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^I've heard that too.
Nah, I got that covered
I've got a normal credit card with BofA
And I got an SSN last week, so they'll backfill two months of credit history from that
Ah, ok
I just wanted a travel one since I fly a fair bit, and it'd help with the international flights quite a bit
Just that a lot of people who have poor/no credit don't realize that's an option
Got you
I got lucky with my capital one card. Now that I have one and have built history (and a good score) I don't have any problems getting offers/approvals for others.
Except for last months bill LOL damn auto repairs
My payments haven't been an issue so far
Except I came really close to my credit limit last month
Setting up base after moving countries is expensive
Keeping it around 30% of the limit is what's recommended (last I read)
But moving can certainly make that difficult. Especially that big of a move
Yeah I was like 15 dollars short of the limit :P
Trying to keep it under 50% this month
Buy all the thing when you get some credit
and come back to india
And it goes over like the last year or something so not a big deal once in awhile
nana escaped again!
India isn't an issue. I've already got everything setup there
Chemistry is fun
I'll pickup an Indian credit card when I'm there in December. Since we're with a credit system too
Today my teacher charged a pickle with electricity and made it glow and zap :)
Yeah, I actually have a question.
The answer is yes, we still love you, Nana.
I love you more than Adam, somedays
you love him more than adam loves him? or you live him more than you love adam?
Do you love me more then I love me?
The clerk at the grocery store asked if I wanted my milk in a bag and I told her no just leave it in the carton.
Good one
Tristan go check your hangouts so we can fix your ratingbar.
I know the problem, possibly
That's gold, Mac!
@nana What's the question?
I am getting it ready for release, I wouldn't want to ask stupid questions.
Ah, gotchya
Carry on...
But it's about <include> <merge> and RelativeLayouts
You should use it
I've used <include> a lot. Not sure about merge
I use both extensively
<include> is helpful.
if you have questions
I've used RelativeLayouts too
So I have an outside RelativeLayout which has a bunch of includes in it.
Get rid of the fragments
those includes lay themselves out according to elements in other includes
And it's all kinds of fucked, hence me not asking the question :]
Sounds like a mess
We use Fragments inside of Fragments inside of other Fragments!
And I am not even kidding here
Adam the Design Guy
IN my SO careers profile, I have "Fragments...fragments were a bit of a mistake, in my opinion. In theory, they are nice but are overly complicated for what they do."
I wonder if that has anything to do with people not contacting me...
what to use instead of them?
I think you overly complicate them, cM.
I think we should switch them for customViews
I know, I don't square up against you much, but I'm not on the anti-fragment team.
aren't Views even harder?
I don't need none of that life cycle cuntship bullshit.
lol cuntship bullshit
how do you do this … strikethrough?
dash dash dash
--- some words ---
custom views can be a pain too
especially if you have to save custom state
When do I need a fragment?
Everything can be a pain.
Android development is a pain.
Fragments are useful too but shouldn't be overused if you ask me.
ActionBar was all the rage at one time too. But it sucked as well
But you didn't.
I didn't
fragments are nice when you need to interact with the lifecycle
We have tons of fragments and then wrap each one of them in its own activity :)
Because fuck you.
@user2121620 "get a real name" as Ocus would say
Then when we want to reuse a fragment we copy paste it to another fragment with a slightly different name.
custom views are much more limited in regards to lifecycles
Also, life.
But, seriously, we don't grant access to users with default usernames
cM you did it again.
See other things in our rules
uh oh
what now?
You rejected someone with a default name who wouldn't meet the other criteria anyways so we're just going to deny them twice.
That's why I said...
34 secs ago, by codeMagic
See other things in our rules
Well you said it after I said my thing.
lol. I liked the caps better. I read it in that snobby teenage girl "SO WHAT" kinda voice.
This is how I feel about it....
3 mins ago, by nana
Because fuck you.
