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@LightningDust O wow. I did something like that a couple montha ago for a small app I built. Wondered if anyone else called methods via json data value.
It made my life so much easier...
i'm trying to json_encode a mysql result set but when i json_decode it it keep telling me "Array to string conversion"
@Happyninja Have you var_dumped what you think is a json string?
@PeeHaa埽 yes
@Happyninja var. .. @PeeHaa埽 you beated me è.é
@Happyninja And what does it tell you?
@HamZa muhaha
i'm not sure if i am correct here assuming i can json_encode a query result like SELECT * FROM blablabla
You should know that, because you have just inspected the var_dump :P
@PeeHaa埽 nevermind ; i was assuming echoing the json string would be the same, seems it's not. my stuff is malformatted
should remember myself to never assume as assumption is the mother of all fuckup
If you do a final private function __construct() { } is there any value in doing the same for __clone()? If someone runkits the class, they can do whatever anyway, so is protecting clone of any value when it's uninstantiatable?
Can't call it Function, can't call it Callable, PFFFFFPFPPFPFPFPPFFFTTFTFTFTFFTFT......
I just found out Im getting a ton of undefined index and undefined variable errors but I have no idea??
Anyone care to step up to this?
@StuartKaufman Stop using undefined variables and check your array indexes before using them
Bam! Solved.
@StuartKaufman Did you port run an old PHP application on 5.3+?
@cspray you make it sound so easy. I have no clue what youre talking about
@Bracketworks No.
@StuartKaufman What are you running; presumably a custom application?
@cspray I welcome your assistance
@StuartKaufman Did you develop this application?
yes (sorta)
The error message returned from PHP when using undefined variables and indexes are pretty self explanatory
all was working fine earlier
@StuartKaufman Can you provide a code snippet where errors are occurring?
I'm not sure there's anything I could tell you to do that the error message doesn't.
I didnt change anything to have this affect
Are you the only person to ever work on this code?
In a longgggggg time
Then I guess you got bit by code gnomes. Wily buggers like to go into the code base at night and randomly change lines of code around.
> ereg() is deprecated in
i have a sql result set containing let say all user. i want to take that result set containing all users and json_encode it. is it even possible?
But seriously. The only answer is to go to the file and line of code the error is talking about, figure out where you're using the undefined variable or array index and then not do that anymore.
^^ This is pretty much the answer.
Arghhhh I havent a clue
However, based on the deprecation warnings I'm seeing, you might benefit from a more comprehensive rewrite.
ereg is.. well.. dead.
@Bracketworks Yeah shit sucks
Ive been working on a facebook login script (this is the 3rd week) and all the sudden this SHIT!!??
@PeeHaa埽 I'm stuck with \<name>\Reflection\FunctionReflection ... unnecessary name qualification is unnecessary.
I hate it when I have to do stuff like that :(
Every time I bring this script up in SO someone tells me the shit is outdated
No shit
@StuartKaufman Well, if something happened "suddenly", then it happened for a reason you're not privy to.
\Route\Parser\ArrayParser aaaaaaaaaaaaaaargh
You shoulda seen the script when I picked it up 2+ years ago
Ive cleaned up a LOT
but Im still as lost as the first day with a lot of it
I'd be willing to pay for help getting this resolved
@StuartKaufman What is a facebook login script? Are we talking oauth here?
from a VERY trusted contributor
@PeeHaa埽 That's bullshit.
Hi all.
I know nothiong about Oauth
@StuartKaufman was dat? openid?
Or something FB specific?
FB Specfic
Well @StuartKaufman, someone changed an error reporting setting, or upgraded the PHP binaries under you, or something; moral of the story is: you're gonna have to fix alot of stuff.
@Bracketworks The one that pains me the most is List :-(
@PeeHaa埽 Don't even get me started about List.
I've even tried commenting out all of the FB code yet SUDDDENLY im getting all of these errors
finally i can json a multidimensional array (mysql result set) using JSON_FORCE_OBJECT
@Bracketworks I can assure u noone but me has changed anything
@StuartKaufman Where is your site hosted?
@StuartKaufman If you commented out the declarations it's not strange you get undefined errors :)
@StuartKaufman private function __construct() { } in php?
now my next question is is there a way to bring it back to a multidimensional array using javascript?
