« first day (428 days earlier)      last day (2237 days later) » 

12:00 AM
> thanks it's working now - 86209177
→ flagged successfully
12:15 AM
> thanks, its not funny - 86209487
→ flagged successfully
> Thanks for your help! - 86209618
→ flagged successfully
> Thanks for editing the tags. - 86209608
→ flagged successfully
> Thank you Daniel. Will use 1.83. - 86209572
→ flagged successfully
> Thank you so much! - 86209659
→ flagged successfully
NAA 49603898, score 100, confidence 1: Please provide a better question to answer. What are you exactly trying to accomplish, why and other specifics i.e. database type and database software? 1) You either set up a sync/replication between the databases. 2) Or you can programmatically process…
→ flag candidate naa
NAA 49603909, score 100, confidence 10: Any help about this please ? I am using python 3.5 anaconda filter_sizes=list(map(int, FLAGS.filter_sizes.split(","))), AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'split'
→ flag candidate naa
VLQ 49603915, score 91, confidence 9: WOS has an API. I think the lite version is what you're after R github.com/enricobacis/wos Python github.com/enricobacis/wos
→ flag candidate vlq
VLQ 49603914, score 81, confidence 11: Run this command: heroku buildpacks:set heroku/python Also you can refer this document: elements.heroku.com/buildpacks/heroku/heroku-buildpack-python
→ flag candidate vlq
NAA 49603932, score 100, confidence 10: Any help about this please ? I am using python 3.5 anaconda filter_sizes=list(map(int, FLAGS.filter_sizes.split(","))), AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'split'
→ flag candidate naa
> Thanks very much for the extra info! - 86209838
→ flagged successfully
> Thank you, I will have a look at that! - 86209986
→ flagged successfully
> @NiettheDarkAbsol Thanks, I will. - 86209975
→ flagged successfully
> Thanks, that worked perfectly! - 86210250
→ flagged successfully
> @mike thank you man it works - 86210179
→ flagged successfully
> thanks, it's working for me. - 86210364
→ flagged successfully
> Thank you so much @Chandru - 86210340
→ flagged successfully
> I edited my question - 86210331
→ flagged successfully
NAA 49604089, score 100, confidence 2: okay so I declared lookup and vresult, i get the error on the bottom set lookup, any ideas? Dim lookupvalue As Integer Dim lookuprange As Range Dim lookupcolnum As String Dim lookup As String Dim vresult As String Set lookup = Sheet2.Range("B3")
→ flag candidate naa
> I updated my answer. you can check - 86210377
→ flagged successfully
> Thanks, it works! - 86210575
→ flagged successfully
> Thank you. This solution is succesfull - 86210571
→ flagged successfully
> Thanks, I fixed the link. - 86210651
→ flagged successfully
> Thank you for your answer - 86210813
→ flagged successfully
> Thank you everyone - 86210797
→ flagged successfully
NAA 49604268, score 90, confidence 4: this is my makefile (using opencv 3.2.0 and ubuntu 14) INCLUDES = -I/usr/local/include/opencv LIBS = /usr/lib/libopencv_core.so /usr/lib/libopencv_highgui.so /usr/lib/libopencv_imgproc.so LIBDIRS = -L/usr/lib OPT = -O3 -Wno-deprecated CC=g++ .PHONY: all …
→ flag candidate naa
NAA 49604267, score 54, confidence 44: I found a new way to solve this problem.
→ flag candidate naa
> Thanks Anil !!! - 86210995
→ flagged successfully
> Thank you Thank you so much - 86211098
→ flagged successfully
NAA 49604326, score 100, confidence 14: Error Message: Enter a date (i.e. 2017,7,1)1977,6,3 Traceback (most recent call last): File "E:\Eclipse-workspace\test\print_proj\Date_Age.py", line 39, in year, month, day = map(int, date_entry.split(',')) AttributeError: 'tuple' object has no attribute…
→ flag candidate naa
NAA 49604324, score 100, confidence 2: console.log figure to check your concatenated data. Can you view each image in the browser?
