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00:00 - 13:0013:00 - 00:00

You know what, I might just revert all the toolbar code I wrote for you.
If you can beat me in chess, you can add a toolbar to your app.
I challenged you let's go again
You're using a bot aren't you
OK I'm playing from my car tacoman
so basically you guys are proxies for two separate bots playing each other?
No bot needed here
Okay Dave.
I have two tabs according to the debugger, and they're still not visible.
Action Bar tabs?
Dude you know you're timed right?
And I'm using a TabLayout Carl
with a ViewPager.
I don't use TabLayout
@TristanWiley less taunting, more playing.
In a bit old man :)
IIRC it's old and doesn't work well and you can't customize it very much
so instead I made a custom tab bar using a combination of linear & relative layouts with image buttons and textviews
and it works perfectly/didn't take long
I'm still using the (now deprecated) action bar tabs
view pager handles all the pagination and animation, all a tab bar is at that point is a glorified radio button group
I'm almost to the daycare youngun. Won't be able to pay after that.
Honestly I'm just following a lot of what TLN did in his one support library example
if you set up a viewpager and the adapter correctly you can just trigger your own state changes with an onPageChangeListener
and have the buttons call a page change themselves
idk I did it that way because of a design requirement that you couldn't achieve in androids normal implementations
Mate in two, will he find it?
I give up.
I'm going to go deal with these dumb tabs
Nuke Launcher to Z0
Noo stayyy
Nuke Detonator to Z0, Checkmate
I need to sleep soon.
No you don't xD
I gots my Apple Watch
I also just threw a bunch of money away
Heheheh nice one
So far
Well, like most sane people, I choose to live in a world where people aren't judged except when they pick Samsung phones
Your choice to live in another world is disturbing and says awful things about you.
Samsung sucks, just less than Apple.
at least that waste of money can make phone calls on its own
At least it's not Android Wear.
oh my god
Note: have used both.
you paid hundreds of dollars for a smaller screen with limited functionality so you can wear it on your wrist
I can't figure this out.
smart watches in general are dumb until they are stand alone
I paid hundreds of dollars so I wouldn't need to pull my phone out of my pocket.
It's pretty simple.
Do not underestimate the amount of money I will spend on these things.
Incidentally, with the next watch OS release, it actually becomes standalone
Hey, if that's what he wants to spend is money on go for it
I spent about that much to fly to see my girlfriend. Which do you think was better spent?
depends on the girlfriend
Better than Adam xD
Depends on which of us spent the money and saw your girlfriend
Dollar values aren't really a measure of quality and measuring two things by dollar value is silly.
It cost me ~$2000 to go to a festival for three days. I still did it.
festivals are worth it
but I cringe at the thought of spending money for a shittier extension of my phone so I can save the 1 second it takes to pull it out of my pocket
and then you have to actually wear it
it's like a giant bulls eye that says I'm easily fooled
no offense nil
I think the way you evaluate decisions is strange and lacking in humanity.
why does it matter which was better spent?
You make apps to control a grill so you don't have to walk outside.
Check. Mate.
yeah but I don't buy those grills
I get paid to make them
You could feed 3 villages in Africa with a single iWatch
Because people are uncomfortable with the idea that when someone buys something they didn't, there is a creeping fear that they were wrong and they feel the need to prove to themselves and others that they weren't. No offense, Dave.
nah I don't really care if you bought an iWatch Nil, I just think it's a silly thing to brag about
I've never bragged about it.
After all, I buy all sorts of weird crap just because I'd rather try things than not.
looks at his HP Touchpad
You sure have gone on about it for a while for someone who doesn't really care
Howsabout we just move on now.
and foamy we spend hours in this room discussing things we don't really care about
I have tabs
A: Tabs of TabLayout not showing

Raul Amoretti de SouzaI have the same problem! But this fix too me. tabLayout.post(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { tabLayout.setupWithViewPager(viewPager); } }); https://code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?id=180462