I turned on error_reporting and was presented with all of this
@PeeHaa埽 evening. may i ask you which is the hosting company you use? we are going to buy a vps but it has to physically be near italy (continental europe, germany, france etc.... it's a requirement, because bosses didn't liked the responsiveness of USA servers that they bought years ago) with of course ticket/mail support in english
This is a FUCKED way of communicating
@StuartKaufman Oh. Well, there's your answer.
@Wes I'm with cloudvps. They are in holland and the UK IIRC
@Ihsan Hello there
@StuartKaufman These errors have always been there. It isn't like they're just magically appearing now. You just didn't see them before
@StuartKaufman Sorry to interrupt if you are using magic fn's in PHP 5.3+ they should be declared public.
@StuartKaufman Always ALWAYS develop with error reporting. I mean, if you bang in a nail crooked, the house should fall down.
@HamZa Hi, how r u bro? Hope u r fine.
@Wes They used to give you a week time to check whether it was worth it. Not sure they still do that, but it's worth the shot
@PeeHaa埽 thanks... uhm, do you know / heard about something in germany, for example?
@Wes Nope. But perhaps @hakre or @gordon knows a decent host
@Ihsan Ah fine, and you ?
@PeeHaa埽 Despite all of the name collision nonsense, it wouldn't bother me so much if Reflection were a bit fucking shorter of a word.
@Bracketworks :D
@HamZa Why are you upset?
Developers that develop with error reporting turned off
thanks, cloudvps.com do you know about the age of this company?
@Ihsan I'm not upset, the guy was developing all the time with error reporting off, and now he's wondering why he got so much errors
@cspray ...get what they deserve?
2006 eeerr... looks too new to me
@Bracketworks Pretty much
@HamZa loooool... And __construct __set etc should be public you know in the new versions of php :)
@Wes Don't know exactly but at my previous company I have used them a lot
@HamZa You know that way you feel perfect... XD
they started in 2006, it's relatively new... anyway thanks... waiting for hakre's and gordon's suggestions too
@Ihsan lolz
@HamZa I do not develop on my pc any more. I use bitbucket+c9.io
I use local PC with local bzr repo, then push all working changes live
@Wes I don't know about hosters that accept foreign customers and offer dediecated english support specifically.
@Ihsan I see
@Ihsan Does that work when they are offline?
But just ping me if you need help but not tonight :)
I develop with error_reporting(0). I also smoke, and wrestle bears.
> dediecated english support
@PeeHaa埽 lol... The dang idiot thing does not, dunno why :P
echten english suppört
ok, I think this sums it up, I think I should remove my email address from my SO profile
thanks @hakre xD english support is really required btw...
@PeeHaa埽 I keep a local zip of last snapshot.... I have an xampp installation on my pc. I break the glass in case of emergency... :)
@HamZa whaaaa :D loooool....
@HamZa Y U NO WRITE CHAT!!!!!>?>!?!?!
Help vampires keep following me :p
@HamZa Can you write an autonomous mars rover code tonite?... I need it for my homework errr... for the NASA.... :D
@HamZa Sounds like you need some github garlic.
@Bracketworks I need to create a github account indeed, shame on me !
@Ihsan Sure, I'll patch one together with a roomba and raspberry pi.
@HamZa use bitbucket. 10 times easy......
@Bracketworks Make sure the cheaper raspberry pi.... Don't have too much money and one usb is enough ..... :)
@Ihsan I see gotta check it out
@Ihsan I'm gonna be up front, I'll probably keep the pi, and you'll be stuck with roomba that just goes in circles.
I hope that meets the requirements.
Normally it is the same old s**t. but they have an application named sourcetree which has an awesome gui making things easy...
\Framework\Reflection\FunctionCallableReflection I officially hate my life PHP.
@PeeHaa埽 can you recommend a good vps company?
@Bracketworks No worries, we just need it to kill and sweep the little martians off the path of Curiosity... Too much rumors... :)
@Ihsan Well, it'd help if you stop making everything look like penises.
@phpNoOBఠ_ఠ Not anywhere in your neighborhood
@Bracketworks ???
@PeeHaa埽 No worries :) as long as it is on this planet, I am in. I have 3 recommendations so far, I am trying to choose whichever is the best
@Bracketworks looooooool.... puhahahaha (explosive loughter)....
@phpNoOBఠ_ఠ chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/9832668#9832668, but they really aren't cheap
@Bracketworks lol
The picture was shared on Reddit with the caption: 'Mars Rover = $800m, Team to operate = $1bn. Drawing a penis on the surface of another planet = priceless.'