→ flag candidate naa
NAA 49604323, score 100, confidence 6: Been experiencing the same problem, yet everything used to work in older version 3.0.1
→ flag candidate naa
> Thank you for the help. It worked - 86211153
→ flagged successfully
> Thank you for the help - 86211144
→ flagged successfully
> @lexicore Thanks. It's just working :) - 86211200
→ flagged successfully
VLQ 49604368, score 100, confidence 1: Short answer - no. But there is a non-standard -webkit-back-drop filter that works in iOS, but it's only available in other browsers behind an experimental flag. webdesign.tutsplus.com/tutorials/… (SVG 1.1 had a mech…
→ flag candidate vlq
> thank you sir ! - 86211359
→ flagged successfully
> Thank you sir i'll learn - 86211355
→ flagged successfully
VLQ 49604408, score 100, confidence 4: Besides Volume 2B of the Intel Software Developer's manuals, a good place to look would be GCC's test suite.
→ flag candidate vlq
NAA 49604430, score 73, confidence 12: I specifically signed up just to see if there was a solution to this problem, as I'm running into it myself. What did you change with regard to your bindings?
→ flag candidate naa
> thank you so much, it helped a lot - 86211483
→ flagged successfully
> thank you so much, it helped a lot - 86211478
→ flagged successfully
> @jpp thanks for the edit! It works now. - 86211468
→ flagged successfully
> Thank you .... checking it - 86211437
→ flagged successfully
NAA 49604455, score 100, confidence 1: Try to run independently both query in your Mysql phpmyadmin select distinct org1,org2 from '.304342020180200000016.'_synteny select distinct org1,org2 from '.304342020180200000016.'_synteny As i see your query seems to be correct since union requires th…
→ flag candidate naa
NAA 49604471, score 100, confidence 27: @Maxim Hash.. I am also getting similar issue.. did u manage to resolve it?
→ flag candidate naa
NAA 49604470, score 100, confidence 5: Did you find this answer? I am still looking for it myself. Perhaps a third party app that tracks this would be easier to get this information from?
→ flag candidate naa
> You are welcome! - 86211666
→ flagged successfully
VLQ 49604513, score 75, confidence 10: What you need is learning about topic "Hit Detection" because canvas is an "atomic" element of DOM. It's not enough if only answer with a couple of lines. Here is a tutorial for that: blog.lavrton.com/hit-region-detection-for-html5-canvas-and-how
→ flag candidate vlq
VLQ 49604507, score 100, confidence 6: I had installed the python scrapy by install this tools, just got it from this link go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=691126
→ flag candidate vlq
> @InBetween Thanks will have a read! - 86211714
→ flagged successfully
> Thank you! push I got to remember... - 86211689
→ flagged successfully
VLQ 49604535, score 87, confidence 5: Thanks to Arktix's suggestion. Manually linked the package solved my issue. I have summarized the steps in detail here: medium.com/@yangzhoupostbox/…
→ flag candidate vlq
> thank you so much - 86211866
→ flagged successfully
> thank you for your help - 86211909
→ flagged successfully
VLQ 49604616, score 100, confidence 2: A website I sometimes use: databaseanswers.org/data_models/index.htm To learn about database design, feel free to pick a simple model, such as the Student information system: databaseanswers.org/data_models/student_information_syste
→ flag candidate vlq
> Thank you very much sir! - 86211989
→ flagged successfully
> Thank you for your advice it works. - 86211981
→ flagged successfully
NAA 49604637, score 71, confidence 24: What is the error in the crash?
→ flag candidate naa
2:55 AM
NAA 49604735, score 100, confidence 20: hey can you please contact me on followlikesocial @ gmail.com to explain me how did you fixed this problem? thanks since i have the exact same problem
→ flag candidate naa
VLQ 49604721, score 75, confidence 20: A detailed discussion on how to use random_state in scikit-learn is available at this link: scikit-learn.org/dev/developers/… . I was able to get the solution by going through it.
