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@Pheagey NEVOR!
@PeeHaa埽 stop monkeying around! :P
Q: how to compare array value with variable value

Felicia Tan <?php function try(){ for( $i = 0 ; $i < count($tutorial) ; $i++ ){ if( $tutorial[$i] = 'A' ) $enum = 1; else if( $tutorial[$i] = 'B' ) $enum = 2; else if( $tutorial[$i] = 'C' ) $enum = 3; else if( $tutorial[$i] = 'D' ) $enum = 4; } ?> when i p...

aw, he removed his "monkeying around" comment
If I lock the question would it prevent edits too?
@PeeHaa埽 Just for you: qkme.me/3uubdq
don't think so right?
@Pheagey :D
A: What is a "locked" post?

Justin StandardWhat does it mean to lock a post? A question or answer which is locked can no longer accept: edits up-votes, down-votes comments, comment up-votes new answers (questions only) close votes, reopen votes (questions only) In the case of locked questions, the (unlocked) answers are not bounded t...

oh wait it does stop edits...cool
and its the perfect reason to do so:
@PeeHaa埽 My goal is one a day, each workday, till my birthday...
> Posts should generally only be locked in cases where something seriously bad is happening. In particular, where the ongoing updates and edits are actively detrimental to the system.
@PeeHaa埽 Why in the second case you create the object passing $db as parameter here: stackoverflow.com/questions/11923272/…
$pagination = new pagi($db);
How are you not getting an unexpected 'try' (T_TRY)? — Bracketworks 35 secs ago
@cheesemacfly aaaaaaaah errrrorrrrr
w/e you got your bounty xD
@cheesemacfly tnx <3
Damn he keeps editing the thing. Imma flag this shit
@PeeHaa埽 yeah, he's pretty persistant
hey i'm new to PHP wuts scope <--- i'm new is redundant
Can anybody please post a "melody" character I need it for my flag
♪ ♫ ♩ ♬ ♭ ♮ ♯
@PeeHaa埽 said no one ever (before) :P
My flag to cheer our mods up:
> ♫ I didn't start the edit war ♫ (read this to the melody of this: collegehumor.com/video/3980096/we-didnt-start-the-flame-war). We tried to edit the question, but @chrissStratton keeps reverting it. Are we wrong to remove the I am new intro?
@PeeHaa埽 I think @chrissStratton is doing right
does any one have any idea about how to get back the joomla admin username/password
@bwoebi Why. Why does it matter whether OP is new to PHP? It doesn't effect the question one single bit imho
@abdulwakeel: hashed, sorry buddy
@PeeHaa埽 why do you want to remove it? Is it something that defaces the actual question?
@bwoebi Less is moar. A question containing only relevant parts is a better question
Again imho
@PeeHaa埽 Hear, hear!
@DaveChen , actaully I did a project free elance, the project is completed and the client change the live password, so I want to just get back the detail
and this is a subjective discussion. I wouldn't do anything...
@bwoebi for the same reason thx 4 awl ur help --carrie IRRELEVANT
detail detail of what @abdulwakeel
@abdulwakeel - You can, if you have access to the db.
It's hashed~~
@CarrieKendall I wouldn't remove a thank you, but something like this thx 4 awl ur help --carrie defaces the question mostly.
"thanks" adds no value to the question
detail , mean username and password
@kishor , username/password changed every where
right~password is hashed and you can't get it back, unless you get a super computer that runs for 9999999 years and has 999 cores at 999gb/s
@CarrieKendall when someone suggests to remove such a thanks, I reject it for too minor.
a big key idea of this site is to remove the fluff that other forums don't. this helps people search and find their answer easily
amazighstudio.com , this is a simple project.
@bwoebi The community doesn't agree with you meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/2950/…
@abdulwakeel - then stop trying to access other's sites. lol
@bwoebi I hunt for "thanks", leering at it from the bushes, and when I feel opportunity strike, I pounce! No "thanks"!
For the record, it was David Chen who first made the edit in question, not PeeHaa. PeeHaa made an accidental edit, then rolled it back to the one David had made. Then the 'war' ensued. I agree that the extra wording isn't necessary and David was right to remove it, but I'd prefer not to see these types of edits cause lots of rollbacks. I think the two should stop doing the Tango. ;) — Andrew Barber 26 secs ago
@Kishor , this is the site, which I developed.
A: Should 'Hi', 'thanks,' taglines, and salutations be removed from posts?

