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I shouldn't have ruined it.
Thanks to this answer, I've figured out how to work a preview for the Compound View. It wasn't obvious. SO saved the day.
But I can't seem to manipulate the components in the visual layout designed. Is this by design (i.e. visual layout editor doesn't work for compound views)? Or am I missing something (like a setting somewhere)?
I think that would be by design? I'm not sure though I write my XML files by hand I don't typically use the designer.
But think about it this way, if you're in Layout A, which includes Layout B, why should you be able to manipulate layout B? You should open that to manipulate it. That's what I thought.
is of back
@TristanWiley found a less painful way to do it
while onPageFinished doesnt get a callback when the js is fired, shouldInterceptResponse does
so i can just run some javascript to measure the largest div and it should be OK
Tristan almost saves the day.
im very grateful though
watching django unchained
good movie
Gruesome though.
better than the notebook
hand to sit through that last night :/
i love tarantino
lots of tomato juice
but he's an asshole in person
saw an interview of him
he was angry bc hateful 8 couldn't be seen correctly on any european theater because we don't use a 70's, old, weird hollywood-only movie format
@NickAlexeev nice find...ty
Hmm I thought the showIn thing was known. It's auto generated in a few AS templates now so I've just been used to it.
I always have mine generated already too Adam
this is annoying
trying to get android to open the default email application
Don't you wish there were methods that handled that for you like openDefaultMailApplication() and openDefaultMapApplication() or openDefaultSMSApplication().
That would make life so much easier.
JMR do you need my help again? :P ;)
No because you didn't fix it the first time ;P
this should exist
I have only one thing to say about this
@McAdam331 on api 19, there is one for sms : developer.android.com/reference/android/provider/…
Adam, we should work on NFCompanion sometime
Yeah I saw that I played with that a while ago.
Tristan change the name first and then we'll talk.
Also I said no side apps until after GrizzHacks lol
You know, with the exception of my personal website that I was up til 3 AM working on last night.
I gotta get more work done with my startup, damn
It's not a startup if you don't start.
I started
I have an admin panel with significant progress done on it
@JerryTang this room requires 100 reputation for access. See our room rules for other requirements.
> You should open that to manipulate it [the inner layout of the composite view].
I agree with you. My issues is that can't manipulate the layout of the compound view when I open it by itself. I can't drag its components around. (At the same time, I can manipulate XML just fine.)
this react shit is too much
when running js in a webview i keep getting a syntax error
im declaring variables and stuff, basically writing a function
gist me
there is a certain syntax which will allow this to work
just trying to figure it out
ok...1, avoid using jsinterface. allows for remote code exec with mitm stuff
you can use console.log instead
unfortunately its not just for debugging
the goal is to resize the fragment containing the webview by measuring its change in size
yea, running a for loop in that jsinterface makes it mad it looks like
i was just putting in pieces as process of elimination
the for loop made screw up again
i might be way overthinking this, lmao
Dealing with webviews is awful
i can just measure the webview itself
it wasnt giving me the right values earlier
but if i delay it by a few seconds it will think
posted a comment about the syntax
havent nailed it tho
hope it helps
have a good night everyone
k later dude, thanks
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cya tomorrow guys
later een
Good morning :)

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