→ flag candidate vlq
> Thanks a lot :) - 86212220
→ flagged successfully
NAA 49604748, score 98, confidence 9: I saw your conversation above. I am using metamap now, I can't find "mmserver14" in my metamap folder either, besides, I only find "mmserver14.bat.in" in my MetamapAPI folder and I cannot run it. Did you find the exact "mmserver14.bat" file? Please help …
→ flag candidate naa
> @JamesMiller I updated the answer, look again - 86212241
→ flagged successfully
NAA 49604796, score 98, confidence 79: I have the same issue did you find out how to solve this?
→ flagged as not an answer
> @jpp Thank you , I will edit it. - 86212408
→ flagged successfully
NAA 49604803, score 100, confidence 7: Sorry, I'm using Windows Form C#, I want to draw a rectangle around object (not only people) car, animal, etc, .. from background subtract Sorry for my bad English
→ flag candidate naa
NAA 49604797, score 95, confidence 10: I came across the same issue, and fixed the error by replacing 'vespa-container' (below command) to the hostname of physical box. However, this caused a couple of other errors in rpc connection. Did you fix the problem yet? @aman.gupta docker run --detac…
→ flag candidate naa
> Thanks it worked!!! - 86212457
→ flagged successfully
NAA 49604836, score 100, confidence 2: i have already create emp and project table. now i tired to create another work_on table but it doesnot works. create table work_on(empno int, pno int, duration int, primary key(empno,pno), foreign key(empno) references emp(empno), foreign key(pno) refer…
→ flag candidate naa
3:25 AM
> Thanks, I'll give it a try - 86212707
→ flagged successfully
> Thanks, I'll give it a try - 86212703
→ flagged successfully
> Thank you, Rodrigo. I fixed this post. - 86212667
→ flagged successfully
> Thank you for the extra thoughts here. - 86212815
→ flagged successfully
VLQ 49604954, score 100, confidence 8: You have provided little information but you can check this example for help
→ flag candidate vlq
VLQ 49604970, score 86, confidence 4: I've tried to add the apache dependency to replicate the issue but it worked for me. What version of gradle are you using (gradle and Android plugin)? I have the following configured - Project gradle (Android gradle plugin)- classpath 'com.android.tools.…
→ flag candidate vlq
> Thanks Abarnert. - 86212964
→ flagged successfully
> Thank you. Works Perfect - 86212944
→ flagged successfully
> Thank you so much!! - 86212911
→ flagged successfully
NAA 49605018, score 100, confidence 4: I’m having a similar issue. seeing this after I update to XCode 9.3 and build through cli Error Domain=IDEProfileLocatorErrorDomain Code=1 “No profiles for ‘org.oclc.digby’ were found” UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=No profiles for ‘org.oclc.digby’ wer…
→ flag candidate naa
VLQ 49605074, score 93, confidence 11: you can find demo from this article: android.jlelse.eu/… ViewCacheExtension may used to save special view, so we may not need to implement this.