I'm glad I'm one of the people who actually gets to use Go for work
lol McAdam
Because holy christ my sanity couldn't take building some of the things I've been asked to do in anything else
Like, the alternatives are probably Erlang and C++.
I've never even heard of Erlang
It's a language that's mainly used for building distributed systems
It's also one of the only languages I know of where it will automatically distribute work across networked machines, since the Erlang VM makes no distinction between multiple CPU cores and multiple CPUs in different machines on a network (well, it does, but the point is that it works)
That brings the 'companies I know that use Go' up to 2.
I know a lot of companies using Go.
does Go also have this advantage?
It's basically the new server programming language.
Go doesn't do networked concurrency, but it's otherwise one of the few languages where concurrency is easy.
As an example of an enormous server that most people use without realizing it, there's dl.google.com
And that's entirely in Go.
how does it compare to pthreads and mutexs etc you'd use in C++?
A lot better, usually.
Goroutines get multiplexed onto system threads (i.e., the sort of thing you'd have to manually manage in C++ using pthreads, work queues, kqueue, etc.)
I see
As a result, you can have thousands upon thousands of goroutines going and you'll be able to make use of all CPU cores
kind of like an automatic thread pool and the routine is a task that gets handed to an available thread?
Sort of, except if you do stuff that blocks, it gets pulled off the thread and another one gets put on.
ok, do you need to explicitly manage shared data access?
The runtime scheduler will shuffle things around fairly well, and as of Go 1.5, it also attempts to make fairly intelligent decisions about when to pin a goroutine to a thread.
You share data by passing things over channels.
hmm, how do channels work? who can write, who reads...
Anyone can write, anyone can read.
blocking call if it's in use?
by another thread
Not blind people, they can't read or write (unless they're talented)
It only blocks if there's no sender or receiver.
What's new on Android Studio 1.3? Hmm
Blocking is fine in Go, anyway. Unlike the myth that node.js perpetuates, blocking is a desirable thing.
Granted, node.js is just garbage and I think that's finally sort of set in with devs.
I hope I can go my entire career without learning node.js
One can only hope.
Maintaining code written in scripting languages sucks, maintaining code written in a scripting language where everything descends into callback hell is far, far worse
yeah our tech support guy keeps talking it up and suggesting it for performance critical components, and I just look at him blankly and say "NO!"
I mostly killed it off at work.
Fuck so sick
I can't listen to the Foo Fighters after they said stupid political things.
Opposing vaccines.
A train conductor was conducting his train...
when he derailed it and the train suffered a terrible crash. Only those in the front of the train survived. He was put on trial for the murder of nearly a hundred people. He was found guilty and sentenced to death by the electric chair.
When asked what he'd like for his last meal, he replied simply with "A banana, if you will." The prison guard shrugged, got a banana, and gave it to the poor man. The conductor ate the banana in regular fashion and braced himself for death. He was seated on the chair, fastened in, and was ready for what was about
3 hours later…
AS 1.3 is here
what's new?
guess I will wait a day before update in case it breaks something )
a lot
at least they promised a lot at last Google IO
let's see
they also promised it to be out during spring, and 1.4 to be out during summer but estimates clearly gone wrong )
"Android Studio now allows you to capture and analyze memory snapshots in the native Android HPROF format"
that was unexpected from my part...
yes, you can save dumps and analyse them - it was shown on presentation
not that i will ever use it, i hate looking at memory dumps, whatever is the way of seeing it
in hour and a half I'll go on job interview, so wish me success, room )
this is better: see your thread works : In addition to displaying a table of memory allocations that your app uses, the updated allocation tracker now includes a visual way to view the your app allocations.
go for it!
don't forget to bring an extra towel
is it something related to Douglas Adams and hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy? ))
yes ofcourse
ooh great. c++ integration.
wohoo data binding in XML
there they got me.
oh, it is in changelog?
AFAIK they were not sure if this goes in 1.3
updating now.
yes - do, please. I'll wait if it works ok from you )
not just data binding in xml - they totally re-done layout editor
it should be way better now
^ me right now
is that stannis baratheon on you avatar? )
no really
cool guy. the series writers fucked the character too much.
the layout editor's visual appearance remains unchanged
75% indexing
A colleague told me some background from the books - not only this character
they changed lots of things
last season i counted 4 changes / episode
major ones
dunno, maybe if you read the book the show sucks, but it is still one of the greatest
I'm planning to wait until the tw show finishes and the read the books
i'd not say sucks. it's just a parallel universe, start - trek style.
don't know a thing about ST
never watched it, only one movie from the recent
JJ Abrahams created an alternate timeline
it's parallel to the original thus they can travel back and forth i believe
as spok did.
original movies are cool, but you should totally skip "The motion picture".
too 70's.
there are some new widgets
apart of that
i see no changes on layout
well yes. someone broke the onHover of the properties tab
it prints .Type instead of .description
so you hover visibility and see "integer" instead of what the hell it's supposed to do.
and someone grow tired of margins not working, apparently. "Space : space is a widget used as a blank divider between defined-space components"
so, what's your conclusion on 1.3?
Too early to update?
nah. it works
project compiles correctly
you can update, no bugs ahead.
for now just one render problem that is concurrent, custom views still crash AS renderer.
why "still" ? Custom views worked almost fine in 1.2.x
What exactly is wrong with them? Because I have all views customised in my project...
i've always had problems rendering them
they do not show correctly
actually now it doesn't show a giant stack of rendering errors
if it can't load it
just a message, and you can try again closing and opening.
i have a slider that never loaded and now it kinda shows, so somehow some parts are fixed.
(in layout editing mode i refer, it compiles flawlessy)
Yo All
the little analyst inside me died a little with this one
Q: Android database usage best practice

