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@Glitch What's the min version you want to support
12 I believe
It's a tablet only app
Oh, ok then
The way I'm designing it would work on phones too, but cbf
They asked for a tablet app, so they get a tablet app
Action Bar overflow menu is always just text right?
Or can they be icons?
Default is Text
Always text, but if you have them set to ifRoom, then they might appear as icons if there's room
But yeah, in the overflow menu they're text
(Also hi)
So can't make them icons?
That I don't know. I don't know why you'd want to. :P (other than that's what you've been asked to do)
Not with the default implementation. If you're doing anything non standard
really really really anything non standard, just roll you're own
They've been made massively complex in order to create a simple API
Hmm yeah, it's just that this client will probably bitch
And all they are are simple layouts :P
If you make your own implementation once you'll be able to use it everywhere. I do with mine. My implementation is ace.
That's the thing, if it's not part of the API, then I don't want to do it
It means they don't want you to
And I want consistency
Tesco has very strange but practical units for surface area - Grilling Surface In Chicken Breasts = 4
Too bad chickens come in various sizes
Are you sure it's not some sort of standard imperial unit?
Wouldn't surprise me...
This iPad is giving me the shits
I take four screenshots, and only two decide to get stored
You didn't need all those extra screenshots anyway.
Apparently not
I'm surprised at how much stutter this iPad has on transition animations
iPad 3?
I was under the impression that magical devices were free from stutter
Yeah, that is kind of the just "accepted" opinion of iOS. I suppose it is pushing a LOT of pixels.
That's no excuse, the GPU in this is very powerful
Hmm, idk then. I think with Jelly Bean, Google finally bested Apple in UI design, and that's saying a lot. (considering how ugly everything was pre-honeycomb)
Having played with Jelly Bean, I think Google have actually exceeded Apple
Not only are animations stutter free, but they're fast
iOS animations are brain numbingly slow
Yeah, that's what I mean, it's finally to the point I think it's far better. I've always thought iOS if nothing else had at least a very polished interface (if far too limited for me) but now it looks dated in comparison. It still looks nice, but just dated.
Android's problem isn't the OS, that's brilliant. It's the shitty iOS ports, and shtty apps in general.
Yeah, that's quite true as well... :(
Although it does seem the trend is toward apps following the design guidelines. Considering there WERE no design guidelines for the longest time, outside of some icon specs.
I think Android's new developer page is helping
It's very organized and easy to find all the design guidelines
and now that Android looks better than iOS people will start designing for Android
Yeah, it has gotten better, although I don't agree with the choice of Roboto as a web font.
But that's just a nitpick.
Yea looks kind of weird in my browser
It basically looks weird in any browser on a low density screen
It was designed with high density displays in mind, and doesn't render well at small sizes.
Looks weird in my browser at 100% zoom, but at any other level its fine :/
Try it
Ironically it probably looks great on the new MBP Retina. :)
goes to look
Looks bad at any size to me. 275% is fairly good.
heh, using Chrome?
Sadly, IE8.
It might be better in Chrome.
I'm using Aurora, It looks alright I suppose
Really, I guess no font renders great on a low resolution screen, but it just seems worse than most.
Looks fine on my non retina MBP. 15 inch.
In Firefox.
watching Romain and Chet
The Butter talk?
Do they explain systrace?
And does systrace work with ICS?
Don't think so
damn ...
Link to the video?
It was posted by Glitch some hours ago
goes back to look
5 hours ago, by Glitch
I wonder what's stopping Samsung from coming out with a Retina type display laptop
They are supposed to be leaders in that area
next thing you know apple will copyright "super high definition displays"
@Reno Because phones are more profitable
They're probably waiting for OLED to be viable, but now Apple has set a standard
Thanks @Reno
uggh VS10 Express sucks
no symbol reference highlighting
use vs11 instead
@BrainMonkey your rep is a little low, but I like that you follow up on your answers, welcome abord
plus the dude's called brainmonkey that's enough to let him in ;)
Coming from the c# world to android
android is like c# on Acid
not the fun kind ... more the dissolving you till you bleed kind
@BrainMonkey wpf or winforms?
you may well survive then
I like WPF. I haven't worked a whole lot with it, but I like what I've seen.
