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04:00 - 12:0012:00 - 17:00

The last message was posted 13 hours ago.
13 hours later…
Good Morning :)
Goood Morningss
Good Morning Everyone
gm frndzzzz ..........!
@SweetWisherツ where should come ?
hi anyone can pls help me i m working on custom array adapter with listview and my getView method has some problem and when clicking on 1st checkbox row then 5th one is automatcally slected
@ErumHannan show your adapter code
@ErumHannan check it
@GurumoorthyArumugam not for u... it was for erum
@SweetWisherツ he is not having scrolling issue
A: ListView Viewholder checkbox state

josephusThis is a tricky one. I'm surprised Android has not yet simplified how this is implemented, up to this day - checkboxes on ListViews are supposed to be basic. Anyway, here's how I made it work: First, you need a separate array/holder/whatever for your checked state. It has to be the same length...

@SweetWisherツ this one seems correct :)
how can i get all checkbox checked state on button click may i need to maintain array for that
yes maintain in array
again my issue is on checkbox click i m getting position of checked listitem inside getView() and on click of 1st row and 5th row my position is same i.e 0
why this happening
Great :)
no no pls wait
@ErumHannan then wht was removed one O_o
its happening again i m not getting whats the issue ?
removed one was by mistake
have u maintained in array ?
@ErumHannan I thought ur issue is resolved :(
i have maintained in an array but position of checked listitem is same there is some mistake in my adapter code
but i m not getting from yesterday whats the issue
how can i check that which row checkbox has been checked ???
this is the main issue
from position
yes the issue is same in getView() i m using position but on click of row 0 my position is 0 and on click of row 4 my position is still 0 i guess onScroll my listview items are reused
how can i avoid from such issue
@SweetWisherツ i know that but i like to know where we have to keep this ?
@GurumoorthyArumugam in Getview
14 mins ago, by SweetWisher ツ
@ErumHannan check it
Hi All
I have a question, I want to display a gridview with image and text within a dialog.
This codes works fine for displaying a gridview with image and text:
But, how to display this within a diolog?
@ErumHannan try this i have modified the code pastie.org/9733786
Gm All
@ErumHannan free advice don't keep unwanted code it will confuse you and also others who want to help u
@maveňツ VGM :)
Hi all :)
@W-I-Z-A-R-D my app crashed
Good Morning @Aamirkhan @W-I-Z-A-R-D @maveňツ @ErumHannan @DroidDev @Unihedron @PiyushGupta
@VijayakumarNL Nice DP
@UnityBeginner Gm
@Aamirkhan thanks bro
@UnityBeginner morning
Q: Android camera setPreviewDisplay failed?

navyaI am working on Video Capturing Feature using MediaRecorder.I have taken ViewPger with Recording, when user swipe from left to right & right to left ,it works but suddenly after swiping pager 2 or 3 times,my application crashes.I am getting "setPreviewDisplay failed Exception" at this line: m...

@SweetWisherツ@W-I-Z-A-R-D lalit3686.blogspot.in/2012/06/…
can someone pls help me in this tutorial how they are saving state ?
@Kirti @Aamirkhan can any ne help me on scrolling listview issue
@Harish it helps me u may also try this code
@UnityBeginner VGM Buddy:)
@UnityBeginner VGM Buddy:)
@ErumHannan The same thing itried but while scrolling items are replacing with other..
@ErumHannan wat is the error
@Harish what's the issue ?
@Kirti while scrolling the list which ever not have image in that it is showing the wrong image in the list but it needs to show default image
lets see if get something i will tell u
@Kirti if you execute it.. i'll get the clear understangin of my issue
hey every one I wanna ask one question
I want to develop Iphone and android both in windows platform any tools that I should use?
I saw xamarin but its not universal
11-21 11:05:05.319: E/AndroidRuntime(28304): java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Invalid index 4, size is 3
@W-I-Z-A-R-D thanks for your input phonegap does work on both devices or should use diff formats?
Log.d("check index exist in list","index exist:"+selectedIds.contains(13));
where getPostion is 13 and my selectedIds: [0,1,2,13]
why its throwing error
array index out of bounds exception
@ErumHannan it means your having Array size as 3and your index is grater then 3
@Justcode means?
@W-I-Z-A-R-D nothing... I'm just finding out phonegap tutorials let me check it thanks for suggesting
@Justcode welcome :)
@ErumHannan check the size of items and array
@ErumHannan yes?
@SweetWisherツ hi can you help me..?
ok @W-I-Z-A-R-D cmy list size is 11-21 11:27:12.709: D/checkbox for(32220): selectedIds.size():3
but i want to check that either data = 3 exists inside list or not
i dnt want to check index number
i m using contains
ur getPosition is 13 nd u r writing selectedIds.remove(getPosition); which means selectedIds.remove(13);
which simply out of bound
is there any possibility to check that item 13 index inside list ?
yes wait
iterate the loop. fetch the pos where u get true vale and remove from that pos
            int pos =-1;
		for (int i=0;i<array.size();i++)
				pos= i;
@ErumHannan like this
if(array.get(i) == getPosition)
finally i reslved my issue thanks @W-I-Z-A-R-D @SweetWisherツ
@ErumHannan welcome :)
and one thing more how can i show dialog means is this tutorial
or is there an best method to show dialog
i guess its too old approach
A: How to create a Custom Dialog box in android?