Chris McCallSince I am not a robot, I enjoy being greeted and thanked, as is the custom in human societies. It also provides a tiny opportunity to express myself, which I relish. Chastising people for using common courtesy is when you know your website (and personality) has jumped the shark. The effort to "...

and the client change username/password
I'm sure it was my wonderful flag that made him say that
I prefer this answer.
sorry I was just seeing if edit(1) could be bypassed :c
@bwoebi Yes. Count the votes please
@CarrieKendall That almost finished a code for something... up up down down ... a b x y?
@abdulwakeel - Have you been paid? If you havent yet, why did you already give him the code.
@PeeHaa埽 It doesn't have -400.
can you see the up/down votes? what's the number on it
True. It's not @jeffatewood :D
@DaveChen +17/-7
@Bracketworks i did not ask the question .. using try as function name is what makes the question interesting
@Kishor , that is my mistake, I was thinking that the client is honest, and I directly worked live
@bwoebi This is the stupidest question ever.
so it's really a stick issue too...as for me, I usually remove the thanks and hello if I'm making a huge edit, but I never just remove them alone
@abdulwakeel - So you better move on now.
@Baba No I know, you can tell who isn't testing the code they're answering with because it's still wrapped in function try() { ... }
@DaveChen yes. because if the edit is huge; I feel it's not only from the OP alone.
one last edit! Do it for Johnny!Carrie Kendall 48 secs ago
A: how to compare array value with variable value

CrontabThe problem is that you are not using a comparison operator in your if statement. The way you have it written, you are assigning the value 'A' to $tutorial[$i] every single time through the loop. You need to use == or ===, like this: <?php function try(){ for( $i = 0 ; $i < count($tutorial...

