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2:02 PM
that was a nice walk~
3h walk in lovely spring weather :P
@Gemtastic I'd love to do that, right now, too
It was worth it ^^
mostly because this Excel Export I am currently writing is incredibly boring...
2:08 PM
In sweden, having an hour long walk once a week during work time is considered a "health benefit" and we have legal right to it ^^
you can of course, also get a gym hour if you want to...
@Gemtastic when can I start working at your place?
Whenever you land a job. Long live the EU
I can rent you a room 'til you find your own place ;P
Sweden sounds like a great place for me to pursue a career when I grow up
Meeting went well
listening to the Tron soundtrack while coding ftw
2:21 PM
@Unihedro It is a great place for the most part. :)
2:34 PM
@Unihedro 2147483647
Hmm, so js also has the "right shift, forget sign bit" operator
!!> -1 >> 1
@fge -1
Yup it has
(I thought only Java had it)
2:36 PM
@Unihedro 4
!!> ~0
@fge -1
!!> ~0.0
2:37 PM
@Unihedro [2,4,8,16]
@fge -1
@Unihedro -2
JS sucks at numeric calculus
I don't blame it. :P
2:38 PM
I do
Choosing IEEE 754 64bit base2 as the only possible number type is imho a fundamental mistake
PHP has made the same mistake but PHP is... Well... PHP
@fge drop the h. It doesn't suit you....
you're too good at stuff like this to have a "humble" opinion...
Doesn't the "h" stand for "honest"?
!!urban imho
@Unihedro IMHO In my humble opinion
I've been misled the entire time!!
Where do I need to put a file for it to be found by Something.class.getResourceAsInputStream()?
@Unihedro Can be both
2:42 PM
probably under: "[projectroot]/src/main/resources" if you're still using maven
@Vogel612 Odd, it's not captured in my test
@SecondRikudo anywhere in your classpath
Maybe if I rebuild...
2:44 PM
@Gemtastic Already saw it :P
well, you were in it ;P
@fge Could it be that my test has a different classpath or something? I'm using Intellij
check whether it shows up when you put it under /src/test/resources
@Vogel612 Moved it there (and marked as test resource root), still getting a null
@SecondRikudo how do you call it exactly?
2:50 PM
that's why I hate working with these things.. you never know what's actually wrong....
Beware of the need for the initial / etc
final LoaderBaker baker = new LoaderBaker(LoaderBakerTest.class.getResourceAsStream("loader.js"), "\"${%s}\"");
public LoaderBaker(InputStream fileContents, String replacementFormat) {
    this.fileContents = inputStreamToString(fileContents);
    this.replacementFormat = replacementFormat;
Is the loader.js file located at the root of the classpath?
NPE on line 2 of the second example.
@fge It's directly inside of [project_root]/src/test/resources
Then try and prefix with a /
2:52 PM
That works, thanks
Now I'm wondering where did it look for the file without the absolute path?
In the same "directory" where LoaderBakerTest is "located" (I think)
But... why would I have files in there? XD
Ah well
I always use absolute paths for resources for that reason
@fge Yup, good to know
How are your frontend endeavors going?
Delayed because of work for now :p
2:54 PM
@fge If you want to look at some DOM manipulation example
I've written a userscript that takes links of images that were starred in chat, and turns them into little thummbnails
for my latest frankenstein, check out this file
@Vogel612 "bannder"?
~adds a note to his growing list of TBD fixes
<div id="bannder">
You're using too many divs, and too many IDs
There are more semantic elements out there
2:58 PM
soo... you'd rather have me use tables?
@Vogel612 Checkout <aside>, <article>, <section> and <nav>
aaaand instant-bookmark
So yeah, @fge have a look at github.com/MadaraUchiha/star-thumn
(Specifically at expando.user.js)
And try to get a feel of what it does
If you want me to explain something, give me a shout
3:12 PM
good day House, I want a questions which is very strange to me
I receive an an error of Java exception has occurred when I run on another system after cleaning and building.I used Jcalender as one of my swing components and I observed that when I remove the Jcalender, the program runs correctly on other pc. what could be wrong as this is very strange. Regards.
