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i do c++ style brackets
What are c++ style brackets?
I didn't realize they were different.
the second mauker example
I hate that
they might go under a different name, dunno :p
While I'm coding in C# right now lol
i don't hate them
because allows for bether method readabiltiy
why? It's much more clearly. You can clearly see which brackets match
but makes the code uglier
i give yo udat
Dunno why, but I don't like using the second example
nah, makes it prettier
You can clearly see which ones match by lining them up with the first character too
oh hello btw
it's diluviating in ym city
I do have to say i started programming with that style so that has probably a lot to do with it :)
Hi Eric
a classmate just came in all soaked, like if he was bathing
and there's 50cm of water on the streets.
it's kinda fun
@miva2 I think that's like 90% of the reason any developer does what they do. I started with Java, and I use it more because of Android, but at work I use C# and the brackets and naming conventions kill me.
The best bracket style is the one from python.
Other way around for me :D
which are python brackets ?
That's funny, Ocus.
I read Miva's question before your comment
ah that was python that only has identation?
seems strange to me but why the hell not
i don't like no brackets
I had a coworker who screwed up if blocks once because he once had a single line if without brackets, and it worked fine, and then his python past got the best of him so he added more code to his if block but never added brackets and the program crashed.
makes the code unreadable
And that's why I always use brackets now. There's no way to screw it up. It's clear what's happening inside a block.
Starting to code in python teaches you everything about a good indentation
Good indentation is also important. Many of my coworkers never got that memo.
Once you did python, you'll always indent right
Well, not the C++ code that I have to work with occasionally.
There was this 15 year old guy at my swimming club who wants to learn python to hack stuff or something
I like tabs because I don't need to press the button so much
It baffles me that people don't pay attention to coding styles. Like, I get that we don't have to watch as closely now especially with IDEs, but I still spend a decent amount of time making sure my code looks appropriate.
and then, 2-spaces vs 4-spaces !
Four tabs.
and then it doesn't line up correctly and I mash backspace then put spaces
Someone say two tabs, and we'll let the stars decide.
Ctrl + Alt + L ftw
or even 8-spaces
i tab and let android studio transform them into spaces
by default
@Moeri That depends on the IDE, though. ;P
I assume people use Android Studio in the android chat room :p
thats another solution eric =p
although you have like 17 flavors of keymapping so I get your point
I don't even do android anymore...
vi for the win !
I want an Android dev job.
Is y'all hiring?
nope. we're hiring DevOps.
i have one and don't know what i'm doing lol
i actually work for a .NET compan
we might be hiring soon, but for now i'm on 4 hour /day timetable because there's no big projects
eric, are you studying full time and working part time after work??
reverse. i work on mornings and study full time on afternoons
depends on the project 8 - 12 or 8 - 14
I'm from Detroit but open to relocation. I know Android. I'm funny. I'll provide your office with both quality software and high quality dad jokes.
^My resume. Feel free to pass it on to your superiors.
looks like a solid resume to me
we currently are 2 mobile devs ( both ios and android), 2 web devs, 1 project manager, 2 designers, and the marketing and rrhh and boss CEO :p
How do you combine those two eric? Don't you have tons of work for your school?
i do
you do them during your siesta?
sleep is for the weak, sports don't exist.
that's my motto for now.
I would have said that backwards.
haha, well good luck to you =p
My life: School, work, coding, homework, sports center recaps at like 1 AM, a power nap that I call sleep, repeat.
I don't think I'd be able to do that. I work too slowly and require a lot of sleep to function properly :(
I need to get better sleep.
A wild Octavian appears.
Because lately the quality of my work has decreased because I've been so exhausted.
But is it a shiny?
Greetings Octavian
hola y'all
also hola @WarrenFaith and @Graeme sup bois!
uh an nil is here too
what's up dude?
12/2am - 7 am sleep. 8 am / 2 pm work. 2pm - 3pm eat. 4pm - 8pm class. 8pm - 9pm homework. 10pm eat. 10pm - 12pm/2am more homework
Octavian! :) How are you dude?
and there some time inbetween for GF and family.
