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11:05 AM
> thanks very much :) - 86197230
→ flagged successfully
VLQ 49597404, score 95, confidence 7: My bad. It seems that the attachment feature does work. See more at : contactform7.com/configuration-errors/file-not-found Make sure to use a relative path, such as: uploads/2018/03/Skarpeknive-gavekort.jpg
→ flag candidate vlq
> thanks its works :) - 86197297
→ flagged successfully
11:29 AM
VLQ 49597556, score 82, confidence 31: Try this page from adsense documentation. support.google.com/adsense/answer/7183212?hl=en You can also see ampproject.org/docs/ads_analytics/ads_on_amp
→ flagged as very low quality
VLQ 49597587, score 86, confidence 6: I faced the same issue myself while migrating my project to kotlin . I have written a detailed post to answer how kotlin property generation works for java getters and setters . It seems that jetbrains has forgotten to specify it in the official document…
→ flag candidate vlq
> Thank You sir my problem is solve..... - 86197483
→ flagged successfully
VLQ 49597632, score 100, confidence 1: Umbraco is free open source however there are some packages/addons such as Umbraco Forms/Contour which you need to pay for, when using it in production. Forms allows you to manage HTTP form submissions within the CMS and configure what to do next such as…
→ flag candidate vlq
VLQ 49597640, score 97, confidence 4: You can't delete element from array like this. First you have to loop through array and find the particular element and elements that are on right side of particular element to one position back. and use n-1 size of array where n is a length of array you…
→ flag candidate vlq
NAA 49597675, score 100, confidence 17: please help me with prolog code for finding cartesian product of three sets
→ flag candidate naa
NAA 49597740, score 100, confidence 4: The tutorial below helps me a lot to: - know step by step how to create Django project from scratch - get a good structure for any project TaskBuster Django Tutorial
→ flag candidate naa
NAA 49597727, score 78, confidence 33: struct Tabelog: Codable { let url: String let name: String let address: String let pref: String let zip: String let tel: String let latitude: Float let longitude:Float let price: String let category: String let rate: String let moyori: String let transpo…
→ flag candidate naa
VLQ 49597761, score 87, confidence 8: Currently the Places API doesn't expose this information for transit stations. There is a feature request in Google issue tracker to make it possible to retrieve lines numbers for each stop. You can find this feature request at issuetracker.googl
→ flag candidate vlq
> Thank you so much for your help! :D - 86197713
→ flagged successfully
12:10 PM
> THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!! - 86197854
→ flagged successfully
> Thanks. very helpful. - 86197853
daily comment flag limit reached
VLQ 49597935, score 89, confidence 4: I am using a mvc framework made by my teacher it's fairly simple to make us understand how mvc works. This is the github link to it github.com/davinci-ao/framework-php. This is how my project structure looks like prntscr.com/iz9k2c
→ flag candidate vlq
VLQ 49598028, score 100, confidence 1: I would use disjoint-set data structure also called a union–find data structure . Imagine each vertex as a set initially. Now the working goes like this: For contraction: Take the union of all the vertices participating in all the contraction. All the ve…
→ flag candidate vlq
NAA 49598033, score 98, confidence 6: I am facing similar issues and in my case my android device shows a maximum ram usage of 162MB and android studio memory monitors shows a memory usage of 55MB its just a blank layout with no images just a text that says hello world.
→ flag candidate naa
VLQ 49598068, score 85, confidence 3: I found an answer for the question mentioned in Update 4 of the initial post. Please find it in the answer of the following post. This stackoverflow question is comprised of multiple "detailed" questions. Based on self-study all questions could be answer…
→ flag candidate vlq
VLQ 49598093, score 100, confidence 29: I've found this interesting! Check it out! topmobilni.rs
→ flagged as very low quality
NAA 49598113, score 98, confidence 60: how it could be work? i have the same problem..please help me
→ flagged as not an answer
VLQ 49598104, score 90, confidence 4: I know that Google has a feature called My Maps. It allows you to customise points on an existing map. Alternatively, when you open Google maps and search for directions to a location, you have the option to create your own preferred route by dragging ar…
→ flag candidate vlq
NAA 49598127, score 100, confidence 3: Okay I think I just figured it out by myself. Is this the correct way? Is there no easier/cleaner way? if( !empty ($_POST['firstname']) && !empty ($_POST['lastname']) && !empty ($_POST['username']) && !empty ($_POST['email']) && !empty ($_POST['password'…
→ flag candidate naa
NAA 49598121, score 100, confidence 13: even I am having the same prob. My dataset is csv file with no heading. I t has names of medicines in each row and single col.