When did StackOverflow become Wikipedia? ;)IMSoP 11 secs ago
any top 100 site has these wars
@Bracketworks why are you guys repeatedly editing the post and changing the same fucking thing.
@Jhawinsss Because word fluff is word fluff.
its an epic battle to find out whose e-penis is larger
Now that I see his name I don't think I have ever seen @andrewbarber in here
Every mod should have been at least yelled at once in here to become part of the team imho
> Hi good afternoon from wherever I live. It is a beautiful day! Too bad I'm programming :( Maybe fishing later? Anyway, I have a doubt with PHP...
what's your doubt
@Jhawinsss I only reverted it once, because I feel strongly about the point @PeeHaa埽 is making. He flagged it so I haven't touched it since. Why ya gotta do that?
@Bracketworks Do what?
I feel jealous of users that have high rep with just questions~
I didn't realize rollbacks didn't give you more rep.
Wait, they do?
afaik only edits while rep<2000 give you rep
Can I find out who rejected a suggested edit that fixed a problem with an accepted answer? stackoverflow.com/review/suggested-edits/2310719
It's fixed now btw.
@Danack yes you can
@Bracketworks Someone said they don't. Do they?
hmm fixing code shouldn't be rejected imo
unless it's formatting
Rejected 2 mins ago:
Dave Clemmer reviewed this 2 mins ago: Reject
Please don't add commentary to your edits.
Rob Wagner reviewed this 4 mins ago: Approve
Edward Falk reviewed this 5 mins ago: Reject
We generally don't get pedantic about a single missing paren or bracket; the reader knows what's up.
Mic reviewed this 8 mins ago: Reject
This edit is too minor; suggested edits should be substantive improvements addressing multiple issues in the post.
Beau Grantham reviewed this 8 mins ago: Approve
I'm pretty sure he can see that already xD
1:20 cracks me up.. i see that every few days on reddit @PeeHaa埽
@DaveChen In an answer it is the nice thing to do
mainly because I know a lot of users just copy/paste code, that's what I did when I wasn't a user on this site
@Jhawinsss I don't know, and PHP has gone meta, so back to Visual Studio I go.
@CarrieKendall :P
I'm going home people. Cya all in a bit
@Bracketworks What's gone Meta?
@Jhawinsss the php room
@ddacot: have you tried replacing localhost with a public address?
@bwoebi What? Haha. How has the PHP room "gone Meta?"
@DaveChen yep, when i hit like, it shows that i liked, but the numbers of likes are the same..
@bwoebi :(
@ircmaxell is this from wwdc?
oh, I see
… damn! I just tried to type with my laptops keyboard on the iMac -.- I'm sure, I'm just too tired to choose the right keyboard...
@bwoebi I did this yesterday... I kept trying to drag my cursor from the iMac onto my laptop's desktop.
@Jhawinsss did you forget to connect your thunderbolt cable?
hahah @ircmaxell made my day with that
@bwoebi Huh? I had two machines beside each other.
@Jhawinsss oh, I thought you wanted to share the screen
I ask our host to change one Goddamn line in applicationHost.config and he crashes the fucking server.
@bwoebi Oh no. I was just using two machines at the same desk and kept getting confused.
hahahahha sucks @Jhawinsss
@C_plus_plus_Rookie I don't like to answer to vulnerable code
@bwoebi its just for testing purposes in localhost\
Hey guys I was trying to preg_split some text like this: "fy13 eps" with delimiter of "fy13" including the delimiter. I tried this answer: stackoverflow.com/questions/11758465/…, but wasn't able to get anything.
this is what I tried, I think anything in parenthesis is kept with the PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE: print_r(preg_split('/(?:fy)/', 'fy13 eps', -1, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE | PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY));
anyone here familiar with twitter API?
@Kishor Check out the room description in the upper right of this page
I did obviously.
since this room isnt concentrated on Twitter, I thought I would ask.
Anyways, Is there a way to get the id of all tweets by the user using twitter api?
user here the authorized user.
@Kishor Check the Twitter API docs yo...
I did, couldnt find anything.
IIRC you should just keep paginating through the results
I want to encrypt a message, and I'm trying to find a good encryption function to use with openssl_encrypt() in php.. can anyone suggest one?
@Kishor What did a web search net you?
@Pheagey - Fine leave it.
I am not asking the question here without googling.
Well, I got my gzip support like I asked. Now if only I still had ftp access...
@Kishor Just checking, you're in the minority of people.
After some search I found AES-256 would be safe enough but the thing is there are a ton of them.. aes-256-cfb1, aes-256-cfb8, aes-256-ctr etc..
@C_plus_plus_Rookie Fix the vulnerabilities first. You'll get more help that way
@PeeHaa埽 trash the post above the post above mine… too much caps.
1 message moved to bin
Don't spam please. And don't shout at people
