You can't earn the hat yet, since it's not 2015. But on January 1st 2015 UTC time you will be able to earn this hat.
Do the comments I delete need to be mine?
The hat doesn't specify if the comments need to be yours. Users can delete their own comments, but most users can't delete oth...
Does anyone know where I could start with coding a decision tree in Android? I really haven't got a clue where to start, just some advice would be aprreciated :)
@BrianJ No, I put properties into the objects as much as I can and the player progresses the story due to initiated listeners or threads.
Like if you pull a lever that will let out a demon, the lever sends an activation of the lever to the demon, instead of
demon == true;
@Takendarkk is on the correct track here; not sure how you have managed it, but your SetUniqueList class seems to have produced a Set which is also a List, and Collections.sort() expects a List as an argument (EDIT it appears that this is an Apache commons specific Collection; from the error you ...
I want to create a copy of a StringBuilder with all its contents.... would [code]StringBuilder copySB = new StringBuilder();[/code] [code]copySB.append(oldSB.toString);[/code] do the job?
Now, of course, there are "smarter" ways to write obviously correct code, but such ways are just there for "nicer" code; as far as the JIT is concerned, those are all one and the same
I have been through query.
I started tomcat jvm and i see message saying "listening at port 8001(which is the JPDA_ADDRESs)" after setting JPDA_ADDRESS to 8001 in catalina.bat of tomcat 7 version.
jre 64 bit 1.8 update 25 version is used to launched tomcat jvm.
I do not see JPDA_START paramet...
@ItachiUchiha not at this very moment but please ping me regularly with that; the author of assertj-core has asked me to work on Path assertions and I'm doing just that
@fge Power supply died, so I bought a new one. But when I installed it, all I got is black screen, no reaction on keyboard events, no beep after POST-codes table: only spinning coolers...
For instance, I have a base test class which all classes will inherit, and for all those classes a single FileSystem instance is needed; how do I tackle that?
@fge no, but probably I touched memory banks during mounting of power supply, so it couldn't recognize some memory module (I left only one - and it started fine)
@fge I don't know much of JUnit, but I think you should make that FileSystem object public static in your base class and initialize it only if the instance is null. Then it will be single object throughout the application(if that is what a JUnit project is called). This way, the object will be available in every child class.
@DroidDev "only if the instance is null" <-- sorry, I never do that; lazy initialization is too tricky to get right, especially in a context which you don't master, and I don't master JUnit
@fge without it, there will be a new instance of FileSystem every time you inherit the base class. You can also use a bool to check if the object was initialized(just another workaround)
@fge umm....I've never done anything or even touched JUnit. This was just something that struck when I read the problem. Although, I'd like to read more about these things before going any further.
@ItachiUchiha how can you not be pissed off at a package which requires that class initialization methods be static for Pete's sake? That is downright ridiculous
@DroidDev err, TestNG tests Java code, not JavaScript code
What does another build tool targeted at Java really get me?
If you use Gradle over another tool, why?
(See also Why use Buildr instead of Ant or Maven)
As a heavy TestNG user, this is not a problem, since @BeforeClass methods are not static...
But in JUnit, they are.
And this is quite a problem for what I am currently doing.
I am writing assertions for java.nio.file.Path for assertj, which uses JUnit 4.x for tests. Some assertions require tha...
Except that the JDK has (to the extent of my knowledge) no other mechanism available than in-memory encryption/decryption and does not provide *Streams
If your content is small enough I guess that's fine
@fge The person who left the three comments under your question obviously have no idea what they're doing whatsoever. I flagged for comment cleanup of the five comments.
@ItachiUchiha I still want a proper job. Lost mine three times...
@ItachiUchiha I like that picture because it's a meta joke. Unemployed programmers are usually better at managing themselves not to overload and maximize profit from tasks, hence they can afford a comfortable environment. On the other hand, people with steady jobs in development are really busy, and since computing isn't as well-paying as software engineering, they probably overload themselves in tasks to keep a living, and no time to use their money anymore. :P
Or they're just serious. You know, when you're seriously coding you won't stop even after 48 hours, but I doubt that's what the pic is trying to tell you.