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I wonder if these can be used in VS
Can be used in a few Jetbrains projects, though I think VS has it's own thing
For the curious: studiostyl.es
Yeah, I like Obsidian, I used a similar one for VS
Apart from Java, what language do you think is used the most and worth learning?
I was not expecting Java to be #1. It's on the rise again.
Java is what we started with in college and uni, in 2007
That's what I learned in college too, but I didn't think it was that popular. A lot of people thought it would be on it's way out. My coworker said Android was like a saving grace for Java.
I love Java, but I think I should do abit more in other languages, not sure what though
Well some of the top ones are platform specific.
Well ai chose Java because itcs used in so many things, cash machines, printer, lots of things
C# is best for windows development, objective-C for iOS/OSX, C/C++ are really common for embedded.
For any webdevelopment stuff, I see a lot of people preaching JavaScript (just not cM, though)
C# comes up quite often in job advertisements, maybe I'll do that
I'm getting OutOfMemory errors on the Android 23 emulator
C# has a lot of similarities with Java, you'll probably pick it up quickly. Do you use a windows machine?
Do you have bit
Lol dont know what happened then but i had to restart my browser
Do you have bitmaps loading?
Oh, is that for mkorcha?
Random: Anyone in here a baseball fan?
All are scaled down and using very little memory, anything over a 10kb or so is loading from assets so it doesn't get hit with the drawable cache. The OOM happens in a webview
Sorry Mc yes
No, dont do sports
The pitcher for the Detroit Tigers last night almost threw a no hitter. It was the (second) most heartbreaking moment in tiger's baseball I've seen lol
Wow nearly everything is doing OOM on the emulator
Did they lower the memory limits in Android 6?
Buy a bigger hard drive? </sarcasm>
Lol Mc. Mkorcha, the only time I get outofmemory error is when I don't use calculateinsamplesize. developer.android.com/training/displaying-bitmaps/… other than that I'm not sure
@McAdam331 cm is a baseball person i think
@McAdam331 Yo are you coming for any of the games?
Because I work at Ford Field
WAT What do you do there?
I just wanted someone to talk to about that epic pitching last night. The one hit they did get, was right on the foul line, even kicked up the chalk. so fucking close to a third no hitter
Right now preparing for our thursday release
Tonight I think a handful of us are going to the game (idk if it's tonight)
:| Wait, what does your work have to do with football? Don't you work at a startup?
Yeah I do
Right now I'm QAing our app
What is the app for?
I forgot, if you've told me before.
Weird, no OOM issues on the newer version which hasn't been checked for memory issues yet...this is strange
I'm not allowed to say
Oooh thats interesting
Ah, gotchya. But it's somehow connected to football? Neat! I know the Lion's have a home game next Thursday, that might be what you're thinking of.
Not in any way
Oh no they got tickets to the 1D concert lmao
Then why the hell are you at ford field lmao
Is it an internal app for people in the building or something?
Lol, I dont think he wants to say
Not at all
I'm just gonna let it go.
Keep going haha
I don't not want to say, it's just that Adam is wildy off target every time
Literally the only thing at FF is football, concerts, and some bar.
So unless you're doing something for the bar, idfk lol
Wrong again
twice actually
I went through there once. I parked at FF to go to a Tiger's game, and some guy is like "you can cut through here if you want." (walking through that building was a shortcut) and he's like, "I'm just saying, you're gonna pass $1 hot dogs and $2 beers" so we stopped in ford field for a beer before going to the baseball game lmao
Cheap beer here is like 8.50 though
yeah, the price of beer at sporting events is outrageous
Except at the pistons. Because our basketball team sucks so bad, they pretty much pay you to come out.
One time I got third row seats behind the net for $17 each, and it was a special day with $2 popcorn and $2 pops (sodas for the non-midwest)
For the pack of a 6 pack of Budweiser, you can get... a Budweiser!
@TristanWiley pls
me, but I don't stop.
Someone help me find a quadcopter I can buy on impulse that has wifi video streaming and can be here prior to Sep 11
<proceeds to spend $100>
Didn't you already find one?
No, I didn't buy it because it couldn't be here on time. And, it didn't have live streaming.