→ flag candidate vlq
NAA 49605133, score 99, confidence 17: thanks a lot for this code! Would you mind sharing the code to use in case I need to test more than one group? I need to test more than one group names and I would really appreciate, if you could assist me on that! thanks in advance,
→ flag candidate naa
> Thank you so much 😃 - 86213286
→ flagged successfully
> Thank you, I just had to be sure!!! - 86213392
→ flagged successfully
VLQ 49605246, score 94, confidence 9: Did you check the "Use Lambda Proxy Integration" when you created the API gateway entry? You can find more information here: stackoverflow.com/a/46114185/501217
→ flag candidate vlq
VLQ 49605277, score 83, confidence 8: You could try to access kudu console to investigate the issue. 403 error could mean many things; either you don't have access to this site, the site is stopped or the quota is exceeded. For more information, you may refer this doc: github.com/pro
→ flag candidate vlq
> Thanks! It works :) - 86213619
→ flagged successfully
> thank you, it works now - 86213610
→ flagged successfully
> Thanks Plutonix - 86213752
→ flagged successfully
NAA 49605368, score 100, confidence 2: I'd try this (Enter in B2 provided A1 and B1 are Headers and A2 and below has the data) =CONCATENATE(LEFT($A2,FIND(" ",$A2)-1)," ",COUNTIF($A$2:$A2,LEFT($A2,FIND(" ",$A2)-1)&"*")) But this formula requires the data to be sorted if that is fine
→ flag candidate naa
VLQ 49605388, score 100, confidence 1: it works for Android OS 5 (Lolipop) and earlier. why for OS android 6 and above this code does not work OS android 6 and above you need to ask run time permission because Beginning in Android 6.0 (API level 23), users grant permissions to apps while the …
→ flag candidate vlq
NAA 49605404, score 99, confidence 38: I am facing this error , when i install django in my system. Please help me. Thanks in advance. PFA
→ flagged as not an answer
> thank you a lot i am idiot( - 86213873
→ flagged successfully
> Thank you for your help. - 86213857
→ flagged successfully
VLQ 49605473, score 81, confidence 6: I may be very later, but can help someone who stops by This library is very good Objective C library for drawing. You can refer this article form Ray Wenderlich to get Stylus input So you can combine these two to create a drawing using Stylus only.
→ flag candidate vlq
> @SethStephens thanks if finally works! - 86213966
→ flagged successfully
VLQ 49605561, score 70, confidence 12: See a link to main page: pdfbox.apache.org/index.html Apache PDFBox is published under the Apache License v2.0. There is a link to the licence there, you can read the terms yourself.
→ flag candidate vlq
> Thank you ! : ) - 86214070
→ flagged successfully
VLQ 49605665, score 93, confidence 4: To get the address using location co-ordinates. i.e latitudes and longitudes, Android Locations provides a lookup API, You can find the official document here developer.android.com/training/location/display-address.html
→ flag candidate vlq
> @Deduplicator Thanks again for that. - 86214209
→ flagged successfully
> Thank you very much for your help! - 86214263
→ flagged successfully
VLQ 49605708, score 72, confidence 17: If you prefer video tutorial for the same here a good link for you youtube.com/watch?v=i-gZAYBMuBs
→ flag candidate vlq
VLQ 49605741, score 89, confidence 7: You can use your own middleware function for validating the api. This link contains information about middle functions using express framework: expressjs.com/en/guide/using-middleware.html
→ flag candidate vlq
VLQ 49605730, score 80, confidence 12: Azure blocks all ports by default, you need to open port 80 (443 if you are using SSL) and map them to port 80 on the server docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/virtual-machines/windows/… I think the config is on VMs > Networks > I…
→ flag candidate vlq
VLQ 49605728, score 87, confidence 6: Try to use netstat option -b (for Windows; for Linux use -p), so you can see a process which uses this connection. I didn't check all addresses, but part of it belong to Microsoft. You can check IP here: whois.com
→ flag candidate vlq
NAA 49605752, score 100, confidence 15: Then que respected for your answer
→ flag candidate naa
NAA 49605769, score 99, confidence 31: the correct DB drivers where not installed. What this mean? I'm facing the same problem right now
→ flag candidate naa
5:45 AM
VLQ 49605909, score 87, confidence 13: instructables.com/id/… this is by far the best tutorial I've found to build an app around thingspeak data and arduino wifi
→ flag candidate vlq
NAA 49605897, score 84, confidence 9: Yes. I added the IP and Sub-domain to the hosts file in C:/Windows/System32/Drivers/etc folder. Also when I ping on that sub-domain, it outputs the correct IP to which that sub-domain has been mapped. But still the problem persists. I am able to login to…
→ flag candidate naa
> Thanks a lot, very nice solution. - 86214524
→ flagged successfully
VLQ 49605994, score 83, confidence 4: You can use litereplica. It implements point-in-time recovery on SQLite. But not using WAL, we must use a journal file.
