready it would work as expected. But what if now a new link gets inserted into a page dynamically through javascript, h...

Also might want to check out that
Is this going to be on a page by itself?
the captcha? yes
the link i sent you is all i have
Then yeah, one of those methods should be perfect.
im purely a client, so i cant run anything on the page itself
it all has to come via android
@trevor-e woah nice! in the android tag? because then I've probably seen him around
In that case you would need to inject code into the site, which isn't impossible lol.
But I think there must be a better way
thats in the starting to get silly tier though for me
if i could have like a universal "notify me with a callback whenever any js function is run" solution
just via observation i could find the function which triggers the change
and hopefully a webviewclient method would let me listen for it
Q: Listening to HTML content change inside a WebView

DanielI'm building a 3rd party library in Android that works on WebViews and analyzes their performance. From the work done so far, I found that some Ad servers bring up Banner ad WebViews, and auto-refreshes the ad every X seconds. During the auto-refresh, I noticed they replace the HTML content wit...

According to this you'd need to inject Javascript
Which if I remember is a security risk but I'm pretty sure in this case you'd be fine
Hey Adam
what's up?
Trying to help with code I mildly understand, you?
About to do this: lifehacker.com/…
So JMR, if you can inject JS into the webview that listens for HTML changes or something you should be fine. Although you'd also have to add a jquery reference in the html.
Which coincidentally I did a day or two ago.
I'll try to write up some code right now
@MusaKhar users without 20 rep can't chat anywhere. Users without 100 rep can't chat in our room, we don't allow it. Check out our rules: room-15.github.io
I wrote you some JS, let me just modify it a bit and you should be able to just inject it.
the answer is jQuery
The answer is always jQuery.
Yes, jQuery rules
Would you like me to throw in comments in the code? :P
I really want to write a mips vm
a coworker showed me his chip-8 vm
I'm just so amazed by it
this would be such an awesome fun project
Oh wait I remember @nil writing his own vm
Hey @JMR this should work, you might have to modify it as I mentioned in the comments of the code. I'd read the comments. Ask if you need help :) gist.github.com/TristanWiley/f611224433169982487a
wow you're actually getting really good at js tristan, no?
I understood that, I did copy the MutationObserver part since... yeah.
The injection part I knew how to do from looking it up before haha
Actually. I'm a genius
You sure are onto something Tristan
Neat I got the Alexa Voice Service on my pi
Oh yeah? I got a new pair of shorts the other day.
Yeah, they were on sale at Big 5 #winning
but do you have battle toads
I wish
i used to work at GameStop and only ever got 1 call about battle toads
this generation sucks
I blame entitlement programs
@RaghavSood Cool I'm going for Namecheap. :D
They want their battle toads funded by the government and to be able to get a college education without working 50hrs/week
@GiancarloRomeo you have write access, welcome to the room. If you would be so kind, please read the rules first: room-15.github.io
I blame the prison guards union teachers union.
I blame Tristan.
I blame smart phones.
I was summoned
I blame China
I blame people who lose important files that are essential for publishing Android applications.
user image
If I ever have this much time on my hands, slap me.
I had that much time on my hands when I was 10
although my "scrolling ascii art" program wasn't as elaborate.
if anyone has any ideas, then please love me!
Q: NullPointerException after attempting to convert custom Object into byte array

edwoollardI am attempting to convert a custom object into a byte array so that it can be sent as a message to the other players in a game, using the Google Play Game Services. I created the initial byte array to send like so: mMsgBuf.add(0, (byte) 'E'); // used in order to understand which state the game...

this issue has been paining me for too long. :(
Q: What is a Null Pointer Exception, and how do I fix it?

ZiggyWhat are Null Pointer Exceptions (java.lang.NullPointerException) and what causes them? What methods/tools can be used to determine the cause so that you stop the exception from causing the program to terminate prematurely?

It would help to know what line the NPE occured on
I have a small question about Android app's icon
no please Dave.
well post your logcat
objects = (Card) ois.readObject();
and I can be more helpful
this line is obviously meant to give me a card object.
is there an exception being thrown before that?
Can I change my app's icon after the user installs it from the playstore?
but instead if I utilise the returned value, it's null.
yes prudhvi.
like it may not be able to resolve the class
so it catches the exception and returns null
Like dynamically change it ? Edwoollard
what is the exception?
what do you mean?
sorry @prudhvi
2 secs
in convertByteArrayToObjects you catch any exception
if one occurs inside the try objects will return null
so I would except an exception in there, is it just NPE?
Good evening to everyone... thanks for the access :)
for instance, readObject is only supposed to throw
> ClassNotFoundException - Class of a serialized object cannot be found.
InvalidClassException - Something is wrong with a class used by serialization.
StreamCorruptedException - Control information in the stream is inconsistent.
OptionalDataException - Primitive data was found in the stream instead of objects.
IOException - Any of the usual Input/Output related exceptions.
if you get NPE there then your ois is null
which means there was a problem making the stream from the byte array and I'd put some breakpoints there, break up the lines and figure out what's going wrong
and I wish I could find out what exception I'm getting.
but my logcat is screwed.
I literally only get the crashing error.
not any stack traces I've printed or any logs I've printed.
what's going on?:(
why don't you check ois for being null ed
and run the app in debug mode so you can launch a breakpoint
I wish I could.
but I have to have it as a debug signed APK (due to testing the google play services).
this is why I'm struggling to debug it so bad. :(
Shouldn't you implement Parcelable for your custom class?
hmm, I debug GCM push notifications just fine
how? :D
I launch it in debug mode (in Eclipse)
the GCM ids are all still present
never had to try anything to get it to work
Q: Test Google Play Service with unsigned APK

CilencoI'm coding an android game which is currently in progress. In the final version of the game I want to add a Google Play Service but I want to test this now. My problem is, that I have to upload a signed apk to the Google Developer Console and I have to use the same signed apk to login. But if I ...

cya tomorrow guys
night man.
Woah... Dave actually codes
in eclipse? oO
I haven't had the time to migrate my project
and it still works
and you thought I was old.
I just want to breakpoint and debug. :(
I think this is the biggest pain in the ass I've ever had to deal with.
just wait until you get a multi-threading bug then
oh boy, threading bugs are the worst.
only if you suck at programming
jk they can be tough
> No default methods or static methods on interfaces for pre-N
so still sicking with kotlin as a java 8 alternative for now
I am not sure if someone can have a mutli threading application without bugs honestly..
Well I've done a few separate multi-threading projects and there were bugs in development but once you've set up proper locking and synchronization its useful
You must do some really core analysis on your architecture to minimize the errors since it's pretty easy to make a mistake while working with multiple threads
depends on your use case, if you're simply offloading a task while some high response thread is available to capture input it's not bad
the thing about multi-threading is it's most useful when it's avoided as much as possible
@Ahmad I think those require a bytecode change to implement? which is why it's not possible
I don't understand why it's so hard to have devices update the JDK they have on them

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