Why everybody here is not a helper .. cmon man if i knew too much about php i would do .. im doing as much as i can
@C_plus_plus_Rookie Maybe because the purpose of this room is not simply to serve you personally ow great master
I know that but at lease trying to point at right direction .. and stop with the irony please
@C_plus_plus_Rookie When you explain me at least what you think this should do:
    if (isset($_POST['submit'])){
        $x = $_POST["win"];
        mysql_query("UPDATE test1 SET win='$x'  ");
    }else if (isset($_POST['submit'])){
        $d = $_POST["dram"];
        mysql_query("UPDATE test1 SET draw='$d'  ");
    }else if (isset($_POST['submit'])){
        $l = $_POST["lose"];
        mysql_query("UPDATE test1 SET lose='$l'  ");
Start here: http://php.net/manual/en/pdo.prepared-statements.php
Re-write you logic.
@C_plus_plus_Rookie You have enough comments you should read and handle. It's not like you have nothing to do
@C_plus_plus_Rookie three times the same condition == WTF?!
if ($test_value1 == 1) {
mysql_query("UPDATE test1 SET win='$win'");
} else if ($test_value1 == 2) {
mysql_query("UPDATE test1 SET lose='$lose'");
} elseif ($test_value1 == 'X') {
mysql_query("UPDATE test1 SET draw='$draw'");
$test_value1 = isset($_POST['submit']) ? $_POST['submit'] : NULL;
you mean $_POST['test'] instead of $testvalue? then write it.
@C_plus_plus_Rookie Please don't use mysql_extention...
Thanks for your help but i just dont know what to do anymor
i tried @bwoebi its not working
then … give it up :o
yea thnx anyways
@C_plus_plus_Rookie Go home. You are drunk.
what's going on?
@ircmaxell nothing important.
when I see non-regulars saying STFU, that generally implies something is up...
@ircmaxell It implies the person is irregular.
and get it into PHP 5.5.1
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:9979110 are you using $_POST['test'] to pull your condition of win/lose/draw?
ircmaxell laying the smack down like the Hulk!
@bwoebi likely not. It was more of a proof-of-concept. It'd likely be a performance regression (at least for memory)...
@ircmaxell Just the usual.
@C_plus_plus_Rookie Having had an opportunity to skim your question and the comments, it would be highly advisable that you reconsider your implementation, whether it's a test or not.
@Pheagey select multiple no longer works in OSX chrome... So I have to move one message at a time
1 message moved to bin
Aw, leave Optimus alone; he's just drunk and confused.
@Bracketworks stop that. Seriously
Is Zend Framework 2 appropriate to code a social networking web site?
you want to poke fun at regulars. whatever. But don't poke at new people.
@ircmaxell To be fair, that was just a comment on @Pheagey's image. In or out of context it was pretty funny; but w/e :)
@ilhan Guess it would depend on your project requirements.
@ilhan Yes very!
@ircmaxell Come on. Did you read his messages? He's a trolling script-kiddie. He should be /muted by now.
But serious. Where do all the people come up with the idea of the next social network?
@Jhawinsss leave that for owners and mods to deal with...
@PeeHaa埽 From...the BRAINSSSSSSssss... /zombie reference
That's is the third time I heard that exact question in here this week
@ircmaxell Power hungry much? That's the vibe I'm getting and I'm very new to this room.
I'm still hoping for the fall of FB
@PeeHaa埽 no, it is not next. i have one, i want to recode it. i use it in jobe interviews
@Jhawinsss not at all, it's trying to protect the friendlyness and not driving people away
@Jhawinsss If anybody is not power hungry it is @ircmaxell. He is the most decent one in here
@ircmaxell really? does it make a difference if the kernel program asks for stack size or if the program asks for memory? Also you won't have to copy any variables, function pointer to the last function etc. The only you push here on a stack is a pointer (8 bytes). I'd really say it's more memory-efficient this way.
Maybe the JS room is just different. We aren't as polite to people who shouldn't be here in the first place. Or Vamps/Script-kiddies.
@PeeHaa埽 it might be me again
@ilhan aaah :)
@Jhawinsss ircmaxell is typically very easy going.
@bwoebi not really, because it adds linearly. So the stack is recaptured for wide arrays, where this grows for wide
@PeeHaa埽 second this
so for deep arrays this is more efficient, for wide, it's less
@PeeHaa埽 This may be true. Like I said I don't use this room. That's why I mentioned it.
I'm not trying to start anything. It just really caught me off guard that you guys seem to actually want kids like that here... Which makes no sense to me. To each his own.
@ircmaxell yes, but if it uses 200 bytes or 40 bytes, this makes no difference...
@Jhawinsss That's ok. Just wanted to point out your mistake :)
friday is around the corner and it's great because it means weekend for me :D
@PeeHaa埽 It's all good. Thanks.
@bwoebi I guess I'm just not sold on the importance... I'll benchmark it and see if there's any measurable difference for non-edge cases...