→ flag candidate naa
VLQ 49598189, score 85, confidence 10: It is possible to use the eai interface in Siebel to send and recieve and update data. I have created a VB Script to do this,it is fairly simple eir.me/siebel.php?art_id=24&cat=2 I also have created a Java interface, that needs a server or an …
→ flag candidate vlq
NAA 49598288, score 100, confidence 4: I think there this a formula can solve it int count = 0 int delta = 0 for i in range(len(tickets)): if ticket[i] < ticket[p]: delta+=ticket[p]-ticket[i] count = (len(tickets)-1) * ticket[p] - delta + p return count
→ flag candidate naa
NAA 49598271, score 57, confidence 46: i need this too.. how does it work ?
→ flag candidate naa
NAA 49598292, score 100, confidence 80: did you find the solution? BR Dj
→ flagged as not an answer
VLQ 49598392, score 78, confidence 10: Canvas doesn't allow transformation. It is OpenCV that you should use. You can download from the folowing link: learnopencv.com/install-opencv3-on-ubuntu (I would prefer writing the procedure in the answer. But, this one is long. So, pls co-…
→ flag candidate vlq
1:23 PM
NAA 49598529, score 72, confidence 32: From the comments I understand that I need to do ulong? size = somethingCanBeUnassigned ?? default(ulong); Is it right?
→ flag candidate naa
NAA 49598587, score 88, confidence 14: I am trying to add the exact same character to my database but getting the same error you did. I tried changing the UTF8MB4 - default collation for the collation under SCHEMA as well as the individual table, but it still gives me the error. Any ideas?
→ flag candidate naa
NAA 49598601, score 75, confidence 10: So much clearer from blog str is like toString. created so you can print the data repr is like serialize, or pickle. How do i recreate this object if i need to do so using eval() >>> import datetime >>> now = datetime.datetime.now() >>> str(now) '2015-04…
→ flag candidate naa
1:45 PM
NAA 49598679, score 89, confidence 4: to anyone facing the same problem , I solved mine by created a new Google Compute Engine , with PHP installed on it, I created a function to convert the pdf to image using Imagick and it returns the response as base64 stream. Imagick does not work well w…
→ flag candidate naa
NAA 49598689, score 100, confidence 1: I was stucked in same problem. In my situation, the compilation is prevented by a window of sending error message to Microsoft in back ground. I deleted the window by button of cancel but the window keep running in back ground. The window should have be …
→ flag candidate naa
2:13 PM
NAA 49598917, score 71, confidence 13: I got this error after adding maven. Failed to resolve: com.google.android Install Repository and sync project Show in File
→ flag candidate naa
VLQ 49598929, score 100, confidence 1: The .sass files are not tracked, so you must compile those files yourself. You can add styles to layout.less, which is tracked in .angular-cli.json. Related: Changing metronic 5 theme Changing branding color
→ flag candidate vlq
NAA 49598950, score 96, confidence 16: but i want to convert the date format from yyyymmdd to yyyy-mm-dd it that possible ?
→ flag candidate naa
NAA 49599048, score 97, confidence 8: Well, I guess closing and reopening "refreshes" the project and solves the problem. Is there a refresh button?