Which I've gathered most don't.
I built one, arduino powered
Could tack on a wifi shield and camera and it'd stream
TCP sockets, UDP broadcasts to find clients
We want to make an arduino powered quadcopter
well not make it
but power a quadcopter with an arduino
You can't power it, but you can control it
That's what I meant
But, we wanted to do something cool with the cameras, but we'd need a live feed to do what we were thinking
What did you want to do?
please read what you just wrote
Junior Soldier: "Beautiful morning major Manning"; response : "What are you a fucking weather man now?"
It wasn't particularly bad...?
16 mins ago, by McAdam331
Someone help me find a quadcopter I can buy on impulse that has wifi video streaming and can be here prior to Sep 11
What's wrong with that?
dunno, drone, 9/11
@McAdam331 When's the next time you'll be downtown?
When he gets caught by cops and taken downtown?
Oh that sounds good. Tell me when you do so I can get arrested at the same time.
I'm sure there are easier ways to meet up :S
Actually Saturday for my GFs birthday haha.
We'll meet up safe at MHacks
@Ahmad If you look at the edit history I wrote 9/11 first and decided to change it haha
Great, now I'm probably on a list somewhere. :|
my blocking collection is fucking up
android o will stand for osama
Android P will be "PEW PEW MOTHERFUCKER"
Great now we're all on the list
@adam nhm?
do you think the nsa gets mad when people joke about terrorism
ruins their scrapers
was that actually a word in arabic?
LOL jmr
i wish i could send swat teams to ticketing sites which ruin our scrapers
you guys scrape for concerts?
LOL I googled how to write 'yes' in arabic.
ah, it's supposed to be na'am
Well file a complaint with google translate
was hard to read for me without the vocalisation
I think Arabic is pretty damn hard
but beautiful
Arabic calligraphy is amazing
What's it called?
Isn't there a term for it?
I know right?
caligraphy is the arabic term
But there's a word for the writing in mosques
oh, hmm not that I'm aware of
or maybe, do you mean la ilaha?
la ilawhut?
Maybe I'm thinking of arabesque
oh yeah that is really awesome
don't know if it has a name though
Arabesque is the name
The arabesque is a form of artistic decoration consisting of "surface decorations based on rhythmic linear patterns of scrolling and interlacing foliage, tendrils" or plain lines, often combined with other elements. It usually consists of a single design which can be 'tiled' or seamlessly repeated as many times as desired. Within the very wide range of Eurasian decorative art that includes motifs matching this basic definition the term "arabesque" is used consistently as a technical term by art historians to describe only elements of the decoration found in two phases: Islamic art from about the...
That's the geometry one, and there's another term for the depictions of flora, and the calligraphy
ooh cool TIL
There is a recruiter for u
today our unpaid intern quit after like a week because we weren't willing to pay him after a week.
all he was doing was using our account to take php classes online, not doing anything that creates value
it's like bro!
lol he was unpaid tho
so why would he do something
i know lol
he knew it was unpaid, it's there to learn so we can evaluate his skills and possibly offer him a paid position
our last intern ended up getting hired on working on client projects. I just don't get why he would accept knowing what it was then quit a few days later.
My mom asked me to install "Microword Soft."
> My boss was furious at me because I'd forgotten to buy/register a hashtag he wanted to use.
I've got one, "I once had a customer complain that our iOS app didn't work on their Macbook."
.@crazybob wins, we can all go home now http://t.co/YkREYxW4mQ
Broski and Brovincible dropping links on fleek
@carl just saw your ping about the train
I'm already living on a train
at least it feels like it
2 hours a day
see u guys tomorrow
I just realized something
I returned from pennapps in February with 20 sponsor t-shirts in my bag
I'm now at the three biggest hackathons in the world
RIP my baggage
there is no way I will be able to fit everything in there
Swag is way less interesting past your first event haha
Swag is so ratchet
Good swag really shonkles my tonsils, but bad swag isn't very dank
totes ma goats
tbh I don't wear any of the shirts anyway
I just give them to my brother
I wore a Facebook t-shirt yesterday
most of sponsor shirts are from american apparel
I hate american apparel
they are just way too long
they fit my brother but I just look stupid in them
which is funny because he's always running around in a name cheap shirt and has no idea what name cheap is
@AnubianNoob I've heard about someone giving away battery packs at mhacks. That's really cool. And would definitely get it.