I'm good, I'm good! Yourselves?
Yeah that happens when you're exhausted Adam. which is how my work looks like now even though I still sleep ~6h or so / night
Oh yeah I have a GF too so I squeeze in a few hours a week for that. -.-
I am a proud dad now but beside that my life is close to normal as :D
6 hours is pretty fair.
I get that most often, but occasionally it dips down to like four.
@WarrenFaith you're a dad as well? Congratulations man!
you too?
Though sometimes I get a Saturday where I really don't have anything going on so I'll sleep like 12.
What brings you back here?
yeah I do that too adam xD I suddenly woke up at 1pm last weekend
@WarrenFaith nah, but @pyrodante is
i usually share homework time with her & her graduation final project.
yeah, true :D
Mine goes like 4h, 9h, 6h, 8h, 6h, 12h etc...
@miva2 That's typically what happens to me following hackathons. I can sleep for like 14 hours. I don't even know how.
Sleeping is pretty much what I'm doing on these sick days
yeah and on the hackaton itself sleeping 1 hour feels so long lol
@Graeme I realized I've been hanging out with Pyro in another chat (internet spaceships related) all the time and we didn't know that we knew each other because we were using our alter egos :D
so I thought I might hop in here and say hello
Internet spaceships?
@Mauker How are you feeling, by the way?
yes, EVE Online
Been missing you in here - the rest of these guys are jerks
@miva2 Yeah haha. I haven't been to one in about two months, but I'm hopefully going in a couple weeks.
... oh wait, they can read this too. Damn.
Still in pain. But getting better.
Am I a jerk? :(
You're saying you're lacking some weird , mildly crazy Austrian leader in here?
Sounds familiar.
Get better already mauker dammit!
Yeah, damnit Mauker.
those austrian leaders
Yes - very much.
they're the worst I heard
get well mauker!
adam, hop in penApps XD
Get better?
Mauker, do you really want me to be your nurse?
sup @RaghavSood!
You've quit android devving right?
Miva, are you gonna be his super hot nurse that you wished for him?
depends on what taste he has
not quite, I'm still doing hybrid dev stuff, using web technologies with Cordova
cordova isn't fun? :(
octavian, have you experienced problems with 5.0.1 (Lollypop)?
well Cordova itself might not be bad per se but the SQLite plugin gave me some nightmares a couple of months ago
hmm, I think I only hear good things about cordova and hybrid apps from people who don't actively use it
our hybrid dev says all his ionic apps are lagging on even high end devices using 5.0.1
while working pertectly on 5.1 and 4.4.4
Sounds like hell on earth to me :) Commiserations :)
I want to do something in Ionic. So far I only made some test page with random ui elements on it
doing hybrid apps are mostly ok on IOS devices; for Android, forget it.
yeah it did lag for me also
and if your application gets really data and calculation heavy you can really feel it
and wasn't doing much in that app
I guess it's good in certain situations
I'm starting a new side project now, using Electron and I'm quite excited about it.
granted it is not Android related at all but I'm excited nonetheless
Electron? Enlighten me please!
Basically if you know the Atom editor, that thing is written using Electron
@miva2 Would be nice, I guess
Hey @Octavian!
Been a while
Octavian - You're still one of the only people on my "Google Chat" friends list :D Shows how successful that was :P
you write desktop applications using standard web technologies and build/distribute 'em cross platform
Yeah I tried Atom. It was still in early beta then I think. It was cool but had some problems. Maybe they're fixed now
My Google chat is more or less only Room 15 people
I almost never check it unless someone from here messages
@miva2 I work on ionic
same here
tbh mine is entirely r15
Facebook is mostly hackers, Hangouts is mostly Room 15. And now I have Ahmad and Adam on Snapchat.
@Mauker ah cool, do you like it?
You not moved on to that new space game then Oc?
Which new space game? Star Citizen or Elite Dangerous?