→ flag candidate naa
NAA 49599062, score 100, confidence 3: Have you considered using Codable? Here is a great article explaining about that: hackernoon.com/everything-about-codable-in-swift-4-97d0e18a2999
→ flag candidate naa
VLQ 49599056, score 96, confidence 35: I believe that this is what you are looking for: Best Practices: Arrays in Firebase
→ flagged as very low quality
VLQ 49599103, score 100, confidence 7: I cross-posted this question to gamedev.stackexchange.com and someone responded with a great answer: gamedev.stackexchange.com/a/157021/11212
→ flag candidate vlq
VLQ 49599180, score 83, confidence 10: Disabling the Community Toolbar solved the issue. I'd like to thank Warren P for his blog post. delphicodemonkey.blogspot.com/2017/01/…
→ flag candidate vlq
NAA 49599277, score 100, confidence 3: but this does not run on binary image. this only work on gray image?
→ flag candidate naa
NAA 49599261, score 100, confidence 13: Again and again invalid input display on screen, what should I do
→ flag candidate naa
NAA 49599287, score 86, confidence 45: Having still not found the solution to my problem, could you help me please. thank you in advance.
→ flag candidate naa
NAA 49599384, score 100, confidence 4: vi /etc/init.d/jenkins /usr/lib/jvm/java/jre/bin/java
→ flag candidate naa
VLQ 49599373, score 100, confidence 4: Use this web site to generate realistic mock data in CSV format. mockaroo.com
→ flag candidate vlq
VLQ 49599392, score 79, confidence 11: See a demo here showHide that accomplish what you want
→ flag candidate vlq
NAA 49599449, score 96, confidence 60: I am having the same issue with Java client, did you manage to find the solution? Thanks
→ flagged as not an answer
VLQ 49599518, score 89, confidence 17: you can try to use auto complete address form with google maps API for alternative way. see infinitricks.com/common-post/… . Thank's
→ flag candidate vlq
3:31 PM
NAA 49599642, score 100, confidence 5: I think, there are some api changes android.applicationVariants.all { variant -> if (variant.buildType.name == "debug") { variant.outputs.all { output -> output.setVersionNameOverride(variant.mergedFlavor.versionName + "-build" + new Date().format('yyyyM…
→ flag candidate naa
VLQ 49599702, score 68, confidence 30: Here is the detailed comparison between MySQL and MongoDB. I hope that helps :) hackernoon.com/…
→ flag candidate vlq
VLQ 49599736, score 87, confidence 13: You may want to check XMPP for implementing chat application in iOS, Please refer, XMPP
→ flag candidate vlq
NAA 49599752, score 81, confidence 15: {% extends 'base.html' %} {% load static %} {% block title %} Invoices {% endblock %} {% block additionalcss %} <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="https://cdn.datatables.net/1.10.16/css/jquery.dataTables.css"> {% endblock %} {% block content %}…
→ flag candidate naa
3:55 PM
NAA 49599842, score 62, confidence 24: Try this check for null: const userBio = data.subscriptions_url ? ( <div className="user-info--bio"> <i className="" /> <p>{data.subscriptions_url}</p> </div> ) : ( <div className="user-info--bio"> <i className="" /> <p>This user prefers not to share the…
→ flag candidate naa
VLQ 49599885, score 84, confidence 11: Maybe you can use the java service provider api. Its nearly to DI concept. See here for info: logicbig.com/tutorials/core-java-tutorial/java-se-api/… docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/ext/basics/spi.html Or you will us…
→ flag candidate vlq
NAA 49599906, score 100, confidence 13: Can you give ${name} as {{name}} in filebeat.yml
→ flag candidate naa
VLQ 49599928, score 96, confidence 7: vuejs.org/v2/guide/… This helped me create a transition through fading in & out of an overlay element.
