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Hey guys
I have a problem.
Also today I found out I was born out of wedlock. which is weird O.O
But anyways
That's not so bad
right... your mom and your dad are together, right?
It's not a bad thing but it's weird
these days, hardly anything surprises me.
My parents are still married and living and happy and stuff :)
well that's the best!
Anyways my problem
Is that I have a bunch of collection view cells
And I want to store a bool data on whether they are selected or not
I am doing that by storing it in a dictionary, with the key as the cell and the value as the selection state
Makes sense
But I get a compiler error on this line:[selectionState setObject:@(selectionStateBool) forKey: cell];
because you're trying to set object on a BOOL and not a NSNumber
(With cell being a UICollectionViewCell)
That's not the error
And I've done that plenty of times for keys and objects in dictionaries and it's worked fine
The error says
Sending 'UICollectionViewCell *__strong' to parameter of incompatible type 'id <NSCopying>'
forKey: cell
Because - (void)setObject:(id)anObject forKey:(id <NSCopying>)aKey;
Wait a second
why does it say UICollectionView and not UICollectionViewCell?
hold on a second lol
Oh I just typed it wrong in the chat
it does say UICollectionViewCell
Why is this happening?
Because UICollectionViewCell is not NSCopying compliant. developer.apple.com/library/iOs/documentation/UIKit/Reference/…
Also I'm not doing multi-threaded stuff, so I don't know why it wants the object to conform to <NSCopying>
I guess NSCopying and multi-threaded stuff are not related
At least not directly.
Maybe you're thinking of something along the lines of nonatomic
Oh yes
So I can't use UICollectionViewCell as the key?
I guess I'm going to have to figure this out using regular views
Which I wouldn't know why you'd want to anyways
Since cells get reused (ideally)
They don't really make good...identifiers.
They are less stable than you'd want.
You'll want to store the NSIndexPath.
How will NSIndexPaths help?
It's a direct path to whichever cell is selected.
When a cell with that NSIndexPath is about to be shown, give it a visual selected state.
But you'd need to explain a bit more of what you're trying to do in order for me to recommend a good approach
Plus, it's NSCopying compliant, so there's that.
I need to be able to get [dictionary allKeysForObject] and then get the cell from those keys some how
Because I need to have the cell from the selection state dictionary too
Because basically, in each UICollectionView, I want to have only one collection view selected at a time
And whenever a collection view is selected, I will look at all the objects, find YESes, and then call [dictionary allKeysForObject] to get the keys, and then get the collection view cell from that, to turn off the selection
If all else fails, I will subclass UICollectionView and add a selectionState property
hmm, might not be a bad idea.
Other than that, your problem confuses me.
But it is breaking MVC
Way easier than talking to Max about this though.
@EthenA.Wilson And?
Doing that would be in direct violation of MVC!
oh no
The ghost of Steve Jobs will come back and haunt you forever :(
So I'm not going to do that unless I have absolutely no other choice.
I remember now...
Once I broke MVC pattern
I can't remember that week
we don't talk about it
Dude I wouldn't tell people you broke MVC
they might get mad
I don't think people will hire you if they know that
Well, you really shouldn't break MVC
dangit I LOL'd
Something about this face is innately hilarious
woooooof... your song was a little slow. I'm going to drive around town playing music like this blasting out of my car speakers.
you're injuring my soul, Michael
whaddya mean? that guy has talent!
That's not talent. That's hand farts and virginity plagiarizing talent. It's wrong and I don't agree with it
you probably only wish you could do something like that...
hang out in my office after lunch and you'll meet people who can make music like that not using their hands.
Lol I so want to see a million ways to die in the west :p
Speaking of hand farts
well why don't you?
Isn't it not out yet?
when does it come out?
May 30 in the USA
Never, in Japan
Who knows
Japan is weird
They are the entertainment industry's prima donna
maybe you can do a day visit to China or Hong Kong where all the entertainment is pirated?
I could also just watch it on netflix if it ever comes there, or have the movie shipped here from amazon when it comes out :p
whats going on
Or get one of those ones from teh torrentz with the russian subtitles
I watch movies on NetFlix and on websites too.
putlocker, fflims, etc
I am thinking what movie should I watch tonight
On Netflix tonight, The Incredible Two Headed Transplant!
I wish Japan had a more prominent netflix like service
The ones they have now don't have many choices...
Then again, I hate myself for saying that since I can walk to a DVD rental store in under 10 minutes
I can't be THAT lazy
Tell me a good terrorist movie. I wanna watch a terrorist movie tonight
wouldn't that be Die Hard, Part 1 ?
Die Hard is not on netflix streaming
Not the 1st ones anyway...
There are a lot of titles missing from Netflix streaming for who knows what reason
I already watched Die hard to harder to 4 times harder
Sometimes I consider seeing if Amazon Instant Video is any better...
Die Hard 5 is crap from reviews
Okay, I think I will watch the movie - Taxi Driver
And it's there on NetFlix !
