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00:00 - 08:0008:00 - 00:00

You sure like that series
It's spot on
At least in my area
They seem to be roughly the equivalent of guidos in the US
cat don't give a fuck
cat gives some fucks
also titled : me in the morning
haha, sounds like a friend I had
And wth is "CSS or IBM", 1 is a company the other a mystery to me
CSS is a mystery?
What thing named CSS makes sense to build AIs?
Ahh.. I get it now
I have an internal feedback dialog that I would like to ask the user for their email address optionally so I can email them back feedback.
I'm trying to figure the best way to word that. Any thoughts?
I don't like what I have so far: "To receive updates on the status, please enter your email (Optional)"
steal from feedback forms in the internets
What do you mean by emailing them feedback?
It's a mistake report. If I fix the problem, or want more information, I could use the email address to get that information.
Do what I do then, just trigger an email intent
then they choose their email client to send you an email with debug data
1 hour later…
My anti-virus program wanted to send a copy of my app to them to study and see if it's a virus.
I told them thanks, but no thanks.
They want to have all the new updates as soon as possible
anti virus doesn't work anyway
I think I'll be doing an all nighter
sorry chaps, you've got me here for hours yet! :D
what's the time on your end?
Mainly anti-virus consider spy apps as malicious app so they consider as virus
@RED_ 2am
Anyone here ever push the Android Application from your website domain to the device?
That annoys me so much when apps do that...
explosm.net gave me a tonne of popups and redirects when going there from my tablet
stupid site
I do it all the time ... you gotta have wizarding skills for that
Q: How to create advanced ListView ?

user3237443I want to make in my applications an advanced ListView like in the picture https://lh6.ggpht.com/GDkD_bT61WvM0GnhdkxEwmvCIYfhR0HwObtAxgW6WxVD9DnEWfZajVt7NJn_5YDa1y4=h900 please help me, thanks a lot :

It is something like to give order to users who give answer here
@Reno lolwut
is this parody of a parody O_o
Bwahahah, "I don't do karate, I do ka-razy!"
Bernice is gold
lux in a cartoon
why are you pulling an all nighter on a Sunday?
Because tomorrow is a public holiday :P
Hey Android!
hey TGM
Anyone know of a good credit card reader app (like square register), that works in europe?
Writing the comments in the code in the native language does not make sense like Chinese.
It simply makes the life of another developer hard
Ahmad, you can use my custom reader
give me your credit card and I do the transaction for you
haha ;)
never mind I think I found one
yup, this one even comes with its own card reader
Why people give an answer to a question that has an answer if their answer does not provide any new information and they are saying exactly the same as the other answer?
Q: AsyncTask on ftp project

NerusI have problem with asynctasks blocking UI when task download metafile from FTP server. [Main.class] FragmentActivity @Override public void onClick(View view) { TestSettings(); // TODO do usunięcia z kodu String password = this.password.getText().toString(); boolea...

to get reputation
I've seen people copy my answer word for word and post it a minute later
Racing on SO to get reputation...
Emm, Congratz you finally did 3k+
yeah!! so happy
remember the other day, that guy literally copied and pasted my answer
you can have tons of rep, like that famous help vampire, and still know nothing
You can be like Blankman
ask 3000 questions and not even answer one
that is the guy I was referring too
oh haha
is that him?
he answered 9... lol
You should add a new rule
But those are answers to his own questions
or statement
is that all he does, answer his own questions?
yep mostly
We do not allow users like Blankman or that have Blankman potential
Q: Displaying Content in ListView

SaggyCreating a simple registration form and storing the values in database. The data stored should be displayed on Home page after user finishes registration. On home page, I created a ListView in which on a row I want to show username given by user along with a button adjacent to it and on click of ...

someone asked a question where the package name to their app is com.nsa.project
I;m running
I had to make the comment
nsa project haha
> Creating a simple registration form and storing the values in database
The NSA is blocking you. com.nsa is a "reserved" package name... — Emmanuel 2 mins ago
Guess what will be stored in there
naked pictures of us
com.nsa gets all permissions granted by default
is this illegal?
Q: Added java bean shell to Eclipse and get compiler errors

user1733468OK, I'm tired of googling and looking at help on Eclipse, so I turning to this forum. I copied someone's BSH files from a deconstructed android app into my eclipse because I want to use eval. When I did that, I got so many errors like 'syntax error on token interface', 'implicit super constructo...