There you go. But I always read it as "Stack Overflow"
professional deformation
My phone battery has died twice today and it's only 2:44
i am a bot.
eric is currently hanging itself.
unless, of course, someone knows how could a nexus 5 have a bug with an app's background.
any ideas¿
This was actually an interesting question to me. I am not positive my answer's right because I can't test it, but I learned something new today haha.
i actually don't know what the bug is
"user wife with nexus5 says the background looks weird & broken."
Finally a bug that's not on Samsung
i just know i have to get it fixed before 9:30
that the only person that has a n5 is my coworker that i'll meet at 08:00
oh they do that in America too? Do it before 9:30am
"or else"
8 am wth
whenever i read an android SO question with commonsware involved
and that on a BQM5 with lollypop, on a android emulator with 4.0, on a genymotion emulator with 4.2.0, and a n4 with 4.4.2, looks perfectly fine
dude is such an asshole
Commonsware is?
not america. europe here.
omg T_T
I am planning to work in EUR
because they don't push people that that in EUR
but client will come at 9:30 at the office to see what we've done.
and he'll take his wife's n5, that today showed that damn bug.
I used to think they're reasonable folks
Did he send you a screenshot of the bug?
that would be too much to ask, i'm afraid.
How much time did they give you
and which part of Europe
i offered myself to do a pull from my home and try my best
south-west europe.
but we have until 9:30.
so, 12:30 hours-
this is the kind of BS i have to deal with everyday
kinda tired of it
Where are you at Reno?
SWA at the moment
South west asia
i must say it's not common to have this type of shit here
but this is a big client
that has big clients
and we're a small, 10-people, currently fucked, company.
Today for example i get to work and someone idk send a huge email that 8000 devices are stuck due to some teeny weeny bug
with some client
they won't buy it till we fix
it's probably going to be a hw design defect and i'll have to compensate it in SW side
but fuck this pressure
Sounds like my place, Reno
But we also get, they won't pilot the program unless it has this feature that needs to be implemented in a couple days. I do, they pilot, don't buy
and that's just 1 of 20 things on the critical list and two meetings/day
am back like a boss!
what did I miss?
some whining
No, you didn't miss me
I have an awful sense of humor.
or refrigerators. O_o
it should be "canGzip"
The degree to which I care is my name
so, no idea , nobody right? :(
no problems at all with n5 devices on 5.0 or 5.1?
You didn't give much description of the problem lol
i'm gonna genymotion the shit out of that bug.
background image not showing / not correctly applying
No you should ask your manager what's he doing to provide a N5 in your hand in the next hour
it is set on a repeat-X pattern using a 2px wide, 1080px height line
I'm just waiting for the iPad Pro to come out so I can buy one.
'Cause I saw Google's new tablet and I came to an important realization: Google doesn't give a fuck about tablets.
i do really like my nexus 7
What's wrong with the Pixel tablet? (I haven't looked it up yet, so that's a legit question not an argument)
It's mediocre.
what google tablet?
Go to the play store.
iPad Pro's revolutionary "pencil" idea is definitely novel ...
They released something under the Pixel name, except it's not a chromebook so it's really just a prettier Nexus 9 or whatever.
As long as the pencil thing has enough pressure sensitivity to paint with, it'll make me happy.
If it doesn't, oh well, I still need to replace my iPad 2.
i just see the n9 on my play store
No the pixel C was just announced yesterday
I linked above, the verge wrote about it too: theverge.com/2015/9/29/9415607/…
a google Surface?
I want one.
No, it's just a regular tablet.
Doesn't do anything special.
neither does the ipad
Well isn't the surface just a regular tablet?
The Surface and iPad Pro both have pressure-sensitive styluses which are useful for painting.
Okay but the stylus isn't part of the tablet. Take away the stylus, and those are both just tablets too.
or i could use my wacom pro and paint directly on photoshop.
The iPad Pro has the benefit of also being able to split-screen apps, which I think Google was supposed to be doing but hasn't released.
The Surface Pro is basically just a computer.