But but but struggling!
@ircmaxell please do this, I'm really interested in this.
@bwoebi what's the real world use-case?
other than your block of code (which i'm pretty sure will still segfault, due to a main stack overflow with unbounded (practically) recursion...
No, I mean I'm really interested if this will make any difference (generally) if you use your own recursion stack or the OS' recursion stack.
Ah ok
I will likely try the patch anyway and see what happens
@ircmaxell okay. Please ping me when you have done it.
it won't be today, perhaps tomorrow morning
no problem, I just want to be pinged with the results ;-)
In the mean time
7 hours ago, by Gordon
user image
@ircmaxell I would too...I...would...too...
@ircmaxell Just watched your slides on "Under The Hood". Nice presentation!
SQL help please :(
FROM items
WHERE original_id LIKE  '%.%'
AND original_id !LIKE  '%.CSD3';
can I do a !LIKE?
Have you tested it?
is there something like NOT LIKE?
@TheSnooker I bet manual says yes, look in there if you're in doubt.
@hakre but I have to actually go do work then :(
I just answered my own question
yeah lol. but a nice open minded reaction, so +1 for so much truth
anyway I'm off, have a nice weekend everybody
Have a good one @hakre
@BenjaminGruenbaum Thanks!
hello @NokImchen
how can I achieve this $requireddata = $content[0]['id']; when $content is an object?
try print_r($content) first, if I had to guess, $content->id[0]
oh...or $content->{0}->id
array(1) { [0]=> object(stdClass)#12 (22) { ["created_at"]=> string(30) "Sat Dec 01 03:06:05 +0000 2012" ["id"]=> int(274710933463527424)
the id there is what I need.
Ok, let me try.
oh it's an array...so yeah $content[0]->id
so its an array containing an object. Am I right?
A < B
B < C
So A < C
That's why A can't be bigger than C ...
oh sorry I misread that
@DaveChen - Working perfectly! :)
+1 my answer if it helped! xD /jk
assuming it's a json, use json_decode(,true) instead
$a = 2;
$b = 4;
$c = 8;
$status = $a < $b && $b < $c && $c < $a;
@NokImchen try it out :-)
But I'll be honest, when I was new on the site, I was so tempted to write a comment in that box, because I couldn't write a comment anywhere else
@NokImchen Well it will "evaluate" and tell you if it's true or false, I don't see where's the problem ?
@NokImchen what a whole question for something like this o_O ?
codeGenerator("<?php echo 'This works fine.'; ?>");
//codeGenerator("<?php echo 'LOL, syntax error.'; ?>");
@NokImchen You should really drop those tags from that question. Choose a language...
@NokImchen Your question lacks context, how do you get the equations ? What's the expected output ?
@NokImchen No you don't get a good specific question when you don't ask a specific question
As it currently stands I would close vote the thing
@PeeHaa埽 Give it some time to mature :p
oh and not c++ lisp and fortran? — Dagon 20 secs ago
@HamZa I just did. I didn't cast my vote and told OP what I think is wrong about it
^ Exactly what @PeeHaa埽 meant :p
Yeah lets make the thing even moar meta by adding [algorithm] :|
Nope, it's just that guy added another tag
I'm not sure if I should wipe them all or not ...
@NokImchen I have an idea, not sure if it's what you want ...
i want to answer in fortran :-)
@NokImchen I can talk only with code lol
@Dagon lolz
is there any realworld issue here, or just some uni assignment?
@Dagon For me it doesn;t make sense (honestly)
@HamZa Ditto.
@NokImchen So do you want also to validate OR ?
@NokImchen then explian it
for what purpose
that would be hy they use super computers a people with doctrates in stats. unlikley to use php (R is more likley)
well I'm walking away from this one - good luck :-)
I think I have a script for this situation
31 messages moved to Trash can
tnx @rlemon!
Best thing since sliced bread and you know it
off to the trails, later
Later @CarrieKendall
another simple question.


What to use to get the variable in there? currently, it is text. {}? ''? "" ? none works
@Kishor Huh?
the variable $id
@Kishor I would start visiting the manual and read about string concatenation and quoted strings in general
missed a quote there :(
Also, why is $id an array?
because it is an array?
$id seems to me to be an awful name?
its an array of Ids
How about $ids
@Hazzard hello
Then perhaps it should be $ids
ah -_-
It doesn't really make a difference of course
@Hazzard I disagree. The readability of your code is easily one of the most important things about it.
Fixed.Never thought I could use concatenation inside $connection->delete() new to oop. thats why I didnt try it that way. anyways, point taken :D
@Kishor String concatenation has nothing to do with OOP
Never knew until now. thought it would mess up inside.
New to OOP.
@PeeHaa埽 lulz, love the magicFunction()
I need a site that will let me type in a concept and give me the perfect interface and implementation names for that concept
Good morning all
yo ho ho
And a bottle of rum

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