Puneet RastogiI have started to work on an android application that requires multiple sqlite databases with same schema. I did some research on how one can add the database for the application and found that there are two ways in which this can be done: 1. Create database Code for database creation can be a...

hope he notices my comment and applies common sense.
though i expect his getCommonSense().react(); to throw a NPE.
1 hour later…
\o/ so much people
damn it. I've just answered the question with the bounty, and 1 minute before other quy got the bountry. logy day...
arr cpn'. ya didn't get the bounty today, aye?
couldn't resist.
and remember kids, with great power comes great Exceptions.
what does it want?
try with the tools folders
i think it happened to me long ago
(i'm not sure).
does it need write permission?
i don't think so.
doesn't the system find it automatically for you? (i know, stupid question, but when my AS doesn't find my custom SDK i just let him find the default one).
we work using bitbucket so sometimes we have it configured on one SDK path or another.
This is after the update
it usually does
maybe your sdk version is too old? have you tried opening it manually?
trough tools - sdk manager
maybe some file went missing and that's the reason.
i had no problem updating, OSX.
I would check permissions
sudo chmod -R 777 android-sdk fixed it
so it were permissions
I could've used something weaker than 777, but oh well
but if it worked before without that change
does that mean AS 1.3 needs higher level of permissions?
it said nothing to me
it does need write permission while updating, and it doesn't have them by default in /opt
hmm good to know.
only /home/user is owned by user, all other folders are by root afaik, and user only haves read permission
it's annoying when apps assume they'll have all permissions, and when they fail they show some generic messages
i think they should require those permissions on install
I think AS came in tarball, without installation
it does
install software is so 2014
one of the main reasons i prefer windows OS and at some level osx.
so - AS 1.3 is ok?
yeah, works for me
haven't tried Data binding yet
I am already trying to patch databinding out of AS 1.3
i haven't too, will do when i come bakc home
that's *bull* *shit*!
hope you applied to mhacks, because mhacks is better anyway.
@CptEric oh, it does have package manager, but AS isn't in the repos. And it's easier when it's self contained, just throw it in /opt and never think about it again
what data binding in AS?
i'm an unconditional fan of self-installing, self-applying-permission, and self-attaching-to-my-apps-folders software.that's what we build here after all...
in AS 1.3 you can use data binding to combine the XML files and object classes
<textview android:text="{{potato.name}}"> and things like that. (can't remember the syntax right now).
so you attach your object to the xml, and voilá, you can acces the object from your xml file.
ah cool, thats nice
just read it's in beta still
nah, stable came out this morning
ah nice :)
still the gradle offline toggle from the quicksettings does not work
yup, new version indeed. updating
I am going to flag @Aamirkhan. I am sick of his flagging and starring random messages
Yeah, flag that message, just prove my point
so stupid, really
I just flagged my own message for moderator attention.
Had to remember not to delete your message there :)
Anything specifically you had in mind?
learning angular. it's weird as hell.
I trust your decision. I have nothing special in mind
Yeah Angular is weird. Tried it a few months ago
it's cool and weird
Especially if you're not used to javascript and are learning tons of other stuff at the same time. It gets a bit confusing
like jagermesiter with cola and lime.
I agree, I really liked it even though I had mostly no clue what I was doing
yeah got my 1rst badge
i still don't know what am i doing
eh congrats =p
You can use it with Ionic, it's pretty cool.
yup, that's the point. learn angular, then move to ionic. too much multi-platform apps to do to make them all native
I think they got lots of updates lately
According to the emails I get anyway
@codeMagic Missed the sunrise/set. I don't know why but this alternative link to the ISS cam gives an updated map to show where it is and a community feed ustream.tv/channel/live-iss-stream
Hi matty o/
time to go home
Hi miva2 \o
the sun is starting to come up on the ISS cam
how exciting haha
@JonClements have you done anything yet?
We're keeping eyes and ears open for now
I'll check it out some other time. I'm working now :)
well, mostly being a noob. Can't figure out how to make the background continue under the actionbar and make the actionbar transparent
But I'm making progress I think.
Happy friday people! \o/
ah ok, but I guess you can see some kind of history, right?
At the moment nothing's necessary, but yes, the name tends to crop up now and again :p
Happy friday peehaa! :)
Anyone knows how to make the background in a fragment fullscreen (appear below the action bar)? I use the same activity for almost all fragments so if possible I'd like to do it from the fragments code, not from the activity
Jeez, I've been trying to do that since yesterday
afaik the AB is not part of the layout, so you can't do that
replace it with a toolbar
It is a toolbar for sdk>21, I believe
hmm, maybe I should test my toolbar solution
toolbar is part of the support package
v7 I think
Just me or there is no good way to prompt user to pick a date?
yeah, but it's ugly and complicating
and needs a button to be invoked
Make your own dialog
I was actually trying to come up with a solution which isn't too distracting to be embedded in form
if it exists
can you provide a screenshot of the "ugly" picker?
EditTexts? XD
@Warren I was referring to the default Dialog, it's too complicated for my taste, especially because I probably won't need the year
@TristanWiley I'm trying to avoid parsing every type of date input there is xD (also, ambiguous)
But button -> Dialog seems the simplest solution atm (unfortunately)
A: Remove year from DatePickerDialog

