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I love baseball
guys how do I do json
like idk how to make http requests. I'm tring to learn but every api is different haha
"how": "Don't know"
oh god
I really fucked up guys.
NetworkOnMainThreadException. Please don't exile me.
@codeMagic do something about it
I was searching for some stuff around on SO
and then, Foamy happend
What do you want me to do?
I made the cubs go up 7-4
I've got a few answers floating around out there.
Why is it so hard to come up with a productivity app that hasn't been done before?
the people who make them are too productive?
well what should I make, Foamy
don't worry about whether it's been done before or not
Make it better.
find one that you are even remotely interested in. Find the (coherent) bad reviews look for a theme
build your own version taking in to account what you learn from the bad reviews
or if you don't want to work that hard to find something then just find an app and make it simpler
o/ mr5
it's been a while
what the hell happened to the definition of 'geek'
still busy with my projects
Which layout I could do this better, CardLayout or ViewPager?
Looks like a job for ViewPager to me
o.O I still have no idea how to do it in ViewPager.
Well inside the fragments just have a CardView, right?
Oh I see what you're trying to do.
Can you use a horizontal recyclerview some how?
How about that one?
But the animation is the problem with that kind of design
I have never used the RecyclerView before :(
gotta learn sometime
o/ ola
hey @mr5 tech.leolink.net/2013/02/… try to look at this
@Cjames yay thank you very much!
:D no problem dude
It is "carousel" what I'm looking for o.O
yep, the term is carousel
or you can select on of here android-arsenal.com/tag/154
The github link on the first link you provided is enough for me :)
I'm going to do this really really fast
A: Is there a reason for not allowing a Review Badge to be earned multiple times on the same queue?

Shog9You can earn all of the review badges multiple times. ...Just not for the same queue. The goal here is to reward specific achievements that set you apart from other reviewers. Someone with 1 review badge has reached a milestone in handling one specific type of task; someone with 6 review badg...

@Cja @Ocu @netpork mew..
@mr5 cool! go go go
@maveň meowk..
Soft kitty ,little kitty
@Cja appy ?
yeah that one
^ how cats smile
@Cjames @TheLittleNaruto @OcuS @nana @netpork @Blackbelt
Woah hey what about me
I'd get the most votes
Add me and try again @mave
Oh god
@TristanWiley better next time ;)
maven can't edit :(
> waiting for the results.. :)
OakBot, The Amazon Cloud!
31 1 4
Wut, nobody voted?
Who is The Belt?
Reinstalling office for mac because I'm tired of uploading files to google docs
@nana Blackbelt I'm guessing.
I killed him, it was an accident.
hey it's nana
I went on a domain buying binge yesterday
You did? Great"
I am paying for the sins of last year now.
I bought at a discount, now to renew I pay full price, or lose them forever :( Such is potato.
Yeah I spent way too much money
Were you stoned?
Some are good, I like stoned.news.
yeah so now I have that and forgotten.news
I think I will just make parody twitter accounts for them and have each site show its feed.
guys why is my Toolbar showing elevation above it, like elevation over the StatusBar?
I don't either. I'm trying to figure out what the AS template is doing to set that.
I gotta get some sleep, didn't sleep at all last night.
night eski
good night
I don't understand AS right now
I'm doing if(myObj != null) but I'm getting a 'variable might not have been initialized' error. Like, I know it might not have been initialized that's why I'm checking
Huh well I can just put myObj = null; at the start and the error went away.
Go home Android, you're drunk.
I was looking at the same thing today.
In the end I initialize it to null, it is clearer anyways.
Is there any obvious reason why manually fetching a Facebook URL (via https) from an Android app may cause javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException: java.security.cert.CertPathValidatorException: Trust anchor for certification path not found, given that Facebook SDK does work without problems?
I thought, HttpsUrlConnection should handle common root CAs automatically, right?
@SargeBorsch try this link
sure, I can do this, but why is it not present in the first place? aren't all Android applications using the same set of trusted CAs?
I just want to make sure that when Facebook changes the certificate, the app won't need to be updated to continue working
good morning
my christmas gift for the apple reviewers.
a punishement stillographic.
@TristanWiley team?
app's been tested on iphone 5, 5s, 6, ipad 2, ipad retina.. yet "Please note that we've tested your app on multiple iPhones and iPads and your app crashed". and they provide no logcat or stack trace or whatever.
@CptEric they have obviously jailbroken their devices
i mean, the iphone / ipad gamma of products is not that extense
it's not like they made their hardware on the same shitty factories that samsung and so the results may vary from one device pruduction line to another
oh, wait...
XD jyoon. sure.
Don't you have any analytics tool?
yeah. app works as expected on this side of the curtain.
@McAdam331 Can't believe I didn't think of making that
Apparently I could only sleep 3 hours tonight
why so?
hard night?
no just not sleeping :/
i have some sleep meds for those cases.
hmm, I usually just let it go and make it up the next night
i used to have severe insomnia so i'm kind of scaried of going back there if i start "not sleeping" again.
I see, yeah, everybody's different
yup. and we're all a biological mess XD
Yo Shinobis
yo Tln
bonjour OcuS
WTF are you smoking @maveň ? Just tell me, so I never buy the same thing...
namaste TLN !
did he ping you too OcuS ?
yeah, twice since I left yesterday
same here
and the day before too
Well me too.
thrice I guess
gcm is driving me mad. >_<
user a downloads app 1. opens app 1, recieves token AXZ.
user a download app 2. opens app 2, recieves token AXY.
uses closes both apps. user opens app 1.
recieves token AXK.
user opens app 2. token is also AXK.
(that's what the backend guys tell us by examining the docs)
I would say stop receiving the token if you got once.
then what if it changes server-side? :( we also thinked about it.
but google's gcm docs says keys can change by various reasons
That is true.
But that depends if you're changing your app version
I would suggest, when you get a token for a user then store in server side and do not change it until unless app version doesn't get upgraded and keep using the same token.
well, the point is that that workaround should theorically already be happening.
also the error can only be reproduced on live apk's downloaded from the play store
via run (AS) or a signed APK, it works perfectly
Ah weird!
morning folks
Do you store the token locally once you received it?
Yo Vea
My colleague did some (weird thing to me) refactoring, and we've got the following code ->
A: Abstract class instantiating inner class