@Merlin Are you ever on google talk anymore..?
@Merlin yeah that's what I meant.
@Graeme I just went to the supermarket ... the local Tescpress has been shut for refurbish these last days and I was out of tobacco and food
switches between both mediums, gets confused..
@BrainMonkey so basically Forms = Activities, Controls = Views, Services != Services
yep the last one is indeed confusing ... but true
don't expect microsoft level documentation ... but what is there seems to improve
Services = form without the form...
been working on first app, nothing crazy but enough to get feet wet. Working with Intents and trying to find the right ones been throwing me for a loop
developer.android.com for all your info
Intents are awesome
Intents are not too bad once you figure them out ... trying to figure out the stock ones is a bit tricky
stars Atlos for that
I have greatly come to appreciate them. They were confusing as hell of a concept to me when starting out.
Have you used them with content providers yet ? That'll melt your noodles
Anyone here know a mobile adprovider that pays on impressions aswell as clicks?
@Merlin haha, not yet. And melted noodles sound gross.
I got lucky someone from other android discussion was on last night to help me out. I had been trying to send an image from gridview to the chooser(end goal being able to send it in text). I had tried everything and there are plenty of tutorials out there and tons of info on stack, but it’s hard when they post snippets of the code and don’t show how all the variable are initialized or called.
@Uhehesh...you have write access.
@ankitmakwana rejected for poor quality questions
@Rashmi.B you have write access
hello, can anyone help me with a question? or it isn't correct to ask that in this chat? :)
post the link on it's own ... if people have the will to answer then they will respond on Stack Overflow
Sure, do you have a question on SO? If so, if you post the URL on its own line, it'll embed it into the chat.
Q: Colored ListView

UheheshIs it possible to set different colors for different rows in (dynamic) ListView? I know that I can set background colors e.g. on item click event listener, but I wonder is there a way to set colors dynamically while adding items to adapter?

sry if it's quite silly though
@Uhehesh do you mean like every other row is a different color?
Or you get to choose on an individual basis?
Alright, the MBP is out for delivery. I can stop refreshing the tracking info now.
@Uhehesh Just posted an answer for you.
@nil not till it's at your doorstep.
It won't update anymore, refreshing would do nothing more.
True. But I do it anyway. Then again I'm typically at work and not there to sign for it.
@Atlos I make a client app for a webservice with Api. and if message is yours, color is X. if message is someone's, color is Y.
not message but topic
"Typically at work," he says. I wish I had work (that paid).
And I wish I could afford an MBP Retina. :P
You probably could if you stopped flying to the moon every thursday
But you've gotta prioritize!
Look at meeee I'm flying to the moon look I planted another flag I'm kcoppock I'm the moon man. Pfft, mocking us earthdwellers.
(and it's usually on Wednesday anyway -- that's when you get the discounts)
I'll get the last laugh once 99942 Apophis smashes into the moon and whatnot.
thanks for the answers. i will check them a bit later
Unless it hits the earth first. Frankly I'm in a better position as I'll just fly to whichever one isn't getting hit.
This is accurate.
I love that chart. And by love, I mean it makes me cry.
I should point out that my blood is actually worth about the same as bottled water since it's pretty much useless.
cool chart
"Nil's blood: not pictured due to insignificance."
My blood is likely poisonous
Pyrodante downs just that much booze.
could do with a rum infusion
I could do with a Trout Slayer, but it's too early for that.
No, between radiation exposure, and whatever else I picked up in Iraq, its probably no good.
That's the best kind. Gives you super powers.
only if I bite you.
I think you just want to bite people.
Or maybe microwave a tin of beans with your bare hands
@kcoppock I added a comment to your post let me know if that makes sense
Thanks, makes sense, I was just trying to be generic. All depends on what sort of messages he's passing and how he determines whether they're the user's messages or not.