ρяσѕρєя KYes it possible. DatePicker has the built-in three NumberPicker control, followed by the year, month, day, hide out first to. final Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); mDialog = new CustomerDatePickerDialog(getContext(), this, cal.get(Calendar.YEAR), cal.get(Calendar.MONTH), cal.get(Calendar....

hm, okay, that's a bit better, thanks
"default" from what android? My Lollipop datepicker looks good
right, lollipop dialogs look much better than Holo ones
I just can't get over than cyan separator
so change the color
Hopefully I'll find good library to replace default ones
with Lollipop-everywhere
Q: Android Material Design Datepicker with AppCompat

AndroidicusI'm trying to add the new Android 5.0 Material Design Datepicker to my pre 5.0 application using AppCompat. I've added compile "com.android.support:appcompat-v7:21.0.0" to my build.gradle file and updated my Theme to: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <style name="AppTheme.Base...

oh, cool, thanks
@scienticious denied. This room requires a min 100 rep plus other things found in the rules
cM, I have now experienced a sunrise aboard the ISS, pretty good to watch.
Private vars in JavaScript: prefix their names with the zero-width space (U+200B) and then people will literally not be able to use them. 😘
Awesome, matty!
I think I was seeing one yesterday but wasn't sure. The feed lost signal a couple times and I had to go talk to a coworker
if you check the new link, it shows a map that you can see when its about to hit sunrise/set,
Thanks, I pulled that one up but it's not showing anything
Is it working for you now or is it my connection?
Working now, never mind
curerntly blue screen, the desciption says its when it loses transmission, i guess electrical inteference with the signal
I understood that but it wasn't pulling up anything at all on the site.
Must have been my awesome internet connection
yep maybe it was
i can have a nas box for free, what would i do with it other than back stuff up? lol
Free is always nice
ha true
Trying to decide if I want to spend 45 minutes upgrading to Win 10 or wait
00:00 - 13:0013:00 - 00:00

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