chintan khetiyaHere i have create simple Dialog. like : custom_dialog.xml <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <LinearLayout xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android" android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout_height="80dp" android:background="#3E80B4" android:orien...

@ErumHannan good :) How ?
anybody wrked with Printer commands?
@NareshSharma there?
Hi all :)
@SweetWisherツ hello :)
any one with C# exp?
awww. u into vh platform?
@SweetWisherツ Oh K
@SweetWisherツ :/ no. whats issue?
@MysticMagic issue issuuue....
want to ignore page length when black mark is set to true...
black mark is set to true?
do u have that mark's state in a boolean?
or need to get that from hardware?
yo...:P mean whenver 1 black line comes on page, printing will b stopped implying black mark is set
@MysticMagic yes i have
@SweetWisherツ getting event of black line, too.. right'?
we need to set header smthgn like !0 200 200 400 1 -> 400 means page length
@MysticMagic yes
which printer?
If i omit page length, it prints somthng weird :/
@MysticMagic Zebra MZ320
ma req : if the length is 0, black mark - true. it should print the TOTAL content ignoring length
wht happens now is : Length is 0 , so it prints nothing :/
@SweetWisherツ okies. m not actually aware with printer cmds.. w8
searchng fr some command to ignore length as well as orint the full content
@MysticMagic reference
hey can i ask here?
answer :P
lol. I thought doubt
@NAP u can ask issue here.
tryna get some feedback
lots of images. say 100 small thumbs. I hear best option is lazy loading and spreading images across mult servers?
does this sound correct?
@rancho lazy loading.
and the multiple servers part? Do you have any ideas on how many servers would be adequate to request 100 images.
Not sure, but I guess that's not needed
to explain better, for most part all of the images need to be on the screen at same time.
how to update SP values?
resolution can be greatly reduced.
Anyone good with Opencart?
i got it
cool, i'm stuck in it
not file size im worried about, but number of requests
@3not7 sorry buddy no idea
ok man.
A: How to change values in the shared preference

CristianSharedPreferences prefs = ... // you already know how to use prefs and have one of this objects Editor editor = prefs.edit(); editor.putString("password", "new value"); editor.commit();

So happy to see that @github CEO @defunkt used my generator for his contributions calendar! https://github.com/defunkt http://t.co/F33f6S5Fy5
Afternoon here
@3not7 :)
@Alif :)
Anyone worked with multiple listviews in same activity ?
@B.rohitNare issue
No mate need small help
and suggestion
ok wat is it?
Using with the custom adapter class, what is the good way of implementing them. In my view seperate class and calling the object
or to implement all the adapter classes in same activity c lass
Or any good examples based on this query mate
@B.rohitNare Write every adapter class in separate file and call in an activity that is what i do
Well i felt the same easy way of using java :)
this the better way coz if we write all class in same activity it will be complicated
Q: How to handle time zone difference between server and native android application?

JustWorkSuppose that my server located in USA and I live in Russia. We know that they have different time zones. My application getting text(String) from server. And this text data has Date column in database to keep record date. When I get data, I also get date knowledge. So I can group them by time. ...