You want a questions?
what could be the problem please
No idea, I don't do Swing at all
about... everything???
3:14 PM
@GstuntzWonderz What's the exception?
mostly because "Exception" is overly generic
A Java Exception has occurred and the Frame tittle is Java Virtual Exception has occured
Can you paste the exception trace in hastebin?
This mis very frustrating as I have never had any issue like that before
Please how do I do that?
@Mr.777 Please how do I do that?
Select the trace, then Ctrl+C and open www.hastebin.com and Ctrl+V
3:18 PM
I feal like shouting at somebody.. so for now I'll get some fresh air... ~afk
@Voge :P
@GstuntzWonderz java <your program here> | haste
@Mr.777 I still do not understand as i have not done that before... Do i copy the exception as its pops up?
Your program will run, then stdout + stderr will be dumped into a Haste, and you get the link in your terminal.
Unless you use Windows.
@GstuntzWonderz Are you using some IDE to run your program?
3:23 PM
am using windows
You're screwed.
@GstuntzWonderz Still, my question stands. Are you using any IDE?
@Mr.777 No.. I have cleaned and build the program so as to run out of the IDE.. the program runs on my system but when i transfer to flash, and runs the programe, the exceptions comes even on same system
very strange
It can be because, it requires some dependencies which are not included in the packaged file, you are running.
and when I receve the Jcalender swing component, it runs well
3:26 PM
I mean remove
Do you have netbean IDE on your system?
What do I need Netbeans for?
how do you develop?
@GstuntzWonderz You use Netbeans? How do you develop?
(That was a joke; no offense to Netbeans developers like our talented @Gem)
3:31 PM
haha..Please i really need help on this. if anyone here use netbeans IDE, i can send the package please...its giving me serious trouble
@Unihedro we kind of already proved that Intellij is better than NetBeans by sheer virtue of NetBeans' debugger misleading us when using Step Into
True. I was there :)
and the program depends so much on Calender
@SecondRikudo Please does intelliJ support desighning of frames? like building a Jframe just like in netbeans because I would want to try it
@GstuntzWonderz I believe it does, yes.
I've never worked with that though
what IDE do you use
@SecondRikudo what IDE do you use
3:39 PM
@GstuntzWonderz Intellij
But my main Java project is web based
The rest are nodejs and the such
@SecondRikudo ok... i understand...This challenge of mine is really frustrating me
3:57 PM
!!should I learn clojure
@Unihedro Certainly not
@CapricaSix I agree!
Wait someone said netbeans? What's the question?
hello house,i have seen the exception
Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/toedt
what do i do?
4:05 PM
did you try cleaning it without building it?
the exception is thrown in AWT, it has nothing to do with NetBeans
@Gemtastic But i have to build before running it outside my IDE. Am stock here
@GstuntzWonderz Look at this: stackoverflow.com/questions/17973970/…
Yes of course you have to build it, but sometimes netbeans have some issues when you click clean and build as opposed to just clean.
@Gemtastic ok am on it now
4:10 PM
o /
@Gemtastic It cleans well without error
@GstuntzWonderz In the future, you should learn to read the errors or how to debug. The netbeans debugger isn't that great, but the exceptions are usually to the point. They also mostly print where the exception happens, among all the lines looks for something that looks like your project.
I just googled "java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError" and that's your best tool in solving it apart from looking over your own code. Do not try to run projects where any file is marking an issue with a red expression mark.
