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good job
@cc2k you seem to pretty much define a help vampire so your access request is denied
A guy is doing 90 in a 75 and sees lights from a patrol car in the mirror...
He thinks furiously for a moment and then floors it, 95... 100.. 110... Finally, with the officer still hot on his tail he slows to a crawl and pulls over to the roadside.
The officer, obviously on edge, cautiously approaches the car as the man rolls down the window and places hands out where they can easily be seen.
"You were going a little fast there," the officer says "but it is the end of my shift and tonight the boys are coming over for beers and cards, so you have exactly one chance to explain yourself."
1 hour later…
That's a dad joke.
@McAdam331 come backkkkk <3
3 hours later…
this is very quiet.
all is workings
then i'll keep playing with getMapAsync()
crashlytics... fabric... those are great tools, but damn - them developers are like from another planet. Everything is so.. unexpected... unclear and unintuitive...
I wish some other team would done some mass-deploy system like beta
with great powers comes shitty documentation.
@RaghavSood Nope, Google is the reason your dialogs haven't been working. :P
Actually, even then, they should still work.
never used a system_alert_window
what does it do?
been asked a thousand times on stackoverflow, but i can't find my correct implementation.
@CptEric it's not even documentation... Even the dashboard with crashes and releases and projects and all stuff - totally non-intuitive
how the hell should i manage a map's touchevents to allow only zoom?
i mean, i care little if the user wants to scroll the map, i'm just showing him a single , zoomed, map marker.
but i would like him to be able to zoom out with gesture.
or zoom-in back again.
took my first moto lesson yesterday

how you did?
you mean how was it in general?
@codeMagic wondering if cM is gonna turn blue circle now one more addition to circle gang
Wow.. no circles in room..
Goodmorning eceryone
well, I have quite an experience in bicycle - I use it as a main transport most of the time. And I have quite an experience with a car - 'we been driving since 18 (that's for 8 years now, holy-moly)