→ flag candidate vlq
NAA 49606005, score 100, confidence 6: I'm having same issue Im using django 1.11 no issue in connecting local MySQLdb is 5.7 but if i try to conect to external Mysqldb ver 5.1, im having a problem. Below last few lines on error message: File "C:\Python27\Lib\site-packages\MySQLdb\connections…
→ flag candidate naa
NAA 49606057, score 100, confidence 2: As per @JasonSowers (Engineer - Microsoft Bot Framework) Microsoft Bot Framework do not support this right now. They may support this in future.
→ flag candidate naa
> Thank you! you were very helpful - 86214697
→ flagged successfully
> Thank you guys! - 86214696
→ flagged successfully
VLQ 49606104, score 87, confidence 8: Thanks for the pointer. I implemented this for 8th, here: 8th-dev.com/forum/index.php?topic=1608.msg8854
→ flag candidate vlq
6:15 AM
NAA 49606222, score 100, confidence 55: can you tell me how you solve it. Thanks.
→ flagged as not an answer
> @GordonLinoff Thank you. - 86214860
→ flagged successfully
NAA 49606286, score 84, confidence 39: did you get the code? I also need to do the same task. Please do let me know if you got the solution. Thanks
→ flag candidate naa
NAA 49606339, score 92, confidence 40: @gagan: Were you able to find the answer to this? If yes, can you share? PS: I am sorry for putting this as an answer, but I do not have enough reputation to put this as a comment.
→ flag candidate naa
NAA 49606379, score 92, confidence 9: Hi I am new to StackOverflow and have a similar question. I am Using SCAuth() with SiteCatalystR facing the same authentication issue My script works fine in the Public Network However it gets stopped using Corporate Firewall My Question is there a way t…
→ flag candidate naa
NAA 49606374, score 81, confidence 10: Could you answer ? I have 3 signing certificate for code signing and driver signing. I guess, If i don't any change and i have timestamp, I don't need any action for code or driver signing process. Can someone verify this ? Do I have to do something or n…
→ flag candidate naa
VLQ 49606373, score 100, confidence 2: Use a new version of .NET (4.6.1 or later) and then take advantage of the built-in resiliency features: ConnectRetryCount, ConnectRetryInterval and Connection Timeout. See the for more info: docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/sql-database/sql-databas
→ flag candidate vlq
NAA 49606382, score 100, confidence 3: if (preferenceHelper.getStringValue("png") == Writing_Table_white) { WritingTable.createOnGlThread(/context=/this, Writing_Table_obj, Writing_Table_white); WritingTable.setMaterialProperties(0.0f, 3.5f, 1.0f, 6.0f); drawObj(WritingTable, viewmtx, projmtx…
→ flag candidate naa
NAA 49606431, score 100, confidence 50: I experienced the same issue - did you find a solution yet?
→ flagged as not an answer
VLQ 49606425, score 92, confidence 2: OK, after couple of hours of struggle, I found the problem. 2 weeks back, I needed to install locally a Logstash plugin that wasn't available internally. This required me to fiddle here and there with my config, to allow Logstash to actually go through t…
→ flag candidate vlq
> Thank you very much !!! - 86215042
→ flagged successfully
> Thank you! This solved my problem! - 86215022
→ flagged successfully
NAA 49606557, score 95, confidence 23: Facing the same issue with "GCM XML element decryption", do you have solution on this ?
→ flag candidate naa
NAA 49606583, score 94, confidence 30: Same problem here !!! Since many IOS users are upgrading it will be a real problem. Did someone find a workaround for this problem ?
→ flag candidate naa
NAA 49606669, score 97, confidence 25: is it possible to convert using c programming?