!!>new Array(4)
@Unihedro ["undefined","undefined","undefined","undefined"]
!!> new Array(4).map(() => Array(4))
4:23 PM
@Unihedro ["undefined","undefined","undefined","undefined"]
!!> new Array(4).map(() => new Array(4))
@Unihedro ["undefined","undefined","undefined","undefined"]
@Gemtastic Just found out that when I package my app in .exe and install the app, it works well. but what could be the problem here
!!>Array.apply(null, new Array(4)).map(Array.prototype.valueOf, new Array(4));
@Unihedro [["undefined","undefined","undefined","undefined"],["undefined","undefined","un‌​defined","undefined"],["undefined","undefined","undefined","undefined"],["undefin‌​ed","undefined","undefined","undefined"]]
4:25 PM
@GstuntzWonderz Good question
impossible to answer without a single line of your code
!!>new Array(4).map(Array.prototype.valueOf, Array.apply(null, new Array(4)).map(String.prototype.valueOf, "."))
@Unihedro [[".",".",".","."],[".",".",".","."],[".",".",".","."],[".",".",".","."]]
@Unihedro ["undefined","undefined","undefined","undefined"]
!!>var foo=Array.apply(null, new Array(4)).map(Array.prototype.valueOf, new Array(4));foo[0].push(".");foo
4:30 PM
@Unihedro [["undefined","undefined","undefined","undefined","."],["undefined","undefined"‌​,"undefined","undefined","."],["undefined","undefined","undefined","undefined",".‌​"],["undefined","undefined","undefined","undefined","."]]
I'm still facing the same issue from yesterday regarding an NPE, but I did make a bit more progress.

I found that the NPE is being thrown from my depth first search method and not the find method. The location is populated when I hover over in it during debug,So the problem I'm having now is if I specify a location ID greater than 1 I get an NPE although the location ID's range from 1 - 10.I've posted a question about it if anyone can help, don't want to bug people on here:

@Gemtastic its seems not to be a code problem but library dependencies. It runs when package the app in .exe with the lib folder but doesn't run when i run the built .jar file.
I just skipped the whole discussion up to now (aside from Uni's awesome remark about windows)
I am almost sure I didn't miss anything important..
Rofl, you didn't.
4:33 PM
good then
!!>var foo = Array.apply(null, new Array(4)).map(() => new Array(4)); foo[0].push("."); foo
@Unihedro "ReferenceError: size is not defined"
@Unihedro [["undefined","undefined","undefined","undefined"],["undefined","undefined","un‌​defined","undefined"],["undefined","undefined","undefined","undefined"],["undefin‌​ed","undefined","undefined","undefined"]]
@Unihedro [["undefined","undefined","undefined","undefined","."],["undefined","undefined"‌​,"undefined","undefined"],["undefined","undefined","undefined","undefined"],["und‌​efined","undefined","undefined","undefined"]]
@Vogel612 "ReferenceError: foo is not defined"
4:41 PM
@Gemtastic I have found the solution. I was suppose to copy the folder containg the lib before running the app. Now it works well.
Great. :)
Thanks all
@GstuntzWonderz Remove everything inside lib folder so it doesn't make your package heavy :D
@Gemtastic Do you have any instant messenger ID so we can talk other time
@GstuntzWonderz Sorry, I don't feel comfortable sharing that
4:43 PM
@GstuntzWonderz you are aware that this thing here is an instant messenger??
you're welcome to talk to me here though
just on a more... open platform?
This is an IM servcice with many to many instead of one to one ;D
@Mr.777 If i try to remove all the library in the lib folder, i doubt the programe will run... I am sensing that the IDE doesnt copy the Lib folder into the .jar file which is also strange
@Gem not quite true, but close enough..
4:45 PM
@Vogel612 I know I know, NSA is listening in on the on on one IMs too ;P
that's actually beside the point...
@GstuntzWonderz Aah good to know that you know
this chat here is a many to one with mirroring...
@Mr.777 is it suppose to be so?
4:47 PM
@GstuntzWonderz supposed to be what?
@ItachiUchiha uh, wut?
@Mr.777 building the .jar without copying the lib folder into .jar file
It was meant for fge, by then I couldn't resist adding you coz it said Sweden :P
@GstuntzWonderz You are not using any build tool?
@Vogel612 Well, if we are gonna look at it as NOT a joke, technically it providesa a many to many as all users can see all messages
4:48 PM
exactly not.
it's a many to one with public visibility
@Mr.777 No, can yo please recommend for me?