definitely frowned upon.
if he releases the app under his own name and says he made it then it's definitely illegal.
"because he wants to use eval"
what are BSH files?
and what is eval?
Didn't start with "Hi, I'm new to hacking"
Hmm, BeanSHell script should be the filetype. What kind of app would use those?
yeah it is android's own scripting language I think
I remember reading about it on Commonsware's book
Can I get somehow Commonsware's PDF book?
I've never seen that type of script inside android sources
I have the permission. — user1733468 3 mins ago
TGM it is only $45 for a full year
and you also get office hours in which he answers any question you might have about Android
This is Bernice's best video ever omg youtube.com/watch?v=oHg5SJYRHA0
omg, watch this to the end youtube.com/watch?v=wZZ7oFKsKzY
My youtube app froze
not able to even load it
it's not worth it
The music is good and it contains cats
hello, android!
hey Guru!
How's it going?
Well, working on custom view.
Something like this i.sstatic.net/WwX7F.png
Showing progress on border
good luck
1 hour later…
Q: change background action bar with actionbarcompat

user3159679I try to change the background of the action bar using library of google actionbarcompact but i cant thats my code main.xml <menu xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android" xmlns:app="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res-auto"> <item android:id="@+id/...

how does adding a menu entry help with changing the background of the action bar?
Tryin' to do something! That's my code! I use this theme! Have fun deciphering what I'm asking!
This wasn't even the worst of this kind today
Q: Android Counter hit 1000 popup a new image

user3238176So i got this code if (counter % 1000 == 0) { //Do something. } i want something to popup for like 2 sec then get back to normal, when he/she get to 1000 score