→ flag candidate vlq
NAA 49599922, score 82, confidence 9: Far helpful than help in the R documentation or other blogpost in the internet for that matter. Thank you
→ flag candidate naa
NAA 49599947, score 100, confidence 1: The underlying problem was because I didn't properly install packages. I stopped using the package console inside Visual Studio when installing packages, but instead made sure the NPM was in my Path. Then I used the normal console opened by running cmd o…
→ flag candidate naa
4:19 PM
NAA 49600079, score 69, confidence 27: Please ensure you are running Cumulative update package 4 for SQL Server 2014. enter image description here
→ flag candidate naa
VLQ 49600079, score 100, confidence 16: Please ensure you are running Cumulative update package 4 for SQL Server 2014. enter image description here
→ flag candidate vlq
NAA 49600073, score 76, confidence 33: I have a similar problem importing those libs. I am using Anaconda Navigator 1.8.2 with Spyder 3.2.8. My code is the following: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import tensorflow as tf import numpy as np import math #from tf.keras.models import Sequential…
→ flag candidate naa
NAA 49600095, score 100, confidence 22: i'm experiencing the same issue, anyone have an suggestions?
→ flag candidate naa
NAA 49600170, score 81, confidence 11: Can you post the string that you have just after reading from the HttpRequest body. Also can you try to run it without the unicode character replacement i.e. remove the replaceAll("\uFFFD", "")
→ flag candidate naa
VLQ 49600214, score 100, confidence 6: Install ASP.NET MVC in Visual Studio first go to this link asp.net/mvc/… and install which edition you are using like visual studio 2012 you will get MVC 4 for that edition good lucky
→ flag candidate vlq
NAA 49600233, score 100, confidence 23: I'm looking for same. Were you able to find out? I'm looking forward to make some col not null an dor unique
→ flag candidate naa
NAA 49600244, score 100, confidence 8: Could someone tell me how to configure some of those methods with matches to know when String contains an integer?
→ flag candidate naa
NAA 49600299, score 82, confidence 30: I have the same issue and I resolved this issue by changing the net.ltgt.apt-idea plugin version to 0.15.
→ flag candidate naa
NAA 49600349, score 100, confidence 21: Please Please someone help me with this problem
→ flag candidate naa
NAA 49600348, score 92, confidence 15: I tried the following, however the pixelBuffer associated with the output image is nil. Could you please direct me to what I'm doing wrong? Thanks. func upSampleDepthMap() -> CVPixelBuffer?{ //this function will will upsample the depth buffer to match th…
→ flag candidate naa
VLQ 49600343, score 73, confidence 10: Downloading & installing a newer version from the website worked for me.
→ flag candidate vlq
VLQ 49600338, score 90, confidence 2: 1 :Better to read this: Using Javascript inside a PDF 2: With pdfbox, it is always possible to read (and write) the scripts: And you could execute them outside, with the javascript engine of java (nashorn, JSR223, ...), but, as mkl said, the language is …
→ flag candidate vlq
NAA 49600384, score 100, confidence 2: Would you please be able to post all codes for load and save function including python(flask) and javascript(handsontable) and html as jsFiddle link in the post is not working any more.
→ flag candidate naa
VLQ 49600426, score 100, confidence 13: I figured this out and posted the dependencies on my blog - bicster.blogspot.ca/2018/04/…
→ flag candidate vlq
NAA 49600484, score 100, confidence 3: see that: How to validate an email address using a regular expression? the regex: (?:[a-z0-9!#$%&'+/=?^_{|}~-]+(?:\.[a-z0-9!#$%&'*+/=?^_{|}~-]+)|"(?:[\x01-\x08\x0‌​b\x0c\x0e-\x1f\x21\x23-\x5b\x5d-\x7f]|[\x01-\x09\x0b\x0c\x0e-\x7f])")@(?:(?:a-z0‌​-9?.)+a-z0-…
→ flag candidate naa
NAA 49600511, score 100, confidence 8: how to create zip files rest apienter image description here public ResponseEntity<byte[]> getReport(@RequestParam String participantCode, @RequestParam String fileName, @RequestParam int status) throws IOException, ParseException { List<Parameter> param…
→ flag candidate naa
NAA 49600563, score 55, confidence 36: thank you! this was the correct answer
→ flag candidate naa
VLQ 49600558, score 100, confidence 5: Its because of the content size is larger than the column width. Please go through this Change the column width and row height in order to arrange the data properly into each row and column.