Could be something as simple as if(message.id == user.id) {
is there a way to get the internal list of objects that an adapter stores?
I'd use bindView ... that should be called every time a view is bound ... and avoids the problem with view re-use
@Merlin isn't that only with a CursorAdapter?
no idea ... it's been so long since I've done any of that but ... googles furiously
@Atlos I think you can just reference this.items
For an ArrayAdapter anyway
OK good to know
so could just use this.items.get(pos) rather than overriding add()?
I think you can just use getItem(pos)
I could be COMPLETELY wrong, but I think that works.
Personally I usually just create my own private ArrayList and pass it into the constructor and maintain it myself.
that's what I've been doing, wasn't sure if it is redundant
"balls!!!" ... bindView is indeed cursoradaptor only
and yea getItem() seems correct
It probably is redundant. It's just more convenient for me. I guess it also depends if you're extending ArrayAdapter or BaseAdapter.
Clipping in JellyBean is good, but you can't be sure what's the clipping rect, because it depends on the device used o.O
blank stare as he has no idea what Reno's talking about
That was regarding the Butter presentation
It was okay.
surely there must be a getClippingRect function somewhere
So, is the clipping rects in dips or something?
Or is it just down to whether they enabled hardware accel or something else?
Am I the only one who can't reference "Project Butter" with a straight face?
No, I find the name amazingly stupid
That said, Google's never been good with names, so I just smile and nod
I mean, I get it. But really?
You should watch the DisplayList video for ICS or else this will be confusing. Yep it is in dips.
Ha, yeah, that's kind of true. They're far better than Microsoft, but that's a given.
"For butter or worse" ... that was an inspred name for the event
I think I derailed your conversation soz
goes to derail other conversations in IRL
@Reno where'd you go? Who's driving the train now???
Isn't that picture a diagram of how exception handlers work?
uncaught exceptions ... yes
goddamn ... where's the chocalte sprinkles ... cheap ass latte packets
Hm, I think the word "kindly" might be the first thing that gets me to suspect an email of being spam
I wonder what the etymology of the word kind is ... do you think it has something to do with kin?
nice :) Old English gecynde
@nil You may want to update your spam filter in case people from the middle ages are sending you unsolicited emails
I'd definitely consider middle-ages email spam
ye olde spam latrine
Veryly purvey thyne humble alchemyst's chemycal genytal swellyng tynctures!
hahahha :)
Gold star STAMP
silently thanks Google for disabling Facebook contact syncing readwriteweb.com/archives/…
"Have you found Jesus?"
"No, but I heard the folks at CERN has found God"
And it's looking like my decision to kill my facebook account was the right one.
kk so the scientist boffins are looking for the god particle
don't they know that god sits there laughing "all your particles are belong to us"?
Pfft, god doesn't use outdated memes.
Outdated? To the big God-fella he only created the earth last Sunday ... his idea of a mid afternoon nap after Sunday lunch is in the region of 4.5 billion years ... I think you can forgive a moderately archaic meme
should probably use a capital H in "his" to avoid thunderbolts
Well, if s/he was napping all that time, it certainly explains the state of the world
Can you imagine waking up to that? God: "What the ..? Who on earth ..? Arrghh FFS, the chimps evolved. I shoulda known. Wait a sec ... who cancelled Firefly?"
I am torn, on the one hand @ilis seems to have decent answers, on the other hand... 'i'
Thanks :)
@ilis I have given you a great power ... use it reponsibly
read em, learn em, love em
@Merlin ...said the great Wizard Merlin
Thanks @Merlin
and @Pyrodante too
i'm experienced wioh ios development but new to Android
i will try to be in this room as far as i can
well it will be interesting to see how you think they compare once you've mastered both
@ilis this room is for chat ... in fact there's very little android information in here at the best of times. Read the developer documentation for the definitive guide
also check out the tutorials at vogella.de
I'm the resident iOS dev and general Android curmudgeon, so I will be sure to lead you astray.
