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8:04 PM
78387015 [ AI 5% good, 4% naa, 91% vlq | NAA score 0 (confidence 0) | VLQ score 0 (confidence 0) ] Watch this video that use both: m.youtube.com/watch?v=w5w00b6V6fw
8:14 PM
78387049 [ AI 12% good, 85% naa, 3% vlq | NAA score 0 (confidence 0) | VLQ score 0 (confidence 0) ] select productline, customerName, sum(totale) from ( SELECT productLines.productline, customers.customerName, sum(quantityOrdered) as totale from customers, orders, productlines, products, orderdetails WHERE customers.cust…
78387070 [ AI 7% good, 91% naa, 2% vlq | NAA score 93 (confidence 30) ] I have the same question, did you got some answer?
→ flagged as not an answer
78387089 [ AI 86% good, 5% naa, 9% vlq | NAA score 93 (confidence 27) | VLQ score 0 (confidence 0) ] The Font Awesome Kit service is down. We have the same issue right now. So does BenchApp. status.fortawesome.com
78387099 [ AI 7% good, 91% naa, 2% vlq | NAA score 92 (confidence 39) ] I am experiencing the same issue. Just out of the blue mid-day.
→ flagged as not an answer
> Thank you @markalex - 138190691
→ flagged successfully
78387166 [ AI 40% good, 11% naa, 50% vlq | NAA score 5 (confidence 16) | VLQ score 41 (confidence 14) ] I use a Github Action I wrote for this purpose: github.com/eltimn/slugify-action It also will replace some problematic characters in the branch name. It was modeled after Gitlab's code.
8:48 PM
@gen ping
@gen restart
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