→ flag candidate vlq
NAA 49600578, score 99, confidence 12: I'm having the same issue, CORS headers are fine as well as adding observe response or get the value allow lazy parsing. The headers, on response or on error handling are empty. I'm using angular 5.0.3. Thanks
→ flag candidate naa
VLQ 49600594, score 100, confidence 7: You may look into other types of it. Following articles may be useful: codefolders.com/articles/sql/identity/…
→ flag candidate vlq
VLQ 49600592, score 95, confidence 8: there are plenty for examples for expandable recycler view. example link : github.com/thoughtbot/expandable-recycler-view.
→ flag candidate vlq
NAA 49600680, score 100, confidence 1: What you did looks correct to me. If I am reading that correctly, the host is about 10x the device time - which is not super strange if you think about the latency. Your host time measures communicating through the PCB but your device time is just measur…
→ flag candidate naa
VLQ 49600720, score 78, confidence 7: A couple of options you have would be to use the Built-in tests which do a depth first search on the views and has a input for login information testing on Android devices. Or We could write some tests based on the AWS sample appium tests to make it more…
→ flag candidate vlq
NAA 49600719, score 100, confidence 3: I’m not a developer, so I can’t follow most of this discussion. Too many variations: Jscript, JavaScript, syntax and browser differences. I understand that there was initially only one Java that was developed by Sun as the child of Oak. How is it that st…
→ flag candidate naa
NAA 49600777, score 100, confidence 2: The answer from Sonia above is wrong. The solution with Map is the right one. Map in go is a hash map, so on average lookups are O(1)!
→ flag candidate naa
VLQ 49600824, score 100, confidence 11: Refer the following highlevel implementation StackBlitz URL: stackblitz.com/edit/angular-ylp9z4
→ flag candidate vlq
NAA 49600811, score 83, confidence 37: I am working on the same thing but I am stuck, I tried so many methods but I always can't get rid of the noise in the background. Could you please help me?
→ flag candidate naa
5:49 PM
VLQ 49600927, score 79, confidence 12: I had a similar problem. The solution is to use multiprocessing.Queue and other allowed objects as specified in the documentation. You can also refer to my question for a working basic example.
→ flag candidate vlq
6:07 PM
NAA 49601096, score 86, confidence 16: I have the same problem .... At tge end i tryied all the codes and turns out it only worked when I changed the extend in the Java class... Try using the default one AppCompatActivity
→ flag candidate naa
NAA 49601087, score 88, confidence 31: Is there any way to get a tuple type array? tuple<int,string> FileRead() { ifstream getName,getID; getName.open("ReadName.txt"); getID.open("ReadID.txt"); tuple<int, string> NameID[100]; string Name[100]; int ID[100],i=0; while(true){ getName >> Name[i];…
→ flag candidate naa
VLQ 49601170, score 100, confidence 6: I know it's too late , but for anyone who is looking for smart and dynamic asp.net mvc wizard check this url: asp.net mvc or mvc core wizard
→ flag candidate vlq
NAA 49601161, score 100, confidence 8: What did you use to define df?
→ flag candidate naa
NAA 49601242, score 62, confidence 25: Spasiba! That's the solution I was looking for.
→ flag candidate naa
VLQ 49601266, score 85, confidence 7: I think you may be confused about some basics of the process. The compilation process is illustrated nicely in section 1.6 here: www3.ntu.edu.sg/home/ehchua/programming/cpp/gcc_make.html Your compiled code will be for a specific operating system …
→ flag candidate vlq
VLQ 49601303, score 91, confidence 7: I had a similar problem some time ago and got advices Create a DB table (or an array at least) with access permissions for each user to departments and check that before render html. Use a token appended to every url printed (but this can be changed usin…
→ flag candidate vlq
VLQ 49601331, score 100, confidence 7: This may be because of a bug: github.com/netty/netty/pull/7832
→ flag candidate vlq
VLQ 49601373, score 79, confidence 40: a similar question has been answered here: stackoverflow.com/a/49600083/613201 hope this helps, Cheers,
→ flagged as very low quality
NAA 49601390, score 93, confidence 18: thanks a lot if I want to use n instead of 3 what is best method? this is worked: for i in range(1, NumberOfLastData): ColunmNameHighLowBin = 'HighLowBin-' + str(i) ColunmNameOpenCloseBin = 'OpenCloseBin-' + str(i) X[ColunmNameHighLowBin] = X['HighLowBin…
→ flag candidate naa
NAA 49601456, score 100, confidence 3: My project didn't seem to have the correct project structure so I crated a new project and migrated my packages to the src/main/java folder.