Sumit SinghWhat you can do is just create one class which extends your abstract class and in that class you can instantiate your inner class like following: public class TestProgram extends Program { public static void main(String[] args) { Program program = new TestProgram(); Window window...

Window window = program.new Window();
@OcuS ? I have no idea what are you talking about
Is it legal? It looks weird to me and I don't want merge it. Wdyt?
no, to ensure it hasn't changed server side, we request it each first time opening
and on AS works fine, each APK requests their "favourites" gcm token to the server
an individual one
@maveň You kinda randomly pinging some of us with what seems to be gibberish to me...
for each app
@OcuS ...
and having 1 apk from as/apk and 1 from play store also works
there's finally a (free) way to circumvent iOS restriction to App Store apps
it's when we have two or more apps from play store that can happen.
> I thought those are my frnds, seems like I was wrong ._. @OcuS
…without jailbreaking
sounds like the time to buy an iPhone has come
@maveň It's been 2 days that I wake up with notifications from you with that ; so I was wondering if you were smoking bad things :)
Veaceslav, it is valid. Why is not the inner class marked as static ?
Belt Did I waked you up ?
no, you didn't
because inner class uses a lot of non-static variables and methods from outer class. making it static forces us to make required variables in outer class static too.
I've found the answer in Non-static Nested Classes (Inner Classes). But I still guess it's not good choice
without having the whole picture is difficult to say if you don't have any other options
Cpt, I would store it anyway. In that way you don't have to receive a new token again. You can directly check with an web services api if it has got changed.
How often do you use non-static inner classes and create their objects using "outerClassObject. new InnerClass()"???
I would avoid it.
I never did that
It looks more complex. Isn't it ?
Yes, exactly the same feelings
Inner class should be used within the class which wraps it. Better use interfaces if you have something to do like that i.e. "outerClassObject. new InnerClass()".
I wanted to find an explanation why it's a bad idea
thanks, TLN
@TheLittleNaruto lemme hastebin you the code we run on the mainactivity oncreate.
so we run this on each launch, what you suggest me is run this only once?
Once you get a token store it in SharedPreference
And again in next launch check if you have got already a token stored.
if not then only receive a new one.
will test and inform you if it works.
Sure thing :)
if not, i will send a thousand ninjas
I will use my shadow clone jutsu in that case! ;)
@maveň in catz worldz we are using the <strong>hollywood principle</strong>, do not call us we call you. stop pinging unless you have some interesting food.
neil <strong>arm</strong>
bad joke, i know.
apparently it works
atleast from signed apk
so we'll send the project to the client's backend.
thanks TLN. i owe you a dorayaki, or whatever little naruto's eat.
is anyone coming to BCN for the Manga Con?
Thanks! "Ramen" (without meat) would be better. :)
I wish I could attend :/
the logo has the room-15 seal of catproval.
Here in Mumbai, I think Comicon is supposed to be happened in coming December not Manga con. :/
Share some pics if you attend it.
will do
hope i can get tickets
Lunch time. brb
guten appetit!
bon apetit.
bon appétit* ;)
@netpork Aye! Ayye! captain (Y)
i didn't say it in french ocus :P
and what language was that, if I may ask ? :)
we can also say bon profit here, but both are accepted.
2 votes for invincible maven :D
> MAven won here ;)
Occitan-romance languages stronk.
ohhh, Eric :/
f*cking self-centered french people...
@OcuS Comment allez-vous
no problem XD
@CptEric Comment vas-tu?
now, giv back rosselló!
Ca va bien ! Et toi ?
vaig/estic molt bé, merci. i tu?
> here now maveň is speechless
we catalan can into read french (if we try hard). not so different as spanish or italian.
what abt German?
i get the context of what's being explained, but no more. and most of it is thanks to Cobra Alert tv show XD
I understood all you said in catalan, eric, i didn't know that catalan and french were "so" close
we are of the same romance language branch
ocittano-romance , that has three childs, occitan,occitan-pirenaic, and gallo-romance
I never knew. I think I never met any catalan speaker irl
french comes from the third, we come from the 2nd
or kinda like that
actually, it's this division : gallo-romance, has two childs, french (old), and occitano romance, and this 2nd one has occitan and catalan.
so we share a common grandpa tongue.
Q: Issues in android Studio. can not resolve symbol R