Good morning everyone
I think tomorrow I'm just gonna go to the meeting
I haven't been doing work on my side project lately (not Michael's, another one)
ah I see
so you're not going to the bar ?
We have another conference presentation in July
I see
the one you work with node.js right?
If I go to the bar I'm likely to stay all afternoon :p
Yeah, for now
We are actually going to switch to C++ down the road
But node.js is much easier to make a quick working prototype in
The company we are in contact with has developed a nice concurrency model in C++
Event based like node.js
I see
that's nice then
However, it has dependencies in their proprietary source at the moment so they can't release it without releasing their entire source
I see
They are actively working on getting rid of the dependencies though
The guy in charge of my side project has some kind of magic that either makes everyone think we are geniuses
Or makes him exaggerate what everyone says lol
he's a good motivator then
Yeah, and an insanely good programmer as well
that's great
All the programmers on our team are seasoned
that will be a great project to workmon
*work on
One of them is specialized in embedded systems and hardware
He built a controller that allowed us to control the color and intensity of lights via accelerometer
One which interacted with our API
that's crazy
Yeah, like if it is tilted left, the right lights darken, etc
so he calculate the movement to control the color and intensity
I see
He put it inside of a teddy bear :p
The teddy bear is like our mascot now haha
Getting proper values from the hardware is harder than it seems
There are a lot of spikes
I thought you're not working on ios apps this time jim
What do you mean?
This wasn't an iOS app
We bought the hardware from a specialty electronics store
Our product is the API
Our demonstration is that it is easy to interact with language agnostically
Anything that can open a socket and send a packet can work with the API
ah I see
To show that, our team members built this teddy bear system
None of the teddy bear light logic is in our API of course
I see
That's the beauty. It's simple and you can use it to do creative things
Like teddy bears and lights
that's exciting
creating a new things
In the beginning it looked totally gross because of our inexperience with node
It was hard to read and impossible to merge :p
But the thing about node is that you absolutely need some sort of async library
Otherwise you are going to have dozens of closing braces right in a row from all the nested blocks
(Similar to the dispatch to background, dispatch back to main in iOS)
I see
so for your development now what kind of team management do you use?
via chat?email?
2 hours later…
Facebook group
Objective-C semantics do not work well in C++...
I hope one day cocos2d-x will realize that and get rid of their ridiculous CCCopying base class
< I farted >
        \   ^__^
         \  (oo)\_______
            (__)\       )\/\
                ||----w |
                ||     ||
( ひどいね )
     |      \
     | O . O|
No one is here so I will spam some ASCII art I made :p
You made?
Looks like cowsay to me.
thanks for sharing
I mean I customized it
I didn't make it from scratch :p
"And vomited it up behind the sofa."
Good Morning
Good evening
TimeZone's greetings Folks
Wake up @Shade
Wake up @everybody
Hi has anyone used QuickBlox chat? I am trying to find an option of finding all the online users. Can anyone guide with this?
@borrrden Lisp has a crazy amount of brace nesting. It's made bearable by Emacs.
Lisp makes me angry
Although I've never used it outside of one class in college
It makes me angry 'cos I'm not very good at it.
I'm busy being angry at something else
Maybe I should just be angry at my profession in general mwa ha ha ha
Lately I've been thinking how lucky I am in my profession.
1 hour later…
Lolz now I have four whole pages of Japanese to translate :p
"I mean really, what do you think that operation is supposed to mean with a nil fromDate?"
still love that error
shows Apple developers are actually some part human
Dont be angry at the profession, be angry at the client / developer / BA / Designer / and so on
Coding is fun
Anyone for tea ?
Apparently the first starred message got pinned and got 10 stars.
I bet nil pinned it himself
I don't think so.
Enrico is also a owner, he should've done it.
Hahaha, no, it wasn't a serious comment
Just a bit of irony
I didn't pin it.
I was the first one to star it, however.
I wonder if this works..
It does.
That's great! What does?
Image linking using the rewrite rule for my pastebin.
My paste script uploads files with the filename as a partial hash of the file plus any extension it has, which makes it slightly inconvenient for saving files from the pastebin
So I added a rewrite rule that replaces arbitrary_file_name?f=actual_file_name with actual_file_name
This also means that I can just label files whatever I want, though, so icons.png up there got a different filename to test.
Classy name ><
Anyone of you downloaded this app itunes.apple.com/us/app/stack-exchange/id871299723
not yet... why? is this the app you were working on when you were over here?
Why do I suddenly have Mario 64 music stuck in my head
Which part of my brain just misfired so hard it got a Mario 64 music loop going
im using social.framework to share. if there is no twitter accout in settings means, its shows alert message with setting and cancel button in ios 6. but ios 7, the same kind of alertview not coming.
http://imagebin.org/309836 .
I think there is a question in that last sentence or two,
but I cannot tell.
Ramdy. Is your comment that you don't get an alert at all?
I guess Ramdy fell asleep.
