hi anyone can pls help me i m working on custom array adapter with listview and my getView method has some problem and when clicking on 1st checkbox row then 5th one is automatcally slected
This is a tricky one. I'm surprised Android has not yet simplified how this is implemented, up to this day - checkboxes on ListViews are supposed to be basic.
Anyway, here's how I made it work:
First, you need a separate array/holder/whatever for your checked state. It has to be the same length...
again my issue is on checkbox click i m getting position of checked listitem inside getView() and on click of 1st row and 5th row my position is same i.e 0
yes the issue is same in getView() i m using position but on click of row 0 my position is 0 and on click of row 4 my position is still 0 i guess onScroll my listview items are reused
I am working on Video Capturing Feature using MediaRecorder.I have taken ViewPger with Recording, when user swipe from left to right & right to left ,it works but suddenly after swiping pager 2 or 3 times,my application crashes.I am getting "setPreviewDisplay failed Exception"
at this line:
hey every one I wanna ask one question I want to develop Iphone and android both in windows platform any tools that I should use? I saw xamarin but its not universal
Here i have create simple Dialog.
like :
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<LinearLayout xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
SharedPreferences prefs = ... // you already know how to use prefs and have one of this objects
Editor editor = prefs.edit();
editor.putString("password", "new value");
Suppose that my server located in USA and I live in Russia. We know that they have different time zones.
My application getting text(String) from server. And this text data has Date column in database to keep record date.
When I get data, I also get date knowledge. So I can group them by time. ...
How to switch between activities thrugh navigation drawer. M nt using fragment. Wen I m swapping activity on drawer item click. It is nt showing drawer icon
can anyone pls tell me i have saved all checked checkboxes status in arraylist now onBackkeypress and or on Home button my values are lost so i will retain in activity life cycle but can i write activity life cycle in array adapter class that extends from arrayadapter
@Liza sadly, that can't kill me, as you might have read in above messages, that specially of gun was flowers and water, those things are not enough to kill me :P