user3074128I have full update SDK. Although there is no new update available but i have error in R. i changed the compile SDK version in project structure. then it shows error in Error:Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name 'android:TextAppearance.Material.Widget.B...

@OcuS looks like human brain
"island romance"
sounds like late 90's soft 16+ movie.
so we call cheese formatge, as reference.
french is fromage. who decided to invert O and R ? ^^
because we don't have combined spelling (! fro -> fgo)
our spelling is almost literal
and it sounded weird.
(logical assumtion)
also we have very little special "characters", only àá,èé,etc(for all vocals), ü/ï (only these two, when put next to another vocal) l·l and ç.
hello there fellow coders!
OTA 6.0 arrived tonight for my Nexus5

anyone updated already? What are the drawbacks?
got one of users arrested yesterday
good moment
@DenRimus no update for nexus 6 here
arrested? what?
no update for random 5.0.1 device here.
Den, don't see any mayor drawbacks so far, new permissions model is a bit of a hassle (mostly from developer point of view)
meh, someone copied parts of my app into his own Ingress hacking tool and posted it on github :(
:( ingress?
location-based multiplayer game (play.google.com/store/apps/…)
@RED_ what?
People are still playing ingress ? :o
Went L8 by march 2013 or so, almost never played again. Last time I tried, rules were completely different and L16 (?) was the max level. I was absolutely lost...
arrested for card fraud
our app lets you pay at restraunts, and he stole cards from his work place, a venue we work with, and then used them in the app
finally got the bugger
nice :)
OcuS, 10-50 million installs. Looks like "someone" still plays it :)
huh, XD
well, the total installs don't really tell you much about the active players
especially regarding games imho
1 hour later…
that feel when after renewing Firefox profile you enter SO chat and realize you really need that extension to make gifs click-to-play
too bad I forgot the name
Ci is such a pain
Red, not really
always fails for me with weird exceptions
I can't say for the all CI's, but we use Jenkins without pain.
Jenkins runs on your own machine right?
I'm getting this right now from Travis-Ci:- com.android.build.transform.api.TransformException: java.lang.RuntimeException: com.android.ide.common.process.ProcessException: org.gradle.process.internal.ExecException: Process 'command '/usr/lib/jvm/java-7-oracle/bin/java
yeah, we have access to it :)
hard to configure jenkins without access to its server
Good morning!
NANA ! \o/
i want my nexus6p to ship dammit
taking foreverrr
Hey, OcuS.
How is life?
RED_ but OnePlus Two for.. in the meantime.

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