@PeeHaa埽 thanks, it is the most expensive one by few margin, of the one I already found. I would really like to know what Gordon thinks.
@gordon I would love to know if you have any recommendations about a good VPS company that does not cost an arm. ping me anytime.
23 hours ago, by DaveRandom
@phpNoOBఠ_ఠ Get out of that server right now, that hosting company is useless
It's just amazing there still are Russians alive dumpert.nl/mediabase/6546357/a007de6d/…
Gangs, freezing weather and accidents, poor Russians :(
It must be tough living there
@PeeHaa埽 Possibly a dumb question - is the PHP SVN available online for a change made on 2010-12-20 ?
@Danack Do you want to view the source or just want to see the commit?
[2010-12-20 14:03 UTC] jani php.net
@cspray I got rid of the ereg() (It was left over code from when I first obtained the script. I didnt know what to do with it so I left it but after investigating I found out it was just part of a redirect)
that was unneeded
@Danack Everything should also be in the git repo
1 sec
but I still dont know why I have all of these undefined index and variables
@StuartKaufman Because you are using undefined variables and accessing array indexes that are undefined
Ugh, fuck PHP's reflection in every single damn way
   +--------------------------+            +-----+
   +--------------------------+            +-----+
        |     +------------------+         +-----+
        +----+|ReflectionFunction|<-------+|MyRF |
        |     +------------------+         +-----+
        |     +------------------+         +-----+
        +----+|ReflectionMethod  |<-------+|MyRM |
              +------------------+         +-----+
Like, how am I supposed to do this.
I wanted to maintain the inheritance between the core and custom types.
@Danack hmmmz cannot find it git.php.net/…
Yeah - and I can't find that 'proxy' define that was meant to be added in the source code either, nor in any documentation.
A weird one.
Nothing with that timestamp
And nothing after that - almost as if they quit developing for PHP and one of their commits didn't get accepted?
Crap - think I was just being dumb. Wasn't actually a commit, was just an update on the bug status.
ah ues you are right
I'll leave it another 10 months - then see if someone wants to fix it for the bugs 10 year anniversary.
I want to learn more, currently know, php, sql, html, css. currently just doing plugin and configure not a lot of programming, which language(s) should i learn to help my portfolio, suggestions?
Oye PHP folks.. I'm looking for a really simple MVC framework that is easy to extend for a small side project. I've narrowed it down to either tinyPHP (tinyphp.us) or simpleMVC (simplemvc.berejeb.com/the-framework) Does anyone here have any experience with either or have a better suggestions? I just need a DB abraction layer, views/templates and the ability to add new features if need be.
@TheSnooker havent tried them, why not codeigniter?
@grasshopper Well fairly obviously Javascript is missing from you list, but equally do you really know PHP? Ditto the rest
@DaveRandom yo
@grasshopper hmm... I forgot about CI.
@TheSnooker Do question you should ask yourself is "do I really need a framework"
@PeeHaa埽 I probably don't but It's for a friend who is just learning to code.. they are 15 and I want to get them used to the pattern of controller->view etc.. I was looking for a simple easy to understand framework to learn.
@TheSnooker Then you definitely don't need a framework
You don't even need MVC
@DaveRandom you're suggesting to build one from scratch?
@TheSnooker - If you definitely want them to start with PHP, ZF1 is quite nice and easy to get into.
But imo if the objective is to teach MVC, just use Rails.
No I'm suggesting that they learn the rules of the language before they start worrying about design patterns. Then they learn the design patterns in their abstract form and learn to implement them from scratch, then they can independently come to the realisation that using a framework you didn't write yourself is a bad plan most of the time.
@DaveRandom I have decided to switch to VPS, turns out, I thought everyone in this room was on a shared hosting like me. Anyway, did some reading, and their ain't (so-far) anything scary about VPS, even for a noob. So, I need your recommendation. I can shell out, upto $35 a month.
Hola from Puerto Vallarta. Just won a giant bottle of Don Julio playing loteria at the pool. I'll pour one out for the homies.
@phpNoOBఠ_ఠ What do you want to host on it? Would you rather be paying for bandwidth, storage, power or reliability (at that price you have to sacrifice on one or more, but not to the point where it's useless)?
@rdlowrey Hola
@phpNoOBఠ_ఠ vpscorner.co.uk have given me 99.94% uptime so far
And they're incredibly cheap
@LightningDust And their site is down
@rdlowrey I have just read the rules of that game twice and I still don't get it. I may need to go to bed.