→ flag candidate naa
NAA 49606658, score 83, confidence 11: I have 3 signing certificate for code signing and driver signing. I guess, If i don't any change and i have timestamp, I don't need any action for code or driver signing process. Can someone verify this ? Do I have to do something or not ?
→ flag candidate naa
NAA 49606691, score 96, confidence 20: I am also facing this error. My application is angular 4.2.4 and angular material 5.2.4..I know angular update version will solve this issue.But i dont want update my angular version 4.2.4. So is there any way to use angular material for this angular ver…
→ flag candidate naa
> Thank you sir for this. - 86215258
→ flagged successfully
VLQ 49606745, score 89, confidence 3: Dynamic Links created using the API are not displayed in the Firebase console. You can instead use the Firebase Dynamic Links Analytics API. As the documentation says You can use this REST API to get analytics data for each of your short Dynamic Links, w…
→ flag candidate vlq
NAA 49606787, score 93, confidence 16: Even I also got the same issue can I get the source code @Hassan Shah
→ flag candidate naa
> I updated my question... - 86215336
→ flagged successfully
NAA 49606819, score 83, confidence 11: I have 3 signing certificate for code signing and driver signing. I guess, If i don't any change and i have timestamp, I don't need any action for code or driver signing process. Can someone verify this ? Do I have to do something or not ?
→ flag candidate naa
NAA 49606839, score 77, confidence 18: If I use this code: library(rminer) M <- fit(y~., data=train, model="svm", kpar=list(sigma=0.10), C=2) svm.imp <- Importance(M, data=train) I get an error and I cannot fix it: Error in seq.default(R[1], R[2], length.out = L) : 'from' must be a finite num…
→ flag candidate naa
> Thanks! This works great. - 86215387
→ flagged successfully
NAA 49606943, score 100, confidence 3: String object has no attribute next, next is an attribute of file object. so fileobject.next() returns the next line i.e. RCSV.next().
→ flag candidate naa
> Thanks, that fixed it! - 86215473
→ flagged successfully
NAA 49606971, score 72, confidence 13: I was stuck in the same problem. My problem was solved in Ubuntu after I increased the input volume. Try increasing it and run your program again. Maybe it will help.
→ flag candidate naa
NAA 49606961, score 100, confidence 3: Add key in exception domains as shown. Following fixed bug for me.
→ flag candidate naa
NAA 49607062, score 77, confidence 11: Hi I am having the same thing to achieve as quoted by Tahir. The closest thing that I did is to define the code below with your col-md-4 and play around with the padding. aside[class^="col-md-4"]{ padding-left:6px; } @media screen and (max-width:786px) {…
→ flag candidate naa
VLQ 49607088, score 82, confidence 19: You might want to take a look at the new wix feature called "tracking and analytics". It lets you embed custom scripts in your html's body, header, or footer. support.wix.com/en/article/about-tracking-tools-analytics
→ flag candidate vlq
VLQ 49607105, score 69, confidence 11: You can use the template option of the kendo upload and render the selected file according to your design.
→ flag candidate vlq
VLQ 49607103, score 82, confidence 10: Refer this link. Though it's for IPad, it will give you a brief idea of where and how to present the action sheet medium.com/@nickmeehan/… I have faced a similar scenario of what you are trying to a…
→ flag candidate vlq
NAA 49607150, score 78, confidence 14: java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'void android.support.v7.widget.RecyclerView.setLayoutManager(android.support.v7.widge‌​t.RecyclerView$LayoutManager)' on a null object reference null object reference means declaration of th…
→ flag candidate naa
> Thank you very much! - 86215646
→ flagged successfully
> Thank you so much! Very helpful. - 86215621
→ flagged successfully
VLQ 49607169, score 89, confidence 3: Android provides different APIs for scheduling task. JobScheduler AlarmManager Firebase JobDispatcher Check this about Job Scheduling. All of them have their benefits and downsides. You can use Android-Job library. This library schedule jobs depending on…
→ flag candidate vlq
NAA 49607165, score 80, confidence 12: I run the code in Rgui and it works, so I think my Rstudio may have some problem. But I still don't know why.