→ flag candidate naa
NAA 49601446, score 100, confidence 10: Hey @badeni8723 can you post the new solution?
→ flag candidate naa
VLQ 49601474, score 98, confidence 2: See if one of the solutions here works. You may have deleted the build folder and rebuilt, but these answers seem to suggest that killing all React-Native sessions before deleting and rebuilding might work. What means of no bundle URL present in react-na…
→ flag candidate vlq
NAA 49601523, score 100, confidence 8: How in the world are u supposed to use that code??? Im trying to play roblox but the system pointer is showing and ruining the gameplay!!!! please help :(
→ flag candidate naa
NAA 49601605, score 100, confidence 11: hist(Credit$Age, Credit$Student, breaks = 30) I am trying to plot the density function of the histogram of ISLR dataand getting this error:Error in freq && !equidist : invalid 'x' type in 'x && y' if I write plot(d(Age), d(Credit)) then it gives a lot of…
→ flag candidate naa
VLQ 49601595, score 100, confidence 4: You can get value exp:"Good Morning" and save in Shared Preferences (Google) key and when the MainActivity loading, read this key and showing.
→ flag candidate vlq
VLQ 49601637, score 75, confidence 9: Your best bet for visualizing a neural network is as a graph. Lucky for you there is a great tool out there called graphviz (which is also quite handy for visualizing code and call graphs). graphviz.readthedocs.io/en/stable/api.html Here is an art…
→ flag candidate vlq
NAA 49601692, score 99, confidence 21: I'm having the same issue even using the proposed answer but always getting an empty response with any email that I use (ones already registered and some not registered). Any solution for this???
→ flag candidate naa
NAA 49601709, score 76, confidence 12: io restassured is has new group idcompared to Jayway restassured. What is the difference between io.rest-assured vs jayway rest-assured? For interceptor check whether this helps github.com/rest-assured/rest-assured/wiki/usage#interceptors
→ flag candidate naa
NAA 49601755, score 100, confidence 1: In this moment I can not try code, but If I am not wrong, this should work to show both components inside same if: return ( <header> <div className="container-fluid"> <div className="row"> <div className="col-sm-3 col-md-2 sidebar"> { isSuperAdmin ? () =…
→ flag candidate naa
VLQ 49601837, score 100, confidence 1: You should user Google map distance matrix Api and Direction Api. First you sign up and get a token. Then you should call a web Api and the result would be a JSON which contains all information you want. just follow the link.
→ flag candidate vlq
VLQ 49601933, score 89, confidence 18: Have you tried with a plugin? use this wordpress.org/plugins/mystickymenu
→ flag candidate vlq
VLQ 49601980, score 96, confidence 6: github.com/Ayymoose/gem5-mcpat-parser This repo on github showed me exactly what I needed to do its all in the README.
→ flag candidate vlq
VLQ 49602029, score 77, confidence 11: You need to get both internal and external storage. Please refer to this answer : Getting all the total and available space on Android
→ flag candidate vlq
VLQ 49602081, score 82, confidence 14: It sounds like you could call your functions in celery, a distributed task queue module for python. Take a look at the docs for integration with django here: docs.celeryproject.org/en/latest/django/… There is a module na…
→ flag candidate vlq
VLQ 49602145, score 100, confidence 3: you can follow this tutorial and use variable templating and query parameters. github.com/ocpsoft/rewrite/blob/master/README.md as copied from above link and modified: return ConfigurationBuilder.begin() .defineRule() .when(Direction.isInbound().…
→ flag candidate vlq
NAA 49602152, score 99, confidence 9: I tried CommonsWare's solution and it indeed works, but apparently the ExifInterface constructor with an InputStream parameter was only added in API 24. Is there a way to still use the String constructor?