Morning All Q!
hello right back at you.
Back at me what?
Anyway..I need some guidance about architectural decision
Yes, I think you should buy a one story house versus a two story house.
easier to carry things in and around the house.
Is that the kind of architectural decision you were looking for?
Hello Stuart, Shikha is here to help you!
Very Funny
You remind me of Chandler in FRIENDS
really? I've heard of that character.
Can anyone point me in the right direction. Just created a custom view and added to VC, trying to setup some basic AL constraints to center the view in code. When I add the constraints the view disappears. If I log out the frame of the view I get 0,0,100,100 which is what it is originally set as... any ideas?
are you logging out the frame or are you logging out the bounds?
and how many layers of subviews is your custom view sitting inside?
logging out frame not bounds
it is self.view adding a single subview
the subview has no further subviews at present
is 0, 0, 100, 100 the center of the super view?
and if you take the constraints off, is the frame the same?
I can manually create the subview with initWithFrame which I do a rectMake of 0,0,100,100. Then addSubview is called on self.view from the VC. Then I call a separate method to setupConstraintsForTheSubview
I need to setup a website where user will register and subscribe for therapy plan where as SLP would register and provide content which user has subscribed for. Once user has subscribed they will login to mobile app and SYNC all the data from website. I need to know if there are some CRM like AppPresser is there to use already or I need to manually setup Database and other environment ? Any suggestions ?
if I take the constraints off, i.e not call that method the view is shown at 0,0,100,100 as expected
are you setting up constraints programatically ???
I can't answer your question Shikha because I've never been a decision maker on CRM providers.
and as for you Stuart, I've tried to avoid programmatic constraints as much as possible. They suck.
don't be sad... I'm thankful I haven't had to deal with back end logistics too much.
I'm more of an admire-the-sexy-front-end kind of guy.
I'm only talking about iOS, of course.
Me too
I think time to confront to boss , hire another person for this or I quit
you're supposed to be a know-it-all person.
Really? You mean it ?
I have no experience.. and this is a large scale project..I dont know anything about backend setup with database..Dont you think project like this requires some expert in that area?
might need some expert opinions in that area...
but not a full time hire. Once they get the big directions figured out, you will be able to pick up and run and learn a bunch more.
in my humble opinion.
Yes thats what I want
If I have some idea , some direction I can pick up
1 hour later…
Duncan is back
I have been waiting for you Duncan
Please read my question and add your input
Duncan is a good boy
hang on. on the phone.
:wagging his tail:
Ok, I'm off the phone.
What's up Shikha?
Can you post a permalink to your question?
I think I see it.
I believe there are third-party frameworks that offer client-server synchronization of sql databases, but I have not used them.
There are lots of complexities in such a scheme.
Is the mobile database read/write, or read-only?
Is the server multi-user or single user? If multi-user, is the data somehow divided by user so one person's changes won't affect another?
If there is not clearcut division, then how do you resolve conflicts when multiple users apply changes and they get posted to the server?
@ShikhaShah wake up
Sorry In Meeting..bad timing
Will get back to you..Please dont go
3 weeks before I come to America! I'm ridiculously excited.
You're coming here?
Sorry - distracted. I'm in SF for WWDC week, but not WWDC.
1 hour later…
I had Spaghetti and it was a mess
I couldn't eat it properly
Eating spaghetti is a learned skill. You have to learn to twirl it on your fork.
I wasn't able to eat it properly. It was embarassing
You went out for lunch with co-workers?
It's probably like an American trying to use chopsticks for Chinese/Japanese food the first time. Have a laugh at yourself and consider it broadening your cultural horizons.
I think others were laughing at me without expressing it
Sorry Folks
I was really stuck in Meetings and the had to head out for lunch
Duncan are you free?
Ping me whenever you are around.. Sorry to keep you waiting :(
github.com/KCPS/st3-theme-kcps ⇐ This is not how one writes a readme. O_o
Shikha, I'm back.
@NoelCower someone confused Wikipedia entry and readme
"Forgot this file"
I've been fixing corrupted images in one of my git repos. It's been fun.
By corrupted I mean Sublime Text refuses to load them but everything else does fine because Sublime's picky
Oh well. Shikha, we'll have to catch up another time. I've gotta go.
Apparently Mac OS 10.9 achieved full POSIX compliance. That's just weird.
wake up @Shade !
Why you keep waking him up!!
he never wakes up.
he only stays there to drive me nuts.
I talked to him semi-recently.
Also, he's not even in the room.
seems like he was here a few minutes ago.
but dropped out as soon as he saw us mentioning him.
I'm certain he feels guilty.
so i read the apple docs like you all say i should, and apple says email their security product team to remove a passbook certificate... i emailed them and they say after reviewing my email it is not enough reason to remove my passbook pass...
think its bad/against the rules to replace iTunes links online with your affiliate ID and open it?
lol If i was Tweetbot i would replace every URL with their affiliate ID:P make hella $

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