Any one have idea about such issue?
wELL TWO ADdapter classes but thought would be a problem with parsing
but no option now need to call them in different classes
how to give padding to edittext after the drawerleft image?
any one please help
you will have the option android:drawablePadding=
@B.rohitNare thanks buddy i will check
@B.rohitNare yup buddy it works great thanks
No worries
How to switch between activities thrugh navigation drawer. M nt using fragment. Wen I m swapping activity on drawer item click. It is nt showing drawer icon
@Dory have you heard about ActivityGroup ?
search then
I have created a base activity which has the toolbar logic in it. N each activity extends base one. @SilentKiller
Activity grup is deprecated reeee
@SilentKiller i too search on this
@Aamirkhan posted image second time
@Dory else you need to set actionbar at onresume as well as at oncreate
@SilentKiller m not getting u
@Dory why so ?
can anyone pls tell me i have saved all checked checkboxes status in arraylist now onBackkeypress and or on Home button my values are lost so i will retain in activity life cycle but can i write activity life cycle in array adapter class that extends from arrayadapter
anyone here in ios ?
@SweetWisherツ how can i save arraylist that contains checked state in activity life cycle
@ErumHannan in sharedpref?
where u wanna save n why
actually i have clicked on 3checkboxes and now press back key and now open app again now there is no value slected
all checkboxes are unselected now
so i want to save checkboxes values on press of backkey
then use shared pref
but my arraylist is in adapter class can i write actvity life cycle in array adapter ?
if u wanna maintain
or SQLdb
@ErumHannan arrayAdapter must b invoked from activity only..Right ?
but my array is in adapter class
pass it frm activity only
@ErumHannan are you trying something or directly asking query here ?
that arraylist is for maintaining checkbox status
@SweetWisherツ SP
how can i pass from activity
@W-I-Z-A-R-D sry m SW :P
@ErumHannan google
@SweetWisherツ :D who is SP ?
evenings :)
Hi All, Anyone work for AWS in Android.
not me
@DroidDev don't sleep
@johnsakthi Amazon Web Services?
@DroidDev :P
@MysticMagic yes.
@johnsakthi no :P
@DroidDev great :P
That was James bond.. I took his services to kill my enemies..:x :P
@Liza oo7 :P
@SilentKiller 10--
@Liza oops! you know a mere mortal can't kill devil, right?
...and @SilentKiller is already a killer, so please hire someone better, like, an angel or something.... :P
but i told u that was Special gun..for you @DroidDev :P
@Liza should i laugh on this joke..?? xD already laughing
@Liza well.....what kind of special....??
@DroidDev it has flower instead of bullets.. ;)
@DroidDev with water. for holi
@DroidDev lolzzz
@SweetWisherツ That's a secret people. Read the name of room. Please don't read my secret :P
hahaha.. I read it :P
Anyone worked with listview inside scrollview ?
@DroidDev lolx....No Angel Available..Only 007 :P
hey room!
hello user
@SilentKiller NO :P
@Aamirkhan Use NoSQL. Problem solved.
meta joke..
@Unihedron you are everywhere :P
@SweetWisherツ hey
@Unihedron lolzz
@MysticMagic okay thanks
Nov 15 at 15:39, by SweetWisher ツ
@Liza May I know you ?
@ItachiUchiha only everywhere? ;)
lolz, know you?
@Unihedron Stop Stalking me :P
Wait, I thought you were the one stalking me? I was here first! :D
@Liza sadly, that can't kill me, as you might have read in above messages, that specially of gun was flowers and water, those things are not enough to kill me :P
You've gotta perform better man :P
yo man :P
@DroidDev @SilentKiller ok ok i forgive you both.. As i am very kind hearted :x :p Enjoy your lives!! xD
@Unihedron lolz, I have been in this room for as long as I can remember
@Liza Lolz, xD
@Liza phew! In regard of this forgiveness, I won't call you MAN again :)
@ItachiUchiha Heya!
@PiyushGupta hey man
@all hi
@ItachiUchiha after long time
@NareshSharma kha hoo sir ..........
Where were you @ItachiUchiha
jz off the hook
Good Evening Everyone
@ItachiUchiha Okay
@NareshSharma Good Evening Bro
@Rishi I'm in India. :)
@NareshSharma Very good evening Mr. Sharma.. How are yoU?
@Aamirkhan Hey aamir bhai
@MysticMagic I'm perfect you say
@NareshSharma omg ji not in moon
@NareshSharma Me perfectly imperfect, boss :)
@Rishi plan for mars.
04:00 - 12:0012:00 - 17:00

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