→ flag candidate naa
VLQ 49602218, score 80, confidence 5: I have a Galaxy S2 sm-t713 device, and I had the same problem, but I found a solution. Firs I downloaded android.googlesource.com/platform/prebuilts/gcc/linux-x86/…, set everything, and I found myself the same pro…
→ flag candidate vlq
NAA 49602264, score 100, confidence 5: Fatal error: Call to undefined method Email_model::notify_email() in /home/mtschool/public_html/sms/application/models/Crud_model.php on line 343 A PHP Error was encountered Severity: Warning Message: Cannot modify header information - headers already se…
→ flag candidate naa
NAA 49602302, score 71, confidence 28: May this provides a solution to your problem.
→ flag candidate naa
NAA 49602318, score 94, confidence 6: I have been struggling to find out how to use above response in intent response. Is it :tellwithCard or simple emit("xml above mentioned" I appreciate the complete example above which shows how to send this response back,
→ flag candidate naa
VLQ 49602311, score 100, confidence 2: As seen in this thread, when I add that to a desktop entry it makes a web page to launch in a different icon, instead on the Chromium one. But I don't know if that's a side effect, or the wanted behaviour.
→ flag candidate vlq
NAA 49602349, score 100, confidence 2: did you see my answer? it's the same question with a new condition. I modified my previous answer with this new conditon. It must work, it's tested
→ flag candidate naa
8:43 PM
NAA 49602438, score 99, confidence 95: I have the exact same problem.
→ flagged as not an answer
VLQ 49602509, score 81, confidence 7: You could use one of two functions in the redis-py library, scan_itr or scan. It's important to notice that scan doesn't guarantee items won't show up again or new keys will be returned as you scan. Take a look at the official documentation for more info.
→ flag candidate vlq
VLQ 49602530, score 86, confidence 14: w3schools.com/howto/tryit.asp?filename=tryhow_css_parallax parallax scrolling effect works for me.
→ flag candidate vlq
NAA 49602557, score 100, confidence 4: Which version of Fortran are you using? derived types should satisfy the requirements of classes. According to fortranwiki.org/fortran/show/Object-oriented+programming: In order to obtain class-like behavior, one can combine a module, which contai…
→ flag candidate naa
VLQ 49602573, score 93, confidence 6: The solution is not as straightforward as for an app. We have to create a modulemap. Have a look at this example repo: github.com/danieleggert/mixed-swift-objc-framework Inside Swift code we can only import so called modules. The trick is to defi…
→ flag candidate vlq
9:15 PM
VLQ 49602693, score 90, confidence 6: The classa variable will point to the new object ClassA. The old ClassA object will be eligible for Garbage Collection. You can find this behaviour documented in this garbage collector document.
→ flag candidate vlq
9:27 PM
VLQ 49602791, score 81, confidence 4: There should be no issues introduced when compiling with a higher version, it is even encouraged to do so. You can find more on that topic in this Medium article. I would also like to bring your attention to the following blog, which contains some import…
→ flag candidate vlq
VLQ 49602788, score 82, confidence 7: One way to achieve that would be outputting those text files to S3 instead of the local filesystem. Using boto3 you can then read those in your Flask-Ask skill. You can test this even without using AWS Lambda at first, because you can both read on write …
→ flag candidate vlq
VLQ 49602807, score 100, confidence 5: please try jquery templates, eg refer this link: introduction-to-jquery-templates`
→ flag candidate vlq
9:41 PM
NAA 49602893, score 97, confidence 28: I am new and i trying to make calls and send email with this awesome code. But i can find the solution. Can you please help me?? Thanks
→ flag candidate naa
NAA 49602914, score 100, confidence 8: I am new on python ,I messed the system and now python is working on sublime 3 but i m not able to open even anaconda prompt and jupyter. Please help
→ flag candidate naa
NAA 49602939, score 100, confidence 1: Alexa devices do not have GPS .. I tried calling Google Geolocation service but got to know it requires GPS details like cell tower, mobile carrier, homeMobileCountryCode, radioType, etc. Hence one possible way is to get the IP and do a reverse lookup or…
→ flag candidate naa
NAA 49602954, score 79, confidence 35: I'm getting the same error. Changing Twilio.Device.connect(); to Twilio.Device.connect({x:null}); helped me to get outgoing calls working.