@nil how does iOS stack up against Android (try to be as impartial as possible) from a developer perspective
I consider them sufficiently different that it's a waste of time to compare the two.
ok then ... what if I asked "which is faster to develop for?" given that the app is something reasonably run-of-the-mill
i.e one that doesn't involve a native C library base or advanced graphics/audio
@nil thank for this kind suggestion but you can be sure my fiirst priority is not talking about android:) maybe in some situation i will ask some desing ideas or some approaches. i want to see what is going on around(around the world:) btw @Merlin i'm just goung though the links you sent, it has been about two weeks, and also a good video training i'm watching, this list is realy great to me
oh yeah I forgot about marakana
it is realy wonderful
@Merlin I would say iOS is faster to develop for. The developer tools are simply better.
Which isn't to say Xcode is nice, but when it comes down to it, you get things done faster than in Android. Apple's sort of had the advantage by already having its own developer tools and not having to write plugins for Eclipse and whatnot.
They also build commandline tools for working with Xcode projects recently too, so that's sort of my salvation.
I suppose the answer becomes quite dumb when I consider the following (correct me if I've got these wrong): iOS places more restrictions on what is/isn't allowed in terms of background stuff, the strict partitioning of apps, consistent hardware implementations and minimal deprecation in the API
I do my best to make the noise to information ratio as bad as possible
Having worked on both platforms, I will have to agree with @nil. Overall, I find it to be quite a pleasant experience writing an iOS app. And of course, there's the fact that you have very very few screen resolutions to handle, as compared to Android's amazingly huge set of screens.
I think screen resolutions are less of an issue than folks might make them out to be
@nil yes-ish
@Merlin Also, Apple deprecates the hell out of things
They're actually very happy to do it regardless of who's using that stuff.
That's a surprise ... I thought Android was the worst for that
Just look at how pissy everyone was when Apple deprecated (most of) Carbon or any of the old iOS APIs for device IDs.
No, Android is the worst when it comes to "check out these new features you can't use because if you do only 6% of your userbase will be able to get your app bwa-ha-ha"
It'll basically stick around for a version or two, might break, they don't bother maintaining it much afterward as long as it compiles probably
iOS has a lot of restrictions, especially for bacground apps and some other things, this quarell between you makes me have a very close idea of comparing them:) thanks @all
then again I suppose iOS based device owners will update to the latest version of the OS because they can .. unlike Android-ers
@Pyrodante It's also a pain in the ass if you decide to use those new features conditionally
Whereas Apple actually added stuff to Objective-C to simplify all that.
So the people who don't need it as much have the better tools, makes sense.
Wanna know if a class exists? Hey, just do if (NSClassFromString(ClassName)) and see if it's nil.
If it isn't, go hog wild.
@ilis Also wouldn't really call this a quarrel.
Sorry for my english:)
A quarrel would be like two people typing in all caps and insulting each other because they prefer different OSes.
In this case, it's more of a free-for-all bitchfest for iOS and Android.
I will draw and quarter you for liking DOS.
it worked didn't it?
Not really.
I think I'm hungry enough to eat lunch now
I meant DR-DOS not that MS poop
@nil anyway, that was because of my english(i just used a word from google translate). by the way, what do you mean by DOS? both of you
DOS = Disk Operating System
Or MSDOS or QDOS depending on how you know it
haha @Pyrodante ... I coulda guessed
Alright, got my MBP
well who wouldn't want a genuine lifeform running their Disk operating System? What could possibly go wrong?
Now to finish eating lunch
Lifeform running your OS: "Dave, last week it was women with big butts, now it's women with eye shadow, what next?"
Well this bitch for starters
I loved that movie
She's just another alien floozy trying to mate with JLP
Can AI actually count as an alien?
That's opening the deeply philosophical can of AI worms
hey, where is @JMRboosties I thought we were missing something...
we discussed this on the AI course and basically ... you end up in a loop which constantly re-examines what it means to be human in the first place
im here
ive just been lurking this morning

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