(which isn't distinguishable from a many to many aside from the nonexistant p2p requirement)
many to many model would mean I send all messages to every single participant
but like this I send my message to one server and the server keeps a live transcript
@gem are you using android studio?
@ItachiUchiha meh, it will only ever be fast in a straight line
But driving it on a circuit will give a similar thrill ;)
5:04 PM
CommitStrip - Blog relating the daily life of web agencies developers
Crisis? What crisis?
I seriously doubt it
If I were to have a car for track days, it would be an Ariel Atom (supercharged; the V8 is a little too much)
5:37 PM
Ooooo. I'm back from the dead
Mired in Zookeeper hell.
heya @Kylar
good to see you again
Hey @ItachiUchiha! how's things
Never been better ;)
5:42 PM
@Unihedro it's late, don't you have school tomorrow? And a Maths test?
Oh, thank god for chiptune.
@Kylar Yes.
And by tomorrow it's like. In four hours.
I wish I had the stamina to stay up all night like when I was young
Now I just yell at kids to get off my proverbial lawn
5:43 PM
Oh hi @Kylar! Haven't seen you in a while :)
@Unihedro It's never too late :P
Going to sleep after (making and) eating ramen noodles.
6:23 PM
I have just "acquired" two other heroes: Étienne Klein and Ettore Majorana
@ItachiUchiha yes
so you have finally started using Intellij Idea ;)
okay enough running against a js wall today
just wondering (sorry for the ignorant question) but is this chat like social or professional or both?
@Erick the last one
Awesome thanks
6:51 PM
@ItachiUchiha I can't say I haven't started using it already nor can I say I do. I have yet to actually do anything with android studio; I just downloaded it. Also, My carshop app is originally built in intelliJ...
<--- Using IntelliJ Idea in full swing
<--- using IntelliJ Idea even without Swing
<--- Using the right tool for the right thing ;P
6:57 PM
Meh, wikipedia's definition of the double slit experiment is imprecise
<--- Uses a keyboard
The double-slit experiment is a demonstration that light and matter can display characteristics of both classically defined waves and particles; moreover, it displays the fundamentally probabilistic nature of quantum mechanical phenomena. This experiment is sometimes referred to as Young's experiment. The experiment belongs to a general class of "double path" experiments, in which a wave is split into two separate waves that later combine back into a single wave. Changes in the path lengths of both waves result in a phase shift, creating an interference pattern. Another version is the Mach–Zehnder...
Meh. Fix it then.
I still lack vocabulary
The day when I am able to make things as explicit as Étienne Klein then I may have a go at it
@fge With full swing, I meant for everything :P
6:59 PM
@ItachiUchiha I did understand that, I meant it as a (bad) prank :p
I'm tempted to edit the wikipedia post in shape but you know I exaggerate too much.
Though I am still upset it doesn't support JavaEE in the community edition :(
Get Ultimate then.
I seriously wonder whether any mathematician/physician has ever made his thesis/research goal out of the exploration the Planck frontier
I like free
7:03 PM
Is this spot free?
The best "approximation" even nowadays as far as I understand it is "if you consider a system which action is performed upon is around the Planck constant then classical physics do not apply"
But then h is ~6.62 * 10^-34 J.s
I have not seen so far experiments which tried to explore that frontier, much less trying to quantify it
And that is not the same as what is called the "Planck wall"
The Planck wall is a hard wall in cosmology where the current cosmology cannot tell what existed in the early universe prior to that wall; and that wall is pretty "thin", as it is supposedly 10^-13 seconds after what is currently called the "big bang"
After that, pretty much everything is understood -- including the CMB
But (and that's my "beotian" point of view) I surmise that studying that Planck frontier may lead to insights as to the real nature of the Planck wall
@fge beotian view??
(which, by definition, is the point where gravitation is no more negligible against the three other fundamental forces; and the problem is that the current theory of gravitation, that is Einstein's theory of general relativity, relies on fundamental principles which are incompatible with quantum mechanics)
@Vogel612 in French that means "worse than an amateur"
Q: Separation of JUnit classes into special test package?