→ flag candidate naa
VLQ 49602982, score 86, confidence 3: I think the answer for this question could possible help you, they have scripts for getting the LastModified, LastAccessed and DateCreated from folders. Batch file : get the creation date of a folder
→ flag candidate vlq
VLQ 49603003, score 100, confidence 3: you can make your own Custom Message Dialog Box as you want -->check this Java - How to create a custom dialog box?
→ flag candidate vlq
VLQ 49603010, score 88, confidence 7: Try adding .copy to the data frame if you are trying to assign to a new data frame. This will make sure that its a copy and not a view. eg: flattened = df['cols'].copy() you can learn more about this warning from the below link youtube.com/wa
→ flag candidate vlq
VLQ 49603029, score 83, confidence 6: have you tried to add the libraries relative to the project ?? -->check this netbeans : add library permanently
→ flag candidate vlq
10:33 PM
VLQ 49603242, score 93, confidence 5: I saw the excellent and elegant solution by Dinesh but was not able to implement it on the site I was working with. I put a hack together that work correctly. For detailed instructions, please see here. albanyanalytics.com/2018/03/gravity-form
→ flag candidate vlq
NAA 49603276, score 99, confidence 21: did you find a solution for this. am stuck here to extract only bold but using pdflib i only get the same font "ArialMT" for both bold and normal. thanks
→ flag candidate naa
VLQ 49603323, score 82, confidence 6: As copied from your other question here: AWS Lambda w/Ask Flask Retrieving Data on Local Machine? One way to achieve that would be outputting those text files to S3 instead of the local filesystem. Using boto3 you can then read those in your Flask-Ask sk…
→ flag candidate vlq
NAA 49603378, score 100, confidence 5: Hey I am using github.com/drewm/mailchimp-api mailchimp api and it is super easy require_once 'class/MailChimp.php'; $MailChimp = new MailChimp($mc{'key'}); It can be done as simple as this: $result = $MailChimp->post("lists/$AddToListId/members"…
→ flag candidate naa
11:19 PM
NAA 49603528, score 68, confidence 26: I am trying to do (using gulp-pug, that uses pugjs): input(type='hidden', name="!{'<?=CMS::cmsQueryParam?>'}", value='loginForm') and what ever I could find on the pug interpolation page, but it always gives me something like this: <input type="hidden" n…
→ flag candidate naa
NAA 49603537, score 94, confidence 31: I am facing a similar error. Can't seem to find a solution to this. Don't have an error log for this Magento Order Page Acting Super Weird
→ flag candidate naa
VLQ 49603536, score 100, confidence 6: With codecov.io, the official example here is more up to date compared to the best answer: github.com/codecov/example-gradle
→ flag candidate vlq
11:47 PM
VLQ 49603702, score 82, confidence 9: This seems to be a bug in Xcode. Downloading the latest version, 9.3, resolves this. Specifically, this was fixed in 9.3 beta 5 forums.developer.apple.com/thread/79860
→ flag candidate vlq
NAA 49603740, score 100, confidence 2: for i in range(10):press Enter ... print(i)--- between last dot and p, insert three spaces and hit Enter. In the next line there will be three dots and the (blinking) cursor is one space after the last dot. Press enter and you see the output This was in …
→ flag candidate naa
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