How's it going?
Good, you?
Studying algebra atm
and by "algebra" I don't mean high school/college algebra
haha yeah I figured
planning on implementing something complex in your app?
abstract algebra?
I wish I had sqlite-asset-helper two years ago
And I wish I wasn't such a procrastinator.
this is just something I have some interest in outside of app building
so there's no hybrid cursor adapter where I could use an array for the groups, and cursors for the children?
Man, the Sublime forums are just dead as hell now
I remember two years ago it was really active and now it's just dead because everyone's angry about ST3 and so on
well my custom hybrid adapter seems to work okay
is it a valid SO question to ask if there is anything wrong with my code?
Hmm, not a great question
You'll either get downvoted or redirected to codereview
My adapter class is weird.
I'm sure you could ask someone here to have a look tho
What's with the mix of snake and camel case?
move the cursor forward or backward until it matches the childPosition argument
I write snake case for my own projects, ignore that please
auto-generate is camelcase though
so cursor.moveTo(position)
I just can't get past the snake case :-)
I had a recruiter call me today. On Sunday.
Recruiters are feeling a lot like telemarketers lately
pretty similar
I'm writing a genetic evolution service
you mean algorithm?
No I mean service
Rest service. Takes requests. Makes json.
But there are algorithms involved, that's for sure
I see, evolutionary algorithms are more fun
More fun than rest services? Impossible
The concept of polymodels and ancestry in appengine db storage makes it pretty interesting to build tho
Unfortunately, once something has children, it can never be deleted... Or I lose all the genetic information from that parent.
Old topic, but ⇒ gist.github.com/nilium/9471885b9e4be397e37b ⇐ everyone should write list adapters like me. Clearly.
And I want to have x ancestors of genetic information used to determine the genome of a child.
Your Scala is confusing to me
It was written specifically to be confusing.
Part of the fun of Scala is writing extremely bad code like that, then remembering that being able to do something doesn't mean you should.
The def newview is a method?
Yes. A nested, local function, specifically.
I obviously cannot Scala
And alternative would be a lazy val, but that's not really all that useful
Or confusing?
They're not confusing, just not useful in that context.
Since the lazy val is only initialized with its value once it's been accessed, otherwise it's never initialized.
I hurt my wrist playing rocksmith
Not sure how these rock stars so it
It's thankfully thread safe, but it's also mildly expensive and when only one thing is accessing it, it's better to just not bother
I play 2 songs and tired.
I'd guess getting used to the finesse of playing a guitar would be tiring
Fun game tho
Learned more in one day than in the many lessons I took a decade ago
I still can't decide if it's a game or a computerized music teacher
Both I think
I'll probably eventually buy it, though. I've got an old electric guitar that I only learned to play a few chords on years ago and haven't found anything that really taught me in a way that I like.
I tried reading books on how to play the guitar, but they didn't really work because I can't practice with the guitar and read at the same time
Plus there's zero feedback on it
The teacher in rocksmith is super patient
I handed my intentionally-confusing Scala to the programmer kid in NSChat 'cause I want to see if he can try to figure out what it does.
I'm happy with it anyway. Just not quite enough songs
I hope he actually tries.
Would be interesting to see what someone with relatively little experience can figure out from it.
Speaking of songs, I just noticed I don't have any music playing..
Scala or rocksmith?
I have a craving for some tragically hip
Specifically, boots or hearts
You should listen to that for me
The title makes me think it's country music.
That genre's way too over-saturated with lousy bands.
It isn't tho
Isn't country I mean
Yeah, it's rock.
The tragically hip are possibly the greatest rock band to ever live. Imho.
wow android just made me really happy
Nobody's mentioned pickup trucks or blue eyes or dogs or blonde hair, so it's not country.
Also listen to locked in the trunk of a car
It did something I wasn't trying to do, and came up with the design solution I was looking for in the process
And grace too
And "grace too", too lol
Nice, Eskimo :-)
I forgot to set the orientation on my linearlayout to horizontal, and then it created a really good list effect by staggering the title and author
I wish more bands would set up bandcamp websites so I could just buy music there and download stuff in whatever format I want
you should maybe make the title bold
it does kind of get the blending effect from the background
where it appears smaller because of it
In my opinion it looks too confusing atm
You can't tell what's the main information and what's the "sub" information
You mean on the left side of it?
and maybe use android:minHeight="?android:attr/listPreferredItemHeight
I'm not sure what to do about that yet, a lot of the titles have new line characters in them. A lot of it needs data cleaning too
gist.github.com/nilium/9471885b9e4be397e37b ⇐ Now with comments trying to explain what the code does and the other person's guess (in a comment on the gist).
Code density: always fun.
omg 0o
how can you comment that much
Because the comments are written with the idea that the person has no idea about Scala.
So I actually took the time to explain optional values, blocks, infix methods, etc.
I also probably spent more time than necessary explaining the tap function.
nice, will go through it
On the other hand, I totally don't even explain pattern matching.
I'm continuing to see a nice steady increase in app users. That's always encouraging:-)
Plus the code's intentionally dense and confusing, so that doesn't help.
@eskimoapps.com: I played with your app, you might want to look at this though.
Grrr, haven't set my Nexus 5 up yet as a development phone, so I can't get the picture I was going to...
Basically, the dialog at the end of the level for Sight Read looks poor on my phone, cut off text etc.
oh, yeah I saw your email earlier...didn't connect the dots that it was you
scalas match is roughly switch(Object) {case [instanceof SomeType]: foo}?
No worries, I'd have been a bit surprised if you had.
I have plans to rebuild the app to expand it for all aspects of music education, right after I get this e-reader project out, and rebuild the spanish app first lol
LOL. That's it?
yeah not too bad, until you count the full-time job too
I've got about 5 projects I want to work on, but I'm forcing myself to finish the one that I'm working on now...
I think I can get gutendroid published next weekend though
You make any money from Android apps?
nothing worthwhile
Enough to pay for fun electronics?
@zapl Sort of. After compilation, it's basically just a bunch of if() .. else if() blocks one after another.
nope, I make more from my android job in a day than I do in a month from my educational stuff
Extractors make explaining it a little more complicated though, since I've never looked at the bytecode generated from using them
Their behavior is well-defined though, so it's easy enough to figure it out.
Ahhh, so you program Android for your day job?
compile then decompile to java :)
Decompiling Scala is a bad idea.
I try to make this app not suck as bad:
Should be tons of anonymous interface declarations for any of those magic => things
closeures or whatever the name is
A running joke on the android-dev channel is that compiled Scala is basically obfuscated by virtue of being compiled Scala.
I'm actually not sure how much the compiler does to rearrange code blocks.
but they wanted me to fix it from the 18,000 lines of crap code that the inexperienced guy before me wrote instead of just rewriting the whole thing
If scala on android crashes, you get a java stacktrace?
It seems like it should be possible to look at the block and decide to move it to a static/non-inner-class/non-anonymous-class if it's not accessing certain things
You get a standard stack trace.
Though you might see stuff like calls to Foo$Foo$Foo.baz
Lots of $ are lots of automagically created inner classes
Pretty much.
You have to fairly careful about your use of scala blocks on Android for that reason.
Helps if you can pack them into a companion object so the inner class isn't accidentally retaining something you don't want retained
Same in java, people usually just don't notice
Nice. I just do this for the fun of it, although I periodically apply to a full time Android developer position.
I'm more concerned about the object creation overhead that happens in scala, isn't that noticable in garbage collection?
I doubt it is measurable
00:00 - 08:0008:00 - 00:00

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