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fragments use in mobile device :
oh the starbucks android app
show different data on the same window of the same context
i have a person to complain to now!
Mac, yeah they rolled that out this year, the order-in-advance functionality
prices | Times | map to get there
John, you always have people to complain to
that's really neat
switch using a segmented layout
Yeah, I get that. Like the master-detail flow, like I said. But do you really need to show different types of data in the same context on a cell phone?
they just can't always do something about it.
lol, yeah but how often do those messages get to the developers?
if everything fails I'm the one who you complain to
because I never listen
people don't want to switch screens
i want relevant related data on the same screen ! XD
People don't notice the difference. I've never noticed. I've never been hindered by it.
list of bars that server my favourite beer
click button
@JohnBoker our support team spams us with all the requests in our #android slack channel
shows map on same screen
nice to know :)
I feel like there's gray area here. In a strict master-detail flow I don't see a problem with both a master activity and a detail activity.
I could be wrong I guess.
afk getting off work
should work on any phone / lang setting
check it out
villages screen for example
@McAdam331 2 activities on the same screen at the same time?
list / map is a fragment change
Thanks Sarge for your valuable advice.
also the whole viewpager thing :P
I'm saying "If I have an activity that shows a list of bank accounts, you can click a bank account and it will go to an activity that shows a list of transactions." and Noob/others are implying that it should be "I have an activity that starts with a fragment list of bank accounts, and when I click that account it should replace the fragment with the transactions" In other words keeping the same context
think of fragments as modules instead of a parent / child relationship.
Which wouldn't work well, actually, because then I'd have to override back button presses since I wouldn't be going back to any context.
I clicked "Run" in an Android project, I'm scared!
TheLittleNaruto: it depends, maybe it's not valuable if the security is not an important factor
@McAdam331 what i'm saying is not that, but in that bank account you could have a fragment showing the incoming transactions, the outcoming, and a chart showing both as a pie chart
each being a fragment
and displayed / replaced by a segmented bar click
McAdam331: yeah, got it. btw I did it like this, too, when there's no extra time to spend on these unnecessary adornments.
damn! It built successfully
Neil Degrasse Tyson is amazing.
A wild Octavian is pinned O.o
quick, throw a poke ball at it!
my wife dropped my phone over the weekend
cracked all to hell
does google support like official screen replacements on nexus 5?
5, not 5x
what is this floating buttons shit added all over my activities?
Google y u shitup me code
@JMRboosties Outdated but I found this: techtimes.com/articles/14844/20140904/…
Omg the Octavian is back! throws pokeball
yea i saw that @McAdam331
oh nevermind
but it doesnt apply to me
depends on where you bought it too
i got it from google play
but it has to be < 1yr
Screen replacements are expensive.
i know
evades ball, points @Mauker and laughs
i dont wanna drop 400+ on a 5x but i might need to
The Octavian can't be caught.
@ridoy you have write access, you should probably read the room rules: room-15.github.io
I should read them too
@CarlAnderson, thank you. I should
I'd do it first. ;P
hai i r gud codur, smthin not work ,,, here code pls advise!
I felt physical pain typing that.
That probably took more effort to type like that than it would the right way.
@OctavianDamiean for your leet speak you've been added to the ban list, welcome.
this wasn't leet speak :D
Better than be moved to the trash, as Ahmad did to me :(
1 c4n d0 l33t sp34k 1f u w15h but l3t'5 n0t
You can ban him now
The other one was vampire language
a really ancient language
from the dark past
are these github projects can be used in commercial apps for PlayStore?
they released under apache and mit license
I'm utterly confused by this new thing, Android Studio.
When was the last time you did some Android?
told you, when Fragments got released :D
that was eons ago
No, my first project was eons ago, Android 1.5 babe
The time was just 13:37 and I was about to screenshot it, I was too late
My first droid was 1.6
I still have an HTC Magic somewhere
sadly my HTC Dream broke :(
all I want is to get to the damn XML view for my layout but there are so many buttons ...
I'm tempted to press them all
all good, world saved
your what?
One's in NYC and another's in New Jersey. They're going to arrive together!
like, who knew there was a difference between ActionBarActivity and AppCompatActivity ...
sorry, I'm a GitHub fanboi
I get all my shwag from there
Get that shirt tho
I know there's a difference, but I never did really bother to look further into that.
I feel lazy now
I'm so glad I got my school to install Android Studio
we installed it when it was alpha
@TristanWiley good for you! Now finish my project.
went back to eclipse 'cause gradle
Octavian sure, what is it?
as If I'd know ...
but at 2nd year they installed it back
@McA I need Database help
Couldn't read row 0, col 6 from CursorWindow.  Make sure the Cursor is initialized correctly before accessing data from it.
IDEA had an option to make Android projects without gradle (today it's useless, of course, because gradle is a better way)
I need professional help.
Who doesn't need it?
@TristanWiley It means the column name you gave it doesn't exist inside the Cursor. Make sure you don't have a typo.
Or it could mean that you forgot cursor.moveToFirst()
I think it's that actually
that's why it's row 0
Apr 26 at 20:06, by McAdam331
I swear, if I had a dollar for everytime I forgot cursor.moveToFirst I'd be rich.
Post your code. Or send it to me in hangouts.
I'll gist it
is that how the kids call it nowadays?
You gistin' together?
That's the gist of it
dank puns
I've trained him too well.
He's out punning me.
@Octav just so you understand my relationship with Adam... Check these out - chat.stackoverflow.com/…
Like, in theory I know how this shit is supposed to work, if I don't know something I read it up in the documentation but damn I'm lazy ...
oh I know that kind of relationship @rlemon and me used to have such a relationship :)
sup brah

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