so some things wen't easy. But motobike has some additional complexities )
Morning \o
it's hard to control throttle on 1st gear, but you have to - and very precisely - to do well during slow speed riding and turns with very small radius
that's when you leard to controll speed using throtle and brake at the same time
I don't even know how to drive a bicycle :(
quite hard
and very uncommon after a car
gtg away for some time
see ya!
cya OcUs
I read the stagefrifht thing, quite creepy
The name is quite creepy itself: stagefrifht
Berserk, you do not drive a bicycle?
Yes :(
I want to learn tho. But I feel it is quite hard.
hello all.
god audio players in iOS are hell difficult compared to android.
audio is better on ios isn't it
handling it no.
slow loading time when buffering from the internet, and only one delegate ( listener) method to use : audioPlayerDidFinishPlaying()
there is no "audioPlayerReady(), nothing, to show a spinning progress dialog and avoid the user thinking the app is broken
weird, i met the developers from chirp and the were saying the android app is a shambles because of how it handles audio, but ios is a lot better
(chirp lets you send files over sound)
on concrete implementations it >Might< be better.
but for playing a remote .mp3 file of the russian anthem ( demo sound of 2 min duration, the Avg duration of the production files i'll recieve ) it's a pain in the ass.
android has more lines, yes, but it's also more flexible..
android would look amazing if it could use swift language.
it's very powerful.
shame it's restricted to the ios framework.
yeah that would be interesting
trying to learn swift myself
seems quite easy
yes. and i love the way it operates with dictionaries
@netpork haha, nice idea
so, the client (they are also doing server side), decided that rest web service should return avatar pictures as BASE64 encoded strings. I am trying to find the logic for that.
@OcuS you just dropped from the users list.. so just said cya..
ow. ah. ok.
another android bug, great
someone here who has access to a list of good android interview questions or know where I can get some?
toptal is sooo outdated
I'm usually asking about background experience and according to that asking random questions from every area like "Java core", "DB", "VCS", "Android", "Security", "Frameworks", "Best practices", "Public activity", etc.
I don't like the questions from the internet, because people learn them by rote
in Room for Piyush Gupta and WarrenFaith, 19 mins ago, by WarrenFaith
so you are on the lucky side with just one
He requested access here. Should I let him in so that he asks his question and get banned shortly after ? :)
Someone just got Warren'd ;P
@WarrenFaith they ask outdated questions on job interviews also
that is what I mean
Toptal kills itself in their intro text:
> True Android experts know more than simply how to code an app. They have a thorough appreciation of the platform's nuances and the different implementation options available. The questions presented in this guide help identify those Android developers with the experience to produce masterful results on the Android platform.
and then asking about
> What are Activities and Fragments? When and why should you use one over the other?
DAMN that insight!
But this version has bugs :/
hm... I am running 1.2.2 stable
me too
> For example, when fetching a lot data from a server, steps should be taken to avoid locking up the user interface (i.e., by loading the data on a background thread).
lol, I didn't know you had a choice
pre-honeycomb questions...
@WarrenFaith O_o but is current stable, they say..
I assume that you will get an update to 1.2.2
it is on the stable channel, so it should be there
Ok thanks, I will check.
@Aamirkhan STOP IT
not again
do you really think we are stupid?
I got it, thanks Warren :)
lol who starred all that messages?
Can a room owner delete all them?
“Please hold while you are connected to the next available room owner agent.”
come on...
3 of my questions have lately been down voted
I wonder if this has anything to do with our starring troll...
Nah, Ahmad, it's just me, I randomly downvote some answers of the other room owners, hoping than one day you'll all have a reputation below 100 so that I can ban you and takeover the room. #evillaugh
oh damn
But you just made some enemies by saying that, and they will do the same what you are doing xD
Shit, did I just expose my plan to everybody ?
Yeah.. you must be cautious..
Maybe you will see you rep going down soon with a steep curve..
ok, so someone tried to troll someone else: PINs for all credit cards of the world leaked
@PiyushGupta Welcome. Please read the room rules room-15.github.io
Good morning, folks
I take it our troll was back
anyone ever use a TextWatcher?
Wait was I not supposed to give that guy access?
I have, Ahmad
I have once also. But it was a really long ass time ago
@jayeshkhitoliya this room requires a min 100 rep and some answers
in a land called kickapoo
I am really sick of studio bugs now. It is not jumping to the line of change when I undo.
fuck this shit.. really fucking annoying
ah never mind, fixed it :D
The redo in AS threw me way off for a long time
the docs for text watcher are really awful
Glad I could help, Ahmad
anyone an idea why setUserVisibleHint is not called when I add a view on top of it?
Is disabling MMS prefetching enough to protect against Stagefright?
yes Anubian
how did you do that?
It's in your sms app settings
Typically in advance settings
ah didn't know there was such a thing
will check it out
MMS auto retrieve
That way when an MMS arrives it says "tap to download" instead of downloading it for you
warren: fragments
that's why
sorry, I'm not helpful when it comes to fragments hehe
I am very certain that the developer who developed the core of this app just fucked it up completely
> Your Stack Overflow Gold badge isn’t just a free ticket to adoration and casual hookups, it’s a call of duty
I am more the Battlefield player...
Electorate and unsung hero lol
"Did they edit 500 posts? Ask a question with over 10,000 views? Maybe they’re one of the Legendary, having earned 200 daily reputation over 150 times."
Well I voted a bit and wrote shitty answers
@codeMagic but I always tell girls I have 30k rep on SO and they are all over me...
Works every time!
Ich kann nicht mehr, ich lieg in meiner eigenen Rotze! (frei nach: youtube.com/watch?v=Gdqkjba8B7c)
google translate: "I can not, I'm lying in my own spit! (freely adapted from: youtube.com/...)"
"That's right, baby, I have the android gold badge. I can walk in, close as a dupe with one click, and walk out...LIKE A BOSS"
a must hear for you, ahmad
I just listened Lol :D
oh well, I wish tho
CM is always a boss
Good, I see someone has been paying attention :)
coming back from writing a java module to android is a pain
I liked having short build times
was fun while it lasted
haha yeah
I can't even imagine working on a project with long build times
like a c++ game or smth
Imagine your code taking an hour to compile
insert relavant xkcd
still don't understand the meaning of double Os
hah. the people in our team working in redmond on the MS office suite told us compiling takes an eternity.
a half hour
but they also have incremental builds that only take a minute
so that's good
that's pretty crazy
but sometimes you just need to build the entire thing
start it and go for lunch?
omg emmanuel
"fuck I missed a semicolon"
Hey peeps
Hey peep
usually syntax errors are caught within a minute tho
Guess who is back ---wait for it ...Emmanuel
"fuck I wrote if(user.isDead) instead of if (!user.isDead)"
^ lol
in that case, developer.isDead :P
I am back for a bit
you in SL now?
While I am on this borring meeting
Meetings are the worst
Saint Louis
Specially if they are daily and they provide no value
we have no meetings \o/
same here \o/
This meeting is with the customer
Our team has no meetings
We have meetings when we need meetings
but why do dev need to be there?
And 5 minute daily standups
we have weekly standups
Because their process sucks
and I think everybody was like we don't need that this week
Weekly standups are not standups
Standups should last for 5 minutes tops
Standups are by definition daily standups
well dunno what to call them then lol
And from the word
we just do everything on slack
You should be standing up
Meetings aren't that bad
we do stand
in a circle
yo, Emm
well I guess that's p close
Do y'all use github?
Hey codeTragic, how are you doing?
@AnubianNoob yea
We use gitlab internally and I am guessing the customer uses gitbucket
I'm ok. Just trying to get through another day filled with stupid
How's gitlab?
I love it when people are testing and they just walk in holding up the tablet with the "Unfortunately appname has stopped" and don't say anything
I must love it. They do it every time
we use gitlab internally too
we use bitbucket
bitbucket is sick
it's free
what else do you need?
I use it for personal projects (privacy is the best part of BB)
Github collaboration tho
And I love the ui and all
you can collaborate with bit bucket though
bitbucket+jira+intelliJ+jira plugin = win
question time
@Emmanuel you know tests, you should know
the only bad thing is that the Jira/atlassian plugin for intelliJ doesn't show the sprints...
so I just want to run unit tests on my java projects, but every time I run them, AS first compiles the entire apk
that's tiring
and I don't want to switch to Intellij just to work on the java project
standalone intelliJ is much more better than this AS crap
yeah kinda realizing that now too
AS eats all my RAM
For lunch or dinner?
both + breakfast
1.2GB for me
and midnight snack...
not that much
(I have 8 gigs of RAM)
it depends on the project
the project is really big
oh wait
what are all these java instances
Gradle daemons
You only need one really
or one per active android studio instance
I upgraded to 16gigs, absolutely worth it
^ Agreed! That's what I got with my new computer this year
It's great
yeah, next time I will buy 16 gigs
running AS alongside IntelliJ
machine hasn't blown up yet
I'm surprised
Now, open Eclipse Ahmad ! DO IT !
I can run AS, PyCharm and compress an mp4 all at the same time with 8gb and not have a problem
That's why I had to upgrade this year. Running Eclipse (at that time), DreamWeaver, and Photoshop, plus whatever else was terrible
AS and chrome at the same time was using 60-70 percent
We should come back to the simple things. Such as VI
And then I was doing a lot of android reverse engineering so I had multiple AS instances, and Slack is also a memory hog
If my memory usage went over 85 my computer would just crash

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