→ flag candidate naa
> thank you, worked like a charm! - 86215684
→ flagged successfully
> Thanks it worked for me. - 86215672
→ flagged successfully
VLQ 49607228, score 82, confidence 4: Short answer: This is the expected behavior with the API. I have discussed this further with the author of JGroups, which can be followed at Jgroups groups
→ flag candidate vlq
VLQ 49607349, score 91, confidence 3: The Apache HTTP Server can use a .htpasswd file referenced from a .htaccess file to create restricted protected areas. The .htpasswd file contains rows corresponding to a pair of username and password separated with a colon character. The password is enc…
→ flag candidate vlq
NAA 49607415, score 88, confidence 20: I have the same problem, but when i add this then there is this error now: "Error:java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: com.android.builder.internal.aapt.v2.Aapt2Exception: AAPT2 error: check logs for details"
→ flag candidate naa
NAA 49607437, score 86, confidence 19: I'm facing the same issue as the OP. When trying to use a list of columns in 'index' argument, I'm getting the following error: ValueError: 'index' must be the name of an existing column Could you help how to overcome the issue? If MultiIndex cannot be u…
→ flag candidate naa
NAA 49607421, score 100, confidence 2: I think there was a problem with Request queue only working fine with this code @ Ali Azhar's Answer StringRequest sr = new StringRequest(Request.Method.POST, url , new Response.Listener<String>() { @Override public void onResponse(String response) { Log…
→ flag candidate naa
NAA 49607518, score 89, confidence 15: this doesn't work, neither. It notifies you saying requirements satisfied but it doesn't work, at all. I have python 3.6 and over all everyone recommends doing the same thing which is to install "pip3 install python-dateutil" or "sudo yum install python-…
→ flag candidate naa
VLQ 49607561, score 86, confidence 6: Have a look at the Circuit Breaker Pattern for detecting long-term failures. You still need a way to not log the errors during the long-term failure, e.g. by throwing a specific exception (LongTermFailure) in the Open or Half-Open state of the Breaker an…
→ flag candidate vlq
NAA 49607548, score 87, confidence 21: enter image description here I want to draw a graph like this with multiple bar widths. I dont want to draw with pure javascript be cause chart.js is so fancy and cool
→ flag candidate naa
NAA 49607598, score 78, confidence 9: I chopped down and isolated the problem. Before removing the "const" I got the same error you were getting. But this compiles. #include <iostream> //:For: std::vector #include <vector> //:For: std::shared_ptr #include <memory> //:For: std::sort #include<…
→ flag candidate naa
> Thanks! It worked! - 86216025
→ flagged successfully
NAA 49607628, score 70, confidence 97: this is my code: final MediaPlayer mistake = MediaPlayer.create(getActivity(), R.raw.mistake); tv_mistake.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View v) { mistake.start(); } });
→ flag candidate naa
NAA 49607661, score 93, confidence 55: were you able to figure it out? I'm looking for a similar solution as well!
→ flagged as not an answer
VLQ 49607682, score 72, confidence 9: You can't change the height of the status bar provided by Apple. You need to make custom status bar or use third party navigation bar libraries.You can use this tutorial or this library.
→ flag candidate vlq
NAA 49607663, score 73, confidence 16: I have since tried to debug my code removing the dropdown menu code to see if the query and result variables are populated. It seems that after the successful connection to the db, the SQL query's result is null. The $result and $row variables both retur…
→ flag candidate naa
NAA 49607717, score 100, confidence 1: if no proxy to see from client side and server side are the same: Client -> Server proxy from client side: Client -> proxy -> Server from Server side: Client -> Server reverse proxy from client side: Client -> Server from Server side: Client -> proxy -> …
→ flag candidate naa
VLQ 49607752, score 83, confidence 9: There many approaches to implement ACL in CodeIgniter. For more information please see following links. github.com/xiidea/ezRbac sitepoint.com/role-based-access-control-in-php
→ flag candidate vlq
> thank you dude. It&#39;s works well..! - 86216253
→ flagged successfully
> Thanks, I am trying to compile. - 86216228
→ flagged successfully
VLQ 49607870, score 100, confidence 10: Here's a link from their website SDK
→ flag candidate vlq
VLQ 49607850, score 73, confidence 9: You can detect Tor users using TorDNSEL - torproject.org/projects/tordnsel.html.en. You can just use this command-line/library - github.com/assafmo/IsTorExit.