@LightningDust Over how long?
do you work on opensource project on github, how to get into or choose one,all i do is configure settings and plugins,i need a side project to keep learning
Meh I didn't get it either. They just told me I won and gave me free booze! It'll probably end up on my room ;)
@DaveRandom Well, lets see. I do not have any clients, and quite sure never will, so I am not concerned about the power going off, for a whole day or two, and someone coming to sue me. I just create sites like yellow pages, news sites, song sharing, and chatting sites... all of them are about a month or less old, with more coming. So, it is a delicate case. I expect a huge traffic after a year or two, so bandwidth is a huge asset for me, and so is security.
others not that much
I would love anonymous registration if possible though
@phpNoOBఠ_ఠ That's a DNS thing really, not really and issue with the host
@PeeHaa埽 instastar
@PeeHaa埽 I pray to God instead. You know in case he made a mistake giving them cancer in the first place...
could someone help me with these arrays i've made for a text file
code works i just need a way to shorten it
Oh the answer
@DaveRandom 4 months and 20 days so far
@DaveRandom there points to answer now =oP
@phpNoOBఠ_ఠ If you need anonymity look for Bitcoin registrars
80% of them accept registration with no details over Toer
codepad.org/cxk4U0TM - is there a way to make this without having to make new lines for each user
@LightningDust s/Bitcoin/Namecoin/ ?
@RyanConway and you aren't using a database because...?
@LightningDust thanks, I have't gotten my hands on bitcoin yet, maybe when I do, I'll consider it.
my assignment says to use a text file
@RyanConway in_array?
right now, my assumption is on gift cards
@RyanConway schoooooooool !
@DaveRandom No, namecoin is for domain registration, Bitcoin is used as a currency by VPS providers
@RyanConway OK well use true CSV with a row delimiter
Or JSON, but probably CSV makes the most sense here
I miss LR so much :(
@DaveRandom Too complicated 4 school ...
@LightningDust oic
hmmm not sure if i would be allowed to use a csv file
use xml!
pretty sure it has to be .txt
var_dump(.99 == 1); :(
@RyanConway CSV in XML in TXT, got a problem ?
i shall give that a go
@RyanConway It's still a text format, there is no reason whatsoever why you can't store CSV data sensibly in a file with a .txt file extension
especially since file extensions mean precisely nothing
I shall try your way first then dave :P
I like dreamhost's VPS rates and offers, but one big turnoff is that, their control panel is unique to that company.
@crypticツ I flagged all that users A :p
@RyanConway The only difference between what you do at the moment and a CSV file is a new-line separating user records (i.e. a newline every 4 fields) instead of another comma
Then you can use fgetcsv() to loop the records
@phpNoOBఠ_ఠ That's not really relevant IMO. With a VPS you have root access to your box, why would you use a CP? ;-)
@DaveRandom Without CP, I am 1000% lost. I have no idea how linux works, I can't even install apache/php/mysq separately so I use wamp on my local machine all the time. I would make a big mess, if there is not cPanel.
I hardly even know, most of the stuff inside cPanel btw
except the file manager, creating emails, and domain addons.. that is it :(
@phpNoOBఠ_ఠ Installing something is as easy as yum package
User-Agent: @Scrillex Allow: /WUBBBB/WUBBB/EEE/WUBBB… http://turntable.fm/robots.txt via @jmoiron
If it helps I don't know what yum package means too :)
@PeeHaa埽 Yay for yum!
@phpNoOBఠ_ఠ It's just a package manager. You use it to install software
@phpNoOBఠ_ఠ When you run a sensible linux distro you just type yum php at the command line and PHP gets installed
Guess what happens when you type yum nginx?
@phpNoOBఠ_ఠ: pacman -Syu apache mysql php
@webarto lol
@DaveRandom you install nginx ?
@phpNoOBఠ_ఠ There are thousands of tutorials out there that explain setting up Apache/PHP/MySQL on any flavour of Linux.
He learns quickly
@DaveRandom And I was using apt-get install :O
I was using emerge :D
Maybe, I should buy a cheap VPS today, just to get rid of my phobia.
@LightningDust link or it didn't happen
@HamZa Traitor!