I've been pinged twice
Er... Elite
I seem to remember some of my friends who EVE'd moving onto it
@Mauker btw I flashed a new rom to my crappy samsung phone yesterday. VanirAOSP 4.4.4. Looks really good! But I went back to my previous because I didn't make backups of my apps yet and it was late and didn't feel like configuring everything already. So I'll flash it back tonight! :) Well I did have a nandroid backup but I've never extracted apps from that and was already late to try and figure that out so just recovered that and backed up using Titanium Backup.
The former I'm not sure if it will ever happen the last one is not really that interesting for me.
I'll stay an EVE bitter vet till the end.
I like reading stories about EVE :D
not going to lie to you, reading those stories is a lot more enjoyable than being part of them most of the time ;)
Well, it's easy to create the interfaces in HTML + CSS. But sometimes I'd rather just program in the good old java
Don't think the game itself is for me though. I'd spent ages doing nothign at all. then losing everything and starting over to do the same thing
My friend has a wall full of spreadsheets to play EVE. This is why EVE will never have me as a real player :P
eh, if you got only half a brain you'll learn from your losses and not do the same mistake twice, if not you'll end up being one of our victims :P
@Graeme there are many ways to play EVE, you don't need spreadsheets for all of them
I have .43 of a brain, so, i'm out! :P
I'm playing too many games recently. I just started Divinity: Original Sin and still need to play more Crusader Kings 2 and Path Of Exile. And should finish Far Cry 4 too.
@OctavianDamiean Id probably play kamikaze
take small gang PVP, yes you need to know a lot of things but having lotsa spreadsheets is not something that'll make you better there :D
I'm on Tales of Zestria right now, then onto Heroes VII. :)
posted on November 02, 2015 by Dan Lew

Suppose you've got an Android application with a bunch of tests. Some of them are unit tests (located in src/test). The rest are instrumentation tests (located in src/androidTest). Here's the dilemma: you've got some utility code that you'd like all of your tests to share but src/test

Closest I'll get to EVE is playing Endless Space :)
HOI IV is soon to be out!
the learning curve is steep though and you really need friends to help you through that period, otherwise you'll end up just leaving the game
Also, I have no friends, so :/
My webmail login for my website for changed to Czech lol
It's actually more about the social interaction than anything else to be honest, there are people that haven't logged in for years but are all active players :D
it sounds weird, I know
i found eve too difficult and moved to Pirates of the burning sea
let me make a point
best pirate mmo ever.
I stopped getting Advice Emails from you. This must restart please :P
@CptEric did you join a player corporation when you tried EVE?
I was enjoying vicariously living through you
i had a friend to play with
he had a big fatass whale ship
to protect my small vessel
but i really found all the stats thing and how crafting worked way over my casualness
@CptEric SWEET! I tried HOI3 but there was so much going on I spent more time reading the wiki and watching youtube videos than playing lol. it's on my ever expanding to-play-again-later-list
best way to learn : start as ireland
with luck you'll be able to join allies by 1942-43 starting at 1936, with a good army based on elite units ( marines, paras)
I think I started as belgium in the middle of a war or something
Got a picture of my kidney stone lol
Oh lovely, did you give it a name yet?
What is it?
CK2 is much easier to get into and just do stuff than HOI3 imo.
They say that is the closest a man will get to labour pains
ck2 + asoiaf mod
What do you guys know about dynamic programming?
@McAdam331 i repeat
i won't code while running on a treadmill
man I don't know nothing about dynamic programming but I do have a rubber ducky I talk to when I run into a bug :D
it usually doesn't answer though :(
I don't get the analogy
Not an analogy.
Here's the picture
Merely told you have a rubber ducky.
Right, I'm off home
Later people
... Is Graveler the evolved form of Geodude? :P
I'm more of a purist, I enjoy Pikachus
Anyway, later :)
later graeme
@miva2 i am dissapoint. you didn't say anything about the youtube link i sent you.
oh lord, I haven't started Android Studio in ages, guess what
well, to anyone interested in getting into the 3d world
it is interesting that Maya is not mentioned
I'm sure I'll spend this evening purely with updating and will progress precisely dick with the project itself.
maya is included in 3ds max
updated with more software

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