→ flag candidate vlq
VLQ 49607882, score 87, confidence 7: You need the number of days within a month. Its easy once you determine which month it is: Take a look at this: Number of days in particular month of particular year? Once you have the month just calculate number of hours for it and keep adding until you…
→ flag candidate vlq
VLQ 49607919, score 77, confidence 9: Take a look at this question: Why implement onDestroy() if it is not guaranteed to be called? Basically, onDestroy() is only guaranteed to be called if you call finish(). Otherwise, onDestroy() may not be called until the system deems it necessary. You m…
→ flag candidate vlq
NAA 49607937, score 87, confidence 19: This is my code for 2 classes(pos,neg) classification report = metrics.precision_recall_fscore_support(true_labels,predicted_labels,labels=clas‌​ses) rowDicionary["precision_pos"] = report[0][0] rowDicionary["recall_pos"] = report[1][0] rowDicionary["f1-sc…
→ flag candidate naa
NAA 49607968, score 96, confidence 26: i try this exemple it's work......., but i cann't try other processing like gaussin filter, lapacien, and segmentation. So how can i do this? help me please
→ flag candidate naa
VLQ 49607962, score 100, confidence 3: Follow this link for user's information: instagram.com/username/?__a=1 Parse in Android with Json Parse. But if profile is secret, you can not see the post without APİ login. No way to resolve it.
→ flag candidate vlq
> @GaneshNavale Thank You for your suggestion. - 86216324
→ flagged successfully
> Thank You.I got it. - 86216414
→ flagged successfully
VLQ 49608079, score 100, confidence 1: Before do that you could refer to an introduction to Azure Functions to learn more about Azure function. We also could create the Azure function Application with VS. You could follow this tutorial to do that. In azure function app i'm getting many error …
→ flag candidate vlq
NAA 49608066, score 93, confidence 3: Please create Random r = new Random(); outside of loop. Random class is initialized using current time. Foreach loop is quick, so every Random instance is seeded with the same values. Some details here: How do I seed a random class to avoid getting dupli…
→ flag candidate naa
VLQ 49608093, score 92, confidence 6: You can try supernova studio for convert design the swift code. Also directly import .sketch file extension.
→ flag candidate vlq
> Thanks a lot. I&#39;ll try it later. - 86216525
→ flagged successfully
> @DaniCee thanks. Updated the answer. - 86216516
→ flagged successfully
VLQ 49608224, score 100, confidence 6: I think there should be something for this, but click here and read about Apache Kafka, I think this can solve your problem.
→ flag candidate vlq
VLQ 49608218, score 86, confidence 4: You can write a backed android service. This service will be monitoring and analyzing sms from one or more numbers. If the sms contains the expected valid string this service will activate the camera. This service will need some permission to preform the…
→ flag candidate vlq
NAA 49608253, score 100, confidence 7: Interceptor will work just for request which is made by HttpClient, why that is not working.
→ flag candidate naa
NAA 49608247, score 100, confidence 2: In production angular code source map will not be available so that user can't see the code so I am planning to decrypt in clientside itself.
→ flag candidate naa
NAA 49608236, score 100, confidence 2: File --> Project Structure-->Module The language level in here as set to 5 for me. Upped it to 9 to allow classes etc and the same error as described above resolved for me
→ flag candidate naa

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