@phpNoOBఠ_ఠ Grab the $2.49 one off vpscorner.co.uk :P
Then just copy it over to your good VPS when you upgrade :D
@phpNoOBఠ_ఠ or just install Linux on an old comp you have and practice on it
@phpNoOBఠ_ఠ I suggest you set up a VM first so you can have a practice
@LightningDust Nahh the tutorial
Yeah or a VirtualBox VM
@phpNoOBఠ_ఠ Which distro?
Start with a VM because VM is free and it matters less if you fuck it up because it's not public
@phpNoOBఠ_ఠ For debian, your tutorial is, type this at the command line: apt-get install apache2 php5 libapache2-mod-php5
Then browse to server.ip.address.here
And it works
A: Best method to connect to mysql via php

BoundlessUse ADODB library. The code to connect would look like: $db = ADONewConnection('mysqlt'); $db->Connect($db_host, $db_username, $db_password, $db_name); $db->SetFetchMode(ADODB_FETCH_ASSOC);

^ DAT answer
I personally recommend start with Fedora on a VM and then CentOS in production (no, I do not wish to debate this)
I feel like trolling and saying 'use mysql libraries'
@DaveRandom I will bow to your wisdom :P I use OpenBSD on all production servers
Secure by default is attractive
BSD is also good
But I like linux
@LightningDust It would install PHP 5.2?
OpenBSD is good, NetBSD and FreeBSD are bad :P
@webarto Not on Wheezy
Staph upvoting that. It's hurting my eyes
@webarto 5.4.4-14
@PeeHaa埽 lolz
Wait, which package manager has that really weird bastardized "5.3.7" package that's not really 5.3.7 because it has a load of fix backports?
Think that's Ubuntu LTS
Ok thanks all. I am buying a vps at $5 per month just for practice. I will try to install/remove everything. A big step on my non-productive PHP career. How insane am I.
@phpNoOBఠ_ఠ Before you buy
@phpNoOBఠ_ఠ Download VirtualBox and a Linux ISO
And play with it locally
That's free, and just uses RAM
And a bit of hard drive space
And witchcraft. Don't forget the witchcraft.
nah, it is just $5 I waste 5 times that a day on shisha :) @LightningDust thanks for the help
@DaveRandom Didn't debian do that?
It did.
@phpNoOBఠ_ఠ preg_spot("#shisha#") :O
@phpNoOBఠ_ఠ So yeah, try CentOS (though I know very little about its witchcraft so don't ask me anything CentOS specific :P)
I just use Debian, Arch and OpenBSD
And sometimes Gentoo for fun
@LightningDust what the hell is CentOS?
I only know Linux/Windows
@phpNoOBఠ_ఠ CentOS is one of MANY flavors of Linux
I am going to Linux obviously
Linux has hundreds of distributions
You will be asked to choose one.
@phpNoOBఠ_ఠ No, you don't.
Alternatively debian.org has always served me well
And Debian has huge amounts of community support
@PeeHaa埽 It's Debian and it was 5.3.3 and it looks like they've got over themselves now
That went on for far too long though
See you tomorrow guys
Gonna catch some sleep
@LightningDust take care
I am glad ircmaxell did not sign up for vpscorner, because, they sent me my password and username in raw format.
can't wait for my first VPS ever
@phpNoOBఠ_ఠ The idea is that you change it immediately so it doesn't really matter
@LightningDust we've got a problem
(I imagine, it usually is)
@phpNoOBఠ_ఠ ?
What's the problem?
I don't believe this
@phpNoOBఠ_ఠ hahahaha
I gave my username and pass
Did you use some proxy or VPN to sign up?
or TOR?
I used the same PC, if that is what you mean
First time I signed up it was over TOR, if you do that they won't take your payment
@phpNoOBఠ_ఠ Does your ISP use dynamic IPs?
Actually, I paid though paypal, and they sent me the link to Cpanel and username
@phpNoOBఠ_ఠ Are you using any kind of anonymizing service to hide your IP?
@DaveRandom nope
@LightningDust nope, but I tried like 3 or 4 times, because, the first time, I thought my username was root
because, the email confused me a little bit
could it be that?
@phpNoOBఠ_ఠ The default cpanel username is your email address
It could be
Just email support, they usually respond in like 30 mins
Unless its 4am or something
The username is not an email, it is just starts with vmuser******
You're talking about solusvm or their support panel?
Solusvm has the vm... username
You use that to reinstall and stuff
E-mail them to get access back, but you should still be able to use SSH immediately
And get on your Linux command line
@LightningDust nahh, it says I am black listed everywhere. I will just send them an email, and read something about VPS until tomorrow.

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