Wacom Pro?
looks at his Cintiq
Oh, Intuos.
My wacom is collecting dust
I had an Intuos 2. I replaced it with a Cintiq last week.
Cintiq is too expensive for me
Turns out Wacom supports stuff for an unreasonably long time, but my Intuos 2 finally stopped being usable.
i use it only for texturing and art
That's exactly why I bought a Cintiq.
I've wanted one for years after having a Graphire and then an Intuos 2, but now I can actually afford one.
Hey Mac Fans! Forget downloading #ElCapitan as the App Store just crashed!
It's fantastic for painting.
Pretty good sign for OS X update adoption if it's crashing the app store.
Means I don't have to care about earlier releases.
i could buy a new car with what a cintiq costs here
I could buy a crappy used car with what a Cintiq costs here.
I told the doctor that I broke my arm in several places and he said "you need to stop going to those places."
don't know where you're from , but seems like a lot different from spain.
cintiq came to the animation fair we have on our city
Appstore just has a raw digital camera compatibility update for me
~5000€ the 27" ones.
i think it was last year.
poor cat
user image
so bug doen't happen on any emulator in my computer
may it be 5.1, 5.0, 4.4....
well. i'll do it tomorrow.
Good luck.
Okay, out of ideas with this one: stackoverflow.com/questions/32844840/…
can't really help. i'm with you XD.
Eric, you live in Spain, right?
no, he lives in Spain
Been there, nice country :)
yup. good landscapes, mostly cool people, arrogant despotic governments since 1977.
my region is currently on a secession process from it , all because of the crappy governments spain has had.
That is interesting captain, secession
I set my friends up with @tristanwiley.com emails xD
@mauker.net address is mine
but I got too lazy to set up an email on my server
yup @Eenvincible
we made it to a lot of news portals / newspapers
Heard about that
I've got ~18 minutes to play a game of chess if someone's free
Carl let's go
I'm in the Trover office for another 20 or so
probably my last 20 minutes here
challenge sent Tristan
Is it casual?
no, rated
bring your 'A' game
A game
Woww it's not even timed xD
tristan, your move
who is tacoman?
Your move Carl
I suppose
Loves Tacos too much
This dark theme is awesome
lol 3d view
@trevor-e Yeah, they cut out the unnecessary crap
got a screenshot!
background shows as black
happens to me on windows everytime I try to print some games.
Well that's weird.
Anyone going to HackUMass?
don't look at the bright blue, it's taken from an iphone so the HDR went batshitCrazy
Welcome test user 3
it should be a clean, from-light-blue-to-vanilla-yellow background
and appears black as my heart right now.
the style is <style name="AppTheme" parent="Theme.AppCompat.Light.DarkActionBar">
use toolbar
end of story
you're talking about the background?
it has nothing to do with the toolbar
it should look like a transition from light blue to vanilla
@CptEric That's an epic screenshot
didn't have time to move to toolbar and i didn't need any special flow related to it.
but the problem is the dark bground XD
Could it be an issue with that device not being able to render the background you need?
not Nexus 5s in general, but just that one lol
there are two different nexus 5s
that have that bug.
i mean it's the most simple shit i've ever added to an android background
this drawable :
<bitmap xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
android:tileMode="repeat" />
leaving work. I'll catch up later o/
see ya adam
i might have found the problem
will test tomorrow
backgroundDrawable is deprecated after jelly bean
must use background
gg @TristanWiley
Thanks :/
ok, I'm outta here
gonna miss Trover
bye everyone!
bua carl
Ahmad, wanna have fun with some German content? -> plus.google.com/u/0/+CorneliaSch%C3%A4ffer/posts/Pa3ry9sajiB
warren, you're alive
how's the child?
good, she is asleep, my wife too
we had our third routine check (recommended checks based on age in Germany) with the doc and everything is fine and she is well and grows
great. we have them too here in catalonia.
already 5cm taller and now 5,1kg instead of 3,8kg a month ago

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