RicketI am learning the concepts of Test-Driven Development through reading the Craftsman articles (click Craftsman under By Topic) recommended in an answer to my previous question, "Sample project for learning JUnit and proper software engineering". I love it so far! But now I want to sit down and tr...

Classes living inside the same package can be stored in different directories? I didn't know that was possible.
7:12 PM
now you know.
Gee, quantum physics is fascinating
@fge don't we have other work to do?
@Mr.777 indeed
@fge What's it then?
Well, quantum physics are the most intellectually challenging thing I have ever come across -- after some math problems, such as the Riemann hypothesis
And I have "unearthed" videos of someone who explains all of this extremely well
7:22 PM
@fge You mean quantum physics is the work we need to do now?
And here is where I truly regret not having had the opportunity of attending school/university further :(
No, not at all
The next step was the javadoc for openZip()
@fge You would probably have to study physics to really understand any of that stuff.
@fge That was already done and I had created PR as well
Well, I do have.. Classical... Physics education
And I was pretty good at it
But quantum physics? Nah, that's an entirely different kettle of fish
@fge I was good at physics too
I hate chemistry though
7:25 PM
@Mr.777 well, quantum mechanics are what can explain the chemical bindings
Then I surely, won't like that
Meh, quantum physics, helping you understand that phenomenon, may actually renew your interest in chemistry ;)
@fge There is too much to study about java already, how can I even think about studying other things?
That's an entirely different domain
And I find that quantum mechanics is a great way of teaching you how to abstract things
And the Higgs boson is a prime example of that -- basically, its discovery teaches you that mass is not a fundamental property of matter
7:42 PM
@fge /me nods
I don't recall who said that, but he very smartly said that "quantum physics is iconoclast"; that is, whatever images you come up with to try and imagine the "quantum world", it will always fail
And that is an excellent exercise in abstraction as a whole
I am sure, my question wont make sense at all but I am still going to ask: Will learning quantum mechanics help me being a good java programmer? :P
8 mins ago, by fge
And I find that quantum mechanics is a great way of teaching you how to abstract things
^^ soo... yes
@Vogel612 well, that is what I believe
7:48 PM
I'm sure in some ways. The real question is more along the lines of "will the amount that I improve as a java dev be worth the effort of learning quantum mechanics?"
@Vogel612 Abstraction is only one part in whole JAVA
@Mr.777 forget about "abstraction" in the "programming language" meaning of it
In fact for every OOP language
@Mr.777 I got a silver java badge on CodeReview. There's no need to tell me that....
@Vogel612 Getting badges makes you a good or bad programmer? :P
7:49 PM
Quantum mechanics basically teaches you that what you thought of as images, what you could represent as images, is not the whole story
<-- gold java badge on SO
@Mr.777 neither. I just shows that I got some 400 upvotes on my answers about Java...
(but that's an accident)
I hardly have any badges, or points
but... I write great software
7:51 PM
@Kylar +1
@Kylar I also hardly have points. Badges are too far to talk about ;)
neat... I think I saw a really rare snake today. We thought it was a viper but upon further googling, the only snake matching it is a smooth snake :P
rare in this case means that they are rare in my country
@Kylar what did you write, out of curiosity?
~ grabs popcorn
@fge He said softwares :p
So, it's a software
7:55 PM
@fge you mean like, software?
Sure, I was the PIM architect for icloud.com - I wrote foundation libraries, the contacts and bookmarks protocol servers, the calendar middleware, and a bunch of other miscellaneous stuff.
So my software is used by some hundreds of millions of people every day.
some hundreds of millions of people
^^ Look how humble he is :P
I don't know what our most recently announced membership was :( in 2013 it was 320M
so.. maybe more than that?
I'm not really sure
Software is easy tho
@Kylar I see
It's just about practice
I'm more on the server side of things
7:59 PM
@ItachiUchiha +1111000 :D

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