I got one. They weren't great
oh :|
The single piece of swag I want is Microsoft's hoodie travel pillow
Also comcast gave away lip balm. Best lip balm ever.
I've missed them at 3 hackathons
hoodie travel pillow?
what is that?
this thing?
I've missed them at 4 hackathons actually
Every single hackathon I've been to
Ok so in c++ you can create a struct that matched bytes in array and cast the struct directly from a pointer, is there an equivalent to that in java?
I also left my Google Cardboard at MHacks IV by accident
@DaveS Parcelable
is it just as fast?
Parcelable is way better but Android, Serializable is the java version
this is Java not Android
That hoodie really looks awesome
I want one.
it's the kind of thing you would never buy but get in a heartbeat if given out for free
cya peeps I'm off to bed
night, Ahmad
I'm off to evening drinking and coding.
@mkorcha I went with Oblivion, no regrets.
How can I force an item to align to the right of a LinearLayout? Or do I have to use a RelativeLayout?
and android:layout_width="match_parent"
I want to use cards in cash caretaker but I don't know how to fill up enough space for it to be worth it.
width = 0dp, weight = 1;
I meant..
nevermind. I'm not explaining myself to you
look, you can't align to shit if there's no room in the layout cause you use wrap_content
so use weight or match_parent to take up the space
then align to your little heart's content
I mean, I want to use Cards, but I don't have enough text for them to look cool. I have account name, balance, and I'm gonna add icons to edit/delete the account, but it looks bad.
yeah just use a listview
cards are for playing, not srsbzns
Cards look dumb without images and there's no point in adding images, unless I give the user the option to use a picture from their bank or something.
here's a transaction log, add some pictures to it!
> "Wireless internet is faster because it goes so fast you can't see it through the air."
> "Isn't it amazing how eyes work without anything physically attaching them to your brain?"

Followed by, after telling this person that optical nerves are in fact a real thing:

"You need to be more open-minded,"
^ makes you feel better or worse, depends on your hope for humanity and self esteem levels
> Sea salt is healthy because it doesn't have any sodium.
Oh god. This Oblivion theme uses like an off-red for certain class colors. I can't do it, I'll feel like I'm getting constant compiler errors.
lmao did you read the THREE BILLION? comment?
@McAdam331 @AnubianNoob was out, just saw that, glad you guys like it ^^
Are you trying to draw attention to you being the original poster of that link?
No I just like responding to thanks
I'm looking at themes now again ;-;
Might try out the VS2013 one
@Ahmad here's more music for you.
Don't use oblivion.
I'll share a screenshot if I can, one sec.
No errors, but look at all that red.
Except for the blank setText() lol
I think t-mobile was trying to throttle me again
it's not that the theme is bad, it just knows you should quit developing and it's saying all your code is bad
managed to work around it for tethering again now
like, who names something AccountAdapter2, everyone knows it should be GenericAdapter5
darcula is nice
t-mobile is for peasants
LOL because I'm rewriting AccountAdapter
and when I've tested it, I'll delete the old and rename.
I get unlimited LTE tethering if I go through a proxy and use it as my internet
I downloaded a dark scheme and my IDE is bright
I wasted 30 minutes trying to deserialize an object from a byte array just to discover without an object header the ReadObject method fails so I had to write the deserialization myself.
^ good story
i wish I could just by like myInOrderStruc = (MyFuckingObject) myByteArray;
verizon would have cost me $400 this month for data
I refuse to deal with comcast or verizon
which are the only providers here
I tried, and about killed myself dealing with their customer service
wait they have cell providers north of the artic circle?
yeah they monopolized here too :(
comcast is terrible
lol. Classic SP
Is sacrificing the ease of a ListView with a CursorLoader worth it to switch to a RecyclerView? (Which doesn't have an easy CursorLoader implementation).
just write an infinite loop and come back to it when your test run is done executing.
that's how I get through the work day

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